CATERHAM AUTO CataxLtd REPAIRS Est. 1946 All Mechanical & Body Repairs Open 24 hours a day during the Servicing, MOTs Christmas period Minis a Speciality CATERHAM OFFICE Roffes Lane, Caterham Surrey CR3 5PT 01883 345151 01883 348748 www.caterhamtaxis.com No. 55 December 2010 CIRCULATION: 22,000 ESTABLISHED 2006 FREE VIEW THE CATERHAM AND DISTRICT INDEPENDENT ONLINE AT WWW.CATERHAM-INDEPENDENT.CO.UK Salvation Army launches its Christmas Present Appeal Christmas is around the cor- The Salvation Army is un- Chris Sandford from Cater- ner and, in true festive able to take second-hand ham Salvation Army said: spirit, the Salvation Army is items, but would welcome “Things are pretty tough for inviting the public to donate new gifts for children aged a lot of people and their new gifts for children whose 0-16. All types of toys and families at the moment families may be finding it games will be gratefully re- thanks to the difficult eco- difficult to celebrate Christ- ceived, but the Salvation nomic climate and we are mas this year. Unwrapped Army says it would be help- very grateful to everyone gifts can be left at the Su- ful if people could avoid do- who is supporting our ap- (From left) Jayne Plaistow, Superdrug; Chris Sandford, perdrug store in Church nating cuddly toys, as they peal. We will be collecting Salvation Army; Shelley Filippi, Centre Manager; Ben Walk, Caterham or at the are usually inundated with the toys until December Amoka, Superdrug Manager. Photo by Shelley Filippi, Centre Manager’s office. them! 18th and then we will dis- tribute the toys through our Inside .... For local news and business listings go to our network of health visitors, A secure future for Caterham’s Dene Hospital? - page 2. children’s centres and the website at www.caterham-independent.co.uk social services.” Check-out C.H.E.C.K. - supporting school children in Shelley Filippi, Church Walk Africa - page 6. Manager, thanked the public New musical talent performs at The Arc - page 10. for their support. For more information, call Chris See how ‘Helping Hands’ is making a difference in Sandford on 01883 330718. Whyteleafe - page 11. Christmas Departments NOW Open EVENT INFO KNIGHTS are delighted to launch our Christmas Departments which are very special - so come along and see what's new in the Knights Christmas Range. KNIGHTS GARDEN CENTRE www.knights-gardencentres.co.uk 7SZ V T Wide choice, great value, fi rst class service. Trust us. Up to 2,000 Approved Used models available nationally. From £6,499. Visit www.mercedes-benzretailusedcars.co.uk or call 0845 092 0216 for a test drive. $&',&ODVVLF6($XWR IURP 0HUFHGHV%HQ]5HWDLO8VHG&DUV&DWHUKDP 0-FW &UR\GRQ5RDG&531 3ULFLQJFRUUHFWDWWLPHRIJRLQJWRSUHVV 3LFWXUHVKRZQIRULOOXVWUDWLRQSXUSRVHVRQO\&DOOVPD\EHUHFRUGHG5HJLVWHUHGRɇFH0HUFHGHV%HQ]5HWDLO*URXS8./WG7RQJZHOO0LOWRQ.H\QHV0.%$ 2 The Caterham and District Independent December 2010 01883 346641 www.caterham-independent.co.uk NHS Surrey pro- It’s not too late poses enhanced to be part of Community Hub at Contents Caterham Dene ‘Ridge Radio’! Burtenshaw’s Beat 5 Hospital ‘Ridge Radio’, the commu- nity radio station being by Tandridge NHS Surrey recently an- launched by Caterham res- Neighbourhood nounced major proposals ident, Mark Jones, still has Inspector, Elaine for the county's community have very generously do- vacancies for DJs and pre- Burtenshaw hospitals that included of- nated over £600 for our senters who would like to fering enhanced services at public liability insurance for be part of the exciting new Launch of local 6 Caterham Dene Hospital. a year and Caterham Com- venture. The radio station charity C.H.E.C.K. The Dene, along with hospi- munications are supplying now has a studio in The Vil- tals in Woking, Farnham our telephone and broad- lage in Caterham, and is Education 8 and Haslemere would offer The Caterham Dene Hospital band, so we are getting getting kitted out with fur- there!” 24/7 consultant led in-pa- proposals, East Surrey MP, When a child is born 9 niture and equipment Mark is organising a Com- tient care; urgent treatment Sam Gyimah said: by Jerry Connor kindly donated by local in- munity Quiz on Friday, 3rd centres; point of care test- “It is clear that urgent ac- Kenley Financial ltd. dividuals and businesses. December at The Arc in We- ing; rapid assessment and tion needs to be taken by Mark said: “It is frustrating ston Drive, Caterham, to diagnostics; integration NHS Surrey to bring the Acoustic Lounge at 10 because I really want to get raise funds to pay for with social care and an am- huge deficit under control The Arc the station broadcasting, equipment still needed to bulance destination for non and I welcome the Board’s but it takes time to get get the station broadcast- life-threatening conditions. decision to ensure that Whyteleafe’s 11 everything we need set up. ing. For more information Anne Walker, Chief Execu- cost-cutting measures do ‘Helping Hands’ We have had lots of items about Ridge Radio or the tive of NHS Surrey, said: not undermine patient care. donated