JAN 2 4 1910 MASONIC TOKEN. WHEREBY ONE BROTHER MAY KNOW ANOTHER. Voi.UME 5. PORTLAND, ME., JAN. 15, 1910. No. ii. Piscataquis, 44, Milo. Peter K Holmes, Temple, 86, Westbrook. Harry D Allen, Published quarterly by Stephen Berry Co., m; Frank W Ball, sw; Charles S Horne, m; John A McLellan, sw; Arthur L Prior, No. 37 Plum Street, Portland, Maine. jw; Frank E Monroe, sec. jw; Oliver A Cobb, sec. Dirigo, 104, Weeks’ Mills. Eugene C Granite, 182, West Paris. John E Brock, Twelve cts. per year in advance. Rowe, m; Welcome S Reed, sw; Louis S m; Clarence L Ridlon, sw; Samuel Estes, jw; Leonard B Swan, sec. Established March, 1867. - - 43d Year. Massee, jw; Orren F Sproul, sec. Rabboni, 150, Lewiston. Irving E Pen­ Siloam, 92, Fairfield. W Frank Choate, m; Herbert O Brown, sw; Harry E Pratt, Advertisements $4.00 per inch, or $3.00 for dleton, m; Wm H Hartshorn, sw; John L lalf an inch for one year. Reade, jw; Edwin L Goss. sec. jw; Eugene C Herring, sec. No advertisement received unless the advertiser, Phoenix, 24, Belfast. Adrian C Tuttle, Horeb, 93, Lincoln. J Fred Clark, m; >r some member of the firm, is a Freemason in m; Orris S Vickery, sw; Geo C Trussell, Edwin R DeWitt, sw; Ralph Craft, jw; rood standing. jw; Clifford J Pattee, sec. Frank R Linton, sec. Day Spring, 107, West Newfield. Ralph Atlantic, 81, Portland. Will H Adams, THE REAPER AND THE FLOW- P Mitchell, m; John B Smith, sw; Chas T m; Albert E Cornish, sw; Howard E Chand­ E RS. Goodrich, jw; Luther E Sanborn, Maple­ ler, jw; Almon L Johnson, sec. wood, sec. Aina, 43, Damariscotta. Harvey E Wins­ BY HENRY WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW. Wilton, 156, Wilton. Ernest P Parlin, m; low, m; Pearl L Higgins, sw; Ralph B Hall, La Roy G Furnel, sw; Walter D Bean, jw; jw; Walter M Barstow, sec. There is a Reaper whose name is Death, Fred E Trefethen, sec. And with his sickle keen, North East Harbor, 208, North East Har­ He reaps the bearded grain at a breath, Baskahegan, 175, Danforth. Guy P Rowe, bor. Frank R Ober, m; Wm S Holmes, And the flowers that grow between. m; Wm T Fifield, sw; James S Harding, sw; Horace R Reynolds, jw; George E Tur- “ Shall I have nought that is fair? ” saith he; jw; Martin L Porter, sec. ner, sec. “ Have nought but the bearded grain? Though the breath of these flowers is sweet to me Dresden, 103, Dresden Mills. Wilbur F Waterville, 33, Waterville. Sanger N 1 will give them a'l back again.” Cate, m; Herbert F Blum, sw; Ernest C Annis, in; Mark J Bartlett, sw; Harold L He gazed at the flowers with tearful eyes, Palmer, jw; Chester L Burke, sec. Pepper, jw; Charles B Davis, sec. He kissed their drooping leaves; Village, 26, Bowdoinham. Milton Given, It was for the Lord of Paradise Trinity, 130, Presque Isle. Harry E Wel- He bound them in his sheaves. m; Chas S Holbrook, sw; Chas M White, lington, m; Harry B Holmes, sw; Thomas jw; .Edward L White, sec. F Ph air, jw; Vivian E Howe. sec. “My Lord has need of