' I If I ' t' i I ' ,} WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1966 tA G E ;F O R T Y lEttmitig l^walS Average Daily Net PrcM Run The Weather For the Week Ended tonlglit and cooler. yeateMay with property o*n- Walter Fuss, the town’s di­ May 7, 1966 Low in the 40s. P a rtiy doudjr The Ladies Auxiliary of the •nie Advisory B*c ajid Bark era'and others who are con­ rector o f public worios, said tomorrow. High In the nppsir Italian American Society will Commission will meet tomorrow CofC Seeks Renewal Funds cerned w4th the propoeed con­ that he wlU incorporate the A ^ u t Town not meet tonight as previously OOn. at 7 p.m. in the Municipal nector road, and dtocuseed aev- best suggestions into the plan MAYTAG Friendship Lodge ot Masons scheduled. They will meet 14,661 ■ / Building Hearing Ro*n. Its eral modiflcatic^ to the site and that, a t the June 7 meet­ Manche»ter-^A City of Village Charm will be paid an otficial visita­ Wednesday, May 26 at 7:30 p.m. To Pay for Connector Road. agenda Will include a review plan, drawn by Gttfrwold Bki- ing, he will have more detailed tion tomorrow night by ElWyn of summer recreation programs, at the Italian American Club on WASHERS (Classified Adverttatng on Page $1) PRICE SEVEN CENTa A Chamber of Commerce slbiUty of extending the North gineering of Manchester. The information on the road grade MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1966 J . tjloble, deputy lor the ®xth a discussion of swimming pool Eldrdige St. and on the projected cost. VOL. LXXXV, NO. i95 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) Bind project to the Apel PI. group applied the plan In \.M ) Masopic District. He will in- fees, anld, possibly, election'of committee, under the chairman­ The June 7 meeting will be apeot the lodge properties and Mountain Laurel Chapter of area, to make it eligible for re­ principle, particularly the en­ officers. ship of Fipnk Sheldon, studirlng newal funds. try and exit. held at 8 a.m. in toie chamber’s witness presentation ol the Mas­ Sweet Adelines, Inc. will meet the site plans for a proposed offices on E. Center St. DRYERS ter Maisoii degree at 7:30. Wor­ " The Holy Day Eucharist of St. and rehearse tomorrow at 8 connector road from Oakland Rybczyk will report back to The staked-oiri. road enters Costly Cleanup shipful Master John L. Von Mary’s Oiuroh of Manchester p.m. at the Russian - American St. to Parker St„ has decided the C of C committee on June from Oaddanil St-, at a point CANCER RESEARCH sr.K Bias Curbs immediately north o f Apel Pi., Peck Jr, will preside. Will be held tomorrow, at 6 and National Center, 211 Wethers­ to explore the possibility of 7. DANBtntY (AP) Danbury CALAIS, Maine (A P )— and the point where 10 a.m. and at 7 p.m. field Ave„ Hartford. finding more available North General Manager Robert Hospital is receiving a $25,000 Get Backing The local Lions Club has Troops Surround . An Ascension Festival, com- End Renewal funds, to pay part Weiss,. In the meantime, will the reioiiated N. Main St. will grant from the Atomic Energy NORMAN’S launched a cleanup cam­ m*tnora|tlng the coronation and A .small gra.ss fire was re­ be. It ends at Piarker St., oppo­ paign that may well clean Spurrier Fellowship of South of 'ifs cost. ask the Town Planiung Com­ Commission for continued re­ return to heaven of Jesus CJhrist ported today on E. Bldrldge St. site the entrance to Green out its treasury. Methodist Church will meet to­ Tne 60-foot wide, 4,270-foot mission to study the possibility search in cancer detection by Ki.r Thr -I fh iil . Of Builder after completion of His work on The fire was quickly put under Manor Oonstnictton Co. < morrow at 12:30 p.m. in Su­ long road would cost an esti­ of planning for arterial roods means of radio-isotopes. ttlld Till- !!< •«< rviK’ President Leonard Scott earth, wiU be observed tomor­ control by town firemeii. The sannah Wesley Hall. Members mated $200,0p0-$300,000, and from the north, to join with the The gprade problems cf the The grant will cover half the WASHINGTON (AP)— said that as part of a beau­ row at 7:30 p.m. at Zion Evan­ alarm was at 11:50 a.m. H i 11 MtTMIlin '<'» are reminded to bring lunch. Edward Rybczyk, exec^ lve di­ connector road. In order to pro­ proposed rMd drew the most cost of two more years’ re­ One of the nation’s leading tification campaign, the gelical Lutheran Church. The rector of the Mancheeter Re­ vide for easier access for an­ attention at yesterday’s meet­ search under the direction of >1 \\( III'NTt It home builders said today club offered to pay one Beverages will he served. There The Military Order