o r ir'. G o o d lu c k o n fin a ls 7 - \ Schedule on p o g e 6 VOLUME LIV, NUMBER 18 DREXEL UNIVERSITY, PHILADELPHIA. PA. f Rll'»AV n i 01 MH» M 1 Dave Hill announces resignation from post hy Neil Schmerling It IS difficult to explain exactly D.ivt' Hill, Assistant to the Dean what the pt>sition entails because i)f Husiness and Administration has Hill was ver\ competent in han .innoiinced that he will be resigning dling most of the problems trom that position, effective presented to him by students December l.'i. 1978 Hill came to According to Dr Dascher. the that conclusion due to personal fX)sition implements all of the reasons |X)licies of the ('ollege concerning He explained that his wife is faculty, students, alumm .uid .id currently an associate professor in ministrators special education at Bloomsburg Students mainly use Hill s office State (’ollege She recently gave to discuss problems in scheduling birth which resulted in increased courses .Many students use this responsibilities at home Hill had service to find out which iourst*s been commuting back and forth they need to graduat(* .md which Irom Rloomsburg to Philadelphia, courses can count for re(|Uired but that would be unrealistic now courses Facult\ go through Hill's Hill has accepted a position at the olfu'e to order supplies, such .is liloomsburg Hank C’olumbia Trust |)ro)(‘ctors .md rooms .is a trust officer While tie w;is Assist.mt to the Dr Paul Dascher, Dean of the Dean. Hill organr/ed .i [)olu> Husiness ('olU‘ge stated that th(‘ manual tor tin* Husiness i'ollfgi- U \II' ,i'\ ,lr ni III IMini . >/ II,'\ I h> l\,ll \ II,ill |)osition uill be easy to fill, but Hill rtiis includes answers, m .m I>V (.Iriiii II.ly. IS ‘irreplaceable.■’ org.ini/ed m.mnrr, to most ot the The [)()sition will l>e advertised probliMii'' th.it Hill h.is comr in through the personnel de[)artment lontact with This polics manu.il One-third of Congress absent; .it Drexel There will also be lias been (iistnbiitcd to department communications aimed at Drexel beads .md ''fcrel.uirs in Itic em[)l()yees describing the [)osition lUisiiiess College so (jUfstions will prevents bills Irom approval Dr Da.scher believes that it is more rec«‘ive the same answers likely that the replacement will be ;i everyw here hy f fhu/wrs liiiKlmg The Itli lull eoiuenim^’, ie|)tiils tiolu I iii\eisil\ Kel.itu'iis person from “in-house” rather than l-;\en though it is a high pressure rtiree lulls eonceining eligibilit\ lumliiU', tor the iiitli.iii Stiideiits (Hininiinit \ Alt.iiis I'lu' oiil\ lromoutsid(‘ Drex('I H(“ leels that a )ob. Dr D.ischer is optnmistic .itid tuiidiiig ot ' liidenl Asso*' w.IS .ilso iiel«Mt»*d colU'i’.e to III.ike ,i iep»trt w.is person already lamiliar with al)Oiit the replacement He pointed organi/at U)I1S were dele.ited .it The iiomiii.it tons lommitte** \esbitl Drex(‘l will adapt to this position out that the individual that trained Tuesday's Student Congress reporti’d that the\ hid not \<'t \s III tiu' pro\ uuis nu'eling there much taster than someone w ho isn't Hill. ,\ssociati‘ Dean l-’ord. will still meeting t)ccause they ••acli faiU-d to complet(‘d procedures to Imd a w»Te\cr> tew i «'poi ts nuuli'b\ .inv lamibat with l)f Dasclu-r 1)1* tu*rr Uill that Ihv )ob u.ir, Hei tile r«'<juire(i two ihinis volt- siufal>le i»*plareineiit lot' ol the \ .inous i oiniiiitlee.s ^ l>oi i .i IS lioping to lind a replacement a I'hallenge and "I enjoyed working The main reason for their defeat President of Academic ,AI fairs. .stated 111 an aiinouiuement lu'lore December with students." was the absence of 8 members <or M)orra's former position, due to distributed with the minutes, that one-third I of Congress. Each bill, lack of time. one should not “be shy about saying therelore. needed the approval of Student Dean of Nesbitt College, no report.’ .... (it) does not mean Fall concert on Sunday all l(i members present at the Patty Kiefer, reported an upcoming that you have done nothing” meeting meeting for Nesbitt seniors on ^■borra, newly elected to his by Smart Kopperman baked goods will be served in the Following a 15 minute presen­ .lanuary 2d. concerning (iraduate |X)sition of Student Body President, I'his coming Sunday. December (Jreat Court. tation by the .American Society of Placement and other information. began familiarizing himself with 1978. is the annual Fall concert The second half of the program ('ivil Engineers. (ASCE). the bill to Senior class president, Allen some of the areas of Congress presented by the I’niversity features the (llee Clubs and Brass lift their 6 month probationary Cohen’s report at the meeting in­ which he will now deal with He .Musical Organizations. .