Part VI Teil VI References Literaturverzeichnis References/Literaturverzeichnis For the most references the owl taxon covered is given. Bei den meisten Literaturangaben ist zusätzlich das jeweils behandelte Eulen-Taxon angegeben. Abdulali H (1965) The birds of the Andaman and Nicobar Ali S, Biswas B, Ripley SD (1996) The birds of Bhutan. Zoo- Islands. J Bombay Nat Hist Soc 61:534 logical Survey of India, Occas. Paper, 136 Abdulali H (1967) The birds of the Nicobar Islands, with notes Allen GM, Greenway JC jr (1935) A specimen of Tyto (Helio- to some Andaman birds. J Bombay Nat Hist Soc 64: dilus) soumagnei. Auk 52:414–417 139–190 Allen RP (1961) Birds of the Carribean. Viking Press, NY Abdulali H (1972) A catalogue of birds in the collection of Allison (1946) Notes d’Ornith. Musée Hende, Shanghai, I, the Bombay Natural History Society. J Bombay Nat Hist fasc. 2:12 (Otus bakkamoena aurorae) Soc 11:102–129 Amadom D, Bull J (1988) Hawks and owls of the world. Abdulali H (1978) The birds of Great and Car Nicobars. Checklist West Found Vertebr Zool J Bombay Nat Hist Soc 75:749–772 Amadon D (1953) Owls of Sao Thomé. Bull Am Mus Nat Hist Abdulali H (1979) A catalogue of birds in the collection of 100(4) the Bombay Natural History Society. J Bombay Nat Hist Amadon D (1959) Remarks on the subspecies of the Grass Soc 75:744–772 (Ninox affinis rexpimenti) Owl Tyto capensis. J Bombay Nat Hist Soc 56:344–346 Abs M, Curio E, Kramer P, Niethammer J (1965) Zur Ernäh- Amadon D, du Pont JE (1970) Notes to Philippine birds. rungsweise der Eulen auf Galapagos. Deutsche Galapagos Nemouria 1:1–14 Expedition, 1962/63. J Orn 1965(1):49–56 Amadon D, Eckelberry DR (1955) Observations on Mexican Adam CJG (1989) Eastern Screech Owl in Saskatchewan and birds. Condor 57:65–80 adjacent areas. Blue Jay 47(3):164–188 Amadon D, Jewett SG Jr (1946) Notes on Philippine birds. Aharoni J (1931) Orn Monatsb 39(6):171–173 (Strix butleri) Auk 63:551–558 Alexander B (1901) Bull Brit Ornith Cl 12:10 (Glaucidium Anders E (1987) Über den Trillerkauz. Gefiederte Welt albiventer) 1987(10):275–277 Alexander F (1995) Is the Sokoke Scops Owl in the Shinba Andrew A, Tremul P (1995) Observation of a Barking Owl Hills? Kenya Birds 4(1):32, 33 and prey. Aust Raptor Assoc News 16(1):26 Alfaro A (1905) Proc Biol Soc Wash 18:217 (Cryptoglaux Andrew P (1993) The birds of Indonesia. Kukila Checklist, 1. ridgwayi) Indonesian Ornithological Society Jakarta Ali S (1949) Indian hill birds. Oxford University Press Andrew P, Milton GR (1988) A note on the Javan Scops Owl, Ali S (1953) The birds of Travancore and Cochin. Oxford Otus angelinae Finsch. Kukila 3(3–4):79–81 University Press, Bombay Angell T (1974) Owls. University Wisconsin Press, 80 pp Ali S (1962) The birds of Sikkim. Oxford University Press, (North American owls) Madras Anonymus (2004) New owl from islands where no owls were Ali S (1964) The book of Indian birds, 7th ed. Leaders Press known. World Birdwatch 26(4):2 Private Ltd., Bombay Araya B, Chester S (1993) The birds of Chile – A field guide. Ali S (1969) The birds of Kerala. Oxford University Press, Latour, Santiago Madras Archiv Vogelschutzwarte Karlsruhe (1999) Eulen verstehen. Ali S (1977) Field guide to the birds of the Eastern Himala- Bezirksstelle Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege Karlsruhe yas. OUP, Dehli Aronson L (1980) Hume’s Tawny Owl Strix butleri in Israel. Ali S (1978) Mystery birds of India. 