ifO U B T E E S ’"r. IV flanclr«8ter Utmifng Vm di WEDNESDAY.tXTTOBER 8 , 188T AVBRAOB DAILY OIBODLATION WBATHEB Mary C. Keensy Tent, Daughters Orford Parish Chapter, D. A. It, Mrs. Frederick L Fish of 11 Rose Company N a « wiU meet for tha Moath of Eoptember, 1887 win hold Its regular mseting tomor­ Foreeoot a( D. B. Waathm of Union Vetersus of the Civil War, Ridgewood street who faU on her tonight at 8 o’clock a t tha Are head­ Hartford ABOUTTOWN will meet tomorrow night at the row afternoon with Mrs. A. W, doorstep on Sunday and dislocated quarters on School street. Stats Armory. It Is requested that Mucklow of Henry street The guest her elbow, has returned to her 5 , 9 6 7 * A WM/Oag eC an of tho membon all officers be present as Inspectioa speaker vriU be Mrs. Mary Sloop of home from tha Memorial hospttat Metnbae a t Ika Audit Partly doody and eoMer toolght a t tho O S o m t commlttoes tbot night win be the flrst meeting night Crossnore schooL Bareaa o< Orenlattoaa and Friday. tevo boon named to orranco to r the In November. The Epworth circle of the South MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM annual huaklaf baa to ba nonaorad The Alpine Society meeting win Methodist church wOl meet tonunt^ Memorial Temple, Pythian Bl»- be held this evening at 7:80 at tha for tha benailt o t Bt aridgat’a row night at 7:46 with Mias Dora VOL. L\TI_ NO. 6 (OoMiaad AdvortMag oa Yoga 14) divoth, will ba beM in tha church ters, announces a public card party Italian clubhouse on NormAh street MaxweU. MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1937 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS hall tonight a t 7 o'clock. for Tuesday evening of next week. RANGE Playing will begin at- 8:80 and srill The auxiliary to Aaderson-Bhea follow a brief business meeting. Post V. F. W., will give its flrst to visit llambara of tha Army and Navy Cash prises win be awarded and setback party tonight at the V. F. ehib amdliary ara raqueoted to be refreshments served by the stand­ W. home In Mancheater Green. RUMMAGE SALE OIL at tha OoDter tonight at 7:30, from ing social committee. Prises win be awiu-ded tha winners artwra thqr will proceed to the and a door prise will also be given. THURSDAY, B A. M. ON For Better Range Oil home of Iba. ESeanor FreelOTe. The The Woman’s Missionary society Playing will begin at 8;1B. Mrs. Old Postofliee, Depot Sqnora TD poat will meet at the Army of the Eknanuel Lutheran church E31sabeth Brimley heads the com­ North' Methodist Phone YANKS BELT MELTON FROM MOUND and Navy clubbouae at 7 o'cloch win omit its meeting tomorrow and mittee. Missionary Society. and from there will go to pay a laet instead will attend the Friday eve­ tolbuta of respect to their late ning meeting at the church, to be member, Boyt Freelove. addressed by Missionary Dnvid V ^ ’S Red Ships Divide Cargo of Refugees Vlkner who has spent many years In For Service and Qnality Ifemberi of the Army and Navy China. SHOE REPAIRING SEE PUBLIC SETBACK club, Yankee Division Veterans as- TONIOHT AT 8:15 Service Station JAPAN CALLS CABINET All members of the Sons of Legion V. F. W. HOME 1 ALSO SHELL GUMBERT aociatlon and the V. F. W. will meet Rifle club are requested to be at SAM YULYES Manchester Green 426 Hartford ^ a d at the Army and Navy club this SHOE REPAIR SERVICE Anderson Shea Anxlllaiy. On Thursday, Friday an^Saturday evening at 7:15 to go to the home the range tonight at 7 o’clock for 701 Maia Street TeL 3866 of Boyt W. Freelove to pay their practice and record shooting. Admission S6o. respects. Come In and Hear Philco*s Own Representa­ TO DISCUSS U. S. STAND TO LEAD 6 TO I IN 7TH The following members of the tives, Mr. E. Benson and Mr. F. Carlton. Admission Ticket committee for St Bridget's church Husking Bee are ExpUln tho-Marvgh of tho Rnppert Rifles Break Loose On Roolde Sonthpaw m Stii requested to meet this evening at ON INVASION OF CHINA SEEK 2 PRISON eight o’clock In the basement ot There Are "First Nights"—"First Editions"—"First the church: John Boyle, Mrs. John to Score Twice, Then Add Four Tallies m 6th; Coff­ Dllworth, Michael Benevento, An­ 1938 AitoBitie Tiiiig thony O’Brlgbt, James Benevento, Nipponese Statesmen Taken FARM CONVICTS Maurice McKeever, Mias Rose Mary Issues Of Stamps", Etc., But It Falls To man FinaDy Stops Bombardment; Raffing Reached for Pallier, Mrs. Bertha Jillson, James Completely Off Guard by U. S. Ready to Accept Tlemey, James Breen, Mae O'Con­ PHILCO A FT E ySC A PE Ron in First Bat Tightens Up to Fitch Brilliant Ball A* nell, Mrs. Leo Burke, Mrs. Cain HALES To Be The HRST To Sell wkh Mahoney, Mrs. John O'Leary, Miss Sec. HnO’s Condemnation, Catherine McGuire, Miss Anna Mc­ Invitation to Parley Champs Bid for Second Trimnph of the World Series. Guire, Francis Gill, Miss Irene Sul­ INCLINED CONTROL PANEL Dogs Aid State Police m livan, Mrs. Frank Rawson, Thomas Herak yoor ckanca to hear FklleeS Spar for Time to Answer. A. SpGlane, Mrs. Paul Cervlni, Fred- mm raprcacnUllTe explain the wonden On Sino-Jap Conflict Hunt for Enfield Fugitives; Yankees Stadium, New York, (JcL arlck McCarthy, Mrs. Agnes Char- o f the ainaalng new 1938 Donbl»>X 7.