already, including Community Quiz, call Mark “There is no doubt that the I will work to make sure Eating Out 16 a desk from the police, and on 07841 065845. NHS in Surrey needs to that this remains the case a kettle for making the tea Ridge Radio has a Facebook change radically and these as it is of paramount impor- Quick Quiz 17 from M&P Electrical. Cater- page which is updated reg- proposals can deliver a bet- tance to me. ham Valley Parish Council ularly with progress reports. ter NHS for patients and a “I spoke to Anne Walker, What’s On 19 sustainable NHS for taxpay- Chief Executive of NHS Sur- ers. The debate about them rey about her plans in detail Readers’ Letter 19 starts now. No decisions and welcome the decision to AQUARIUS SWIMMING CLUB have been made and I hope consider Caterham Dene as Sport 20 01883 344662 – 01883 342270 we can have a real diaa- an enhanced NHS hub. I Email [email protected] logue with Surrey people.” look forward to working Classifieds 22 Commenting on NHS Surrey’s with her on the details”. SWIMMING LESSONS and LIFESAVING Property 22 For Beginners, Improvers and Advanced Standards Established in 1979 and offering classes in Editor OPEN: Caterham, Warlingham, Oxted, Hurst Green. Julia Church Monday-Friday A class to suit all ages and stages. 9am-5pm We welcome new swimmers. Ask for a try out lesson! The Caterham and District Saturday 9am-1pm Independent 33 High Street Tile Studio On Site Parking Caterham & FREE Local LOFTS Delivery Surrey CR3 5UE Come and see our extensive range of high quality tiles including: Tel: 01883 346641 LiveLivvee itit upup inin youryyoour loftlofftt BATHROOM, KITCHEN Live it up in your loft E-mail: Editor@caterham AND FLOOR TILES -independent.co.uk One of the largest ranges of mosaics in England www.caterham-indepen- 46 Ormside Way dent.co.uk Holmethorpe Industrial Estate, Redhill, Surrey Tel: 01737 766697 Circulation: 22,000 Need space?space? PerhapsPerhaps anan additionaladditional playroomplayroom forfor thethe kidskids oror thatthat • Laptops • Servers • Printers • Sales & service • Desktops • Monitors • Accessories • On-site or at base lluxuryuxury bbedroomedroom wwithith een-suiten-suite oorr by Pauline Harrison Fully equipped eveneven a ‘home‘home workshop facilities office?’offfifice?’ WWhyhy nnotot CREATE A UNIQUE convertconvert youryour loftlofftt GREETINGS CARD Professional and space?space? WhateverWhatever youryour needneed FOR JUST £2.50 + P&P! Experienced engineers mmayay bbee “LOFTS”“LOFFTTTSS” cancan help.help. PleasePlease contactcontact usus on:on: Choose a beautiful local 25 years business TEL: 08456011729 9 photograph and your own systems experience LoftLoft DesignDesign ServiceService POPO BOXBOX special wording for a card 523 TTonbridgeonbridge TN9 9H9HT.T. that will be treasured Virus removal WeWe alsoalso welcomewelcome anyany enquiriesenquiries 5b High Street, Caterham on the Hill. vviaia emaemail,il, cocontactntact us atat:t: www.localgreeting Tel: 01883 336633 www.comp-solutions.co.uk [email protected]@loftdesignservice.comm scards.co.uk email: [email protected] www.loftdesignservice.comwwwwwwwwww..loftdesignserloofooftftftdtdtdedeesesissigigigngngnsnssesere vvivicvice.comiccece...cccoomom The Caterham and District Independent December 2010 01883 346641 www.caterham-independent.co.uk 3 Remembering the fallen Warlingham Fair Committee seeks new members Warlingham Fair Committee is looking for new members to help organise next year's fair, set to be held on Satur- day, 18th June 2011. SaveSave youryour ppennies,ennies, shed yyourouur ppounds!ounds! Anyone interested is invited to an open meeting of the committee at the Mission Hall, Chapel Road, Warling- ham on Wednesday 8th De- cember at 8pm. Jeremy Pursehouse, Fair MC and last year’s acting chair- man said: “It is important TakeTTaakeoutapre out a premier,premierrr,, gym,gym group group exercise exerciseeore or that the fair keeps evolving with new ideas and new en- swim membmembershipership* betweenbetween 15 NovemberNovemmber 22010010 - 9 JanuaryJanuary 22011011 & rreceiveeceive The Surrey Pipe Band leading the parade in Caterham-on- ergy. We need the experi- the-Hill. Photo by Jon Harrison, www.localeventphotos.co.uk ence and competence of 3 monmonthsths membmembershiperrship forfor the pricepriceof2 of 2! those who have been on the *All*All GGymym users must ccompleteomplete aann ininductionducction atat aann addadditionalitional ccost.ost. TTermserms & CConditionsonditions applapply.y. On Sunday 14th November, Remembrance Day service committee for many years Remembrance Day Parades for a packed congregation and a fresh perspective de Stafford Stafford S pSportsorts CCentre,entre, CCaterham:ateerham: 01883 344 355 and Services were held inside St. Mary’s Church. from new members.” TandridgeTandridge LeisureLeisureC Centre,entre, Oxted:Oxteed: 01883 716 717 across the country to hon- The parade then marched The committee would like www.tandridgeleisure.co.ukwww.tandridgeleisure.co.uk our the fallen.
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