index Abernathy, Susan McIver 23 , 45–47 36 , 42 Acheson, Dean Bao Dai 464 and Korea 248 , 249 Barrish, Paul 373 , 427 first to state domino theory 459 Bataan, Battling Bastards of 332 Acuff, Roy 181 Bataan Death March 333 Adams, M.D 444 Bataan Gang. See MacArthur, Douglas Adams, Will 31 Bataan Peninsula 329–333 Adkisson, Paul L. 436. See also USS Colahan bathythermograph 455 Alameda, California 268 , 312 , 315 , 317 , 320 , Battle of Coral Seas 296–297 335 , 336 , 338 , 339 , 345 , 346 , 349 , Battle off Samars 291 , 292 , 297–298 , 303 , 351 , 354 , 356 306–309 , 438 Alamogordo, New Mexico 63 , 64 Bedichek, Roy 220 Albano, Sam 371 , 372 , 373 , 414 , 425 , 426 , Bee County, Texas 12 , 17 , 19 427 Beeville, Texas 19 Albany, Texas 161 Belfast, Ireland 186 Albuquerque, New Mexico 228 , 229 Bengal, Oklahoma 94 Allred, Lue Jeff 32 , 44 , 200 Bidault, Georges 497 , 510 Alpine, Texas 67 Big Cypress Bayou, Texas 33 Amarillo, Texas 66 , 88 , 122 , 198 , 431 Big Spring, Texas 58 , 61 , 68 , 74 , 255 , 256 Ambrose, Stephen Bikini Atoll. See Operation Castle on Truman’s decision 466 , 467 Bilyeau, Paul 519 , 523 , 526 Anderson County, Texas 35 Blick, Robert 487 , 500 , 505 , 510 Anson County, North Carolina 21 Blytheville, Arkansas 112 Appling, Luke 224 Bockius, R.W. 272 , 273 , 288 , 289 , 290 Arapaho Reservation 50 commended by Halsey 273 Archer City, Texas 50 , 55 , 74 , 104 , 200 , 201 , during typhoon 288 , 289 , 290 259 on carrier work 272 Argyllshire, Scotland 45 Boerne, Texas 68 Arnold, Eddie 181 Bonamarte, Joseph 20 Arrington, Fred 164 Booth, Sarah 433 Ashworth, Barbara 110 , 219 , 220 , 433 , 434 Boudreau, Lou 175 Ashworth, Don 219 , 433 Bowers, Gary 361 , 375 , 386 , 427 Ashworth, Kenneth 219 , 220 Bowie, James 244 Ashworth, Mae 199 , 219 , 220 Bradley, Omar 252 Ashworth, R.B. 219 , 220 , 434 Brannagan, Don 372 , 386 , 387 , 410 Atkinson, Edward 41 Brantingham, H.J. 524 atomic/nuclear bomb tests 312 , 314 , 456 , 457 , Brazos County, Texas 79 471 , 475. See also USS Curtiss; See Bremerton, Washington 273 also Operation Castle Briscoe, R.P. 413 atomic/nuclear weapons 239 , 400 , 404 , 411 , Brittan, M.A 146 448 , 497 , 521 Brock, Daniel 340 atomic bombs, Operation Vulture 497 , 513. Brock, Gene 138 , 181 , 191 , 193 , 197 , 340 See also Operation Vulture Brock, Harue 340 Austin, Stephen F. 147 , 244 Brock, Obra Alton 200 , 341 , 343 , 420 Austin, Texas 84 , 86 , 93–96 , 101–108­ Brooks, William. See USS Colahan , 114–117 , 128 , 143 , 181 , 213–214 , Browne, George 487 215–242 , 247 , 255 , 256 , 259 , 261 , Brownfield, Texas 80 350 , 358 , 399 , 422 , 433–435 , 453 , 461 Buchanan Dam 95 Bailey, Anne Buffalo Gap, Texas 35 on Civil War in Texas 39 Burke, John 30 Bakersfield, California 352 , 353 , 523 Burnett, George Laffon 111 , 233–234 Ball, Peter 361 , 386 Burnett, Jessee Gordon 111 , 233 Bangkok, Thailand. See Thailand Burnett, Jesse Gordon 233 Banks, Nathaniel Burnett, Larmer Alvin 111 , 233–234 By Dead Reckoning 560 Burnett, Lavander Eugene 111 , 233 Agency (CIA) Burnett, Lorelei 233 Civil rights 112 , 265 , 266 , 397 , 453 , 454. See Burnett, Lowell 95 , 103 , 110 , 232–233 also Truman, Harry; See also Goodwin, Burnett, Mary Loretta 233 , 234 Doris Kearns Burnett, Opal Rowena 233 Clark, J.J. 413 Burns, Rollie 135 , 149 , 