Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Rose-Hulman Scholar The Rose Thorn Archive Student Newspaper Summer 8-30-1992 Volume 28 - Issue 1 - Sunday, August 30, 1992 Rose Thorn Staff Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://scholar.rose-hulman.edu/rosethorn Recommended Citation Rose Thorn Staff, "Volume 28 - Issue 1 - Sunday, August 30, 1992" (1992). The Rose Thorn Archive. 833. https://scholar.rose-hulman.edu/rosethorn/833 THE MATERIAL POSTED ON THIS ROSE-HULMAN REPOSITORY IS TO BE USED FOR PRIVATE STUDY, SCHOLARSHIP, OR RESEARCH AND MAY NOT BE USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE. SOME CONTENT IN THE MATERIAL POSTED ON THIS REPOSITORY MAY BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT. 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SUNDAY, AUG. 30, 1992 Vol. 28, No. 1 Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Activities Freshman Fair SEPTEMBER 2 Orientation Hulman Student Union CHECK ACTIVTITES CALENDAR Issue FOR DETAILS • NEWS BRIEFS Computer key to new ways of learning Student civil engineering chapter named among nation's best The American Society of report. The students were cit- Civil Engineers (ASCE) has ed for successfully increasing again selected the Rose- awareness about the chapter Hulman Institute of Technolo- which resulted in an increase gy student chapter of ASCE as in membership. In the area of one of the nation's best. community service, the chap- Thehonor marks the seventh ter had its most successful consecutive year that the year raising funds for the an- Rose-Hulman chapter has re- nual Terre Haute Tribune-Star ceived the ASCE Certificate of Christmas Basket Fund. Commendation. There are 210 ASCE chapters nationwide. The chapter was first hon- Chapter adviser, Cecil Lobo, ored as one of the nation's best professor of civil engineering, in 1973. In 1990, the Rose- said the honor was presented Hulman ASCE group was one to the chapter because of its of four finalists for the Ridge- outstanding activities during way Award as the top ASCE 4. 1991 and creation of an annual chapter. Integrated first-year curriculum students use computers as an aid In classroom work. These "classrooms of the future" are part of Rose-Huiman's new approach to teaching first-year Math teams among best engineering and science. Brian Winkel, Jeff Froyd, curriculum. they The annual William Lowell legiate squad from Indiana. hand, lose sight of what it is Robert Lopez and Mark Yoder "In industry, academics and Putnam Competition is consid- Rose-Hulman sophomore they're trying to learn, says have something in common. government, the computer has Froyd, professor ered to be North America's Jonathan Atkins Terre of electrical and of They're not satisfied with the sta- become the tool of choice for sci- most prestigious mathematic- computer engineering." Haute finished in the top 100 tus quo when it comes to teaching entists and engineers," explains al contest. participants. "Students have more time to out of 2,325 their students engineering and A. T. Roper, Rose-Hulman vice This year, a team Rose- answer the question,'What if?," of In another competition of nu- mathematics. president for planning and data Hulman students finished Ilth merical skill, a Rose-Hulman explains mechanical engineering The four are among a group of systems. "If Rose-Hulman is go- professor David among 291 U.S. and Canadian math team won the Indiana Purdy. Rose-Hulman faculty who are us- ing to prepare students to work in squads. championship for the third This summer,Purdy received a ing the latest in computer systems that environment, we have to The Rose-Hulman team year in a row and 15th time National Science Foundation in to develop innovative ways for make the computer a tool of finished the highest of any col- 27 years. grant to create a new computer their students to learn. choice in education." - aided method of teaching dyna- Because of rapid changes in Rose-Hulman faculty, such as mics which explains the technology, theories Site for improved college teaching faculty believe its Lopez, were among the first in the of motion. critical that students learn nation to use computer algebra problem-solving strategies that systems to teach calculus to fresh- This summer, faculty from Faculty from throughout the Hulman as the site for a three- other American universities United will outlive today's technologies. men. Yoder, who teaches in the States came to Rose- year summer program during came to Rose-Hulman along with Hulman this summer "The speed