Fl. No. 7-Al2O2O-IS.4 Government of India Ministry of Human Resource Development Department of School Education & Literacy Dated: 31't )uly,2O2O Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi Subject :- Minutes of the meeting of Project Approval Board (PAB) for the UT of Jammu & Kashmir under Samagra Shiksha Scheme for the F.Y 2O2O-2L. The meeting of Project Approval Board (PAB) of Samagra Shiksha was held on 23.06.2020 under the Chairmanship of Secretary (SE&L) in New Delhi to consider the Annual Work Plan & Budget (AWP&B), 202O-2t for the UT of Jammu & Kashmir. 2. The undersigned is directed to forward herewith the approved copy of PAB i.'iinutes in respect of Samagra Shiksha, UT of Jammu & Kashmir for the year 2O2O- 2L for fufther necessary action. Encl : As above (Rajesh Ku ) Under Secretary to the Governm ta Tel No. 011 3384501 Mail id : [email protected] To, 1. Secretary, Ministry of Women & Child Development. 2. Secretary, Ministry of Labour & Employment. 3. Secretary, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment 4. Secretary, Ministry of Tribal Affairs. 5. Secretary, Ministry of Jal Shakti. 6. Secretary, Ministry of Minority Affairs. 7.Dy. Adviser (School Education), Niti Aayog. 8. Director, NCERT. 9, Vice Chancellor, NIEPA. 10. Chairperson, NCTE 11. Vice Chancellor, IGNOU 1-2, Member Secretary, NCPCR 13. Joint Secretary (Inst.), MHRD, New Delhi 14. JS (AE&Coord), MHRD, New Delhi 15. JS(SS-rr),MHRD 16. JS & FA, MHRD, New Delhi 17. DDG(Stats.), MHRD, New Delhi 18. JS(MDM, MHRD, New Delhi 19. Principal Secretary (Education), UT of Jammu & Kashmir 20. State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha, UT Jammu & Kashmir Copy to: 1. All Divisional Heads of ISSE Bureau 2. All under Secretaries of ISSE Bureau 3. All TSG Consultants 4. NIC-with request to upload minutes on the portal Copy for information to: 1. PPS to Secy (SE&L) 2. PPS to JS (SS-I) 3. Advisor to Hon'ble Lieutenant Governor School Education Depaftmen, J&K. Rajesh ) Under Secretary to the Govern of ia Tel No. 011-23384501 Mail id : [email protected] \ - Govcrnment of India Ministry of [Iuman Rcsourcc Development Departmcnt of School Education and Literacy Jammu & Kashmir 1. Introduction 'l'hc mccting of thc I)rojcct Approval lloard for considcring thc Annual Work Plan and Budgct [AWP&I]) 2O2O-27 for SAMA(;IIA SIIIKSIIA for thc LJl' of fammu & Kashmir was hcld on 23'd fune 2020. 'l'hc list of participants wh<l attcndcd thc mccting is attachcd atAnnexure-L 2. Initiativcs of thc UT Ms. Anita Karwal, Sccrctary [SIj&I,) invitcd Jammu & Kashmir to give a prcsentation on school cducation in the LI'l' of f&K. Shri Asger Hassan Samoon, Principal Secrctary (fammu & Kashmir ), gavc a prcscntation which includcd thc following major points: I. Distribution of Frec Tablets: 2500 l;rcc 'l'abs werc distributcd for attending online classcs & availablc on c-Paathshala/l)IKSIIA and othcr activities. II. Distribution of Laptops: 42 Laptops arc distributed to Ilesource Ilooms established for 'fhc Childrcn with Spccial Nccds in all thc districts of f &K. Laptops shall be connected with Ilraille 'l'actilc lleader machines thcrcby enabling Visually Impaired students/persons to frccly acccss intcrnct & othcr llcading Contcnt. III. Allowances: Stipcnd, Ijscort and ILcadcr allowance to the tune of Its. 119.98 lacs were distributcd among 2836 childrcn with Spccial Nccds (CWSN) dircctly through DBT mode. IV. Online Career Guidance Portal: I;irst of its kind onlinc Carecr Guidance Portal "Manzclcin" was launchcd for studcnts of l&K in association with UNICEF. Complcte information on 550+ carccrs, 21000+ collcges and 262,000 programs in 16 countrics. Information on 1150+ cntrancc cxams and 1.120+ scholarships. Information on skill-bascd courscs and NSQI; compliant curriculums bcing offcrcd across thc country. Thc portal can bc acccssc d at https://jkcareerportal.org. V. Distribution of Lcarning Outcomes Document: Learning outcomes document devclopcd by NCIiR'l' Ncw Dclhi was got printcd by Samagra Shiksha and distributed among 52000 primary school tcachcrs. Lcarning Outcomcs postcrs have becn pastcd in classrooms of Govcrnmcnt schools from class 1't to Bth which scrvc as a bcnchmark for the teachers to know thc lcvcl of Icarning outcomc to thc childrcn, tcachcrs and community. 1 \ VI. Seasonal Centres: Acccss to schooling facilitics for thc nomadic population has always rcmainc<l priority of thc LJ'l'. Scasonal Ccntrcs havc bccn providcd for thc nomadic population during its migration from onc placc to another in scarch of green pasturcs. I)uring thc ycar 2019-20, a total no. of 30142 childrcn bclonging to Nomadic population of Gujjar & Ilakcrwals was covcrcd undcr 1417 Scasrlnal Ccntrcs. VIl. |ammu and Kashmir knowlcdge nctwork (f KKN): Morc than 500 schools conncctcd for Z-way intcractivc lccturcs from across thc globc with focus on subjcct specific topics, carccr counscling, motivational spcakcrs and cxposurc to outsidcrs through Jammu Kashmir Knowlcdgc Nctwork [.JKKN), Capacity of fKKN would be enhanced up to 1000 participa nts. 