Legal Size Journalism Pittsburgh Courier (Pittsburgh, Penn.) General, 1961-1963 -pjttsbupgh"- (Courier Weekly Report Sheet of Advertisements iJittsburgh .£ Courier SOLICITED/SECURED OR HANDLED By-Name Address 19 INSTRUCTIONS-The agent or salaamae must fill eet rfce foJIowleg column.: Choree Ad. re Addresa. Title of Ad, New er Repeat, Eegrovleg Charges, lineage Ordered, Rate. Total Charge. Commlaalee, Dbeeeet PACE OR NEW OR ENSRAVINS A/Aleeoge LEDCCR :, COMMISSI OS SOLICITOR Charge Ad to, NAME City Address „ Title of Ad POSITION REPEAT CHARSES ORDERED' f SHEET NO. 7vs; N°*XJ>- -£ -v -4JA- J/ /i.^| ftuvW 4 ~~ H .•.:,J..A fe —t- / I ^-S—r^'--'' •; ' r • ,, 5 -OjTt T7^ 4—- - -# ^^ LC ^^ ^ ! : Qbj.r: wv** ... .- L ^'r^T jr r p^/j^ff > ; ^' - >.V> ",, >• '• _^- g<n ^^ -Uag M ^'; ^^^—• „VW*H ^^!>- O.Cli) £.L„ f^w v<*ku» */ 2 | G <{ f&,oA UjLL/'-ssk. if r«_t>i» rt<jtv; —r ^7^> *UAAX S ' -* "• <KAA\sk* 3s"br ^Ws*^» <:^ i^2 iV<w Vi ^_i_ V ' .'uv' ^rc \ Vfr^KN S> t*XA^ <CvM^ <S7?K, i.sijruyk A_ ^ F» T3^ ^?l- '-^- Totals mi- ZT*ps Remarks: Remittance Statement fr m John H. McCray June 15, 1961 Advertising (Atlantic Beach) Collections ... ^39*20 Less Conn is si on . 11.7^ $2?M Two subscriptions 9.75 Less Commission 4.75 5.00 oingle Copies ... (Collected) 2.00 Less Commission .40 1.60 Total Remitted Due $34.04 Actual Remit 36.75 Excess Credit 9 2.71 Gross of unpaid ads $23.80 (I'll collect this the first of July) NOTEj Please honor dates indicated on enclosed checks. I made this kind of arrangement to avoid having to drive the 176 miles down there and hack in or er to collect after publication. I gave assurance that we would not deposit the checks until July lj in one case the date is July 5th, The $3*75 check of Mr, Burroughs is not of course affected. These Atlantic Beach firms are to mail their money to me the first of July: Ocean Grill, Ocean View, Tr e of Life and Smith's Cabins. NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS START WITH JUNE 24, 1961 Solicited by John H. McCray Name, Address Length Charge Paid Comm. Net Remittance Miss Joyce Ann Williams Route 2 Box 75-N Conway, South Carolina 1 year $6,00 $6.00 $3*00 $3#00 Mr, J.A. Burroughs P.O. Box 25 Aynor, South Carolina 6 Mos. 3.75 ^.75 1.75 2.00 9775 9T75 %775 TToo Mail single copy to persons below of June 24,1961 edition - or the edition - carrying advertisements from Atlantic Beach* Name, Address Mo, Copies Char- • Paid, Conn Net Mrs, Carrie Williams t 2 ox 130-A Windy iiill Beach, S.C, 200 i .r. i red Harrington . Box 7 Windy Hill Beach, S.C. 200 20fJ .04 ,16 Mrs, Carrie OK ers ate 2 Box 130-A Windy Hill Beach, S.C, 20^ 200 .04 116 Mr, Lee G, Gore , Box 202 Windy Iiill Beach,S.C, 200 200 .04 .16 . Gabriel Knox . ox 243 Crescent Beach, S.C. 200 200 .04 ,16 Mrs, Sudie Perry The Blue Moon Windy Bill Beach, 200 200 .04 .16 Mr, M, Rucker BAD