UNIVERSITY IN MAGNETO OPTICS RESEARCH Indies Glee Club's Set 3 Easter Seats •HECTICUT CkMPTJS Program VOLUME XXXIII Storrs, Connecticut, Friday, March 28, 1947 Z 88, No. 41 Nate White Elected Senate Prexy By Large Majority Marderand Burns Discuss AYD Question Local AVC Chapter Greek Coalitions Seat Thirteen Solons; Before Jam-Packed House Wednesday Sends Four to New Independents Get 3 Representatives Haven's Convention Three hundred students packed l I Dl i. k A i. New Senate President Results of the Senate elections themselves into Beach 260 JOD rlaCement Meet held Wednesday revealed yester- Four delegates from the school's Wednesday evening to hear two of T~ BeD-, LJ-JJ kil —— J-»... day that Nathan C. White, Sigma their fellow students, Alfred L ' ° ^eld Monday, chapter of the A. V. C. will leave Nu, '48 was elected President of Marder of New Haven and Ber- W. J. Miller to Attend tomorrow to attend the one day the Student Senate for the coming nard J. Burns of Waterbury dis- convention of the state group being year, with a large majority of 692 cuss the question. "What is the held in New Haven. All persons who are interested votes to lead the field above Ed- AYD?" in obtaining employment after Following registration in the ward Kluck. Sigma Chi, '48, who The high point of the evening's graduation are urged to attend the morning at Henrie Hall of Yale polled 384 votes and Cliff Grodd, discussion came when Mr. Burns Panel on Job Placement to be held university, the four delegates will Phi Epsilon Pi. "48 who gained a asked Mr. Marder. "Are you a at 8:00 p. m. Monday, March 31, participate in business meetings total of 363. Communist?" Mr. Marder admit- in the Community House Audi- and in the election of officers to In addition to the election of a ted that he was. torium. the state council in the afternoon. president, the day's voting seated Mr. Marder speaking first open- The evening program will take nine sophomores and seven fresh- The program is sponsored by place in Yale's Strathcona Hall ed his speech by agreeing with the Vocational Guidance and Job men senators. The total number of Mr. Burns' convictions about de- and the delegates will listen to voters was proportionately small Placement office of the University various speakers including Senator mocracy as evidenced in his two in cooperation with the A. V. C. in that an average of 1450 students letters to the Campus. After de- Raymond E. Baldwin who will voted in the three elections. But and includes three speakers well give the key address. His talk will crying Mr. Burns' methods of at- qualified to give an overall pic- the results create a unique record tacking the AYD as similar to the cover the question of. "What the in that this is the first time, as far ture of empoyment opportunities veteran can do to aid his state?." red baiting tactics used by Hitler in the state. back as available records prove and Mussolini in their heyday. Mr. One of the speakers wil be Con- since the establishment of Greek Marder explained the origin of the gressman William J. Miller of University Players Letter groups, that independents AYD. Connecticut, a member of the 80th will be represented on the Stu- Saying that the AYD is open to Congress which is now in session, To Begin Production Nathan C. White dent Senate. An analysis of the attack because of its small size, will be abe to answer questions votes reveals that, for the fresh- the self confessed communist cit- Of Spring Comedy man elections, each one of the two concerning vocational opportuni- ed such names as Naiomi Ellison ties from the point of view of a STRING QUARTET coalitions managed to elect three of the YWCA, the war hero Rob- lawmaker now in active office. He Production will begin next week RECEIVED WELL BY senators, the seventh being re- ert Thompson. Winifred Norman, has been a member of the 76th, : for "George Washington Slept tained by the Independents. In the leader in Negro affairs. John Gai- 77th Congress before being elected I Here", the University Players' Sophomore elections one coalition | Spring production. Mrs. John El- U-CONN AUDIENCE low and Robert McCarthy, union to the present Congress. A mem- obtained four seats in the Senate I wood in addition to assisting Mr. leaders and asked if anyone would ber of the Veterans Affairs Com- and the other, three; while the | Will in production will supervise By Madeline Frank consider them as Communists. mittee in Congress, he is very in- remaining two seats were gained j costumes and make-up. Jacqueline The Gordon String Quartet, by the Independents. Claiming that the AYD is unit- terested in the veteran. Born in Brody, Stage Manager, has an- playing to a well attended and ed without