A Publication of Uninhibited Recklessness. Use IPANI and Shine! 0i0tc^/fl£l//t/f'eU^ Sparkle! Vol. XXII No. 11, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1953. Tingle! Registered at G.P.O.. Brisbane, for For the smile of beauty, mass.ige your scslp briskly transmission by po?* as a periodical- with IPANI. Try it in your pipe, too. The Senator Would Approve, Mr. Power, so \Cabbages and Kings { Tliis year of grace 1953, lias pro- ,d!iccd its .sh.ire of lauglis jn Aus- Throw Another Faggot on the Fire , traliau student journalism. I pro- I pcse ill this, the la.<^t Cabbages and Witchhunting, due to th.e unstinted eiforis of Mr. Joseph McCarthy, has grov/n to be one oi ihe most popular pastimes Kings column of the year, to re­ of the great American Way of Life. Until recently il has no t made as great an ibnpact on this particular outpost oi empire cord just a few Of them. as had other such pieces oJ Americana as Hollywood ond chewing-gum. We have to thank the Stale Attorney-Genera], Mr. Power for the remedying of such a regrettable deficiency. Dou blless inspired by the shining example of the Senator from There was a former editor of Wisconsin, Mr. Power shows every indication of developing into a wilchhunter to end all witchhunters. "F;irrat-.o" aielbournc*, who wrote PRESUMABLY, if nnt Hppar- ill law at the University or a tram- proper authority." only real tost of legal ability. 1 ani ccstatk-aliy back to friends still on the stall of the paper: "My wife is •*• cntly, Mr. Power is a person of conductor, to disagree with the The Courier-Mai! oC the next sure that Mj-. Sykes is grateful that it is not a test impeded on Univer­ going to have a baby. We liope it average intclliBenct-. As such he provisions of the Bill, and to ex- morning printed letters in defence WiU be a boy or a girl." must realise that he is neither in­ iiress his disagreement in spcecli or of Mr. Anderson from the head ol .sity lecturers in law." fallible nor above criticism. in writing. his department, Piofcs.sor Harri­ For remarks such as those there i.s no CNCusc; not oven. .Mr. Power, We are not here concerned wilh Much as it may pain and sur­ son, from one of hi.s colleaeiics, prise liim to learn of it, the fact Mr. Sylces, and from the Law in the realm of profcssiunal "On Dit" (Attelaidci bcKan a the merits or otherwise of tlie Students Society. politics. cplumn this ycar bearing tlie title Printers and Newspapers Biil; wliat that he has been sitting jn tlio Government benches since 1935 "Subversive a n d tvcasonnble The whole ailair descended to •Eavestlrojjpings." its chief charm we do insist on, however, is tlie is the f.ici that it was .'signed by a right of anyone, be he a lecturer does not in any way render Mr. ideologies," scrennied Mr. Power pure faice wlicn Mr. Power at- Power a faultless and superior next day. "Our University educa­ trniptcd to snioar Mr, Anderson as ipung hidy calling herself "Ei'e." being in the eyes of tiie public. a Con;miinist. Tile tiling la.stcd for six monttis tion is liigiily co.stly to the State before an o\cr-])nidish Council ce- A Mr. Ross Anderson is fully Government and parent.?, and Gov­ Mr, Anderson is actually a cided it was not qiutc quite, and cniitlcd to doubt the perfection oi ernment and parents are entitled nu'niber of the Toowong brunch banned it forthwith. Mr. Power's any or every act. to know what else besides law our of (he A.L.P. and of tht> Fabian This opinion, not in any way students are being indoctrinated Society, and has bren on several seditious or revolutionary, would, with at the University." occasions the guest of the Univer­ we thougiit. have been held by Mr. Mr. Power, sublimely unconscious sity Soiialisl Club. His polities Tlicn there was the female of Power himself. are as lily-while :is are .Mr, HiMtic iiiipearaiice who sidled up of the figure of fun he was niai^ing Power's. to an unwaiy male at a journalists h\\ie so many childish assump­ of liimself. uttered what have been I P.iity and demanded in a con- tions this to was to be shattered. two of the most ill-bred In.sults of I It is not our intention to huiuh ••^piratcrial whisper "Are vou sane? Tiie Courier-Mail of Wednesday the half-century when ho said of • '"'o '^ .stirring defence of academic Well I am, and I've got a'certificate the seventh of this month, retwrtcd Mr, Anderson: "Men are lying on ^ freedom. That has been done on to prove it." that on the previous day Mr, Power the battlefields of Korea "in tlio '"^"V .Prcvioi.s occasions by advo- had declaimed in Parliament against causG of libevty, nnd at the samc.c^t^^s far more capable than the a pamphlet on the Printers and time a man m^ this is being paid Present writer. Newspapers Bill containing a state- by this Government in an institu­ What concerns us is the obvious "Pelican" (West Australia) soberly nient signed by Mr. Anderson of tion subsidised by this Govern­ unwillingness of Mr. Power, and, for reported .