b::J(l~ .&><>->G f\?'oO<:~c-<ln ~ (..5)( Build,ng /Vt.mavv;/ Together MmitUUhuq ahg,ingn,q B~lIr le /Vu,,"vu t ensemble ,.J~(""~bn .! "$l.bC~b n n<;~S\'L <I. (j Office of Premier Joe Savikataaq Hivuliqtip Joe Savikataaq Havakvingani Bureau du Premier ministre Joe Savikataaq February 28 , 2019 The RI Hon. Justin Trudeau , P.C. , M.P. Prime Minister of Canada Parliament of Canada Ottawa , Ontario K1A OA2 Dear Prime Minister Trudeau, I write on behalf of Nunavummiut, to express my concern about a distressing issue that remains unresolved, after nearly 50 years- the extradition of Fr. Joannes Rivoire from France. It has come to my attention that the federal government has decided not to pursue the extradition of Fr. Rivoire. In January 2018, former Premier Paul Quassa wrote to you , expressing his support for this extradition. I have included his original letter in this package. From what I understand, a reply was never provided, and we have since learned that this extradition process has been abandoned from a recent media report. The alleged crimes of Fr. Rivoire have created a devastating legacy in Nunavut, one that continues to impact our families, and cultivate lingering trauma. I am dismayed that we were never extended the courtesy of notice about this decision, and I re-iterate the urgency of exploring the extradition of Fr. Rivoire as soon as possible. His alleged victims in Nunavut deserve justice, and to begin to heal from this dark chapter. I thank you in advance for your understanding of the gravity of this issue, and to the fair resolution to this situation. I look forward to hearing from you on updates about this Issue. s1 relY , ~avik;a::Ot ~"a"'q"""'A.---I'>""a; Premier of Nunavut cc: The Honourable Jeannie Ehaloak, Nunavut Minister of Justice The Honourable David Lametti, federal Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada Kathy Okpik, Nunavut Deputy Minister of Executive and Intergovernmental Affairs 8ill MacKay, Nunavut Deputy Minister of Justice nn~b d&\ <J 24 10 P.O. Box 2410 Titiqakuvia 2410 c. P. 2410 l867-975-5050 .6'b...:....6.(. -.DQ~c XOA OHO Iqaluit, Nunavut XOA OHO Iqaluit, Nunavut XOA OHO Iqaluit, Nunavut XOA OHO ~867-975-505 1 :)/"'1... ) .... ~ .... >~.. , <I" B~,td.ng MmltVui Toge:thc!r NmufV!I illl<1 "'0111, B.iur I"; Mmltvlli er ..amt..ole ~r"n <:: 'd<l .... <I~L ~6\ "le" Office of the Premier Paul Quassa HivuJiqti J>aul Quassa BmC'1I11 du premier min iSlrt: Paul ()lIllSsa The RI. Hon. Justin Trudeau, P.C., M.P. Prime Minister of Canada Parliament of Canada Ottawa, Ontario K1A OA2 January 22, 2018 Dear Prime Minister Trudeau, Re : Support for the Extradition of Joannes Rivolre from France I am writing to join my voice to those of my fellow Nunavummiut and Inuit Canadians on a matter of great concern .. Fr. Joannes Rivoire worked as a Catholic missionary in the 1960s, 19705 and 1980s in communities that are now part of Nunavut. In 1997 the ReMP laid charges