www.golcarandslaithwaitewalkers.org.uk Lower Colne Valley Colne Lower many of the settlements of the of settlements the of many L S A I & T H R W A fairly strenuous scenic walk which links links which walk scenic strenuous fairly A A A C L I T O E G G E O T I L C A A W R H T & I uk or phone 01484 221 000. 221 01484 phone or uk A S L accessed by contacting Kirklees Council website at www.kirklees.gov. at website Council Kirklees contacting by accessed of permissive paths. The definitive guide to local rights of way can be be can way of rights local to guide definitive The paths. permissive of does not imply a right of way. In some cases this walk takes advantage advantage takes walk this cases some In way. of right a imply not does warnings. Please note that the walking route as described in this leaflet leaflet this in described as route walking the that note Please warnings. property. It is in the best interest of walkers to observe these safety safety these observe to walkers of interest best the in is It property. be held responsible for any claims arising from damage to person or or person to damage from arising claims any for responsible held be Welcome, October 2015. October Welcome, faith to provide adequate safety warnings and they cannot in any way way any in cannot they and warnings safety adequate provide to faith republished by Golcar and Slaithwaite Walkers are are Walkers Slaithwaite and Golcar by republished and updated Leaflet original leaflet author and leaflet artist, have attempted in all good good all in attempted have artist, leaflet and author leaflet original Original leaflet published by Colne Valley Trust in 2001. in Trust Valley Colne by published leaflet Original e Walkers are Welcome, together with the the with together Welcome, are Walkers e ait Slaithw and Golcar mer i la sc Di on 01484 221 000 221 01484 on website at www.kirklees.gov.uk/visitors/accommodation or by phone phone by or www.kirklees.gov.uk/visitors/accommodation at website Circular tion are available from the Kirklees Council Council Kirklees the from available are tion moda accom local of Details dation o mm co Ac Golcar -Milnsbridge Golcar There are cafes and pubs available on or near the route of the walk. the of route the near or on available pubs and cafes are There nk Dri d an d Foo Golcar. 604 5460. Local timetables are also available in the Public Library in in Library Public the in available also are timetables Local 5460. 604 ~ or phone 0845 0845 phone or www.firstgroup.com/ukbus/calderdale_huddersfield The Colne Valley Colne The local buses are operated by First Bus. For details check the website at at website the check details For Bus. First by operated are buses local 7676. (Metro also provide details of local train services) Most of the the of Most services) train local of details provide also (Metro 7676. Yorkshire Metro: website at www.wymetro.com or phone 0113 245 245 0113 phone or www.wymetro.com at website Metro: Yorkshire The Colne Valley has frequent bus services. For details contact the West West the contact details For services. bus frequent has Valley Colne The 0844 241 3454, or Customer Relations on 0845 000 0125.. 000 0845 on Relations Customer or 3454, 241 0844 and Village Walks Village and Northern Trains: website at www.northernrail.org or phone Ticket Sales on on Sales Ticket phone or www.northernrail.org at website Trains: Northern Victoria) with stations at Slaithwaite and Marsden. For details contact the the contact details For Marsden. and Slaithwaite at stations with Victoria) m for their support their for m Museu Valley Colne • A series of Countryside of series A The Colne Valley has a regular train service (Huddersfield to Manchester Manchester to (Huddersfield service train regular a has Valley Colne The llen for use of her original drawings original her of use for llen Astley-Mu Maureen • . can you as often as ansport tr public use Please ransport T blic Pu Trust leaflet Trust Trail iding the text for the original Colne Valley Valley Colne original the for text the iding prov for Hill Margaret • countryside and respect its life and work. and life its respect and countryside under control, take your litter home and take care on roads. Enjoy the the Enjoy roads. on care take and home litter your take control, under leaflet The Colne Valley Colne The Please keep to public paths, leave gates as you find them, keep dogs dogs keep them, find you as gates leave paths, public to keep Please The Jo Barnes Fund for generously funding the printing of the the of printing the funding generously for Fund Barnes Jo The • you are walking across other people’s land. people’s other across walking are you their help in arranging for this leaflet to be updated and re-printed. and updated be to leaflet this for arranging in help their When you are are you When king, please follow the country code and remember remember and code country the follow please king, wal g organisations and individuals for for individuals and organisations g llowin fo the thank to like would We Country code Country gements ed l Acknow Golcar Milnsbridge Circular then straight ahead between the works premises to Road West). Cross, turn briefly left, then down a long a path bearing left up hill. (For a quick and easy way flight of steps to Manchester Road. A surprisingly scenic route, using both sides of the valley. to Milnsbridge, follow the canal towpath to the left.) Once safely across, turn right. Walk past buildings and In some places it is rough or steep and at times, parts metal railings as far as the fourth gap in the wall on may be overgrown. Please take care. Boots are essential. 3. Continue up the path and where it meets another the left. (This has a footpath sign and is opposite a Distance: 8 miles path, just past the railings, turn left (chimney on the row of houses.) Descend with care. Time: Allow 4 to 5 hours right). This is level at first through trees, then rises 6. Emerge by the new bridge over the canal. Go over diagonally through a bramble and raspberry thicket the bridge and shortly afterwards over the footbridge The start of the walk can be reached by catching either and nettles, before emerging on Manchester Road. A that crosses the River Colne. Follow the stepped path the 303 or 304 bus from Huddersfield Bus Station. less challenging alternative uses the main track (still up to the green area on the left alongside the road Ramsden Mill Lane) up to Manchester Road. Use Explorer map 288 (Bradford, Huddersfield and East (Upper Brow Road). Before long, join the road and continue to the left as far as the bend. Go forward on Calderdale) to add to the information shown on the 4. In either case, turn left on Manchester Road and leaflet map. the left hand track, which is signed Milnsbridge 2/3 walk as far as the Milnsbridge sign. Cross with care mile. The footpath lies to the left of the gate and goes Note: The first part of the leaflet describes the walk and go up the long flight of steps, by the bus stop, down some steps. Go forward ignoring any turnings. starting from Golcar and the second part gives details of to a road (Yew Tree Lane). Turn left and go up to Pass a scrap yard on your right and then go through a the walk starting from Milnsbridge. Cowlersley Lane. There, notice the old cottages on small industrial estate and forward at the crossroads. the right. At the fourth lamppost on the right, take the path Starting at Golcar Turn left and go down as far as a lane on the right, up the side of the railings, then up some steps. Turn 1. Start at Town End Golcar. Walk past the shops, between a small supermarket and a bus stop. Follow left on the road (Armitage Road) and left again at the towards the church and go down Cliffe Ash (nearly it, but where it turns to the right, keep straight ahead Police Station, down Dowker Street, for a view of the opposite the church) turning sharp left at the bottom across the grass to a housing estate and go forward formerly grand Milnsbridge House. into Small Lane. Just before a five road junction, take to the far end of Ayres Drive where a footpath starts. 7. Walk round the corner to see the front. Its date is the path on the right down the side of a converted As you climb you can enjoy the extensive view on the uncertain but c. 1750. The house is shown below as it small mill (Clay Well sign on the side). The path may left. was in its heyday. be overgrown and the steps at the bottom can be At the cross-paths, take the left hand one. A few slippery. Take care as there is no pavement when you yards after passing a terrace of houses, turn left down come out onto the road (Brook Lane). a path. Leave this after another few yards, by turning Turn right, cross with care and go down the steps right to pass between stone gateposts and then enter nearly opposite the bus stop.
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