3. Blewitt’s Owl or Forest Dutch Birding 1:18, 19 Spotted Owl. Hornbill 4–6 Ash JS, Miskell JE (1983) Birds of Somalia, their habitat, sta- Ali S, Ripley SD (1968) Handbook of the birds of India and tus and distribution. Scopus Spec Suppl 1 Pakistan. 1. Oxford University Press Ash JS, Miskell JE (1998) Birds of Somalia. Pica Press Ali S, Ripley SD (1969) Handbook of the birds of India and Atkinson PW, Koroma AP, Ranft R, Rowe SG, Wilkinson R Pakistan. 2 and 3. Oxford University Press (1994) The status, identification and vocalication of Afri- Ali S, Ripley SD (1970) Handbook of the birds of India and can fishing owls, with particular reference to the Rufous Pakistan. 4. Oxford University Press Fishing Owl Scotopelia ussheri. Bull ABC 1:67–72 290 Literaturverzeichnis Atkinson PW, Peet N, Alexander J (1991) The status and con- Barbour Th (1912) Proc Biol Soc Wash XXIV:57 (Hybris servation of the endemic bird species of Sao Thomé and nigrescens noctividus) Principe, W Africa. Bird Conserv Int 1(3):255–282 Barlow C, Wacher T, Disley T (1997) A field guide to the birds Audubon JJ (1827–1838) Birds of America. (Faksimile 1981) of the Gambia and Senegal. Pica Press Audubon Mag., Russell F (1977) Die Wunder der Vogelwelt. Barré N, Baran A, Jouanin C (1996) Oiseaux de la Réunion. Droemer Les Édit du Pacifique Austin OL (1948) The birds of Korea. Bull Mus Comp Zool Barrowclough GF, Guitiérrez RJ (1990) Generic variation and 101:1–301 differentation in the Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis). Auk Austin OL, Kuroda N (1953) The birds of Japan, their status 107:737–744 and distribution. Bull Mus Comp Zool 109:277–637 Barthel PH (1988) Asio flammeus and Asio otus. Limicola Austing GR (1957) The Saw Whet Owl. Nat Hist 66:154–158 2(1):1–21 Baird SF, Cassin J, Lawrence GN (1860) Birds of North Barton BS (1799) Fragment of the Natural History of Penn- America, Atlas sylvania. 11 (Strix varia) Baker ECS (1919) Bull Brit Ornith Cl 40:60 (Carine brama fryi) Basilio A (1963) Aves de la Isla deFernando Poo. Edit Coculsa Baker ECS (1926) Bull Brit Ornith Cl 47:58 (Athene noctua Batchelor T (1996) Breeding the African Grass Owl (Tyto ludlowi), 59 (Glaucidium cuculoides rufescens), 60 capensis). Tyto 1(5):145, 146 (Glaucidium cuculoides fulvescens), (Ninox scutulata Bates GL (1911) Bull Brit Ornith Cl 27:85, pl 7 (Glaucidium isolata) pycrafti) Baker ECS (1927a) The fauna of British India. Birds 4. Lon- Bates GL (1929) Bull Brit Ornith Cl 49:90 (Jubula) don, Striges, pp 383–458 Bates GL (1930) Handbook of the birds of West Africa. J. Bale Baker ECS (1927b) Remarks on oriental owls with descrip- and Son and Danielson tion of four new races. Bull Brit Ornith Cl 47:58–61 Bates GL (1937) Description of two new races of