Ideals of cubic algebras and an invariant ring of the Weyl algebra Koen De Naeghel, talk at the Antwerp Mini Workshop on Noncommutative Geometry January 18, 2006 This talk is based on joint work with Nicolas Marconnet. 1 Introduction and main results For simplicity we will work over the field of complex numbers k = C. One of the basic examples of a noncommutative noetherian domain is the first Weyl algebra A1 = khx; yi=(xy − yx − 1): It has global dimension one and Gelfand-Kirillov dimension two. It is also well-known that A1 has no two-sided ideals, however there are plenty one-sided ideals and it is a natural question to describe them. In 1994 Cannings and Holland classified right A1-ideals by means of the adelic Grassmannian. A few years later Wilson found a relation between the adelic Grassmannian and the so-called Calogero-Moser spaces (for n 2 N) Cn = f(X; Y) 2 Mn(k) × Mn(k) j rank(YX − XY − I) ≤ 1g= Gln(k): In 1995 Le Bruyn proposed an alternative classification method based on noncommutative algebraic geometry. His idea was to consider the homogenized Weyl algebra H, the algebra obtained by adding a third variable z of degree one to A1 commuting with x; y and making the relation xy − yx − 1 homogeneous H = khx; y; zi=(zx − xz; zy − yz; xy − yx − z2): The algebra H is a graded k-algebra H = k ⊕ H1 ⊕ H2 ⊕ ::: and is seen as a noncommutative analogue of the ordinary polynomial ring in three variables k[x; y; z]. In 1979 Beilinson showed the bounded derived category Db(coh(P2)) of coherent sheaves on the projective plane P2 = Proj k[x; y; z] is equivalent to the bounded derived category of representations of a quiver ∆ X−2 X−1 > > Y−2 Y−1 −2 > −1 > 0 Z−2 Z−1 > > 1 with relations reflecting the relations in k[x; y; z] 8 < Y−1X−2 = X−1Y−2 Z−1Y−2 = Y−1Z−2 : X−1Z−2 = Z−1X−2 One may then use this derived equivalence to describe (stable) vector bundles over P2 in terms of linear algebra. Le Bruyn observed that this framework does survive when replacing k[x; y; z] −1 with the homogenized Weyl algebra H. Consider H[z ]0, the degree zero part of the localization H[z−1] at the powers of the central element z. We have −1 A1 = H[z ]0. Thus right ideals of A1 (endowed with a filtration) correspond to graded right ideals I of H which are reflexive i.e. I∗∗ = I where I∗ = HomA(I;H) is the graded dual of I. Reflexive graded right ideals of H then 2 correspond to \line bundles" on a \noncommutative plane" Pq = Proj H in the sense of Artin and Zhang (see below for the exact definitions) and by a like- wise derived equivalence they correspond to certain stable representations of the same quiver ∆ but with relations reflecting the relations in H. In 2002 these ideas were worked out by Berest and Wilson to obtain Theorem A. Let R(A1) be the set of isomorphism classes of right A1-ideals. Then G = Aut(A1) has a natural action on R(A1), where 1 • the orbits of the G-action on R(A1) are indexed by N, • the orbit corresponding to n 2 N is in natural bijection with the n-th Calogero-Moser space Cn = f(X; Y) 2 Mn(k) × Mn(k) j rk(YX − XY − I) ≤ 1g= Gln(k) −1 −1 where Gln(k) acts by simultaneous conjugation (gXg ; gYg ). The Cn are smooth connected affine varieties dimension 2n. There are many more k-algebras having the same homological properties like the homogenized Weyl algebra. In particular H is a so-called three dimensional Artin-Schelter algebra, which is by definition a graded k-algebra A = k ⊕ A1 ⊕ A2 ⊕ ::: satisfying (i) A has global dimension 3; (ii) A has polynomial growth i.e. there are positive real numbers c; e such that e dimk An ≤ cn for all positive integers n; (iii) A is Gorenstein, meaning there is an integer l such that k(l) if i = 3, Exti (k ;A) =∼ A A A 0 otherwise. 1 ∼ The fact that R(A1)=G = N has also been proved by Kouakou in his PhD-thesis. 2 This class of graded algebras was introduced by Artin and Schelter in 1986 and classified a few years later by Artin, Tate and Van den Bergh (generated in degree one) and Stephenson (general case). They are all noetherian domains of Gelfand-Kirillov dimension three and have all expected nice homological prop- erties. Let us further assume A is generated in degree one. It turns out there are two possibilities for such an algebra A (done by Artin and Schelter) • kA has a minimal resolution of the form 3 3 0 ! A(−3) ! A(−2) ! A(−1) ! A ! kA ! 