150 , 161 Clark, Mark 413 Burson, Frank 351 Clarkson, P.W. 457 Bush, President George W. 279 , 462 Clinton, Bill 399 Byrnes, James 459 Cobb, Ty 176 Cagle, Malcolm 401 , 402 , 404. See Manson, Cogny, Rene 511 , 513 Frank on Operation Vulture 497 Caldera, Joseph Colbert, R.V. 162 flew over Dien Bien Phu 505 Cold War 250 , 252 , 443 , 448 , 458 , 459 , 463 , Calhoun, C. Raymond 288 , 289 , 290 464 , 466 , 519 , 522 on Cape Esperance 288 , 289 , 290 America’s role 463 Calhoun, Mary Loretta (Burnett) 233–234 China 443 , 519 , 522 Cambodia. See Indochina Indochina 250 , 464 , 466 Campbell, Ernest 200 led to draft 252 Campbell, Randolph 28–32 , 343 Truman Doctrine 459 Campbell, Rev. Peter Colin 45 , 46 turns hot 448 Cape Esperance. See Colorado City, Texas 60 Caprock Escarpment 123–125 , 134–137 , Comanche Reservation 50 149–153 Communist containment 247 , 460 , 465 , 466 , Captain Cadillac 202 , 203 , 204 467 , 499 Captain Sanders, Eddie 199 Cook, Charles 297 Carney, Robert 498 Cooke County, Texas 35 Carson, Kit 66 Cooper, Roby 361 , 427 Carter, Worrall Reid Copeland, Kennard Bill 50 , 51 , 52 , 53 on CVE impact on war 276 Copeland, Monroe 92 on CVEs value 272–276 Corpus Christi, Texas 342 , 356 , 357 , 359 , 384 Carver, Robert 288 , 348 Corregidor 298 , 329–333 , 510 Cavite City, Philippines 333 , 337 , 361–362 , cotton picking 13 , 59 , 86 , 93 , 96 , 97 , 99 , 101 , 491–492 119–123 , 235 , 257 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Cowley, Robert in Indochina 469 , 471 , 483 , 501 , 512 on Cold War 459 Chaisson, Charles 339 Craven County, South Carolina 21 Chapman, Bob 277 Crist, Eugene 367 Chase, Art 192 Crockett, Davy 244 Chatham County, Scotland 23 , 46 Crockett, Texas 38 Chennault, Claire 469 Crosby County, Texas 124 Cheyenne Reservation 50 canyonland pioneers 134 Chiang Kai­shek cotton picking 122 , 123 and Viet Minh 464 Crosbyton, Texas 123 , 127 , 128 , 134 , 137 , Communist China 418 , 487 , 519 139 , 140 , 141 , 142 , 143 , 147 , 171 defense treaty 522 Ragland farm 123 , 141 , 267 Chicago, Illinois 287 , 400 ranch 142 Daily Tribune 400 Crosbyton, Texas 139 Museum of Science 287 Crump, W.D 161 White Sox 64 , 65 , 224 , 225 Culberson, Charlie 12 , 18 Chief Chigley 50 CVE escort aircraft carrier, development Chief George 50 275–283 , 283 , 284–286 Christofferson, Don L. 369 , 385 , 415 CVE Task Groups. See Task Groups Churchill, Sarah 238 Dagley, Maenard 138 , 163 , 179 , 184 , 200 , Churchill, Winston 282 , 468 , 497 210–213 , 340 , 341 , 421 Eisenhower and Indochina 471 , 472 , 498 , aviation 139 , 182 , 194 , 197 , 268 , 341 , 342 , 501 , 503 , 504 , 506 , 511 343 European Defense Community 468 farm 163 , 183–185 , 188–191 , 260 Operation Vulture 497 financial help 167 , 183 , 260 U.S. covert assistance 282 Tennessee Walkers 201 Civil Air Transport. See Central Intelligence Dagley­Morris Piper Cub Distributing 561 341–343 Espuela Land and Cattle Company 125 , 146 Dalhart, Texas 116 , 117 , 118 , 127 , 228 Estep, Alton 194 Dallam County, Texas 119 Estep, Forrest 180 Dallas. Texas European Defense Community 468 , 471 McIver family 1904 caravan west 60 , 73 Evans, Griffith.See USS Everett Daniel, John 471 Fall, Bernard Davis, Jefferson 40 on Cogny’s response 511 Davis, Jimmie 181 on French Indochina policy 477 , 