—(AP)—Repeating their one-ln- tier, Matthew Mere, Mrs. Maynard, Phileoel Come in . aik imeeliona By ASSOCIATED PRESS nlng bombardment of yeaterdasr’a Fails To Last -Mrs. Ekiward Brosnan, Henry Vail' Tolland Jail Inmate Is . , • and leara how yon ean tano Tokyo statesmen assembled Washington, Oct. 7 — (AP) —^ d a l s here indicated, however, that opening game, the Yankees fired a Utnt, Mrs. John Wilson, Mrs. George easily . gracefnlly . speedily . in an emergency session today Secretary Hull indicated today this they expected the bid to be forth­ four-run barrage at their local Kminedy, Mrs. John Mahoney, Mrs. aeenralely . with Philco Anlomatie coming shortly. Also Object of SearcL William F. Shea, Miss Irene Jacobs, to discuss United States con­ govemment’e Arm intention of rivals, the Giants In the sixth frame Toning on the new Philco fncHned participating In a nine-power con­ American consent to partlclpats today and took a 6 to 1 lead In tha Miss Helen Jamroga. Frank Yan- TIOGA Control Panel. One glance.. .n llldt a t demnation of Japan’s invasion was regarded generally os a fore­ second game of the World Series. kowaU, Miss SteUa Krieski, Francis yoor finger . and there’s yoor stm ference to consider the Far Elastem gone conclusion after the State De­ of China while Britain and conflict. BULLETIN! Hart, Henry LaChance, Miss Nellie tionl Be sure to see Model 7XX*, Olns. partment issued Its stinging de­ PLAY BY PLAY Bmith. Mrs. Frank Handley, Mrs. trated. It’s the bny of the yesw at osily France began an exchange of Tbfe secretary of state said at bis nunciation of Japan last night aa a Thompsonrille, OcL 7—(AP) George Bryant, Michael Murphy, views with Washington on con­ press conference that no invitation treaty violator. —Two truatica who escaped By ALAN OOULD Sample Hand Knit Dresses to such a parley thus far has been last night from the Osborn Yankee Stadium, New York, OcL Mrs. John Qulsb, Mrs. Richard vocation of a nine-power con Secretary Hull explained that prison farm In BnBcIo were 7.—(AP)—A sharp drop In attend- Stamnnlck, Mrs. EMward Morlarty, ference aimed to.curb hostili­ received, but that naturally, -a one this pronouncement was made by o t the signatories to the nine power the United States government in Its captnied at noon today In a anee marked the renewal of New ties in the Far East. treaty guaranteeing China’s terri­ capacity as a signatory of treaties. small aked only two miles from York’s baseball civil war today, de­ the farm. spite sparkling weather and the With Imported Accessories Taken completely off guard, torial sovereignty, he "presumed" It regarded os having been violat­ For the comfort of 1,400 refugees taken aboard the Oooperatzta In Spain, this government would accept if ed and raised only the simple ques­ ronstable Francis B. Mc­ come-back bid of the New York PINEHURST — DIAL 4151 according to one of the high­ about half of them were transferred to the elrter ship, Felix Dzerjinsky, Hugh and State Pollcemoa Giants behind the aouthpaw pitch­ and when the bid ia received. tion of whether the action of an­ during a halt a t Kent. England, on the Journey to Leningrad. One of est JapaneTC government offi­ The conference Is being convoked other signatory was contrary to the Couslnietta. part of a police ing of their rookie star. Cliff Mel­ SO LIGHT AND EASY Regardless Of Styles and the transferred children Is Just starting down the gangplank to Join cordon spread from the prison Asrbl cials, the Tokyo statesmen on the recommendation of the pt-cts. others on the deck of the Dzerjinsky. ton, In the second game of the were not expect^, however, to League of Nations assembly to con­ Violated Both TreaUee to the Maasachosetta state Hne, World Series. sider possible measures to halt the were making rontlne Intpeetion reply immediately to the for­ In its condemnation of Japan, the It was estimated only about 40,- Slno-Japanese conflict.
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