LI~C()L~ No.7 F ORT WAYNE, INDIANA May 27, 1929 ing as House Joint Resolution No. 25: tlve grandchildren and her two sons­ Linroln Lore "Whereas, The People of the State of in-law. lf we include her second hus­ Bull~tin of the Illinois, ever mindful of their deep band, Thomas Lincoln, as a member of UNCOLN HISTORICAL RESEARCH aJld lasting obligation to Abraham the Johnston clan, we place Abraham FOUNI)ATION Lincoln ... therefore be it, Lincoln all alone in this group con· Loui.t A. Wan-en Edbor "Resolved, That the board of trus­ sisting of: tees of the Illinois State His torical Thomas Lincoln, age 54 TIU1 6ulledn f.f no' tQPFrltbh~d. but item.s utcd Would be cred1tcd to Lib1·ary, be and they are hereby re· Sarah J ohnston Lincoln, age 42 Tbe Lincoln ~tiooal LH• ll*ltflnct Co. quested to make the necessary in· Abraham Lincoln, age 21 Pu.blt.he,.. vestiga tions to determine the exact John D. Johnston, age 15 route traveled by Abraham Lincoln in Dennis F. Hanks, age 31 his removal f r o m Kentucky to Elizabeth Johnston Hanks, age 28 P ILGRIMAGES Illinois . " John Hanks, age 8 Charles fl. Rammelkamp and Otto Sarah Hanks, age 7 The journey to Mecca, which ovrry L. Schmidt, acting for the library, ap­ Nancy Hanks, 8ge 5 follower of Mohammed aspired to pointed Evarts B. Green to take make at least once in his lifetime, was Harriet Hanks, age 4 often frought with many hardsltips. charge of the investigation. lltr. Squire Hall, age ? The modern pilgrim, who plans to Green secured the services of Charles Matilda JohJlston Hall, age 19 visit the shrines of Abraham Lincoln M. Thompson, of the University of John Hall, age 2 in Kentucky, Indiana and Illinois, soon lllinois, to undertake the detail work. will have the joy of riding over a The results of his fi ndings were first LINCOLN MEMORIAL HIGH­ super· highway which will connect published by the llliJlois State Library WAY HIGHLIGHTS these points. This new pavement will tn 1918, and the complete report, Connects the North and the South. follow the trail over which Li ncoln made to the House of Representa­ Approximately 300 miles of pave· moved from t he birthplace community tives, was published two years later. ment. in Kentucky to the scene of his boy­ This effort on the part of Illinois Western terminal in central Illinois. hood in Indiana, and thence to the was supplemented by the General Eastern terminal in central Ken­ Illinois country where he a rrived Assembly of the State of Indiana, who tucky. when twenty-one years of age, lived authorized the Governor to appoint "a Crosses two grea t rivers, the Ohio most of his life, and now Ues buried. commission to determine the route and the Wabash. The possibility of reaching all of through Indiana traveled by Abraham General direction from the eastern these memorial efforts on the same Lincoln and his father's family when terminal, 55 degrees northwest. day is going to be an added incentive they emigrated to Illinois in 1830. Thirteen states o! the union within for pilgrims to make the tri1> over Joseph M. C•·nvens o! Madison and a radius of 200 miles of the terminals. this contemplated highway. The Lin· Jeose W. Weik of G•·eencasUe made Second largest city in America less coins were on the road au .:aggregate the investigations and reported to than two hundred miles from the of three weeks, with their S<lddle Go\'crnor Halston on December 15, western terminal. horses and ox-drawn \rehiclcs. A 1916. T hese early attempts by these Halfway station at Vincennes, but rapidly driven car, tod~w, can nlakc. three states have now developed into fl!ty miles from center of popula· the trip between sunrise and sunset. a co-ordinated effort. tion in America. Related places of interest which can Intersected by three great high­ be visited while under the san1e spell LINCOLN CAR AVANS ways from the Great Lakes to the of inspiration have a far greater edu­ A Lincoln Memorial Highway, Gulf of Mexico and two of the ocean· cational vahae than excursions made, which is now being agitated, reaching to-ocean highways. to these isolated spots, with some· from central Kentucky to central llli· Straight line drawn from the wes· times days or even years intervening. nois, recalls three family groups tern terminal through the eastern Memorial Day and Lincoln's Birth· which traveled this early wilderness terminal would strike Cumberland day seem to be the favorite seasons trail. The first caravan which Gap, the old gateway to the West. for conducting pilgrimages to these joUJ·neyed from the Lincoln Knob­ •hrines, but other dates of historical Creek home in Kentucky to the new LINCOLN BRIDGES significance may be chosen which will claim in Indiana, in the year 1816, in­ cluded the follo\ving people : At least th1-ee Lincoln Memorial allow one to create a historic atmos­ Thomas Lincoln, age 40 Bridges are now either underway or phere. It is not too early for the Nancy Hanks Lincoln, age 32 construction is contemplated in the directors of these four ~ignificant Sat·ah Lincoln, age 9 ncar future. The one nearing com· m0morial developments, at liodgen· ville, Lincoln City, New Salem and A braham Lincoln, age 7 pletion over the Missouri River, con· Springfield, to begin arranging s pecial Following the death of Nancy necting Missouri Valley, Iowa and exercises for stated occasions with the Hanks Lincoln, two years after her Blair, Nebraska, is to be known as the idea in mind of co-ordinating the arrival in Indiana, 'l'homas Lincoln A braham Lincoln Memorial Bridge. efforts put forth at each shrine. A went back to Elizabethtown for n The G<lorge Rogers Clark memorial better understanding of Lincoln and a second wife. This new caravan started project at Vincennes, Indiana, calls from Elizabethtown, Kentucky, in the for a bridge across the Wabash, at nigher type of citizenship will result. month of December, 1819, with the the point where the Lincolns are said following members: to have crossed in their migration to THE LINCOLN WAY Thomas Lincoln, age 43 Illinois. This will be known as the Shortly after the centemtial cele· Sarah Johnston Lincoln, age 31 Lincoln Bridge. A bridge is also eon· brntions of Lincoln's birth in 1809, tho Elizabeth Johnston, age 12 templated connecting Rockport, India­ Legislature of Kentucky, "enacted a Matilda Johnston, age 8 na with Owensboro, Kenwcky. This law namjng the road over which John D. Johnston, age 4 span across the Ohio River, at a point Abraham Lincoln traveled from his The third caravan which moved made famous by Lincoln's river ex­ home at Hodgenville to Indiana, 'The from ln<liana to Illinois in the year perience and not far from his Indiana Lincoln Highway'." This was evi­ 1830, although it included Abraham home, will also be a significant Lin­ dently the first official step taken to Lincoln, was largely a migration of coln bridge. Another project whlch recognize the trail over which the the Johnstons. Of the thirteen mem­ seems to be gaining favor is the build­ Lincolns migrated from Kentucky to bers of the party but two of them ing of a memorial bridge over the Indiana, and finally to Illinois. were Lincolns-Abrnham and his Ohio Uiver at Cloverport where, tra· The Forty-Seventh General father. The others consisted of Sarah dition s3ys, the Lincolns crossed from ~ssembly in 1911 adopted the follow- Johnston Lincoln's three child ren, her Kentucky to Indiana. .
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