H3640 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE April 18, 1996 they care about our community and No task is too big. No challenge is looking to repeal the New Deal, but care deeply about helping others. too great. These dedicated young peo- much of the Great Society simply did These heros reach out and lend a ple are faced with amazing challenges not work. Not all of it, but a good part helping hand to at-risk schoolchildren. but they never give up. of it. Motivate Our MindsÐMOM's for A special gift that these young men I was coming to Washington this shortÐis a very special organization in and women have received, is something week, I noticed on my calendar, I have my hometown of Muncie. that I, too, learned at an early age: quotes on my calendar. This one hap- Mr. wife, Ruthie, visited the MOM's ``Always do your best, hard work will pened to have been from Ann Landers. program just a few weeks ago. She be rewarded and never, never give in.'' I think it defines something that is ab- shared with me the love and friendship Mr. Speaker, the volunteers and espe- solutely essential. It says, ``In the final the volunteers at the MOM program cially the children involved with the analysis, it is not what you do for your give to inner city schoolchildren. MOM program in Muncie, Indiana are children, but what you have taught MOM's first started in 1987, when two Hoosier heroes. That is my report from them to do for themselves that will women, Mary Dollison and Raushanah Indiana. God bless. make them successful human beings.'' Shabazz (Ra-shanna sa-bez) opened up f I look at this and say this is abso- their home and went to work helping lutely the center of what we need to do ``at risk'' schoolchildren. PRESIDENT'S CATHOLIC as a Government. In the final analysis, They knew in their hearts that the STRATEGY it is not what you do for your citizens, key to a bright future for a disadvan- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under but what you have taught them to do taged child is a strong and loving hand the Speaker's announced policy of May for themselves that will make them to guide them. Special children need 12, 1995, the gentleman from California successful human beings. motivators. [Mr. DORNAN] is recognized for 60 min- As a moderate Republican, someone Mary Dollison knew that when chil- utes as the designee of the majority who has voted for a number of pro- dren feel good about themselves they leader. grams that would be part of the Great do well in school. They become suc- Mr. DORNAN. Mr. Speaker, in the Society, I have had to analyze and say, cessful adults. and their contribute full sense of collegiality here, I would where have I been doing the right positively to their communities. like to yield, and I will stay on my thing, where I have helped make a dif- MOM's has grown from helping 16 feet, the first 20 minutes of my special ference, and where have I actually students tutored in Mary's home, to order to my good friend, the distin- caused problems? providing assistance for more than 69 guished colleague from Connecticut, If I am honest with myself, there is a at-risk students today on East High- part of me that recognizes that I could CHRIS SHAYS, to speak about our budg- land Street. et crisis and getting America's fiscal go and vote for some of these programs Mom's teaches at-risk students: ``To and say, you know, I have dealt with house in order. think they can, until they know they your need. I can pat myself on the can.'' Parent volunteers like, Lola THE WORK ETHIC IN AMERICA back. I can go to certain groups and McGregor, Ball State students, com- Mr. SHAYS. Mr. Speaker, I thank the they can say, oh, isn't it nice that you munity leaders, parents, and the chil- gentleman for yielding I will not be care? dren can witness first hand young men using the full time. I do appreciate his Well, I would contend that some of and women striving to achieve new willingness to allow me to participate my caring has resulted in caretaking, goals and forming new hopes and in your hour's time. not in caring, and that what I need to dreams for their own future. Mr. Speaker, this Republican major- truly do is be a caring person. And a Dedicated volunteers, and the true ity, this new Congress, has three objec- caring person is going to do more what Hoosier Heroes of the MOM's program. tives. Our first objective is to get our Ann Landers says, and that is what Volunteers, like Wilma Ferguson, a re- financial house in order and balance have you taught them to do for them- tired school teacher, gives her time and our Federal budget, and at the same selves that will make them successful friendship every single week. time grow this economy. That is the human beings? Beth Quarles, the office manager, at first objective, and it is absolutely es- I have made a point in the last 4 the MOM program, has worked tire- sential that we succeed in it. years of my 9 years in Congress of ask- lessly to ensure that the program has Our second objective is to save our ing anyone who has had a difficult life, the funds and the resources needed to trust funds for future generations, par- that is perceived as difficult, and obvi- keep the center growing. Frances Gar- ticularly Medicare, from ultimate ously nobody walks in someone else's rett makes sure that the students' bankruptcy. In fact, Medicare part B, moccasins, all of us face difficult school projects and their art work is the health services that Medicare re- things, but people who have been raised displayed at the center. cipients receive, started to go insolvent in poverty, been raised by one parent Mrs. McGregor has two daughtersÐ last year, not this year as expected. in poverty, people who may have had LaRessa and LaNeice, who are 5th Our third objective, Mr. Speaker, is an experience on drugs, a whole host of grade students enrolled in the program. to transform our caretaking social and different challenges that have faced Mrs. McGregor witnessed how the MOM corporate, I would even say farming them, and I have said what made a dif- program helped her own daughters and welfare state, into a caring oppor- ference in your life? Why are you the she decided to give something back. tunity society. successful person you are today? What She is now one of the top volunteer at Now, the words opportunity society was it in your life that made you so the MOM program. are words used by conservatives pri- successful? When I was young, I can remember marily. They are great words, and are Almost to a person, it was ``Someone my mom tacking my drawings and as- words that have existed in this country in my life, my father, my mother, my signments to the refrigerator doorÐit in particular for well over 200 years. brother, my sister, my aunt or my was something so small, but it sure And they are preceded by the word uncle, my grandparent, somebody, a made me feel good, but you know, I ``caring.'' mentor, someone took an interest in took that for granted. Some of these This is not a conservative agenda me and taught me how to grow my own children, have never had their work that throws up our hands in the air and seeds.'' tacked up on the refrigerator door. says, ``You live in the cities, you were I think of parents who are raising But Frances Garrett makes sure raised by a crack mother, you did not their children, and I think well, in the their precious drawings, paintings, have much of an education. Too bad. final analysis, it is what you did for spelling tests, and high scored home- You are on your own.'' your children or what you taught your work assignments are displayed. That is not the agenda. This agenda children to do for themselves that This is important to send a message is an agenda that is trying to help peo- made the difference? And to a person that hard work and accomplishments ple grow the seeds. they would not tolerate doing some- are honored. Students leave MOM pro- Mr. Speaker, we have an incredible thing for their children without teach- gram knowing in their hearts that opportunity to do what we have failed ing them what they can do for them- there is nothing they can't do. to do for so many years. We are not selves, making them independent. April 18, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H3641 So I speak as someone who has been ference is the deficit. At the end of hard as they should, that police and part of this political process, saying I each year, these deficits just keep get- firemen simply were getting increases feel I have done a lot of things that ting added to our national debt. That is in salary without corresponding in- have made a positive difference in peo- what I want to focus in on. creases in productivity, and this very ple's lives, but I have also looked and The national debt in 1945 was $260 bil- liberal Republican said, ``I am going to seen that there are things that I have lion.
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