PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID MONUMENT, CO PERMIT NO. 32 **ECRWSS** Postal Customer Issue #128 — Volume 11 Number 10 — Saturday, October 1, 2011 Free Upcoming Woodmoor Local Events district moving See pages 31-35 for details of these forward with deal and many other local events. for ranch water th 38 Annual Christmas Arts & Craft By Candice Hitt Fair, Sat.-Sun., Oct.1-2, 9 a.m.-5 At the Woodmoor Water and Sanitation p.m., Sat.; 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sun. District’s (WWSD) board meeting Sept. 13, members discussed the current status Bear Creek Elementary Walk to of the JV Ranch acquisition. Currently School Day, Wed., Oct 5, 8:30 a.m. the district is dependent on the Denver Basin Aquifer, which is a non-renewable Public forum: Meet the Candidates for source of water. Aquifers are shrinking D-38 Board of Education, Wed., Oct. and are not a reliable source for a long- 5, 7-9 p.m. term supply of water, so aquifer depen- dency is an issue. Monument Academy Charter Hosts Public meetings are being sched- the D-38 Candidates, Mon., Oct. 10, uled to answer questions and provide 7-8:30 p.m. additional information on the proj- ect. For additional information, visit The 2011 Empty Bowls & Silent www.woodmoorwater.com. The first Auction, Wed., Oct. 12, 5-7:30 p.m. public meeting is scheduled for Oct. 27 at 6 p.m. at The Barn at the Woodmoor Monument Annual Town Forum, Improvement Association. Mon., Oct. 17, 5 p.m. Board members also discussed their commitment to acquiring a renewable water source for the district and working Tri-Lakes Annual Health & Wellness toward the goal of meeting the district’s Fair, Sat., Oct. 23, 7 a.m.-noon water needs for many years to come. WWSD will use revenue bonds to Wine and Roses, Fri., Oct. 28, 6-9 p.m. finance the JV Ranch acquisition with Check www.tlwc.net for new location. a 25-year repayment plan. The ranch would provide rights to roughly 2,500 to Rocky Mountain Music Alliance 3,400 acre-feet of water annually, a res- (RMMA) Free Concert, Sat., Oct. ervoir, and storage rights. The purchase 29, 7 p.m. Above: Winners of the People’s Choice Award for chili and salsa, Kevin price will be $25 million to $31 million, Holbrook and Lisa Shoblo. Photo by Candice Hitt. See page 28 for additional dependent on the water rights decided in Monument’s Safe Trick or Treat, Mon., information and photos from the 2011 Chili Cookoff. water court. Oct. 31, 4-6 p.m. A water rate increase and addition of a monthly “renewable water invest- Coordinated County-wide Election by ment fee” is planned for customers to Mail-In Ballot, Tue., Nov. 1 Donala community meeting assist in repayment of the purchase. The new rates are anticipated to begin Jan. 1, 47th Annual Black Forest Arts & draws almost 200, highlights 2012. A letter has been sent to customers Crafts Guild Fall Show & Sale, outlining the rate changes the board will Thu.-Sun., Nov. 3-6, Thu.-Sat., 9 a.m.- vote on at its Oct. 13 meeting. 8 p.m.; Sun., 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m. need for substantial water An online rate calculator is available on the district’s website to estimate the ■ cost to residential customers. Commer- rate and fee increases cial and other customers should contact the district directly for cost estimates. Average customers will see a $48.50 re- In this issue newable water investment fee along with a slight increase in use fees dependent on Water & San District News 1-16 actual water use. The chart below out- lines the water rate change based on use. D-38 News 17-21 Water Rate per 1,000 gallons/month Monument News 22-23 Range (gallons) Old rate New rate Increase 0-6,000 5.38$ 5.47$ 2% 6,001-25,000 8.88$ 9.02$ 2% Weather 24 Above 25,000 14.18$ 14.40$ 2% Letters 25 Fixed monthly fees Water 7.21$ 7.34$ 2% Sewer 24.41$ 25.14$ 3% Books, Gardens, Birds, Arts 25-28 By John Heiser “News and Events” section under “Town Operations report Assistant Manager Randy Gillette gave Snapshots of Our Community 28-29 On Sept. 7, the Donala Water and Sanita- Meetings.” the operations report, saying well 7 was tion District held a community meeting For background information on out of the ground and needs a new pump Library Events, History 29-30 to address current and future sources the Donala district and the local water and motor. He also stated the district was of water for the Tri-Lakes area and the situation see “Water for the future,” being taken off surface water and put Special Events and Notices 31 associated costs. Dana Duthie, Donala’s OCN, Vol. 8, No. 1, Jan. 5, 2008, posted on ground water because of complaints general manager, made a presentation at www.ocn.me/v8n1.htm#water and “A about taste