of Cooties, Nang Rebel Site Rev. Paul J. Prokopy. pastor, will be a .silent auction. Host­ development Agency, has been ticipated industry in the area. ing, and several suggestions Dr. Niro llerrara, it was an­ cent for each beer can col­ will preach on “Jesus Went Pup Tent 6, of the VFW will President Johnson’s pro­ esses are Mrs. Iva Tomm, Mrs. asked to investigate the pos- The chamber committee met ware made for correcting them. nounced Tuesday. lected along municipal high­ SAIGON, South Viet Back Home But Is Waiting and meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the posed open housing law Mabel Custer and Mrs. Mar­ ways by Friday. Coming for Us." An adult in­ post home. would have “ absolutely no Nam (A P )— Premier Ngu­ garet McConkey. But he said Wednesday yen Cao Ky’s troops sur­ formation hour for prospective impact whatever on the some 9,500 cans already ftiwnbers and others interested Lawrence Moran of 102 Ben­ economics of the home- have been collected — and rounded rebel headquarters In Bible teaching will be held at Cub Pack 143 of Nathan ton St. last night was elected building industry.’’ in Da Nang today aftelr Hale School will have its final club members feared that 6:30 pin. tomorrow. junior vice commander of the William J. Levitt told a Housd the total may climb astro­ four hours of heavy shoot­ meeting of the season Friday VFW at the post home. Kenneth Judiciary subcommittee the ing around the Buddhist at 7:15 p.m. at the school. The nomically by the end of the Stanley A. Sholik Jr., son of Aseltine of 784 E. Middle sales volume of his firm, Levitt week. stronghold. The govern­ Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Sholik meeting is open to all prospec­ Tpke. was advknced to senior & Sons, has increased five-fold Soott said the club plans ment appeared trying to of 38 Salem Rd., was recently tive cubs and their parents. vice commander. George Ed­ since it began selling on an open to continue the project de­ elected treasurer for the coming wards of 107 Cambridge St. was choke off the dissidents ra/- occupancy basis five years ago spite the cost "but we may year of the Carnegie Chapter of “ Among Us Girls," a one-act elected service officer of the ther than wipe them out in in three Eastern states. have a treasury full of beer the American Institute of Phys­ play presented by the fine arts VFW Hartford-Tolland Counties a direct attack. And in the open communities cans.” ios. He is a junior, at Carnegie committee of the Junior Cen­ Third Di.strict Sunday at a con­ In an attempt to exploit the . tury Club, Inc., won first place he has built, he said, there have turmoil, the Viet Cong’s under- Institute of Technology, F"itts- vention in New Britain. been no racial disturbances of burgh. Pa., majoring in physics In state competition last week. g e t ready gfTOund Liberation radio threw Mrs. Donald Cornell and Mrs. any kind. Commimist support behind the and Ehiglish. “ The really amazing thing,” James Bjorkland, both of Man­ Tolland County State News rebels aind urged all South Viet­ he said, “ after all the years of chester, were selected as out­ to enjoy namese' troops' to “rise up’* fear and hesitation about inte­ standing performers in the play. Rockville Set against the government- gration housing, is that when GO P Picks Buddhist leaders in Saigort the delightful integrration does take place, FESTIVAL The Lutherweds of Emanuel and the northem provinces sent For Hearing nothing bad happens — abso­ Lutheran Church will meet Fri­ pleas for intervention to end the 9 Hugh Scott CELEBRATION day at 8 p.m. at the church. sunny lutely nothing.” civil strife to world leaders, but On Platform Levitt said a federal housing Norman Fendell, teacher of the significantly the monks avoided OF THE mentally retarded and past The state Democratic plat­ w eather law is needed to establish a na­ For Address any association wl.th the Viet president of Manchester Associ­ form committee will hold a tional policy that would apply to Cong overtures. all builders, because “ no single ASCENSION ation for the Help of Retarded hearing in Rockville Tuesday to HARTFORD (AP) The Buddhists also canceled Thumday Evening—7 :S0 p.m. Children, will speak on "Help­ plumb area interests and views ahead builder can fiinction on an open x t> ui- o i. •_____ occupancy basis unless all State Republican Chairman all rallies today to avoid the (HMy Communion) ing the Retarded Child.” one of nine hearings being held impression that they might be carefree styles! easy-care fabrics! builders in the area do like- A.
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