'l'raining VIII. NISHTHA: 1st phasc oi NISII'l'llA (lntcgratcd 'l'cachcr Programme) completcd in Novcmbcr,2O1.g.271, Klll,s and 52 SItl'}-s-I. wcrc traincd through National Resourcc Group.2n,i phasc of NISII'l'llA (lntcgratcd 'l'cachcr 'l'raining Programmc) was inauguratcd <>n24th January, 2020 at SKICC Srinagar. IX. IIindi Movic "Dangal" [Kano l)ckhr) was arrangcd for vtsually impaircd chi]dren with thc kcy objcctivc to providc a rccrcati<lnai opportunity for Visually Challcngcd childrcn and to promoLc thc bcncfits of schcmc among thc masscs. X. Annual Stipend: :iU7:l KGIIV g,irls'studcnts providcd annual stipend @ 1200/- pcr girl studcnt through I)ll'l' modc. XI. Virtual Ficld Support (Raabta) : It was cstablishcd in Jammu I)ivision whilc as thc samc is undcr proccss for Kashmir l)ivision with thc aim to support the School Ijducation I)cpartmcnt in rcsourcc sharing and problcm soiving vizaviz school childrcn. XIL Student Exchange programmc: 1:lU0 studcnts covcrcd undcr student exchangc programmc by visitinS, othcr parts of thc country' XIII. Distribution of Innovativc School Bags: - 150969 School Ilags with Iiducational I)csks distributcd among childrcn of classcs 1't and 2nd in 103 liducational Zones across thc LJ'l'. XIV. Virtual Classes: l{adio Classrooms in assoctation with Mirchi 98.7 whcrcin Live Lccturcs arc bcing broadcastcd daily bctwccn 2 to 4 PM, Telc Classcs on DI) Kashir and Local Cablc Nctwork, Onlinc Classes including VocaLional Classcs using frecly available Applications iikc Zoom, Promoting usc of National tiducational Portals likc c-Paathshala and DIKSIIA through various mcans. Morcovor, LJ'l' has crcatcd Spccial WhatsApp Groups for interacting with Childrcn with Spccial nccds through Spccial lrducators. 3. 'l.hc progrcss madc in implcmcntrng thc commitmcnts anrl cxpcctcd outcomes givcn by thc LJ'l' in 2019-20 was rcvicwcd and thc stal-us in rcspcct of pcnding itcms is as undcr: 2 I S. No. of Commitmcnt and Commcnts Action Taken expccted outcomes PAB 2019-20 'fhc has 1. 'the statc will Statc cnsurcd that further rationalization of teachcrs rationalizc tcachcr cfforts arc bcing madc so bccn done to a great extent but dcploymcnt so that that no school is lunctioning thcrc arc still certain schools with thcrc is no singlc with singlc tcachcr. 'fhc single teachcr. 'fhe proccss is tcachcr school and statc also committcd for a undcrway to cover these schools thc schools havc comfortablc P'l'R both at also by way of rationalization comfortablc l'}'fll. primary and uppcr primary which is expected to be comPlctcd lcvcl. Subjcct-wisc P'fll is by December,2020. also cnsurcd. 2 Statc will complctc all Almost all thc pcnding civil All thc pending works could not bc thc pcnding civil works have bccn put on completed within the stiPulated works in 201U-19. cxccution and arc cxPcctcd time period because of clamP down to gct completcd by March, since August 2019 in the U f of f&K 2020. duc to abrogation of Article 370 couplcd with Nationwide lockdown due to outbrcak of Covid - 19. IIowevcr, the cfforts are underway by way of cxecution of civil works and it is cxpected that U'l' shall bc completing the pending works bY l)cccmbcr 2020 'l'hc :l Iifforts will bc made 'l'hc Aadhar cnrolmcnt of Aadhar enrolment of students for complction of lcftovcr studcnts shall bc and teachcrs has been comPletcd Aadhaar cnrolmcnt of c<rmplctcd by lanuary, 2020. up-to the cxtcnt of 58%. Moreover, all studcnts and two vcndors selected through tcachcrs. formal c-1'cndcring Process to cnrol student ulation 'fhc 4 Statc would cnsurc Instructions havc bcen PFMS is PresentlY thc implcmcntation of convcycd to all thc implcmented up to Zonal Flducation I']ublic I;inancc DDOs/llols working at thc lcvels. IIowever, during 2020-Zl all Monitoring Systcm field level for schools in J&K would be registered (PI;MS) up to thc last implcmcntation of PI;MS bY undcr PITMS. destination i.c., Novcmbcr,20L9. school. 4. Rcview of Performancc during 2019-20. 3 LI'f has securcd a scorc <tf 644 in Pcrformancc Gradinglndex ['GI) in 2077-LB and score of 703 in Pcrformance Grading Index fl'GI) in 2018-19 respcctivelyand as placed in GradeY in2077- 18 and Gradc-lll in 2018-19.'l'hc l)omain-wisc Gaps in 2017-18 as compared to 2078-L9 are shown bclow: Catcgrory 1 Ca 2 Total Year Domain 1 Domain 2 Domain 3 Domain 1 All Domains (180) (1s0) 0 000 2017 -1t) 1.12 53 8u 168 644 Gap 4t) 62 27 1.92 .156 20tB-79 132 55 105 199 212 703 Gap 4tl 25 45 :11 14t) 297 UT was requested to examinc its score in cach domain and take measures to improve its overall PGI.
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