CHAPTER 9 SPECIFIC APPLIANCES, FIREPLACES AND SOLID FUEL BURNING EQUIPMENT SECTION 901 SECTION 905 GENERAL FIREPLACE STOVES AND ROOM HEATERS 901.1 Scope. This chapter shall govern the approval, design, 905.1 General. Fireplace stoves and solid-fuel-type room installation, construction, maintenance, alteration and repair heaters shall be listed and labeled and shall be installed in of the appliances and equipment specifically identified here­ accordance with the conditions of the listing. Fireplace stoves in and factory-built fireplaces. The approval, design, installa­ shall be tested in accordance with UL 737. Solid-fuel-type tion, construction, maintenance, alteration and repair of gas- room heaters shall be tested in accordance with UL 1482. fired appliances shall be regulated by the Florida Building Fireplace inserts intended for installation in fireplaces shall Code, Fuel Gas. be listed and labeled in accordance with the requirements of UL 1482 and shall be installed in accordance with the manu­ 901.2 General. The requirements of this chapter shall apply facturer's installation instructions. to the mechanical equipment and appliances regulated by this chapter, in addition to the other requirements of this code. 905.2 Connection to fireplace. The connection of solid fuel appliances to chimney flues serving fireplaces shall comply 901.3 Hazardous locations. Fireplaces and solid fuel-burn­ with Sections 801.7 and 801.10. ing appliances shall not be installed in hazardous locations. SECTION 906 901.4 Fireplace accessories. Listed fireplace accessories FACTORY-BUILT BARBECUE APPLIANCES shall be installed in accordance with the conditions of the listing and the manufacturer's installation instructions. 906.1 General. Factory-built barbecue appliances shall be of an approved type and shall be installed in accordance with SECTION 902 the manufacturer's installation instructions, this chapter and MASONRY FIREPLACES Chapters 3, 5, 7 and 8. 902.1 General. Masonry fireplaces shall be constructed in SECTION 907 accordance with the Florida Building Code, Building. INCINERATORS AND CREMATORIES SECTION 903 907.1 General Incinerators and crematories shall be listed and FACTORY-BUILT FIREPLACES labeled in accordance with UL 791 and shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions. 903.1 General. Factory-built fireplaces shall be listed and labeled and shall be installed in accordance with the condi­ SECTION 908 tions of the listing. Factory-built fireplaces shall be tested in COOLING TOWERS, EVAPORATIVE CONDENSERS accordance with UL 127. AND FLUID COOLERS 903.2 Hearth extensions. Hearth extensions of approved 908.1 General. A cooling tower used in conjunction with an factory-built fireplaces and fireplace stoves shall be installed air-conditioning appliance shall be installed in accordance in accordance with the listing of the fireplace. The hearth with the manufacturer's installation instructions. The design extension shall be readily distinguishable from the surround­ of such cooling tower shall be in accordance with the require­ ing floor area. ments of the Florida Building Code, Building for a structure. Unless otherwise stated in this code, water cooling towers SECTION 904 shall comply with NFPA 214. PELLET FUEL-BURNING APPLIANCES 908.2 Access. Cooling towers, evaporative condensers and 904.1 General. Pellet fuel-burning appliances shall be listed fluid coolers shall be provided with ready access. and labeled and shall be installed in accordance with the 908.3 Location. Cooling towers, evaporative condensers and terms of the listing. fluid coolers shall be located to prevent the discharge vapor plumes from entering occupied spaces. Plume discharges FLORIDA BUILDING CODE — MECHANICAL 9.1 908.4- 911.1 shall be not less than 5 feet (1524 mm) above or 20 feet (6096 SECTION 910 mm) away from any ventilation inlet to a building. Location FLOOR FURNACES on the property shall be as required for buildings by the Florida Building Code, Building. 910.1 General. Floor furnaces shall be installed in accor­ dance with their listing and the manufacturer's installation 908.4 Support and anchorage. Supports for cooling towers, instructions. Oil-fired furnaces shall be tested in accordance evaporative condensers and fluid coolers shall be designed in with UL 729. accordance with the Florida Building Code, Building. 910.2 Placement Floor furnaces shall not be installed in the 908.5 Water supply. Water supplies and backflow protection floor of any aisle or passageway of any auditorium, public shall be as required by the Florida Building Code, Plumbing. hall, place of assembly, or in any egress element from any such room or space. 