Published Exclusively for former crewmen of USS HUNTINGTON CL-107 Huntington Herald Volume 23, Issue 3 September 2013 Inside this issue: Recap of the 2013 1-2 reunion Attendees List 3 Taps 3 2013 USS HUNTINGTON REUNION RECAP Gene Volcik’s 3 The first joint reunion This was the spot to re- ship and something about Message of the USS Mississippi new old friendships and their personal life. This (EAG-128) and the USS make new ones with for- was a good ice-breaker, Mail Call 3 Huntington (CL-107) was mer sailors and guests because before you knew held in Washington, DC from the other ship. The it, everyone was swap- Preview of Memphis 4-6 from Thursday, Septem- two groups melded al- ping stories about life on ber 5 through Monday, most immediately and this board either the Missis- September 9, 2013. The made for a very pleasant sippi or the Huntington. IMPORTANT Crowne Plaza Crystal City reunion atmosphere. The The remainder of the eve- NOTE Hotel served as the host first official item on the ning was free to enjoy facility for the reunion. reunion agenda was the Washington or to relax in Seven crewmen and Welcome Reception held the hospitality room. seven guests attended at 5:00 PM. Paul She- Friday morning after from the USS Mississippi pley, coordinator of the breakfast in the hotel, and four crewmen and USS Mississippi, wel- everyone was eager to three guests attended comed both groups to the get going on the Big Bus! from the USS Huntington reunion. Gene Volcik, Everyone gathered in the for a grand total of twenty- USS Huntington coordina- hotel lobby and were one attendees. As regis- tor, was unable to attend shuttled to Pentagon City tration opened, Eugene & due to recent surgery. He Mall where they waited for Be sure to visit the Ellen Smith from the is doing well and really the bus. Once it arrived USS Huntington web USS Mississippi held the missed being able to at- the group hopped on and site at honor of being the first to tend this year. After filling off they went to see DC. www.mlrsinc.com/hu register. The hospitality up on chicken tenders, The first stop was at the ntington room also opened with fruit and meatballs, Paul Lincoln Memorial, then and subscribe to our fresh coffee, cold drinks Shepley asked everyone the group split up. Some e-mail roster. and snacks available for to introduce themselves went to the Korean War everyone after they were and to tell a little about Memorial, while others settled into their rooms. their years on board their (Continued on page 2) Volume 23, Issue 3 Huntington Herald Page 2 headed to the Vietnam Wall or nation’s capital! Upon returning to Borden served as Chaplain. James downtown. Most of the group ate the hotel, some of the group hung Nelson read the name of the de- lunch at one of the many restau- out in the hospitality room swap- ceased for the USS Mississippi and rants inside Union Station. The ping stories and looking over the Gene Braswell read the names weather was beautiful, crowds photo albums and Memory Books from the USS Huntington. George were sparse, so it was a perfect on display there. Others just re- Collins rang the bell as the de- day for touring Washington, DC. laxed in their rooms until dinner, ceased names were read. Those Whichever way one went, a good which was on one’s own tonight. remembered at the Memorial Ser- time was had, lots of his- Some dined in the hotel restaurant vice are as follows: USS Missis- toric/patriotic sites were seen and and others traveled to the nearby sippi— Theodore Westfall; USS everyone learned something new restaurants. Huntington—Howard Hauzenber- about America’s capital. Most of the day Sunday was a ger and Harold Herd. Following the Friday evening’s dinner con- free to enjoy more of Washing- Memorial Service, dinner was sisted of salad, chicken & mush- ton’s sites on one’s own. The first served. After the delicious and filling room marsala with asparagus and planned event was the 4:30 PM dinner of tossed salad, a side of lemon butter cream cake for des- business meeting in the hospitality George’s basil tomato salad, rolls, sert. After the meal, about half the room. The joint meeting was smoked pork tenderloin with creamy group participated in a game chaired by Paul Shepley to make bourbon mustard sauce, roasted red called “Buzz Word,” where a base plans for 2014. The USS Keppler potatoes, mixed garden vegetables word such as “Nut” is given, then (DD-765) had expressed an inter- and melt in your mouth carrot cake, a clue to use to figure out another est in