against him related to sexual abuse that he is alleged to have committed against children in communities in the Kivalliq region of NunavU! between 1968 and 1970. He has now been the subject of an active RCMP arrest warrant for 20 years. Fr. Rivoire is a French national and fled there in 1993 five years prior to the warrant being issued. As a result, he has never faced trial in Canada for his alleged crimes .. This fact weighs heavily on the minds of those who have accused him, as well as their friends and families, who wish to see Fr. Rivoire brought to trial. Led by the determined efforts of Piita Irniq, former Commissioner of Nunavut, repeated calls have been made by Inuit organizations and Nunavut politicians for the Government of Canada to pursue the extradition of Fr. Rivoire from France. On behalf of concemed Nunavummiut, I too urge you to explore the extradrtion of Fr. Rivaire, who is now in his late 80s, in a timely fashion .. Should such a request be made and the French authorities refuse to extradite on account of Fr. Rivoire's French nationality, as is their right under Article 3 of the Extradition Treaty Between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Republic of France E101343 - CTS 1989 No. 38. I would ask that your government secure assurances from the French authorities that Fr. Rivoire will be prosecuted in France, as is their obligation upon refusal.. ('\n'txr<l'b.<l 2410 rrtiqaniarvia 241 0 p.a . Box 2410 C .. P. 2410 J(867) 975 .. 5050 .6.~ .Jt.(.. ..DQ..g.c XOA OHO Iqaluit.. Nunawt XOA OHO Iqalllit.. Nunavtlt XOA OHO IqalUtt. Nunavtll XOA OHO 41 (867) 975-5051 b:::t'\.JJ .&Ic....~(. I\?'·<~C-<ln~c..;!>( Building Nun~ v u{ Together Nlm~ V u l,uq8tlgiingnlq eatl! le Nunavuf ensemble ,J~c-~bn .; \s\bCQ, nn<;~S\ 'L<La­ Office of Premier Joe SavikataaQ HivuliQtip Joe Savikataaq Havakvingani Bureau du Premier ministre Joe Savikataaq 6\'<J><]r 28. 2019 '7~n"- J?J, Le-Le-t>"bn"~<I<;b ba...Cr <I""r~~bb<;~<I~b ba...cr Le-Le-t>~6\~,\,<I~b <iJ<:. <]'nt>,,-t>. KIA OA2 nnC;~bJ"'L PLL ~bJ~bJr< .Da...~Ln>C, a......Ja...b.<;br'JL ~ ....) ... L b.r'L...Jn"b"a-"-crb b.rL...Jo..a.. <;b::lLLn... Lrb <i~bPcC{>r'L .... r':wb, <I"C;J' SO-b""b.'­ ba...CJ' {>n<;bnCt>~d~...JJ <lCC ~<I"-\ n...~<I t>b.6\bd' .Da...e-~~<I"'L<>-crb. ~bt>~bb~bCt>r'L "''''L L~LJ<;bbdc b.,-'Le-t>?n"b"br'Lcr"'ro..crb ba...CJ' t>n"bnCt><;d~....JJ <lCC n...~<I. '7o...D<lc- 20 18-r, r'~c<;bnt>c....t><;bJ<;b ..(~ "d<l"" b.c"-.D C nnC;c....t><;br'L~~b, b.b,\,<;brb.a-C;<;bJa- ba..CJ t>n"bnCt>"d~ ...JJ. b.c....rct>nr'L'7C; nnc;c....t>~bC ... L {>d.D"'L... ::lPr'<lL'7bd', Pt>'7t>c....t><;br'L .... r'J<;b (> .... ...Jr JC, Cb.L ..... La-~....J <;b{>r-r'L "'JC ba...CJC t>n<;bnct>Jo.a... <;a-'i.L...D C <lJ<I ~bct>r<lc-C "d'76... <;bCt>r'Lcr"'ro.a-b t\ ~~c<lnJC J...,"a..c....t><;bJa-. <r''7'l.,t>Jn' r C <lCC II..~<I <io.a-?nt>r'L ",LLII.. <I...J~ ...Jnb .6.<;bbt>L'7t>~", n"b"bJC .Do..