486 de Castries, Christian 511 on Operation Vulture 497 , 502 , 505 , 511 Deen, Sue Ellen (McMurtry) 58 , 200 Feller, Bob 175 , 215 de Gaulle, Charles 466 Ferguson, Harry 186–188 DesDiv 172 (Destroyer Division) 480 , 481 , and Henry Ford 187 483 Fiefield, Russell H. Dewey, Tom 400 , 491 , 492 on Southeast Asia colonialism 462 Dickens County, Texas 124 , 140 , 141 , 149 , Field, James A. Jr. 154 , 159 , 162–165 , 168 , 176 , 181 , 197 on Korean conflict 311 , 417 farm 140 , 141 , 168 First Fleet hogs 149 Indochina 483 , 487 prohibition 197 Flores, Dan 149 slave hanging 181 Floydada, Texas 139 Dien Bien Phu. See Indochina Foley, Red 181 Dillard, Ken 518 , 519 Fonda, Henry 108 DiMaggio, Joe 175 Ford, Henry 88 , 96 , 187 Dobbs, Jeff 43 Ford, John 108 Dobbs, Martin Sylvester 58 Forester, John Dobbs, Sybil (Sanders) 58 on steam engines 368 Dobbs, Thomas Jefferson 16 , 32 , 58 , 200 , 257 , Fort Worth, Texas 135 , 155 259 boomtown hype 96 coon hunting 80 clearing timber 95 Dobie, Frank J. 220 Espuela Cattle Co. 146 Dockum, W.C. 155 George Lewis stopover 93–95 , 96 domino effect. See also Chapter 16 railway 152 , 160 Acheson on 459 Foster, Nellie (Berry) 91 and Vietnam 513 Foster, William 91 Eisenhower on 460 France. See Indochina Johnson on 460 World War I 57 , 80 Kennedy on 460 World War II 119 , 279 , 281 , 282 Douglas, William O. 459 Franklin, Arthur D. 58 , 200 , 256 Drury, Bob 289 Franklin, Arthur Wendell 58 Dulles, Allen 471 , 496–503 , 509–510 Frederick, Earl 424 Dulles, John Foster 471 , 484 Freeman, Don 361 Operation Vulture 497–498 , 500–502 , Freeport, Texas 236 509–510 French, Elvin 220 Duncan, Donald 523 French, J.D. 220 dust bowl 11 , 85 , 88 , 89 , 116 , 126 , 163 , 172 , French, Walter 220 234 French Indochina. See Indochina Dyke, Henry Van 515 Friedman, Thomas Easter, Roy 410 on France 467 Egan, Timothy FS Arromanches (R­95) 507 , 508 on Dust Bowl 88 FS Bois Belleau (R­97) 469 , 509 Eisenhower, Dwight FS l’inconstant (P­636) 507 domino quote 460 FS La Fayette (R­96) 468 , 507 Indochina 468 , 471 , 472 , 482 , 483 , 484 , Fuller, Sybet Almira 12 , 18 , 19 , 36 485 , 487 , 497 , 499 , 501–512 , 522 Fuller, William Simpson 12 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 Tachen Islands 522 Fulmore School, Austin, Texas 105 , 216 , 218 , Elliot, W.J. 147 , 150 223 , 233 , 385 on wolves and cattle 150 Gallery, Daniel V. 286 poem 145 on shipbuilding industry 275 , 286 El Paso, Texas 265 on U­boat capture 287 Eniwetok Atoll. See Operation Greenhouse Galligan, Joe. See USS Colahan By Dead Reckoning 562 Gardner, Ora 24 on 22 Outfit’s headquarters 135 Geneva Convention 470 on cattle theft 153 Goodwin, Doris Kearns on Johnson grass 157–158 on race and military 454 on land sales 159 Green, Bolen 12 on newspapers 162 Gregg, Bishop 21 on plums 138 Gregg, Patricia. See Livingston, Patricia on railways 160 Grimes County, Texas 24 on West Texas farming 129–130 , 132–134 , Groves, General Leslie 314 155–156 , 159 Guthrie, Woody 87 , 113 , 235 Holmes, Theophilus 36 , 39 Haiphong 482 , 501 Hong Kong 272 , 372–373 , 392 Halberstam, David 1952 Olympics 386 , 387 on baseball 215 attacked by Japan 295 Hale, Wynelle (Franklin) 54 , 55 , 58 , 200 basketball in 386–388 Halsey, William F.
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