«oiiie time ago a meeting tile Law Department oi the Uni­ ment"; and of Mr. Sykes: "l am that matter, of certain of liis ivliose c.ucst speaker was a prom­ versity, not a law.ver" (in point ot fact Mr. colleagues, to accept criticism from inent local Gommvinist. A.s iiis car In a series of remarks .smacit- P. is an ex-tram conducto.-) 'but the people responsible for their drc'.v tip bcnc:\th the niain tower of ing strongly of incoherent raec 1 am the Ministerial head of tile election to their present exalted the Perth Uiiivcr-stv. a slirill ^Ir. Power dismissed Mr. Ander­ State's Law Department, and as ofhces. Sii-cam wa.s heard from the top, and a female flguro hurtled over son's coinpetence in law a.s "so such have available to me the ad­ Mr, Power's behaviour is such the edge, using an umbrella as a biid as to be incapable of being vice of profopsional legal otTicers that one wonders just wlijit is his p.irachiite. and sqijcnling desper­ excused on tlie grounds ot pro­ wiio have had long training and pcisonal conception of democratic ately "I'm coining, vait for me!" fessional incompetence," and espeiience in applying legal princi­ povernnieut. and what he considers hinted at the necessity for "a ples to facts. tlic role and i osponsibilities of the nir. power review of his cnpnbilities by the "That is in the final analysis the hidividual in a democratic State to bo. Aiid to conclude. t!:is columnist's The right and duly to di.Siigrce own iwrsoiial pliilo;u-hv. Absorb Avith the policies of :i govern­ this, kiddies, it's |:!i.:ouiid. *'What Bastardry is This ?" ment anil its ministers is some- "There goes the l'.ai;)v moron. thinjr inherent in the structure oJ He doesn't pve a danin, our society. Mr. Power has not I 'Aish I were a moron— New Council Rumbles in; Dyspeptic Dramatic Society yet .succeeded in depriving us of My God! Perhap.< l am," that right and dul.v. In the At ihe first meeling of the new Union Council on Tuesday, 6th October, the regime mcimlime, p*>ople such as Ross SAINT LUCIA. Anderson will cxcrci.sv It. and started with much fireworks and eyebrow-raising, when the sic-id and circumapecl U.Q.D.S. they must expect to be able to showed signs of gastronomic trouble. do so without fear of being pub­ Neil Brjce, moving that "Coun­ licly branded as traitors and I The Truth (?) from ever 2,6 wa.s lost per Union nieni- Tile doubtful question of settling .scoundrels. cil strongly disapproves the ters, because the ballot slijjs con­ the blame for this scandalous loss methods used in calling and con­ tained the proposed fees per stu­ was doubtfully settled when secre­ Finally Semper voices the pious ; "Truth'* (?) ? ducting the A.G.M. of the dent £2/10/- instead of the recom­ tary Potter claimed nobody was to hope that Mr. Power may some- , TO correct a mistaken impression U.Q.D.S.." tried hard to sound mended £2/12/6. blame but resorted to the old adage M^h?^;u.J'"'''''^"'"''P'°'''^"lat may nave been Kathered bJ like = troplenl Disraeli defending of this Slate are not^ a mass of'those of our readers who demean It was known that the Univer­ that there's many a slip 'twlxt the his poor ragged mudlark but pen and the press. morons Who will slavishly vote him th,n,s,i,p3 sufliciemiy t" take m ended up sounding like the Fed­ sity accountants wanted to strcnm- into office at every election and ..Trmli" t?^. we would emphasise eral Treasurer reading the Bud­ hne accounts by cutting out guinca.s Let's hope that is so. Providence w^io will siibmit to tong told hy,ti,at Semper Floreat is qt,i"edefln- get. and half-guineas. However, it is alone can save the Union if it is Mr. Powvr that Mr. Power can do iteiy not going out of product on- traitorous to Itlie Union that it to be dictated to by a thoughtles.^ no wrong, and must therefore never Bryce, reeling of! figm'cs galore, should be prejudiced to the extent "Truth" (?).
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