VOL. XXVIII, No. 8 [PEICE TWELVE CENTS] NOVEMBER 12, 1925 Dartmouth Smothers Varsity Team by Forward Passing Game and Wins, 62-13 Class of 1916 Adopts Novel Uniform Rate Plan for Ten-year Reunion Cornellians from Fifteen States and Thirty Clubs Recorded at Convention Various Dartmouth-Cornell Smokers Celebrate the Annual Athletic Contests Publisher! weekly during the college year and monthly in July and August at 123 West State Street, Ithaca, New York. Subscription $4.00 per year. Entered as second class matter May 2, 1900, under the act of March 3, 1879, at the postoffice at Ithaca, .New..York,. CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS PROVIDENCE HARTFORD Hemphill, Noyes C& Co. ESTABROOK & CO. 37 Wall Street, New York DO YOU Investment Securities need a position Sound Investments Philadelphia Albany Boston Baltimore Pittsburgh Rochester Buffalo Syracuse want a position New York Boston Jansen Noyes ΊO Clifford Hemphill 24 Broad 15 State Stanton Griffis ΊO Harold Strong know of a position ROGER H. WILLIAMS, '95 Walter S. Marvin Kenneth K. Ward New York Resident Partner J. Stanley Davis L. M. Blancke Ί5 SPRINGFIELD NEW BEDFORD Members of the New York Stock Exchange The Cornell Club of New York maintains a Ithaca Committee on Trust Company Business Placements Preparatory for the purpose of bringing Cornell Tutoring School men and jobs together Enter any time Send your information to or Intensive instruction Resources Over consult with Edminster School Five Million Dollars Charles Borgos Ί6, Chairman Boarding School Complete, full-time at the courses Ithaca, N. Y. CORNELL CLUB OF President Charles E. Treman NEW YORK Vice-Pres Franklin C. Cornell Treasurer Sherman Peer 245 Madison Avenue Cashier A. B. Wellar Ass't Cashier Lorenzo Clinton New York City Rothschild Bros. We Carry a Complete Line gf World's Heaviest Rail Cornell Furnishings The rail in Lehigh Valley track weighs 136 pounds to the yard and is 7 inches high. It is the Banners, Pennants, heaviest rail in use on any railroad in the world. Pillow Covers, Adoption of this type of rail, together with the Wall and use of broad, thick tie plates, cresoted ties and Table Skins at Very heavy crushed stone ballast are important factors Attractive Prices in the smoothness and comfort of the ride on the Lehigh Valley. LehighΛfolley Railroad Rothschild Bros. CJhc Route of The Black Diamond Ithaca, New York CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS VOL. XXVIII, No. 8 ITHACA, N. Y., NOVEMBER 12, 1925 PRICE 12 CENTS OWN where you see the Library head and eliminate the evils of promiscu- Goldwin Smith B until the new theater Tower standing out in bold relief ous soliciting. is opened. D against the newer gray of the Drill THE ANNUAL INTERFRATERNITY CΓOSS JOSEPH WEINHANDLER, wartime quar- Hall and the older gray of the autumn sky, countiy meet will be held on November 14. termaster who issued supplies to the Cor- a little group of fishermen are out every This meet, held in accordance with the nell Students' Army Training Corps, was afternoon until the wind and waves send University policy of attracting the great- convicted at Auburn of embezzling of their frail boats scuttling for the Inlet; est possible number of students into Government money from the sale of Caytiga Lake still shelters that highly competitive athletics, is already stimulat- Army shirts and blankets in 1919. He prized and elusive fish known as the pike. ing a number of aspirants to daily practice. was sentenced to serve six months in the These fishermen, with their quiet and Last year sixty-three men were entered in Cortland County jail and to pay a fine solitary habits, present a vivid contrast to the run, which was won by Zodiac with a of $2,000. the youthful unrest of the University com- low score of fifty-five points. munity. One of them, a night employe at INTER COLLEGE SWIMMING is the latest the Clinton House, fishes practically THE COLLEGES of Agriculture and Home intramural sport to make a bid for athletes every day of the year and has captuied Economics took an active part in the an- not qualified for varsity teams. The many a mounted specimen now gracing nual meeting of the State Federation of Colleges of Agriculture and Arts and the homes of wealthier but less adept Farm and Home Bureaus in Syracuse on Sciences engaged in a swimming meet on sportsmen. November 10-11. Among the speakers at October 29, and other meets are scheduled the various meetings were Professor Carl for the rest of the season. THE ARTS COLLEGE Honor Committee E. Ladd '12, director of extension of the for this year will be composed of the THE GRAPHIC has announced the elec- College of Agriculture, Director Martha following members: Charles B. Howland tion to its business board of Floyd Mundy Van Rensselaer '09, of the College of '26, Horatio H. Bradley '26, Howard H. '28, as a result of a competition for the Home Economics, and Professor Bristow Hopkins '26, Albert J. Evans '27, Howard position which started last spring. Adams of the Department of Agricultural B. Ware '27, and Henry S. Krusen '28. Journalism. THE ANNUAL parade of the Ithaca Fire THE BOSTON Symphony Orchestra, Department was held on October 23 as a ETA KAPPA Nu, electrical engineering under the direction of Serge Koussevitzky, preliminary to the parade of the Mystic honorary society, elected four seniors and officially opened the list of University Order of the Veiled Prophets of the En- five juniors to membership at a recent Concerts to be presented this winter, chanted Realm, who convened here for meeting. The new members are: Donald playing at Bailey Hall on November 5. the fall initiation service. An inspection F. Ayers '26, John A. Bates '26, Robert E. The program avoided the strictly classical of the fire houses of the city and the Fowler '26, Frederick F. Schurr '26, music and indulged rather in the romantic. apparatus of the eight fire companies was David S. Courtwright '27, William F. Tchaikovsky's Sixth or "Pathetic" Sym- made by Mayor λVill M. Sawdon, M.M.E. Dunn '27, William D. Moeder '27, Louis ; phony was the outstanding performance of o8, and city officials. N. St. James '27, and Ngeue F. Tsang '27. the evening. Other pleasing numbers were Two WEATHER RECORDS were estab- λVeber's Overture to "Euryanthe"," Es- ATRUX, a society of Southerners, re- lished during the month of October, ac- cales" (Ports of Call) by Ibert, and a cently elected the following men: Dell K. cording to announcements by the United group from "The Damnation of Faust" Allen '26, John F. Bennett '26, Douglas States Weather Bureau at the College of by Berlioz. L. Scott '26, Robert F. Weichsel '26, Agriculture. On October 31 the thermo- Moor head L. Wright, Jr., '27, William W. ITHACA NIGHT, celebrated each fall, as meter registered eighteen degrees above Davies, 3d, '28, and Rufus L. Coe, Sp. one of the traditions of the Cosmopolitan zero, the lowest temperature for the month Club, was observed with a program of THE CORNELL-COLUMBIA football game of October since 1889. The other record speeches and music at the clubhouse on on October 31 was reproduced in detail was the three-inch snowfall on October 29, November 7. Mayor Will M. Sawdon before three thousand Cornellians on a reported in the last issue of the ALUMNI M.M.E. Ό8, and Robert H. Treman '78 "gridgraph" erected for the purpose in the NEWS. The month was unusually cloudy, delivered short addresses, and advanced Drill Hall. Professor Charles L. (Bull) with only three clear days. students from the Ithaca Conservatory of Durham '99 announced the plays. Be- THE MCALLISTER BLOCK on Eddy Music entertained with vocal and instru- tween halves a fencing exhibition with Street was partially destroyed by a fire mental selections. The affair is held for foils and quarterstaves was given, ending which started in one of the pits of the the purpose of establishing closer contact with a combat between red and blue- Eddy Street Bowling Alleys on the morn- between students and prominent citizens crested knights armed with brooms. ing of November 3. Although the fire was of Ithaca. THE DRAMATIC CLUB will open the extinguished before the building itself was THE COMMUNITY CHEST Campaign be- theater in Willard Straight Hall some time endangered, the bowling alleys were gan .officially on November 4 at a joint this month with its first major production practically ruined. The damage is estim- meeting of the Exchange and Rotary of the year. For the occasion the club has ated at about $15,000. The old Mc- Clubs. President Farrand, the principal elected to present the five-act comedy, Allister Block was completely destroyed on speaker, said in sounding the keynote of "The Contrast," by Royall Tyler, the first January 28, 1907, by one of the severest the campaign, "The very central idea of social comedy written by an American and fires in the history of Ithaca. the enterprise is its preventive aspect, not produced in America. Aside from the in- THREE CORNELL BANDSMEN lost their the steps taken to relieve a disagreeable terest of the play itself, "The Contrast" overcoats while marching at the Polo situation but the steps taken to prevent has a historical significance in that many Grounds between halves of the Cornell- the arising and developing of the condi- of the characters created in this play have Columbia football game. The loss was tions that bring it about." The Com- become stock characters in American discovered by the owners when they re- munity Chest was organized to place all comedy.
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