~Lr, t>~....)r JC re- <l cJ.6.o-<;b<;b<CJ"b b.c.... Cn"-o-b, l.,<;bP~?ct>'r<1.o.. <;bJnc......J "d<l<;b~<;br'Lo-<;rb. 6... LL c..., .... rc..c....1I.. cJ'L.. <;bt>r-bb"bCt>c....t><;br'L .... ro.. cc CLJL .6.,-'Le-t>?nt>r'L ~< r (~.D', o.....Jo...6. <;br'r<lbb<1.a-<;bJ"'L J<l6\ <;a... <;bjo-"'Lo-b <;bt>~""<;bc{>r<l<;b"o- ' L bo..CJc t>n<;bnct>...Ja- <lCC n...~<I "pc....r t>a- <;b..(bd'. <r''7Cl.,t>Jnrr'L'7''''rc t\a-<;....Jcr'L'7 ... r c ..oo..~Lr l.,"bP~<;6\{>r<l<;b"'LC Le-Le-n...crbd C <i<;bpCct>...Jnb, Lr""~b<c..c<lJ<1.o.. <;br'''dc.. ...Jrc. <;d'7<1.o..r<;bcr C r'~<;'LJ{ JPr't>a-<;..oc CLJL Al Ln... <I...Jo-"'La-b, .6.c.....6. 0.6... <;bCt>r'L .... r .... ....In .... ...J <i<;bPCCC>Jo.o.. <;o-"'Lo-b CL <>-0... o-n...t>cr'<I"bJ"'L Jl.,~6\rJo.a..L C;bpC <;b.Db.c'7 t>r<l?n<;b"L "' Lc CL "-a... n ~ ,"J ~~J ~C<;b ..oa...~Lr r'~e-"bn ;'0- .6.H<I....J<lb, .Do..~Lr ra-~c LcLc-n...f-.bdo...o C Cb.6\n c....Ln, L~LJ"bbdC r cr'C""V LcLclI..r-bd<1...o C LcLe-n...f..<;"'<I'\J~...JO-"") ba..CJC bn t>b/\b, .Da..~Lr ra-'ct>< J~c<l L~Lc-n...r-bd"-.DC t\t>c.. Lbb., .Do..~Lr ro-'ct>< ::l~c<l LcLe-II..r-bd<>-.DC nn~bdS\<l24 1 0 P.O. Box 2410 Ti tiqakuvia 2410 C. P. 2410 ~867-975-5050 .c:..~b...:.o.c:..c . .Da...~c XOA OHO IQaluit, Nunavut XOA OHO Iqaluit, Nunavut XOA OHO Iqaluit, Nunavut XOA 0t;l0 ~867-975-5051 bJ(l->J .<>CI->.... /\?"<~.<ln~L'i'>C Builchng /'Jutl(tvul Togelhor Nr.mavul.uqah91Ingn,q BAt" le /'Ju"lfI/u{ ensemble ""," n ~ ''''be'' nnc;' ,,"I,.' <T Office of Premier Joe Saviklltallq Hivuliqtip Joe Savi klltnq Hava kvingani Bureau du Premier minlst.e Joe SlIvikatllllq February 28, 2019 The Rt. Nanngarijaujuq Justin Trudeau, P.C., M.P. Prime Minista Kanadamun Kanadaup Kavamanga Ottawa, On1ario K1A OA2 Haluu Prime Minista Trudeau, Titiraqtunga pidjutigiplugin Nunavunmiutat, uqarumaplugu ihumaalutigijara uumani ihumaalungnaqtumi ihumagidjutimi huli ihuarhaqtauhimaittuq, qaangiqhimagaluaqtillugit tikidjuqittugu 50nik ukiunik - aullaqtipkaining anik kitumun nunagijaujumun uumani Fr. Joannes Rivoire France-min. lIitturihimaliqtara kavamatuqatkut ihumaliuqhimajut pingillutik aullaqtipkaiquninganik hamunga nunamun uumani Fr. Rivoi re. January 2018mi, Hivuliqtiugaluaq Paul Quassa titiqqijaatin, uqaqhugu naammaiginia uumani aullaqtipkaiquninganik hamunga nunamun. Ilaliutihimajara titiraqqaaqhimajaa umunga titiraqhimajumun. Kangiqhimajamnin, kiujauhimangittuq, ilihimaliqtugullu una aullaqtipkaiquninganik hamunga nunamun taimaaqtauhimaliqtuq qangannuaq tuhaqtipkaidjutini uqaqtauhimajunin. Pinahugijaujun ihuinaarutit uumani Fr. Rivoire pipkaqtihimajuq quvianaitpiaqtumik qanuriliurutimik qanga taimaninmin Nunavunmi, taamna aularaanginnaqtuq huli hulaqutiplugin ilagijavun, pipkaijuqlu aularaanginnaqtunik aannirutinik. Quviahungittunga pidjaringnikkut ilitturipkaqtitauhimanginnapta uumani ihumaliurutimi, uqatfaaqtungalu amirarninganik naunaijattiarutinganik uumani aullaqtipkaiquninganik hamunga nunamun uumani Fr.
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