GENERAL PURPOSE | Signal analyzers The fastest and most accurate signal and spectrum analyzer in the medium class The R&S®FSV is superior to established instruments of its class in almost every respect, and is the only medium-class analyzer to offer analysis bandwidths of up to 40 MHz and a touch screen. 18 GENERAL PURPOSE | Signal analyzers The fastest and most accurate signal and spectrum analyzer in the medium class FIG 1 Offering analysis bandwidth of up to 40 MHz, the R&S®FSV covers wire- less standards from 3GPP LTE through to WLAN 802.11n. Plus, its touch screen makes it very quick and easy to operate. NEWS 197/08 19 GENERAL PURPOSE | Signal analyzers #UKIPCNCPCN[\GTVJCVTGFGƓPGUVJGOGFKWOENCUU Ready to handle all standards with 40 MHz analysis bandwidth Manufacturers of wireless terminals are faced with an enor- mous cost pressure, and at the same time need to respond to In its fully digital signal analysis module, the R&S®FSV com- the demand for innovation. This leads to the requirements for bines the functionalities of a signal analyzer and a spectrum cutting development times by using more versatile and easier- analyzer. Its 128 MHz A/D converter digitizes the last IF with to-operate T&M equipment, and for reducing production test a resolution of 16 bits. In contrast to conventional analyz- times by using faster T&M equipment. Moreover, the steadily ers, whose I/Q memory can take up only a few Msamples, the growing bandwidth requirements of modern wireless stan- R&S®FSV offers I/Q memory depth for up to 200 Msamples. dards call for ever increasing analysis bandwidths. This allows signals to be recorded over extended periods of time, even with large bandwidths and correspondingly high The new R&S®FSV signal analyzer (FIG 1) has been specially sampling rates. designed to meet these requirements. It is the fastest, most accurate and most versatile medium-class signal analyzer The R&S®FSV’s standard analysis bandwidth of 28 MHz not currently available to meet the needs of performance-ori- only covers all currently established wireless communications ented, cost-conscious users in the development, production, standards; it can also be used for mobile WiMAX™ and the installation and servicing of RF systems. Superior in almost new LTE standard. The upgrade option for 40 MHz analysis all respects to established devices in this class, it is the only bandwidth supports the measurement of IEEE 802.11n sig- medium-class analyzer to offer analysis bandwidth of 40 MHz. nals and makes the R&S®FSV suitable for use in the develop- This enables it to cover wireless standards from 3GPP LTE ment of modules for satellite communications and satellite TV through to WLAN 802.11n. Plus, its innovative operating con- – demanding tasks which previously required the use of high- cept featuring a touch screen makes it extremely easy to use. end analyzers. The R&S®FSV comes in two models for the frequency ranges The R&S®FSV offers resolution bandwidths from 1 Hz to from 9 kHz to 3.6 GHz and 9 kHz to 7 GHz. Models for the 10 MHz and, in the zero span mode, additionally up to microwave range will soon be available. The frequency range 20 MHz and 28 MHz, and optionally up to 40 MHz. This can be expanded down to 20 Hz for both models. At low fre- makes the analyzer an ideal choice for a frequently encoun- quencies, the R&S®FSV performs direct A/D conversion of the tered task: accurate power measurements of broadband RF signal. This prevents a degradation of performance caused WLAN or WiMAX™ burst signals. Channel power measure- by local oscillator feedthrough and phase noise, as encoun- OGPVUCTGFKHƓEWNVVQRGTHQTOD[OGCPUQHUVCPFCTFHTGSWGPE[ tered with many signal and spectrum analyzers. sweeps as they require stable triggering in the gate mode. 9KVJKVU/*\/*\QT/*\ƓNVGTUVJG45(58ECP carry out these measurements in the zero span mode, with synchronization being provided by the internal video trigger. A special time domain power measurement function allows VJGWUGTVQRTGEKUGN[FGƓPGVJGRCTVQHCDWTUVVQDGOGCUWTGF FIG 2 Measurement of the burst power of a wideband WLAN signal (FIG 2). (802.11n) using the time domain power function – the R&S®FSV handles this task easily due to its analysis bandwidth of 40 MHz. Superior level measurement accuracy up to 7 GHz With its low total level measurement uncertainty of 0.3 dB up to 3 GHz, and only 0.4 dB up to 7 GHz, the R&S®FSV ensures highly accurate and reliable results. Especially in the range between 3 GHz and 7 GHz, the R&S®FSV delivers results with an accuracy closer to that of power meters than is the case with conventional analyzers, which often exhibit a frequency response of 1 dB to 2 dB above 3 GHz/3.6 GHz. The R&S®FSV UKORNKƓGUVGUVUGVWRUKPFGXGNQROGPVCPFRTQFWEVKQPCUKP many cases it does away with power meters, e.g. in the anal- ysis of WLAN 802.11a signals in the 5.8 GHz ISM band or WiMAX™ signals between 