0 Thus A has three generators and three defining homogeneous relations in degree two. We say A is quadratic. The Hilbert series of A is given by P n 2 3 −3 hA(t) := n dimk Ant = 1 + 3t + 6t + 10t + ··· = (1 − t) . • kA has a minimal resolution of the form 2 2 0 ! A(−4) ! A(−3) ! A(−1) ! A ! kA ! 0 Now A has two generators and two defining homogeneous relations in degree three. We say A is cubic. The Hilbert series of A is given by P n 2 3 −2 2 −1 hA(t) = n dimk Ant = 1 + 2t + 4t + 6t + ··· = (1 − t) (1 − t ) . The generic class of quadratic and cubic Artin-Schelter algebras are usually called type A-algebras, in which case the relations are respectively given by 8 ayz + bzy + cx2 = 0 < ay2x + byxy + axy2 + cx3 = 0 azx + bxz + cy2 = 0 and (1.1) ax2y + bxyx + ayx2 + cy3 = 0 : axy + byx + cz2 = 0 where a; b; c 2 k are generic scalars. It was shown by Artin, Tate and Van den Bergh that a quadratic or cubic Artin-Schelter algebra A is completely determined by a triple (E; σ; j), depend- ing on A, where either • j : E =∼ P2 if A is quadratic, resp. j : E =∼ P1 × P1 if A is cubic; or • j : E,! P2 is an embedding of a divisor E of degree three if A is quadratic, resp. j : E,! P1 × P1 where E is a divisor of bidegree (2; 2) if A is cubic and σ 2 Aut(E). In the first case we say A is linear, otherwise A is called elliptic. If A is of type A and the divisor E is a smooth elliptic curve (this is the generic case) then we say A is of generic type A. In that case σ is a translation on E. Quadratic Artin-Schelter algebras of generic type A are also called three dimensional Sklyanin algebras. For a linear quadratic resp. cubic Artin-Schelter algebra its reflexive graded right ideals just correspond to the (classical) line bundles on P2 resp. P1 × P1. In 2004, Van den Bergh and the first author generalized the ideas of Le Bruyn and Berest and Wilson to obtain 3 Theorem B. Let A be an elliptic quadratic Artin-Schelter algebra for which σ has infinite order. Let R(A) be the set of reflexive graded right A-ideals, considered up to isomorphism and shift of grading. There exist smooth locally closed varieties Dn of dimension 2n such that R(A) is naturally in bijection ` with Dn. n2N If in addition A is of generic type A i.e. A is a three dimensional Sklyanin algebra then the varieties Dn are affine. In particular D0 is a point and D1 is the complement of E under a natural 2 embedding in P . For any n 2 N there is an explicit description of Dn. A result similar to Theorem 1 was proved by Nevins and Stafford without the restriction on the order of σ, but without the explicit description and the affineness of the varieties Dn. They proved Dn is connected as well. The aim of this talk is to point out that by using the same methods one obtains a result similar to Theorem B for cubic Artin-Schelter algebras. Let A be a cubic Artin-Schelter algebra and let R(A) denote the set of re- flexive graded right A-ideals, considered up to isomorphism and shift of grading. 2 2 Define N = f(ne; no) 2 N j ne − (ne − no) ≥ 0g. Theorem 1. Let A be an elliptic cubic Artin-Schelter regular algebra for which σ has infinite order. Then for (ne; no) 2 N there exists a smooth locally closed 2 variety D(ne;no) of dimension 2(ne − (ne − no) ) such that R(A) is in natural bijection with ` D . (ne;no)2N (ne;no) If in addition A is of generic type A then the varieties D(ne;no) are affine. In particular D(0;0) is a point and D(1;1) is the complement of E under 1 1 a natural embedding in P × P . In fact D(ne;no) is a point whenever ne = 2 (ne − no) . A crucial part of the proof of Theorem 1 consists in showing that the spaces D(ne;no) are actually nonempty for (ne; no) 2 N. In contrast to quadratic Artin- Schelter regular algebras this is not entirely straightforward. We have shown this by characterizing the appearing Hilbert series for objects in R(A). We will come back on this at the end of this talk.
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