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For more information, visit www.ieee.org/web/aboutus/whatis/policies/p9-26.html. IEEE Computer Society Magazine Editors in Chief Computer IEEE Security & Privacy Computing in Science David Alan Grier (Interim), David Nicol, University of Illinois & Engineering Djaghe LLC at Urbana-Champaign Jim X. Chen, George Mason University IEEE Micro IEEE Software IEEE Intelligent Systems Lizy Kurian John, University of Ipek Ozkaya, Software V.S. Subrahmanian, Dartmouth Texas, Austin Engineering Institute College IEEE MultiMedia IEEE Internet Computing IEEE Computer Graphics Shu-Ching Chen, Florida George Pallis, University of and Applications International University Cyprus Torsten Möller, University of Vienna IEEE Annals of the History IT Professional of Computing Irena Bojanova, NIST IEEE Pervasive Computing Marc Langheinrich, University of Gerardo Con Diaz, University of Lugano California, Davis www.computer.org/computingedge 1 SEPTEMBER 2019 • VOLUME 5, NUMBER 9 THEME HERE 15 33 40 Flowcharting Compressing VR: Computer Templates Fitting Large Virtual Security as Environments within Civil Defense Limited Physical Space Software 8 The History of Software Engineering GRADY BOOCH 15 Flowcharting Templates PEGGY ALDRICH KIDWELL Blockchain 19 Blockchain and the Economics of Food Safety NIR KSHETRI 23 Silver Bullet Talks with Nick Weaver GARY MCGRAW Augmented and Virtual Reality 27 Co-creation and Risk-Taking—In Pursuit of New Technology for Human Augmentation: An Interview with Pranav Mistry MARC LANGHEINRICH AND NIGEL DAVIES 33 Compressing VR: Fitting Large Virtual Environments within Limited Physical Space KHRYSTYNA VASYLEVSKA AND HANNES KAUFMANN Cyber-Physical Systems 40 Computer Security as Civil Defense MARILYN WOLF 45 Cyber-Physical Systems and Digital Twins in the Industrial Internet of Things CHRISTOS KOULAMAS AND ATHANASIOS KALOGERAS Departments 4 Magazine Roundup 7 Editor’s Note: Software’s Evolution 45 72 Conference Calendar Cyber-Physical Systems and Digital Twins in the Industrial Internet of Things Subscribe to ComputingEdge for free at www.computer.org/computingedge. CS FOCUS Magazine Roundup Science & Engineering, an active hunting stability scheme is proposed for high-speed trains based on frame lateral vibra- tion control. The stability of the vehicle is improved by exerting active control force on the front and rear frames of the bogie. First, a simplifi ed lateral vibra- tion model of a single bogie is he IEEE Computer in static images and videos. established to the control sys- Society’s lineup of 12 However, videos contain addi- tem design. The feedback gain T peer-reviewed techni- tional temporal information and matrix is obtained according cal magazines covers cutting- convey a storyline. The authors to the linear quadratic optimal edge topics ranging from soft- of this article from the May control theory. Then, the mul- ware design and computer 2019 issue of Computer explore tibody dynamics model of the graphics to Internet comput- whether eye movement pat- vehicle is built using SIMPACK, ing and security, from scien- terns refl ect frame importance and the linear stability and tifi c applications and machine during video viewing and facili- straight running performance intelligence to visualization and tate video summarization. are analyzed under diff erent microchip design. Here are working confi gurations. Finally, highlights from recent issues. Computing in Science & the active control eff ects are ver- Engineering ifi ed by a scaled roller rig. Computer Simulation and IEEE Annals of the Human Eye Movements Experimental Study on History of Computing Reveal Video Frame the Active Stability of High- Importance Speed Trains “The Offi cial Response Is Human eye movements indicate In this article from the May/ Never Enough” important spatial information June 2019 issue of Computing in The Rockefeller Foundation 4 September 2019 Published by the IEEE Computer Society 2469-7087/19 © 2019 IEEE shipped two Apple II computers extended discussion of its under- IEEE Internet Computing with VisiCalc to the Tunisian Min- lying concepts, and review and istry of Agriculture to address a compare two previous case stud- Bots Acting Like Humans: grain shortage in the early 1980s. ies where promising results were Understanding and The foundation believed that Visi- obtained in terms of user comfort, Preventing Harm Calc would enable the speedy and engagement, and usability. They Bots are algorithmically driven complex analytical modeling nec- also discuss fi ndings of a novel entities that act like humans in con- essary to improve the management study conducted with geovisual- versations via Twitter, Facebook, and, consequently, the production ization experts, pointing to direc- chats, or Q&A sites. This article of grain resources. The foundation tions for improvement and future from the March/April 2019 issue also argued that VisiCalc would research. of IEEE Internet Computing stud- empower individuals in the Minis- ies how they can aff ect online con- try of Agriculture, improving their IEEE Intelligent Systems versations, provides a taxonomy own analytical thinking as they of harm that can be caused, and became more familiar with the Robust Authentication Using discusses how to prevent harm by modeling capabilities of the soft- Dorsal Hand Vein Images studying when abuses occur. ware. Even with the use of Visi- This article from the March/April Calc, Tunisia experienced violent 2019 issue of IEEE Intelligent Sys- IEEE Micro riots due to high bread prices after tems presents a robust dorsal the government’s removal of grain hand vein authentication system. A Hardware Accelerator for subsidies. This article from the A new method is proposed for the Tracing Garbage Collection January–March 2019 issue of IEEE region of interest
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