This document is from the Cornell University Library's Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections located in the Carl A. Kroch Library. If you have questions regarding this document or the information it contains, contact us at the phone number or e-mail listed below. Our website also contains research information and answers to frequently asked questions. http://rmc.library.cornell.edu Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections 2B Carl A. Kroch Library Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 Phone: (607) 255-3530 Fax: (607) 255-9524 E-mail: [email protected] - - CALYNDARCALENDAR :~lacsachusettsHassachusetts State S t ate ArchivesArchives f,-(-;,1' - r +f -- • I ~I ) ~ (... c: i I I NOTE ON MASSACHUSETTS STATE ARCHIVES DOCUMENTS Photostatic copies ofof documents from thethe Massachusetts State Archives areare part ofaf thethe Huntington Free Library'sLibrary's collectioncollection onon thethe StockbridgeStockbridge Indians.Indians. TheyThey have not been microfilmed because thethe originalsoriginals areare not ownedowned byby thethe LibraryLibrary,, butbut areare listedlisted inin thethe calendarcalendar forfor informationinformation purposespurposes.. ForFor furtherfurther informationin£ormation onon thesethese documentsdocuments contactcontact thethe MassachusettsMassachusetts StateState ArchivesArchives directlydirectly.. ~ . i \ ....... ..;( "--. ' ..... : . • '. -:....~ j ' " .• 1·... -Of ,,'" ....... ~ ................... 174317 4 3 May %*~~r.o,sr P* -c7.,- Pophnehonnauwoh, to Gov. William Shirley f John Pophnehonnauwoh, Gov. Willim Shirley - . Solomon Wohnaupaugus, ,, Peter Pohquunnaupeet.Pohquunnaupeet, . L of StockbridgeStockbridqe A petition that certain tract of land be confirmed to EphraimEphwaim WilliansWilliams Jr. and Timothy Woodbridge. 2 sheets. 1746 July 1 BostonI3os ton JJ.. Willard '- A lletteretter re: the enlistment ooff the Housatonic It ~ Indians. 2 sheets. (Provided withwit5 typed transcript) 1748 OctobeOctoberr 26 Boston ~~~MWII>&~ Ephraim Williams to Gov. William Shirley -L-75 & others &:& General Court others General -' . A petition requesting the appointment of a committee to lalayyout out the Indian lands. Also a vote that Timothy DwightDwight,, Isaac Little and John Worthington be appointed a committee to consider the petition. 6 signatsignatures,ures, dated October 31. 2 sheets. 1748 November 2 A report of the committee on the petition --.. of Ephraim Williams and others. And the selection 1 of Stockbridge town officers as necessarynedessary to transact town affairsaffairs.. 2 sheets. 1 749 January 12 5nc 4 F.P,P& PA Pcf-r An order that Col. Dwight hfbe allowed to purchase a record book for the IndianIridian Proprietors of - StockbridgStockbridqee anandd aalsolso that hehc be directed to survey . and layoutLay out certain lands in StStockSridgc.ockbridge. 17491743 June 16 S-t 1.-&, pL;= ItS p:-f C An order that the Selectmen of the town of Stockbridge for the year 1747 to holdholcl a town meeting and that the committee appointed layoutlay out townships iinn HoosuckHoosuck.. 1749 November 10 RepoReportr t of the committee who went tota +- Stockbridge to look into several articles in a petition relating to certain landslands.. 4 sheetssheets.. (seelsee ";?" )1 1749 November 11I1 An account of a bargain between Umpauchene,Umpauchene , - Konkapot and Lieut. Woodhridgewoodbridge relating to a sale of Lands.lands. 3 signasignatures. tures. 2 sheets. r. • . Afl 1749 November 5-c YWM* 4 PF P.< EphrairnEph raim Williams to Hon. Spencer Phips & Timothy Woodbridge - ,. A petition that certain Landslands be confirmed. '-'-4%7~'~$ 1749 November 13 SStockbridge tockbridge fgk 0.r A statement of Timothy Woodbridge of certain lands granted to himself andan2 EphrairnEphraim Williams " ,"'1.1- P on October 17, 1740. P--,SCfnf,~ 1749 December 5 Boston mr.~; EphrairnEphraim Willie-sWilliams to Licut.Lieut. Gov.Gov . Spencer Phips + r < A memorial re:r e : an Indian Free Boarding School. 2 sheets. SFcrPPrPe 1749 December 19 IIouseHouse of Rep. FTC' / An order that certain lands be confirmed to EphrairnEphraim Williams and Timothy Woodbridge. .,I 1749 December 29 / y:. A, .- A declaration that thethe HousatunicHousatonic Indians,Indians , thir heirs or descendants,descendants , shall be a distinct propriety and thatthat Timothy Woodbridge is directed to call a Town Meeting of the proprietors. 2 sheets.sheets . 1750 October 6 Boston John Pophuehonauwoh to Committee & others A letter requesting that postponementpostponement of rcportreport not be made. 1750 October 11 AR report of the committee on a petition of the Housatonic Indians.3Indians. 3 sheets.sheets. 1751 HarchMarch 27 Abigail Sergeant to LtLt.. Gov. Phips & Council A petition requesting the sale of certain lands to pay her late husband's debts. 