GEOLOŠKI ANALI BALKANSKOGA POLUOSTRVA Volume 81 (2), December 2020, 49–61 – https://doi.org/10.2298/GABP201107010S Original scientific paper Оригинални научни рад Hazardous Substances in Karst Aquifer Waters – One of the Results of the Operational Monitoring of Groundwater in Serbia 1 1 ORan TEVanOVić E1LjKO aRinOVić Z RanSiSLaV ETRO,V V ić M & B P Abstract. Hydrogeological survey of wider Majdanpek mining area in the Carpathian mountain arch of eastern Serbia, including open mine pits, tailings sites, and major karstic springs and caves has been undertaken in order to es - timate environmental conditions in groundwater ibno sdityu (GWB) “Krš–sever”, groundwater quality, and to investigate causes of their earlier indicated poor chemical status. Bearing in mind that Majdanpek copper mine field is directly bordering the karst aquifer and delineated GWB “Krš–sever”, the two karst springs namely Valja Fundata and Kaludjerica were measured and sam - pled in high and low-water periods (spring 2019, late autumn 2019 and spring 2020). Sampling and analysis of groundwater were carried out under the frame of project “Operational Monitoring of Groundwater of the Republic of Serbia”, established by the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Serbia. The field measurements of unstable chemical components and physical properties as well as laboratory analyses confirme2d+ very2+ poo2r+ and e2– ven hazardous water quality of both surveyed springs Valja Fundata and K4aludjerica. Registered concentrations of some ions, such as Fe , Mn , Ca , SO are high above maxi - mal permitted level for potable water in Serbia. High turbidity rate also con - firms impact of colloidal suspensions from the tailing which is located in karstic blind valley. Leakage of mine water passes through joints, open cavities Key words: and even large cave system Valja Fundata. Results of undertaken survey con - Hazardous substances, firm that low-water period results with worse water quality and much higher karst aquifer, copper, tailing, concentration of hazardous substances than that characterized high-water Majdanpek, Serbia. season when infiltrated rainy water and/or melted snow dilute tailing’s waste - water. Strict application of environmental protection measures and de - sign/construction of the smaller water treatment facility at both surveyed springs should possibly mitigate the impacts of mining activities to karst groundwater and dependant ecosystem. Апстракт. У циљу оцене стања животне средине и разумевања потен - цијалних узрока још раније евидентираног лошег хемијског статуса водног тела подземних вода „Крш–север“, извршен a je хидрогеолошка проспекција шире околине лежишта бакра Мајданпек, која је укључила истраживање површинског копа, флотационог језера и главних карстних 1University of Belgrade – Faculty of Mininвgр aеnлdа Gиe пoеloћgиyн, аD.e Иpaмrаtmјућenиt уo fв Hиyдdуr oдgаe сoеlo еgкy,с Cпeлnоtаrтeа fцoиr оKнaоrs tп Hољydеr oрgуeдoнloиgкyа , Djušina 7, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia. E-mail: [email protected] 49 Zoran StEVanoVić , V EljKo MarinoVić & B raniSlaV PEtroVić in situ бакра Мајданпек директно граничи са карстном издани и водним телом подземних вода „Крш–север“, параметри квалитета подземне воде су анализирани ( и лабораторијски) на два главна карстна врела – Ва - ља Фундата и Калуђерица у периодима високих и ниских вода (пролеће 2019, касна јесен 2019. и пролеће 2020.), у циљу оцене утицаја рударских активности на квалитет подземних вода. Узорковање и анализа под - земних вода извршена је у оквиру пројекта „Оперативни мониторинг подземних вода Републике Србије“, иницираног од стране Министарства заштите животне средине Републике Србије. Теренска мерења нестабил - них хемијских компонентни и физичких карактеристика, као и лаборато - ријске анализ2е+ пот2в+ рди2л+ е су 2в– еома лош, па чак и опасан квалитет вода оба осматрана карстна врел4а. Регистроване концентрације неких јона, као што су Fe , Mn , Ca , SO далеко су изнад максимално дозвољених концентрација за воду за пиће у Србији. Знатно повећане вредности мутноће указују на продор вода из флотације Ваља Фундата лоциране у дубокој карстној депресији слепе долине истог имена. Процуривање и активна филтрација отпадних вода флотације остварује се преко пукоти - Кључне речи: на, каверни и крупних пећинских канала Ваља Фундате. Резултати спро - Опасне супстанце, ведених истраживања потврђују да периоди ниских вода резултирају карстна издан, бакар, лошијим квалитетом воде и много већом концентрацијом опасних флотацијско језеро , материја, него што је случај у периоду високих вода када долази до Мајданпек, Србија . разблажења услед повећане инфилтрације вода од кише и/или топљења снега. Доследном применом мера заштите животне средине и изград - њом мини постројења за пречишћавање вода на оба