Grand Cafe Atlantic Beach,S.C. 200 200 .04 .16 Mr, Ben Peterson Ben's motel-Grill I indy Hill Beach, 3.C. 200 200 .04 ,16 Mrs. Elaine B, Odom P.O. Box 83 Windy Hill Beach, B.C. 200 $ .04 ,16 Mrs, Mary Glass , ox 41 -indy Hill Beach, .C. 200 200 .04 .16 Mr, James Fullw >od Gen elivery Windy Kill Beach, .C. 200 Mr, J. urray . ox 247 -•nt Beach, 8.C 200 200 .04 .16 Mr. 0 ;rd Graham . Box 12 indy Hill Beach, t.C, 200 Mr. 2 is c/o Smith1 a Cabini a** \fi\t ^u#A fO ^ * 16* Pittsburgh;- Courier Weekly Report Sheet of Advertisements iJittsburgh^tlpurier SOLICITED, SECURED OR HANDLED By-Name ,Jo h C. .. IX. JP.^ V.&frM Address G.W? J?'.V. y. S, .Sm' 19 Ul$jL I INSTRUCTIONS-The agent or salesman must fill oet the following column*: Charge Ad, to Addrew. Title of Ad. New or Repeat, Engraving Charges, Uneoge Ordered, Rate. Total Charge, Commlssioe, Otsceen* PACE OR NEW OR ENSRAVINC Uneoge LEDCER TOTAL RATI DJS-Oml COMMISSION SOLICITOR Charge Ad to, NAME City Address Title of Ad POSITION REPEAT CNARCES ORDERED | ACTUAL SHEET NO. CHARfiE ("JV-* ?fJ IA/W Ca;vW Ul 11\i o#vw aJ-f . #t'li ^ & la^C t5Ct«w*v CA>^>^ / - y>° •^ ' ^XrtJ-! ; • r ; /^A*-*^ t€&4 £ 6 2«J • ^' '•• / > '\A..r m v • <•. i • •'' -' r, rV' / - r' -t a —r^ - pj\s — ! n\r-N C" . •' v 1 S:4': QUI s Ttu. /--rr., M /a, u * 0 / 9t A L#jfl C C.C-. /~\ | -. •'- ••••• ^A*C> u'*' ^,.A / . v 1 • ek. i vi ••'- ..--',-> : (2le In. ' • . >' AilrA^f K*,»u • -. m- *J I •, 1 b ?L /. i '-• • "-.- m>. r *-n n L LAjAf> 1'- .• • . •••-' guls^S /'VC "-...• -•'.2D '> /-2, (i, & /V ; yH '. - •• m._ m. - I / J, fO • ..m. • N V 0 •• • • • .•• - .- r^. : A/ H » /.A r o T o - L'.'/*•'.• LU>J /mUvcS Qrf" • '"'"' ^--m •'• ', ! , pi.y) s-X. * . • / •VA* C9ni>to K fOAjfe-VK, (Ht»\fZknijp : A/ /^ '! z m •'•• vA<^ r<" *« 3 p'n'xAc^ ii-*,./' A/ 1 \ ft) / r< ? » \<few\ftjC r.x\% .«.xv-ep«L. it •• • ft v^)'' C A ii „ t/^e .... 1 tV A- ,C i • '( ,mC . '^ • t .^m-- -* t .VL',m :..?"••• 6 :. • ;-r- , ".v. :•.. £ . i -',.. • .<. Ll /. 4-r J -JS.I ~ f\ -. C^-AOX. ft. i •--.--' fc-»Jt'..' 'w- \ r-jJ^/J -- •-'... '2 " A. Lt / • L -\ <\/" » XJ- ~"l^ »" VKA*~/."J ./icm,./dr fmr ' /VA»» ^vu i r-m Q.%0 In % tkt **1 a /N ~1JS _ tPW. !J ^ - n,1L<U • -; , £ l (/Z#o l^r.m; • " *-* <7 > Totals Remarks: "i-'^.') 'A,, • y - -/\*-^^J ISfAa- ^TA^ _L_^_ — vl-^.-' ' ' ^ 1 ^.^f. T-^ - M„. -.,•„.. -T- ^•V (7(ci>tSe? ijlCt*"^. — - —^ Z>A/:J (g IN A By John II. McCray £_ -Xj-A c/c-/L^ Expect Big Season ATLANTIC E ..AC;,, ...J. -- According to W.K. Smith, pr sident of the Atlantic Beach Business Association, jin^BB-^r^-wrTje a very good year for resort business "' Wfrfrm thaw \y'^r*^imey^6m^mi^?&f^m[\.