of the computer Department of Electrical and to learn which Rose-Hulman faculty high-school teachers to learn about new ways Rose-Hulman taught colleagues how to use gives students more rapid feed- Computer Engineering, is among back," explains about the innovations. profs are using computers to computer algebra software to Winkel, professor a group who have expanded the of mathematics. teach engineering and mathe- make engineering and science "Students have use of these computer software "We have to make engineering more time matics. more interesting to their stu- to experiment and to be programs beyond the mathemat- and science interesting to more The National Science dents. creative." ics department. students," noted Lopez, who Foundation selected Rose- This innovative approach cuts "So often, students spend so along with Yoder taught one of the across the entire Rose-Hulman much time grinding out data by summer workshops. PSI Energy donates $4,000 to Rose solar car project Music highlights 1992-93 Rose Fine Arts Series Rose-Hulman solar-powered mile race scheduled June 20- race car plans to take advan- 26,1993,from Dallas, Texas, to tage of this summer's bright Minneapolis, Minn. The col- sunny skies to wander Indiana lege will be Indiana's only rep- in preparation for next year's resentative in the race. Sunrayce 93 race. The Solar Phantom must New features in the Solar pass a qualification test on Phantom include the installa- April 10-12, 1992, at the Indian- tion of two DC brush motors apolis Motor Speedway. All and a modified motorcycle cars from colleges located in transmission (to improve the midwest and east coast climbing capabilities); an en- must display their cars at this tire rewiring of the electrical time or risk disqualification system (to allow for lead acid from the race field. batteries); and redesign of the A list of the colleges partici- rear swingarm. pating in next year's race in- "What we are testing in our cludes the University of Michi- tour of Indiana is Solar Phan- gan, Stanford University, Uni- tom 1.5, with version 2.0 on the versity of Oklahoma, Universi- drawing boards for Stmrayce ty of Minnesota, University of 93," said Schickel, one of only California, Arizona State Uni- three returning team mem- versity, Auburn University, bers from the college's first Colorado State University, cross-country solar car race. Iowa State University, Clear Fork concert features a bluegrass sound. Rose-Hulman will be among Rochester Institute of Technol- 36 entries participating in Sun- ogy and University of Puerto Music will be in the spotlight teller Garrison Keillor on Nation- certs that feature the classics as rayce 93, a seven-day, 1,000- Rico: during six of the seven programs al Public Radio. well as comtemporary composers slated for the 1992-93 Rose- The Fine Arts Series schedule such as Leo Brouwer. Hulman Institute of Technology shifts from music to comedy on The music of Broadway, jazz Fine Arts Series. December 12 when Cheney and and opera wW be featured March The shows are free of charge to Mills perform,"Human Cartoons 20 during a concert by the Great Rose-Hulman students. and Juggling Theatrics." The Lakes Quartet. Members of the The season begins Sept. 19 with husband-and-wife team show- Quartet have worked with famed a performance by the Asbury cases two comedy styles ranging Metropolitan director, Ralph Her- Brass Quintet. The group's con- from mime to New Vaudeville bert and have made their debuts certs are noted for their wide stand-up juggling. before European audiences in Switzerland and range of music, including class- Award-winning duo pianists Austria. The Rose-Hulman ical, jazz, folk, spirituals and Claire Aebersold and Ralph Fine Arts Series concludes show tunes. Neiweem will perform Jan. 23. with its tradi- tional Engineers Their innovative concerts for both in Concert On October 17, one of the Mid- March 27. piano duet and two pianos have The annual show fea- west's finest bluegrass bands, tures the been featured internationally and musical talents of Rose- Clear Fork, will take to the Hulman on PBS-TV. They're concert will students, staff and fac- Moench Hall Auditorium stage. ulty. include the works Brahms, Acoustic bluegrass and country All Fine Arts Series programs music, Mozart and Liszt. original songs and even an begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Moench occasional polka make Solar Phantom receives up a Clear Christopher Laughlin's talents Hall Auditorium.
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