these flowerets gay,” The Reaper said, and smiled; Star in the East, 60, Oldtown. Arthur Harmony, 38, Gorham. Geo S Burnell, “ Dear tokens of the earth are they, B Larchar, m; Frank L McLellan, sw; H Where he was once a child. m; Edgar F Carswell, sw; Stephen E Pat­ F Fitzgerald, jw; Fred J Whiting, sec. rick, jw; Charles E Cobb, sec. “ They shall aH bloom in fields of light, Blazing Star, 30, Rumford Falls. James Transplanted by my care, Mt. Kineo, 109, Guilford. Franklin B And saints, upon their garments white, B Stevenson, m; Edwin H Brown, sw; Le- Pease, m; Carrol S Douglass, sw; Vinal H These sacred blossoms wear.” verna L Niles, jw; Walter G Raynes, sec. Ellis, jw; Fred Mellor, sec. And the mother gave, in tears and pain, Island Falls, 206, Island Falls. Frank L The flowers she most did love; Naval, 184, Kittery. Auvill R Young, Mooney, m; Amos F Dunphy, sw; Clifford She knew she should find them all again m; J Edward Hatch, sw; Leslie I Williams, H Pomeroy, jw; Wm L Brooks, sec. In the fields of light above. jw; David G Walker, sec. O, notin cruelty, not in wrath, Tremont, 77, Southwest Harbor. Harry The Reaper came that day; A Brown, m; Seth W Norwood, sw; Clin- Arion, 162, Goodwin’s Mills. Arthur L ’Twas an angel visited the green earth, ton F Hamblen, jw; Wm R Keene, Manset, Roberts, West Kennebunk, m; Adelbert S And took the flowers away. sec. Taylor, sw; Geo H Littlefield, Clark’s Mills, jw; J Burton Roberts, sec. Ancient Landmark, 17, Portland. Jos MASONRY IN HAINE. B Reed, m; Harry S Boyd, sw; William W Solar, 14, Bath. Sylvester H Rowland, Andrews, jw; John S Russell, sec. m; Herbert L Hall, sw; Harry A Walters, jw; Albert L Strout, sec. Lodge Elections. Crooked River, 152, Bolster’s Mills. Geo Keystone, 80, Solon. Charles II Severy, D Skillings, m; Harry I Lowell, sw; Fred Winter Harbor, 192, Winter Harbor. Ed­ m; Jonah G Spaulding, sw; Wm W Jack- L Pottle, jw; Charles E Akers, sec. ward C Hammond, m; Elmer E Torrey, sw; Wm E Coombs, jw; B Frank Sumner, sec. man, jw; Perry S Longley, sec. Messalonskee, 113, Oakland. Henry L Blue Mountain, 07, Phillips. Carl B Hunton, m; Fred II Leech, sw; Albert II Morning Star, 41, Litchfield. Ralph W Beedy, in; J Blaine Morrison, sw; Melvin Lord, jw; Orestes E Crowell, sec. Goss, m; Charles H Allen, sw; W Leslie S Hutchins, jw; Daniel B Hoyt, sec. Kennebec, 5, Hallowell. Geo S Trask, Maloon, jw; Roscoe S Bosworth, sec. Ancient Brothers’, 78, Auburn. Edwin m; Geo R Dale, sw; Geo E Dickson, jw; Mt. Tir’em, 132, Waterford. Arthur J Hinkley, m; Geo. C Webber, sw; Frank V Fred A Tenney, sec. Stimpson, m; George II Rice, sw; Charles S Thomas, jw; Frank L Lowell, sec. Crescent, 78, Pembroke. Lorrimer Mc- Hamlin, jw; Warren V Kneeland, sec. Maine, 20, Farmington. II Burton Vo­ Claufiin, West Pembroke, m; Jas Aber­ Anchor, 158, So. Bristol. Elliot P Brew- ter, in; Fred G Paine, sw; Geo A Thomas, nethy, sw; Alexander Robinson, jw; Eu­ er, m; Fred W Seavey, sw; Henry