Arabian Baker ECS (1935) Bull Brit Ornith Cl 56:36 (Strix indranee birds. Bull Brit Ornith Cl 57:150–151 (Otus senegalensis shanensis) pamelae) Baker RH (1951) The avifauna of Micronesia, its origin, evo- Bates RSP, Lowther EHN (1952) Breeding birds of Kashmir. lution and distribution. Univ Kansas Publ Mus Nat Hist Oxford University Press, Bombay 3:1–159 Bauer H-G, Berthold UP (1997) Die Brutvögel Mitteleuropas Bangs O (1899) A new Barred Owl from Corpus Christi, Texas. – Bestand and Gefährdung, 2. Aufl. Aula Proc New Engl Zool Cl 1:31, 32 (Syrnium nebulosum Beavan RC (1867) Ibis 316 (Ninox affinis) helveolum) Bechstein JM (1791) Gemein Naturgesch Deutschland II:344 Bangs O (1900) Auk 17:287 (Speotyto cunicularia cavicola = (Otus palustris) new name for bahamensis) Beck A (1990) Black and White Owl. Peregrine Fund Newsl Bangs O (1907) An owl (Rhinoptynx clamator), added to the 19:3 Costa Rica Ornis. Proc Biol Soc Wash 20:31, 32 (Asio Becking JH (1994) On the biology and voice of the Javan Scops clamator forbesi) Owl, Otus angelinae. Bull Brit Ornith Cl 114:211–224 Bangs O (1908) Auk 25:316 (Strix varia albogilva) Beckon WN (1989) An undescribed form of owl in Fiji. No- Bangs O (1913) Proc New Engl Zool Cl 4:91 (Gymnasio tornis 36(2):114–116 lawrencei exsul) Beehler BM, Finch BW (1985) Species checklist of the birds Bangs O (1919) Proc New Engl Zool Cl 6:97 (Asio flammeus of New Guinea. Australasian Ornith. Monographs 1. Royal sanfordi) Australasian Ornithological Union, Victoria, 126 pp Bangs O (1932) In: La Touche’s Handb. Bds. E China 2(2):113 Beehler BM, Pratt TK, Zimmerman DA (1986) Birds of New (Bubo bubo inexpectatus) Guinea. Princeton University Press Bangs O, Noble GK (1918) Birds of Peru. Auk 40:448–449 Belcher C, Smooker GD (1936) Birds of the Colony of (Otus roboratus) Trinidad and Tobago. III. Ibis 13(6):1–35 Bangs O, Penard TE (1918) Bull Mus Comp Zool 62:51 (Pul- Bell HL (1970) The Rufous Owl in New Guinea. Emu 70:31 satrix perspicillata trinitatis) Bellamy P (1989) Wildtiere aus aller Welt. Müller, Erlangen, Bangs O, Penard TE (1921) Description of six new subspe- 200 pp cies of American birds. Proc Biol Soc Wash 34:89–92 (Otus Belthoff JR, Dufty AM (1995) Locomotor activity levels and choliba luctisonus) dispersal of Western Screech Owl. Anim Behav 50(2): Bangs O, Peters JL (1928) Bull Mus Comp Zool 68:330 (Athene 558–561 noctua impasta) Belton W (1984) Birds of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Bull Am Bannerman DA (1933) The birds of tropical W Africa. 3. Mus Nat Hist 1:178(4) Crown Agents for the Colonies Bendire CE (1891) Auk 8:140 (Megascops asio macfarlanei) Bannerman DA (1953) Birds of West- and Equatorial Af- Benson CW (1960) Birds of the Comoro Islands. Ibis 103b:59– rica. 1. Oliver and Boyd 63 (Otus rutilus mayottensis), (Otus pauliani) Bannerman DA, Bannerman WM (1968) History of the birds Benson CW (1981) Ecological difference between the Grass of the Cape Verde Islands. Birds of the Atlantic Islands 4, Owl Tyto capensis and the Marsh Owl Asio capensis.
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