осматрана извора, могуће је ублажити утицај рударских активности на подземне карстне воде и низводни еко-систем. Introduction Pre-Cambrian to Early Paleozoic age are locally in - truded by granites (Hercynian orogeny). The big Mining has a very long history in eastern Serbia. transgression, which started in Middle jurassic, re - Тraces of extraction of copper minerals, malachite sulted in thick carbonate dneTpOnoisjiEtVsi ć of mostly upper and azurite and early metallurgy at the archaeolog - jurassic–Tithonian age ( a , 1979). During ical site Rudna Glava date back to five millennia B.C. the period between Turonian and Paleogene, a vol - although exploitation of copper minerals continuedth canogenic-sedimentary series called Timok Mag - during the Roman and Ottoman Empires, the period matic Complex (TMC) were formed in the eastern Mine at River Pek that lasted from the middle to the end of the 19 part, in a tectonic trough. Thea TnMjEšCE Visić about 85 km century was marked by the opening of new and long, and up to 25km wide ( B , 2010), with modern copper mines. One of them, Majdanpek the Majdanpek area in its northernmost part. an - (meaning: ) is still in active opera - desites, pyroclastics and tuffa rocks, followed by rich tion with two open pit mines and a flotation tailing porphyry-type copper deposits, prevail in this acnoKm O - lake. The main ore resource is copper, and, to a Vpilć ex which iasR maMoarTea than 2,000 mEeLtErensK OtVhiić ck ( jOžELj - lesser extent, silver and gold. , 1990; K et al., 1994; j & K , The geological setting of the Majdanpek ore field 2002).There were several phases (at least two) of (Fig. 1) is complex. The area belongs to the Carpa - volcanism, and the volcanic processes were sub - thian-Balkanides, a geologically heterogeneous and aerial to submarine eruptive, waintjhE šhEyVpić abyssal intru - morphologically vEeTrKyO Vdiić ssected orRougBeinć ic belt of the sion and rarely explosive ( B , 2010). The 5a0 lpine system ( P , 1935; G , 1974). The regional tectonic pattGeeronl. ains. Bcaolkm. ppolouossi.,t 2e0.2 L0,o 8n1 (g2 ),r 4e9g–6i1 - oldest metamorphic rocks, gneisses and schists of onal faults elongate in the direction of nnW–SSE, in Hazardous Substances in Karst Aquifer Waters – One of the Results of the Operational Monitoring of Groundwater in Serbia Fig. 1. Location and hydrogeological maps of the studied Majdanpek mining area. parallel to the main geological structure (longitudi - jurassic (Tithonian) is rich in groundwater, and is nal) and are intersected by a group of perpendicular recharged mainly by rainfall and by sinking flows (transversal) faults that are younger and shorter that gravitate from higher altitudes and imperme - (Fig. 1). able Paleozoic rocksT tEoVwanarOdV ilć ower-positioned Meso - The karstification process in the Carpathian zoic limestones ( S , 1991). The springs karst was intensive and, in the Majdanpek area, it issuing from the three above-mentioned caves and resulted in specific landscapes (sinkholes, blind val - a few others (Kaludjerica, Baščao, štameta; Fig. 1) leys, ponors, stone bridges)a ZaanRdE Vloić ng caves (Rajkova, are the main drainage points of the karst aquifer PGeaosl.k aon.v Baa,l kV. apoljluao Fs.,u 2n02d0a, 8t1a )(2 (), L49–61 , 1976). The karst anidLi POaVrieć used for local potable water supp5ly1 aquifer formed in the carbonate rocks of upper (F et al., 1975). Zoran StEVanoVić , V EljKo MarinoVić & B raniSlaV PEtroVić The fissure aquifer of TMC is not rich in ground - selected sites are visited in both high-water and water. The groundwater flow pattern is linked to low-water periods, in order to assess the differences joint and fissure systems as well as main faults. Pa - in water discharge, groundwater table position and leozoic formations, magmatic and metamorphic physical-chemical composition. Two springs – Valja in situ rocks mostly represent aquitards or aquifuges and Fundata and Kaludjerica – were visited in an at - in imLiPoOsVti ć cases act as a barrier to groundwater flow tempt to assess the impact of mining activities on (FMethodeotl aol.g, y1975). the quality of groundwater of GWB “Krš–sever”. The water quality of these springs was measured and sampled for laboratory analyses. Groundwater samples were collected on three occasions: in the spring of 2019, in late autumn of The ongoing process of the Republic of Serbia’s 2019 and in the spring of 2020. The low-water sea - (RS) European union (Eu) accession requires many son (smallest discharge at the springs) correspond - steps toward improving environmental conditions, ed with the late autumn period of 2019. Standard primarily in the water sector. adaptation to the procedures for sampling, transport and storage of Water Framework Directive ( WFD , 2000)
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