3.4 GHz and 3.8 GHz. 20 GENERAL PURPOSE | Signal analyzers 6QRURGGFKPCNNCTGCUDQQUVURTQFWEVKQPGHƓEKGPE[ Measurement Mode rate/time The R&S®FSV was designed with a focus on high measure- Sweep rate, remote control, averaged over 1000 sweeps 1000/s OGPVURGGF+VUKIPKƓECPVN[TGFWEGUVGUVEQUVUKPRTQFWEVKQP Sweep rate, manual control 500/s as it performs simple measurement tasks as well as complex modulation analyses quickly, reliably, and with low measure- LIST MODE, measurement of level of fundamental and five 21 ms harmonics ment uncertainty. Marker peak search 1.5 ms FIG 3 shows the various measurement speeds of the Frequency change and query 15 ms R&S®FSV. With more than 500 sweeps/s in manual operation Fastest sweep time (zero span) ŦU and up to 1000 sweeps/s in remote operation, the R&S®FSV Fastest sweep time (frequency sweep) 1 ms KUWRVQƓXGVKOGUHCUVGTVJCPQVJGTFGXKEGUKPKVUENCUU6JG high sweep speed is a major asset not only in production. FIG 3 Measurement rates of the R&S®FSV signal analyzer in various Especially in cases that require averaging of a large num- modes. ber of measurements, as stipulated by many standards, the R&S®FSV supplies results in a considerably shorter time. The R&S®FSV also offers a variety of functions that speed up Currently available test routines by cutting alignment and measurement times, conventional signal thus increasing overall throughput: Setting analyzers R&S®FSV J Frequency list mode (LIST MODE) for fast measurements 1 kHz RBW, conventional sweep 10 s 1 s on up to 300 frequencies with different analyzer settings by 1 kHz RBW, FFT sweep 200 ms 5.7 ms means of a single remote control command 10 Hz RBW, FFT sweep 20 s 2.7 s J Measurement of different power levels in the time domain in a single sweep for especially fast alignments (multi-sum- FIG 4 Sweep times for a 10 MHz span. mary marker) J Fast ACP measurements in the time domain using channel ƓNVGTU (+) QTKPVJGHTGSWGPE[FQOCKPWUKPI((6UYGGRU J Frequency counter with 0.1 Hz resolution at a measurement time of <50 ms J Gigabit LAN interface for the fast transfer of large data #NNCPCN[UKUƓNVGTUQHVJG45(58CTGFKIKVCNCPFEQPUG- volumes SWGPVN[JCXGRTGEKUGN[FGƓPGFEJCTCEVGTKUVKEUCPFCTGHCUVGT J Trigger interface for synchronization with the production VJCPCPCNQIƓNVGTU/QTGQXGTVJG45(58oUQRVKOK\GF((6 system in the frequency list mode sweep covering a wide bandwidth reduces the time required HQTUYGGRKPICURGEKƓEHTGSWGPE[TCPIG6JKUKURCTVKEWNCTN[ important when measuring spurious emissions, where the analyzer has to capture and measure signals with a low level FIG 5 ACP measurement: A large number of predefined standards across a wide frequency range. enable fast and simple setup. High sensitivity can in many cases only be achieved by using PCTTQYDCPFƓNVGTUVQOKPKOK\GVJGPQKUGNGXGN4GFWEKPIVJG bandwidth by half, however, will increase the sweep time by a factor of four, making the measurement of spurious emis- sions extremely time-consuming. FIG 4 compares the sweep time of the R&S®FSV for a span of 10 MHz with that of cur- rently available conventional analyzers. The comparison ENGCTN[UJQYUVJCVWUGTUECPEQORNGVGVJGKTVCUMUUKIPKƓECPVN[ faster with the R&S®FSV. A typical measurement task in the production of wireless ter- minals is alignment of the output power. This requires mea- UWTKPICYKFGTCPIGQHFKHHGTGPVRQYGTNGXGNUCVCURGEKƓEHTG- quency. The R&S®FSV performs these measurements during a single sweep in the remote mode. NEWS 197/08 21 GENERAL PURPOSE | Signal analyzers NCD (+) 6YQHWTVJGTDGPGƓVUCTGVJGCPCNQIOGCUWTGOGPV J #/(/ū/OQFWNCVKQP demodulator and the capability of operating a power sensor J GSM/EDGE J 3GPP UL/DL (including HSPA) of the R&S®NRP-Zxx series directly on the R&S®FSV. J WLAN 802.11 a, b, g, j J WLAN 802.11n The base unit already provides a large number of established J WiMAX™ 802.16e automatic test routines, e.g. measurement of adjacent chan- J LTE UL/DL nel power for numerous standards, measurement of com- plementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF), spuri- FIG 6 R&S®FSV signal analysis functions. ous emissions, spectrum emission mask, and harmonics. Up to six measurement traces, which can all be active simultane- ously, and up to 16 markers support the evaluation of results. Another task regularly encountered in production is harmon- ics measurement. The R&S®FSV handles this conveniently in Touch screen: Operating an analyzer has never manual operation with its harmonics measurement function. been so easy In remote operation, its LIST MODE ensures short measure- ment times for this and for other measurements. In this mode, The R&S®FSV offers unparalleled ease of operation. It requires the analyzer carries out measurements at up to 300 different neither a mouse nor a keyboard, thus saving considerable frequencies requiring only a single setting and a single remote space.
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