joining the USS Missis- the annual USS Mississippi auction word that goes with it—”a place sippi/Huntington reunion, so a was held. Auctioneer George for the insane”—Answer—”Nut vote was taken to accept their re- Collins did a great job of auctioning House.” It hurt some of the group quest. It was decided to invite off items such as bottles of wine, to think that much, but a winner them to join the reunion in 2014. butternut squash, homemade fig was finally crowned. Ray Paul Shepley will again lead the jam, North Carolina peanuts, May- Everett’s daughter Sheila won, USS Mississippi group and Gene berry North Carolina items, and but passed the prize of $25 off the Volcik will remain leader for the plastic pigs (everyone needs at next reunion to her dad. USS Huntington. Memphis, TN least one!). Not only was the auction After breakfast on Saturday, was selected as the 2014 reunion fun, but $415.00 was raised for the the group hopped on the shuttle location. Then at 6:30 PM the so- Mississippi group. The auction and headed to Pentagon City cial hour and photo session be- ended the evening and those who again to catch the Big Bus. The gan, with a cash bar available for won the item on which they bid, first stop was a the Navy Memorial cocktails. Ray Everett was in his went away happy. Actually, so did Museum. Although the movie “At Air Force uniform and looked very everyone else! Sea” was not available to watch at handsome! The social hour was Monday morning’s breakfast was this time, everyone enjoyed see- filled with the sharing of stories the last chance to say goodbye to ing the exhibits and some even and lots of laughter. Paul and old and newly made friends. Some entered their name into the Navy Pam Shepley gave everyone a of the group left early while others Log. Once entered, it will remain small tin of mints labeled for the stayed and waited for the morning on record for generations to see. USS Mississippi EAG-128 2013 rush hour to abate. The 2013 USS A group photo was taken outside Reunion. After everyone had Mississippi/USS Huntington Reun- the museum in front of the Lone his/her photo taken for inclusion in ion was a huge success. Men from Sailor statue. From there the the 2013 Memory Book, the USS both ships enjoyed themselves and group split up again, with some Mississippi/Huntington banquet everyone is looking forward to next going to the Smithsonian Museum began with the Memorial Service year’s reunion with the USS Keppler to see the dinosaurs, fossils, gar- to remember all shipmates who (DD-765) joining the group in Mem- dens and bugs. Others went on have passed away, especially phis, TN in 2014. the “Yellow Tour” and saw the those since the last reunion. Paul ________________ sights in Georgetown. It was an- Shepley was MC, Ray Everett other great day visiting our great read the prayer and Malcolm Volume 23, Issue 3 Huntington Herald Page 3 COORDINATOR’S CORNER BY GENE VOLCIK There are many bumps and MAIL CALL bruises we get while we travel this road of life. This year’s reunion had Joseph G. Kiely, who served many of them—low attendance, in on the USS Huntington, passed 2013 REUNION fact too low to have our minimum for away. He died on November 10, personalized bus trips, plus your coor- 2011. Joseph had PSP, which is ATTENDEES dinator was told he would be unable to travel because of surgery. You Progressive Super Nuclear Palsy. know the easiest way is to feel sorry He often spoke about his trip to Donald Amareld, Sr. for yourselves and hide, but not the Italy and purchasing the cameos James & Faye Clegg USS Huntington and USS Mississippi in the mountains. He never was Sheldon & Adele Ferris crews because they came out with all able to have the cameos mounted James & Helen Nelson guns blazing and after the smoke until many years later. He never cleared it ended with success. The had enough money or wasn’t able Premier Reunion Services located Total Members: 4 sources for regular sightseeing buses to find someone to do it. Finally he Guests: 3 which were available to them. Our found a local goldsmith who was GRAND TOTAL: 7 hats are off to Premier for providing from Poland who made the set- ___________ this opportunity. Everyone I have tings for the cameos. Each of our talked with since the reunion was daughters, there are seven, has pleased and commented on the good one set in a necklace. Plus, he relationship between both ships, so with a little more effort by all of us we was able to set the pins.
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