discrimination, Mr. North Andover, Mass., he served extremely appreciative audience Mary Ann Lihota, Chairman of nounced the members of the pro- the Senate Elections Committee Marder said it supports no po- with the 80th and 1104th Aero duction crew. on Wednesday. March 26th. prov- litical party; thus they admit a i Squadrons, U. S. Army, in 1917. A ed to be one of the most enter- stated today that the committee Communist who meets the re-: plane crash at Issodun, France re- Stage Manager. Jacqueline Bro- taining convocations this campus felt that the P-R voting system has quirements of membership. He al- sulted in the loss of both legs. He dy; Asst. Stage Manager, Warren has had in a long time. They lived proved to be the fairest voting so said that anyone who fights big is a Past Department Commander Smith: Bus. Manager, Rose Goor- up to their advanced notices in method utilized by the Senate as business is labeled as a Communist and a Past National Executive of higian; Ass't. Bus. Manager. Doug- every respect and gained the rapt yet. and that the AYD lought for the the American Legion and a Com- las Bunnell; Master Carpenter, attention of the audience from the Commenting on the recent elec- extension of the OPA. protested mitteeman of the National Re- Bob Plimpton. Frank Moore; Mas- beginning and held it to the end tions and on his new office, as ter Electrician. Albert Newby; lynchings in the south, supported habilitation Committee. He was in with their fine and masterful ex- President. Mr. White said. "I wish Ass't. Electrician, Wm. Hoagland. a veteran housing program and a the insurance business but went ecution of the works of Schubert. to express my appreciation to the Wm. Maine; Properties (Manager), soldiers bonus. into politics and at present is ac- Debussy. Dvorak, and Shostako- student body for their exhibition Barbara Phillips: Ass'ts.. Gloria tive in the Young Republicans vich. Their program was as fol- of confidence in me. I shall make Proclaiming the AYD to be Rischall Gloria Samborski. Murial Club of Connecticut. lows: every effort to uphold their trust. (Continued on Page Six) Samborski, Carol Donovan. Betty "The recent elections have been The second of the three speakers Ann Stoudt. Joan Harowitz; Cos- to appear at the panel will be but one step toward a larger and March 31 is the last day for tumes—Manager. Eleanor Tryon. Quartet in D minor (Posthumous fairer representative student gov- Robert Hagedorn of the Personnel Ruth Callahan. Corrine Sherman. Pencraft Contest Entries. This Department of the New Depart- opus) Schubert erning body. But no such group. Makeup, chairman. Joseph Spos- includes both art work and liter- ure Company in Bristol who will "Death and the Maiden" (Continued on Page Three) . st. Edith Pall. Betty Hallock. Isa- ary manuscripts. represent industry on employ- Allegro bel Piedade. ment. He is also a member of Andante con moto International Relationites Easter Choir Program World War II and an overseas vet. Prompter. Ann Crosbv. Ina Scherzo (Allegro molto) Watch UN in Action Thursday He is a member of the Connecti- Rudd. Presto Here and About State cut Veterans Reemployment and Sound Effects, Geraldine Arron. (Continued On Page Six) On Thursday morning. March Advisory Commission, which has Alma Pulito. 27 th. a group of approximately Released by Yingling gained national recognition for its Set Decorations. Frank Moore. C. Waring Announces twenty members of the I.R.C. left work with veterans. Set Construction, Gene Marie for a visit to the United Nations at Mr. Robert W. Yingling's three Third speaker will be Vincent (Continued on Page Three) Navy Grant for Use Lake Success. N. Y. Mr. B. Linne- specialized song groups will be Hippolytis. Assistant Director of vold. Faculty Counselor, accom- featured on special Easter music the Veterans Department, State In Chem. Research panied the group. programs during the coming week Employment Service and a veter- PUBLIC LAW 16 The I.R.C. included in its itiner- in the Storrs Congregational an of World War II. His particu- There will be a meeting of all Professor Charles E. Waring. ary, attendance at the Trusteeship Church, the Trinity Episcopal lar specialty will be problems veterans under Public Law 16 at Head of the Department of Chem- Council along with other meetings Church in Westport. the Husky- concerning students under Pubic 3 p.m. on Tuesday. April 1, in istry at the University, revealed both in the morning and afternoon Network, and the Hartford station Law 16. Beach 260. today that a $10,000. Frederick sessions. WTIC. Gardner Cottrell Special Grant in Later the group called upon "The Passion According to St.
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