908.6 Drainage. Drains, overflows and blow-down provi­ sions shall be indirectly connected to an approved disposal With the exception of wall register models, a floor furnace location. Discharge of chemical waste shall be approved by shall not be placed closer than 6 inches (152 mm) to the near­ the appropriate regulatory authority. est wall, and wall register models shall not be placed closer than 6 inches (152 mm) to a corner. SECTION 909 VENTED WALL FURNACES The furnace shall be placed such that a drapery or similar combustible object will not be nearer than 12 inches (305 909.1 General. Vented wall furnaces shall be installed in mm) to any portion of the register of the furnace. Floor fur­ accordance with their listing and the manufacturer's installa­ naces shall not be installed in concrete floor construction tion instructions. Oil-fired furnaces shall be tested in accor­ built on grade. The controlling thermostat for a floor furnace dance with UL 730. shall be located within the same room or space as the floor furnace or shall be located in an adjacent room or space that 909.2 Location. Vented wall furnaces shall be located so as is permanently open to the room or space containing the floor not to cause a fire hazard to walls, floors, combustible fur­ furnace. nishings or doors. Vented wall furnaces installed between bathrooms and adjoining rooms shall not circulate air from 910.3 Bracing. The floor around the furnace shall be braced bathrooms to other parts of the building. and headed with a support framework design in accordance with the Florida Building Code, Building. 909.3 Door swing. Vented wall furnaces shall be located so that a door cannot swing within 12 inches (305 mm) of an air 910.4 Clearance. The lowest portion of the floor furnace inlet or air outlet of such furnace measured at right angles to shall have not less than a 6-inch (152 mm) clearance from the the opening. Doorstops or door closers shall not be installed grade level; except where the lower 6-inch (152 mm) portion to obtain this clearance. of the floor furnace is sealed by the manufacturer to prevent entrance of water, the minimum clearance shall be reduced to 909.4 Ducts prohibited. Ducts shall not be attached to wall not less than 2 inches (51 mm). Where these clearances are furnaces. Casing extension boots shall not be installed unless not present, the ground below and to the sides shall be exca­ listed as part of the appliance. vated to form a pit under the furnace so that the required clearance is provided beneath the lowest portion of the fur­ 909.5 Manual shutoff valve. A manual shutoff valve shall be nace. A 12-inch (305 mm) minimum clearance shall be pro­ installed ahead of all controls, including the pilot gas valve. vided on all sides except the control side, which shall have an 18-inch (457 mm) minimum clearance. 909.6 Access. Vented wall furnaces shall be provided with access for cleaning of heating surfaces, removal of burners, SECTION 911 replacement of sections, motors, controls, filters and other DUCT FURNACES working parts, and for adjustments and lubrication of parts requiring such attention. Panels, grilles and access doors that 911.1 General. Duct furnaces shall be installed in accor­ must be removed for normal servicing operations shall not be dance with the manufacturer's installation instructions. attached to the building construction. Electric furnaces shall be tested in accordance with UL 1995. 9.2 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE — MECHANICAL 912-916.1 SECTION 912 914.4 Heat and time controls. Sauna heaters shall be INFRARED RADIANT HEATERS equipped with a thermostat which will limit room tempera­ ture to 194°F (90°C). If the thermostat is not an integral part 912.1 Support Infrared radiant heaters shall be safely and of the sauna heater, the heat-sensing element shall be located adequately fixed in an approved position independent of fuel within 6 inches (152 mm) of the ceiling. If the heat-sensing and electric supply lines. Hangers and brackets shall be non- element is a capillary tube and bulb, the assembly shall be combustible material. attached to the wall or other support, and shall be protected against physical damage. 912.2 Clearances. Heaters shall be installed with clearances 914.4.1 Tuners. A timer, if provided to control main burn­ from combustible material in accordance with the manufac­ er operation, shall have a maximum operating time of 1 turer's installation instructions. hour. The control for the timer shall be located outside the sauna room. SECTION 913 CLOTHES DRYERS 914.5 Sauna room. A ventilation opening into the sauna room shall be provided. The opening shall be not less than 4 913.1 General. Clothes dryers shall be installed in accor­ inches by 8 inches (102 mm by 203 mm) located near the top dance with the manufacturer's installation instructions. of the door into the sauna room. Electric residential clothes dryers shall be tested in accor­ 914.5.1 Warning notice. The following permanent notice, dance with an approved test standard. Electric commercial constructed of approved material, shall be mechanically clothes dryers shall be tested in accordance with UL 1240.
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