\i\} uJg y CUv-^C /This resort, sandwiched between Crescent Beach <-t4r tin IUI Hi, und- "windy Hill Beach^*^uta^'''Je4e>«r al--ng U.S. Highway I;OMI»/17, <»H* aljavat- lj mil lili up If. I II fun "\ Tl Ihjlll Inn li in T3fli nr^*"'": has close to 100 business places and ateuui Half «L many fine homes^ ewned by jiiuth and Quulh 0>J. uliuii stnri nmnf r, • Efforts to incorporate Atlantic Beach have dangled in court several months, and coraetfup again in Juljm, An '.ually^ the big issue to be settled now is the validity of an election of freeholders, ,3-he- <t4 i 11 i mf^lTTTiWy h11 in iin II M. Rucker and Mr. Gore ran for tilio. afffiou 'df mayornayor7^. K***!%a=* ..uckeR r >w©v » by a single vote. Validity of the vot being disputed. x-q <? s reporter fjrrt :••} ' !•' 1 iVIl'inM P n • ii in "H'lPl -i *>"* V +hf? first no|r']]^r^^,^" *• ^ --"p^-"^ ^ +^~ ~~~TT+---tj±ai visit is the first in about five years, but perhaps his 20th <,uiii ' " rT'u yi:>-"~~~i Wfvf- many of the 1940 faces are to be seen./Among the few are Mr. W.K. Smith, Mr. 5^ icker, Mr. Gore, Dr. R.I--. Gordon, Dr. Mason, and a few others. • t"l.ut •/ hege aift some of those who came after 1940 and are still in business CfiAJLl l-'.v. and Mrs. John C. Murray of the Atlantic Eeach Grocery - an establishment which calls this reporter "godfather."(l/e gave the place its name)'Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Mnoxf Mrs. Lue Nile-Webber, the food expert of Washington ,I)".C. and Columbia fame. m^Sg^rl^s&JZE. owns or operates about five or six establishments. v;yy'"j T" " "' ' l""1 '•' 'i''1"11'1" y lisew Oi QSMUI it. 1 JLL 011C nejanenr Marshall ( 1 any folk now in business at Atlantic Eeach, started out as em­ ployees here. Among them are/ Mrs. Mary Class, Mrs. Carrie Lodgers, Mrs. Carrie Wil iarns, and Mrs. Sudie Perry. ' ftL, ftD^* 1 roving about aJbk i) \ Big Buxton Brown, Beach policeman for many years, recently resigned, he runs businesses here, in Conway and at Murrell's Inlet . James Davis, manager of the old Gordon hotel, whli.ll ^ c-~ ' ^ /* ilttrrioana ,!okdl destroyed Wr^f^tat nas leased Smith's Places he , & - also manages Gordon's Patio- /Pretty M'Lllc MIJIJ Jacqueline Knox will be delivering The Courier on the beach. She's arsetfu^nt qt ffhia%nu*j So hot daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gabe Knox . ,#Ran into old Talladega mate, Robert (Bob^ -'.or don of Dillon, who keeps an eye on Dad's Gordon Motel. Mrs. Gladys G. Murray, home ec teacher, iful iL iffl-inriawolyr spotte-:j this reporter, who with the aid of her husband, was trying to surprise her. The two of us were high schoolers back at the late Avery Institute. % TIP Sl?l B**-^ Gr^^^N y D,£* / /^ />' l/£& >. I.D. iJirriT'Hiupi ORANGEBURG, S.C. — Funeral services for Dr. Seibels R. Green^Sr. were held Thursday afternoon from Williams Chapel AME Church. He died Tuesday in Regional S ispital^a-fter a lmiglh^ illucus'.-' rPl Ml ^'" ^ ' Hi 111 I' HL-lyuj U/ll^|j,J||JTri^lll>LMe> X*»*i.
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