and odor. Meter readings in Our Community Calendar 32-35 and responded to residents’ questions. Perspective on Our Community: Are we August showed a 95 percent accountabil- Duthie’s presentation and speaker’s notes running out of water?” OCN, Vol. 9, No. 6, ity of water use. Construction plans for a OCN information 35, 36 are posted at www.donalawater.org in the posted at www.ocn.me/v9n6.htm#water. Kum & Go gas station on the corner of (Continued on page 3) (Continued on page 2) Page 2 Read, download, and search all the OCN back issues at WWW.OCN.ME Vol. 11 No. 10 Saturday, October 1, 2011 OCNOOur CommunityCN News Page 3 Knollwood and Highway payment to voice disagree- ment of Public Health and 105 are still under review ment with the state and Environment, and several by the district. the EPA over wastewa- lawmakers. Wastewater ter nutrients. The board The purpose of the let- nutrient conflict unanimously approved the ter is to state that the Colo- District Manager Jesse payment. The funds will rado Nutrient Coalition is Shaffer asked the board go toward a letter to be not in agreement with the for approval of a $500 written to the governor, the EPA’s feasibility results for EPA, the Colorado Depart- lower total nitrogen effl u- 460-1538 ent limits for small-scale wastewater facilities, to Two Timers request a peer review on Fine Consign the science used, and to Womens, Childrens Clothing and Accessories ~ Home Decor analyze fi nancial impacts on small wastewater facili- GOLD PARTY AT TWO TIMERS ties such as WWSD. Sell your damaged or unwanted gold The letter will also Saturday, October 29 10am-5pm highlight how the divi- Bring in your Halloween Costumes sion’s EPA proposal con- trasts with the governor’s Clip and save through October executive order and state 15% OFF ON ANY ONE ITEM the Nutrient Coalition’s (Does not include items marked down 80%) objection to the nitrogen Currently taking Fall/Winter aspects of the proposed Celebrating our 6th year rules being scientifi cally New consignors call for an appointment inaccurate, economically Located in Monument behind Rosies Diner harmful, and a waste of 719-484-0300 local resources. www.twotimers.net ********** The next regular board meeting will be held at 1 p.m. Oct. 13 at the Woodmoor Water and ��������������������� Sanitation District Of- ���������� fi ce, 1845 Woodmoor Dr., Monument. For in- ���������������������������������� formation: 488-2525 or � ���������������������������������������� w w w.woodmoor water. � �������������������������������� com. ������������������������������������� Candice Hitt can ��������������������������������������������������� be reached at [email protected]. d! ! ! ce ted ed du lis uc e st ed R Ju R PASSIVE SOLAR HOME IN WAKONDA WONDERFUL HOME ON THE WEST SIDE WONDERFUL WALK-OUT RANCHER HILLS! 1.23-acres. Trees, privacy and IN MONUMENT! Stucco. Fully fenced CLOSE TO SHOPPING! 3 br, 2.5 ba. mountain views! Over 2300 sq. ft. 4 and landscaped. Mountain views! New windows, doors, trim, and paint. br, 2 ba, remodeled eat-in kitchen Over 2600 sq. ft. 4 br. 2.5 ba. Formal Trex decks, remodeled baths with with granite tops. Lots of tile floors, living room, family room, gourmet custom tile, hardwood floors, gourmet main-level master, sunroom, large kitchen, master suite, unfinished kitchen. Large, landscaped lot backs deck with hot tub. Only $318,900! basement. Like-new. Only $279,900! to open space! Only $250,000! LOOKING FOR LAND? LOOK AT THESE GREAT LOTS! 2.56-ACRE LOT IN BENT TREE! FABULOUS LOT IN HAWK-RIDGE! 2.50 ACRES ON WEST SIDE! Pines, Great southern exposure on this Trees, privacy, and great views from scrub oak and more! Fabulous wooded lot on a quiet street. Easy this corner lot! Over 3 acres. Easy mountain and city views. Zoned for build. Should take walk-out basement. build. Should take walk-out. Well and horses. Modulars and outbuildings One of the few lots left in this estate septic required. Area of estate homes. OK. Close to national forest. OWNER area. Reduced to $200,000! D38. Reduced to $200,000! WILL CARRY. Reduced to $79,000! Page 2 Read, download, and search all the OCN back issues at WWW.OCN.ME Vol. 11 No. 10 Saturday, October 1, 2011 OCNOur Community News Page 3 DONALA (cont. from 1) • Water production from the district by May 2012. water storage contract with the Pueblo Board of Water Below are highlights of district’s wells peaked in • The district has nearly com- the U.S. Bureau of Reclama- Works, and administrative Duthie’s presentation and the 2002 at about 1,380 acre- pleted a $1 million connec- tion, a 250 acre-foot per year costs to record and report subsequent discussion: feet per year.
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