\s is ('hoir in works of the season by status was defeated 15-1. Lou cluded: an additional $1,000 was asked of Hum-Soc. representative tradition, the concert will be held in .American composers. This is part Pozner, Vice-President for allotted to the Senior Class for its Louis Spyes if Freshmen are the Main Auditorium so that the of the .American Music Project Financial .Affairs, cast the only Dinner Dance; the tentative guest allowed to enter the Hum-Soc. ('urtis Organ may be featured. The currently in progress by the Music defeating vote. He was concerned speaker for graduation was an­ College. .Sypes explained that they program begins at 2:30 pm. w ith the Department. It is an effort sup­ with the possibility of all nounced as being Dan Rather. were not admitted based on poor Hand, (llee Clubs, and Varsity ported by the Presser P'oundation professional societies requesting The elections committee an­ graduate placement in that College. Singers on stage. to research, collect, and perform funding if the ASCE was given the nounced that Freshmen elections Steve Moss. Commuter The opening number will be a American music of all periods and opportunity. Thomas Lauer, will be held on January 16, 1979. Representative was asked if the combined effort by both the band styles appropriate to the abilities of President of the ASCE, explained This election w ill be for the offices Parking Committee is still under and choir: the “0 Fortuna” the students in Drexel’s musical that this organization needs the of President and Vice-President. the jurisdiction of Congress. The selection of ‘•(.'armina Burana". by groups. funding for technical projects. Applications are presently Parking Committee is an ad­ ('arl Orff. The choir, under tie The program will conclude the The Bowling Club, represented at available in the Dean of Fresh­ ministrative committee. direction of Dr Howard Haines, annual audience participation in the meeting by the president, Rick men’s office. will continue alone with three traditional Christmas caroling. Buddine, was denied their request There were no reports from the Another guest present at the selections. The next several Sunday night, another concert for renewal of funded status. The Junior, Pre-junior, or Sophomore meeting was Guy D'Onofrio. .selections will alternate between w ill be held in Mandell Theatre. The Volleyball club was also denied representative/committees; no President of the Evening College the Band, under the direction of Dr. entire concert will feature Drexel’s Student Council. In his speech to (Myde Shive. and the Varsity Jazz Ensemble. They w ill highlight Congress, he praised their work on Singers, bringing the first part of many phases of Jazz, from Ludlow St. two-way the grade change policy con­ the concert to its final selection: the traditional to modern The concert troversy. and expressed the hope “ Hallelujah Chorus” for Handel’s starts at 7:30 pm. by Chris Holden parking zone on both sides of that in the future, common goals of both organizations could be pursued ••Messiah” . As in the piist. the .Ml members of the Urexel As of November 20, 1978 Ludlow Ludlow. together audience will be encouraged to community are invited to attend the Street between the parking garage Because the garage funnels all participate; even coming on stage concerts. There will be no charge exit and 34th street is two ways. cars out to 33rd Street, everyone The last speaker of the evening IS desired. lor either. Because of this there is now a no going out onto 33rd Street used to before adjournment, was (Jlenn The first half of the Jazz Em- have to go North, regardless of Boyce. Congressman-at-Large seble's C'oncert will feature a whether they wish to go North or The report he gave dealt w ith his smaller group playing selections / t not. observations of Congress of that irom Henson and others. The The I’niversity of Pennsylvania’s evening, and also during the last (i second half will have the entire opening of their new 270 car parking months. He was brief, and wasted emsemble under the direction of lot between ('hestnut and Ludlow no time expressing his opinion Wayne llattinelle playing com- only worsened the situation, ac­ “You are not gearing this to the [)ositions by Don Menzal-Buddy cording to Kd Smith, Director ol students", he said to the members Rich itlroovin' Hard). Stein­ .Security. The construction on 33rd about Congress “ 1 think that >ou berg Ferguson, Don Kllis.
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