G Mc­ jw; Geo B Cragin, sec. gene S Wilbur, West Pembroke, sec. Farland, jw; Walter H McFarland, sec. Davis, 191, Strong. Ulysses G Wey­ Felicity, 19, Bucksport. Fred’k S Blod­ Mosaic, 52, Foxcroft. Melvin F Martin, mouth, in; Philip D Stubbs, sw; Fred II gett, m; Walter B Smith, sw; Harold B in; Chas H Norton, sw; Eugene W Crocker, McLeary, jw; Chas B Richardson, sec. Parker, jw; Frederick Wood, sec. jw; James T Roberts, Dover, sec. Rural, 53, Sidney. Charles A Graves, Pioneer, 72, Ashland. Clarence F Or­ Springvale, 190, Springvale. Charles E m; Clyde G Blake, sw; George M Graves, cutt, in; Winfield B Hallett, sw; Arthur G Jowett, m; Will H W Bartlett, sw; Wm E jw; Jas F Warren, R F D No 3, Augusta. Andrews, jw; George H Mooers, sec. Frost, jw; Willie E Ferguson, Alfred, sec. Amity, 6, Camden. Fessenden W Miller, Freeport, 23, Freeport. Perley T Fick- King David’s, 62, Lincolnville. Robie F m; Geo W Varney, sw; Geo A Thorndike, ett, in; Monroe V Curtis, sw; Robert E Ames, m; Edward Goodwin, sw; Joseph E jw; Wallace E Easton, sec. Randall, jw; Ernest E Pinkham, sec. Thomas, jw; Leslie D Ames, sec. 82 MASONIC TOKEN, JAN. 15, 1910. Mystic, 65, Hampden. Charles E Law­ St. Amand, 20, Kennebunk. Myron E July 22, 3 h. 58 m. morning rence, m; Ralph W Moore, sw; Jos Hoyt, Bennett, Sanford, com; Wallace P Scott, August 20, 2 h. 35 m. evening jw; Wm H Tribou, sec. Sanford, geno; Jos T Say ward, cgen; Chas September 19, 0 h. 13 m. morning St. Croix, 46, Calais. Frank V Lee, m; W Roberts, rec. Herbert F Beck, sw; George A W Leeman, October 18, 9 h. 45 m. morning jw; Isaac N Jones, sec. Portland Masonic Trustees, 1910. November 16, 7 h. 46 m. evening Pleasant River, 163, Brownville. Charles Portland Lodge—Robert B. Swift, December 16, 6 h. 26 m. morning H Stanhope, in; Harvey W Rider, sw; Wm H Monroe, jw; George W McClain, Brown­ Wm. N. Prince. No full moons fall twice in the same ville Junction, sec. Anc’t Landm’k Lodge—Millard F. Hicks, month this year. In September the full Aurora, 50, Rockland. Edwin II Maxcy, Chas. F. Guptill. moon falls so close to midnight that lodges m; James A Richan, sw; Clarence A Pack­ Atlantic Lodge—Frank W. York, making up their calendars must be sure to ard, jw; Lorenzo S Robinson, sec. Thomas P. Shaw. use the Maine almanac or they will have Hancock, 4, Castine. Wm J Patterson, m; Bennett D Perkins, sw; Rufus 0 Por.- Mt. Vernon Chapter—Stephen Berry. their meeting in the wrong week. ter, jw; Charles H Hooper, sec. Greenleaf Chapter—Franklin R. Redlon. Lygonia, 40, Ellsworth. Harry C Aus­ Portland Commandery—S Colman Allen. Our Masonic Exchanges. tin, m; Andrew J Falls, sw; Wm T Doyle, St. Alban Commandery—Edward W. Cox. jw; Melvin S Smith, sec. Ashlar, Detroit, Michigan, monthly, 25 c. Chairman—Stephen Berry. Eastern Star, Indianapolis, Indiana, month­ Chapter Elections. Sec. and Treas.—Edward W. Cox. ly, $L Henry Knox, 47, Thomaston.
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