17511751. April 23 An order that thethc petition of Abigail Sergeant be granted. .~ 1752 %~L,RE, PeterPetcr Pohquunnuppech to Lt. Gov. Phips F+ w& & others ,& Council - A petition of proprietors for the scttle-settle- ~,, Ar ment of certain lands.lands. 12 signatures. 1752 June 2 HouseIIouse of Rep. An order that the Speaker [of the House]Rouse] and others shall be a committee to consider the petition.peti tion. A report that a committee be appointed to make a full inquiry into the claims of the Indians. An order that ColCol.. Parker and Major Worthing­Worthing- ton with others shall be appointed to makemake full inquiry into the claims of the Indians. 1752 DecembeDecemberr 21 Boston OenjaminBenjamin Ashley to Lt. GovGov.. Phips & Council A petitionpeti tion to be reimbursed for certain expenses in connection with the FreeFrce Boarding School. 1753 November 30 StockbridgeStockbridqe Timothy Woodbridge to David Mosley A letter requesting that the sum of six or eight pounds be obtained from the General Court forior the support of WaunaupangusWaunaupangus. 1753 December 5 StockbStackbridgeridge John KushshaurnpKushshaump to Gov. Wm. Shirley A letter requesting permission to sell fifty acres of woodland forfar his supportsupport.. 1754 January 23 An order tota pay the sum ofef six pounds from the public treasury for the support of Waunaupangus. 1754 January 25 s-rack*fo;S"'tkiJ4',~ P?P., that John Worthington into the An order that John Worthington enquire into the - "'''''',.~- petititon of Kushshaump and if necessary sell land mentioned for the support of the petitioner.petitioner . P <fn-~rn,n ?APF#;'~ A report on cultivating the friendship of the - Indians a£of thethe Six Nations and recommending the . + appointment of Brigadier Dwight to take charge ~ 1 of thethe Hollis School in place of Capt.Capt . Martin YeLlogg,Kellogg , decTd.dec 1d. F~~cKRP~. P* ?--$, 1754 January 24 House of Rep.Rep . A vote thatthat Hon.Han . Joseph Dwight impowered f~t; to continue the Hollis School at Stockbrid~e.Stockbridge. 1754 March 8 Stockbridge Jonathan Edwards to Josiah Willard -I.- 1, ' 1 A letter re: taking charge of the HollisIIollis School at StockbridgeS tockbridge.. (provided[provided with partial transcript)transcript) 1754 March 24 SStockbridge tockbridge -I Joseph Woodbridge to Hon. Joseph Dwight "Iem 4 & others A letter asking for protection from Indian activities. 1754 April 2 House of Rep. A vote that the sum of twenty pounds be transmitted to Brigadier Dwight'Dwight & Timothy Woodbridge for distribution to near rela­rela- tives of WaumWaumpaurncorsc.p aumcorse. 2 sheetssheets.. ='TLCP~I&~ P4 w5 1754 April 9 HouseHousc of RepRep.. -1'1- '1 Ah vote that Brigadier Dwight secure sundry ,.';p...I- articles forfor the Province and belonging to the late Mohawk School atat Stockbridge.Stockhridgc. , - .. 1754 May 22 StoStockbridgeckbridge , ,. r.- Jonathan Edwards to Joseph WillardWi lIard -. A letterlcttcr requesting the money granted by the General Court for the benefit of Wau­Wau- naubauguus be speedily delivereddelivered.. 2 sheets. sse~r6CrnC.~' FPCW ;, 175417 5 4 June 7 House of Rep. -', T.. - An order that the commissionersconmissioners appointed , , )l to attend an interview at Albany inquire into illegal sales7al.c~ of land in StStockbridge.ockbridge. " " 1754 August 27 Westbury Susan Warren A letter regard a payment of 700 pounds for - . the education of the Indian chichildrenldren within the * - the province. 2 sheetssheets.. 1754 September 282 8 Hatfield Sn~r~Wrn~,~ mac>: Israel Williams to CoLCol. Dwight - ,- A letter requesting informatioinformationn on Indian . .. affairs at StockbridgeStockbridge.. 1754 October 2 StockbridgeS tockbridge <P~K~CIO~& r a ,-rj A letter {incomplete(incomplete and probably from .a - ,,I Dwight to WilliamsEWilliams} adVisingadvising of Indian ,..,.+< . .A, '. conditions in StockbridgeStockbridge.. 4 sheesheets.ts. 1755 January 2 Boston STKY R Ptbu~ l?q p:- n; J.3. Willard to (probably[probably Dwight]Dwightj -- - A letter (incomplete) asking to call a meeting of all the Stockbridge Indians 1 '" and assure them of the friendship of the province. 1755 February 6 StockbridgeS tockbridge Joseph Dwight to J. WiWillard llard (?)I?) , + A letterletter advisingadvising of Indian affairs inin and nearnear CrownCrown Point.Point. 33 sheetssheets.. 1756 January 3030 StockbridgeS tockbridge Jonathan EdwardsEdwards to ProvoProv. of Mass. A billbill forfor lumberlumber and subsistencesubsistence in connection with thethe building of a FortFort.. ~+#ilrPCffl,s 1756 April 1515 StockbridgeS tockbridqe qr -&,< BenjaminBenjamin KohkkewenaunautKohkkewenaunaut to GovGov.. WID.Wm. ShirleyShirley &L- othersothers &Tr Council '" A A petitionpetition forfor thethe maintenance of ua black­black- smsmith.ith.
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