Administration of George W. Bush, 2002 / Sept. 5 1489 Remarks to the Community in I want to thank the members of the Louis- Louisville, Kentucky ville community who happen to be small- September 5, 2002 business owners for coming to visit. We just had a good hour discussion about small-busi- Thank you all very much. Thank you all. ness issues. You see, one of the best ways It is great to be here in the State of Kentucky. to make sure that our economy grows is to Let me tell you, it’s great to be back to the have an environment in which the entre- State of Kentucky. I want to thank you all preneur can flourish and the small business for coming. It is my—it’s going to be my can be strong. Most new jobs are created in honor today to talk to you about our country, America by small businesses, and therefore, our future. I want to talk about how to make we’d better worry about the health of small our country a safer country and a stronger businesses, if we’re worried about the health country and, as importantly, a better country. and security of the country. And there’s no better place to do it than Lou- And I’m worried about the health and se- isville, Kentucky. curity of our country; I am. And we’ve got I want to thank Anne for her kind intro- a lot of work to do. I’m not worried about duction, and I want to thank the other mem- bers of the Kentucky delegation who are here our future because I’m optimistic about today who are my friends, and that would America. We’ve got a great future ahead of be Senator Jim Bunning and Congressman us. But so long as anybody who wants to work Ken Lucas. I appreciate all three members can’t find work, I think we’ve got a problem of the congressional delegation coming down in America. And so, therefore, our thought today. As you know, they’re up there in process ought to be how to create jobs, how Washington meeting, and it’s an honor that best to make sure that the foundation of eco- three Members decided to come and hear nomic growth remains strong and that we go the President. [Laughter] forward with creating jobs. I want to thank your Governor, Paul Pat- And that’s why I met with the small-busi- ton, for coming today. Governor, I appreciate ness owners and listened to their concerns you taking time to be here. I’m honored that and heard their points of view. First, let me you’re here. I want to thank Elaine Chao, tell you the foundation for our economy is who is a member of my Cabinet, the Sec- strong. I mean, after all, interest rates are retary of Labor. I appreciate you coming, low. Inflation is low. We’ve got the best work- Elaine. I want to thank the head of the Small ers in the world. Our productivity is high. Business Administration, Hector Barreto, for We’ve got the best farmers and ranchers in joining us as well. Thank you, Hector. Oh, the world. We’re really good at a lot of things I forgot—I forgot to mention the first lady in America which creates the foundation for of Kentucky. One thing you learn is never growth. I am not satisfied, however, until ev- to forget to mention the first ladies. I appre- erybody can find work. And so, fundamen- ciate Judi Patton being here as well. Thank tally, what can we do? you for coming, Judi. First, you’ve got to understand the role of Speaking about first ladies, my wife is Government is not to create wealth. It’s to doing great, too. I like to remind people that when I married her, she was a public school create an environment in which people can librarian. And for all the public school librar- realize their dreams, in which small busi- ians out there, you’ve got an advocate in the nesses can grow to be big businesses. And White House. For all the teachers out there, one way to encourage that is to let people I want to thank you for being teachers, too. keep more of their own money. She didn’t like politics, and she didn’t like When we came in, it turns out the country politicians when I married her. Now she’s was in a recession. That’s three quarters of stuck with one. [Laughter] She’s doing a negative growth. Fortunately, I was able to great job. I’m really proud of her. She sends team up with members of both political par- her love and her best to all the people of ties to take a chapter out of this textbook. Kentucky. It’s the chapter that says, if you let people 1490 Sept. 5 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2002 keep more of their own money, they will de- wants to find work is more likely to be able mand a good or a service. And if they de- to do so if the tax relief is permanent. mand a good or a service, somebody is likely In order to make sure people find work to produce that good or a service. And when and our economy is strong, Congress must somebody produces that good or a service, not overspend. Every idea sounds like a good somebody is more likely to find work. The idea in Washington—just that they cost bil- tax relief came at the right time for the Amer- lions of dollars. We need to set priorities, and ican economy. we have set priorities in Washington, prior- If you listen carefully to some of the dialog ities of how to make America safer, stronger, in Washington, you begin to hear a little tone and better. And it’s my job to hold the line about, ‘‘Well, maybe we ought to stop the on spending the people’s money. tax relief from being fully implemented.’’ That would be a mistake for our economy. See, it’s important to have the right mind- That would be a terrible mistake for jobs and set up there. We’re not spending Govern- job creation. Not only should we resist any- ment money; we’re spending your money. In body who wants to undo the tax relief, we order to make sure it’s spent wisely—I look need to make the tax relief permanent. forward to working with Congress to make Well, people say, ‘‘How can cutting in- sure we spend your money wisely. If we over- come taxes on the people affect small busi- spend, it will serve as a drag on our economy. ness?’’ Well, most small businesses are sole If we overspend, it will make it harder for proprietorships, which means they pay tax at people to find work. I’m worried about peo- the individual income tax rate level. Or most ple finding work. I want anybody who wants small businesses are limited partnerships. a job to be able to find one here in America. And so when you cut the taxes on the people, There’s some other practical things we can you’re really cutting the taxes on the sole pro- do in Washington, DC. We need to get us prietors and on limited partnerships. You’re a terrorism insurance bill, to get our hardhats helping small business grow. And when small back to work. Over $10 billion of construc- businesses grow, America is better off. tion projects are not going forward because But let me also tell you that in the tax relief people can’t get the proper insurance be- plan we began to mitigate the effects of the cause of what the terrorists did to America. marriage penalty. Listen, the Tax Code ought The Government ought to help here. It to encourage marriage, not discourage mar- makes sense that the Government help. We riage. And the other thing is we sent the want our hardhats back to working. The con- death tax on the way to extinction. The death struction trades believe that over 300,000 tax is bad for Kentucky farmers; it’s bad for workers will go back to work if we can get Kentucky ranchers; and it’s bad for Kentucky this bill out of Congress. I want a bill out entrepreneurs. of Congress that helps the hardhats, not And then you say, ‘‘Well, why, Mr. Presi- helps the plaintiffs’ attorneys. I want people dent, do you need to talk about making the going back to work in America. tax relief permanent?’’ Because a quirk in the We need an energy bill. A good energy law in the United States Senate says that you won’t—we’re going to cut your taxes, but in bill will create jobs in America. We also need 10 years it will have come back. It’s hard for an energy bill which will encourage conserva- me to explain. I mean, how can you say, ‘‘On tion and the use of renewable energy. We the one hand, we’re cutting your taxes, on can do that, but we also need an energy bill the other hand, it goes away after 10 years?’’ that will encourage exploration here in Amer- Well, that’s just the way the Senate happens ica, exploration in environmentally friendly to work right now. But there’s a way to ways, so that we become less dependent on change that, and that is to get the United foreign sources of crude oil.
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