IBroUparequeusrp qser; Surceldopnlcur senbruqcel eseql sexeldruocserceds eyqerre,r dlpcrSoloce pue ,tllecrqderSoe?Jo uopnlosar oql pal€llllJpJ,{puer8 er'uq leueluru 3u1,rqur uorleue,ruoqelndod 'sueulceds Surluounropro; senbruqJel,trou unuzqreq;o uo!lBulruBXoIBuorlueAuoc ot uonrpppuI '!.ErJeJlsnv lsad\-qlnos Jo sprqcro,,sru^\oJg 'peuelsaJql ? uptuJJogJo uorlrpepuoces aqt ur posnsaureu tdrrcsnuutu elspJlel puu peJeprsuoJexsl IEJeAesequJsap IlrA\ solJes eqJ I6rI ut sprqrJouerleJlsnv uelsed\Jo suorlJelloc?qroauord,selzuel^I 'dno'tg ppqrqJrv Jo uo.rluJqalerFruueluaorq eql spJel\ol uo,rtnqlJluoca sr serJesaq; uorl€^rosuoJ pue ,{pnls prqcJo a^rleN ueJlellsnv ualso^d aql Jo sroquau ql!^\ uoueroqulloour pelrnpuoJ 'suorlelonbe^oqu aql ur ppre?z1rgpue puotuuruC dq ol pepnllBpuDI eqlJo sexelduoc selcedscrqdrorudlod pe,rloserun dlsnor,lerd ,{ueru e,ruq "rg'\ qcrq,r u:eue8peqle pue'lpwloaryor1 oruapolo) rJosesrcoJ lI sapmap o,r,r1lsud eql re,ro pelaldruocsarpnls d:nu€qJaq pup pleg alrsuelxeuo peseqsr seuoser{J 'uorSorsrql uror; eraue8o1 de1 'splqcro ^\eu u sello,tl sB uerTe4snvtuelse,r-qlnos;o ,{ruouoxdleql uo seuese ol uopcnporlullerouaE e sepr,rordreded sq1 'OOO) gZ-t:() y1o1s1tnp uJeuo?ol i(ol pup sldocuoccrurouoxel 'suorlrellos 'u^ 'reddog dpee;o ,{:o1sr111 :f?oloplqrro uellerlsnv uelseld ol suollnqrruoC d'V olg yq'g pBrtsqY (gggl)plure?4rg ,, fropu;spusaq 1r plo^uo1 elqlssod eq ll JJlouu€c solJedseuo repun seUorJBA tcupsrp fre,,r;o requnu lBer8 B apnlJur oL, (gg9 :9791)puouluruq .. perrpore {eql ueqnAecuera;;rp eql Folepo1 pelzznd 'elqruJecsrp lue I uo^eqAnoql'elsls Eur^\oJE oqt ur uaqn',{luruyecSurTreJun qlr,{\ ere slueldeql seJJo JeJ su puu lq8rs ls.rq 1e ureql eleuru.rrJcsrp uEc pse'Dponl'Opue ophtt 'O ueql pau€u eABqI lJurlsrpdlpeyad are Kat4$rq ioctlsolasercads eql sylecpue lecrlueprs? see{urq pera,rog-apurs fur qloqstopJsuoc delpul'I lC leql oruesqoL, 'ooreuueAl 9909 ?rle4snv ualsa/\A 19 xog od tlun saltrunuluoJpus selcodspeuelporql uprlprlsnv ruotsal^ luau.Seuel I puB'I pu? uolte^jasuoCJo lueuupdacr 9009 sIIBrlsnVuielse^\'qued lsal\'uepllC rluetog pu? Irsd sSur)',{tuoqlnv $lrDd puEsuepreo oruplogl zu,r\orgd ^\eJpuvpup rJeddoH ( uaqdols BJauaBol ,{e{ puB sldeJuor rlluouoxq 'suollJolloJ ,(1.rea;od.ro;s;11 'I :,€oloplrlJro uellerlsnv rrJalsal\ ot suollnqFfuoJ ij\dgz-t:(Zl otslinN Nq'tsia Yo|. 14, No. 1/2 (2001) partson systemcards beneath clear magic tape,field testsfor pollinator specificity, and the extensive useof 35 mm colour slidesand line drawingsof fresh flowers. We havealso benefitedfrom accessto recently acquireddata on allozyme and DNA markers. The early history of the systematicsof south-westernAustralian orchids is reviewed here. It comprisedtwo phases:(1) the first encountersby Europeansand (2) the early colonial phasein which James Drummond was prominent. The strong reliance of taxonomists on the collections and observationsof interestedrcsident orchid enthusiastsis a recunent featureof this history, Our taxonomic conceptsfor genera,species, subspecies and hybdds are described. New taxa are consideredto be speciesif they grow in populations(i.e. are not aberrantindividuals within normal populations),if they have featuresor a combination of featuresnot seenin any previously named species,and especially if they grow with previously named speciesand produce few or no natural hybrids. Geographicalraces with minor morphologicaldifferences are recognized as subspecies. These may hybridize and intergmdeextensively where their geographicalranges overlap. Our emphasison biological as well as morphological attdbutesin recognizingspecies and subspeciesis a significant changeftom past practice. It leads to the recognitionof more specieswithin complexespreviously treatedas single polymorphic species(e.g. Caladeniafilamentosa R. Br., C. huegelii H.G. Reichlt.)- Thereare many practical advantages toourapproach, includingimproved management forconservation, improved cultivation, and more precisecommunication and conductofpopular and scientific studies on south-westemorchids. Nevr'genera, published elsewhere,are basedon numerical analysesof morphologicaldata, aswell asthe recently completed DNA sequencestudies ofKoreset al. (20O0,2001\. Introduction Two centuriesago, Archibald Menzies,surgeon and naturalistaboard the ILMS. Discovery, was the first European to make collections of Western Australian orchids. The Discovery, under the commandof CaptainGeorge Vancouver, was anchoredin King GeorgeSound from 28 Septemberto 11 October1791. "copious Menzies made a collection of ... yegetableproductions, principally the genusBantsia, which are here very numerous" from various sites onshore in the vicinity of present-dayAlbany (Maiden 1909; Heberle, undated). Three orchid specieswere subsequentlynamed from Menzies' specimens,including one bearinghis name-Leptoceras menzt€stt(R. Br.) Lindl., Caladenia flavaR. Br. andDiuris longifulla R. Br. (Brown 1810;Lindley 1830-1840). The presentseries ofpublications, basedon more than two decades'research, contdbutes towards the celebrationof the bicentenaryof Menzies' pioneeringcollections. Here,we provide a genemlintroduction to the series,and a new key to genem of south-westernAustralian orchids. South-westemAustralia is one ofthe few regionsin the world where the abundanceand diversity of terrcstdal orchids may be breathtaking (Hoffman & Brown 1992, 1.998). In some habitats, particularly the first spring after a fire, more than 40 specieshave beenrecorded in a few hectares,in somecases so abundantthat walking without treadingon them was impossible. But such situations are exceptional. Indeed, most residentsand tourists, professionalbotanists among them, overlook orchidsand underestimate the dch diversity found in the south-west.There are several reasons for this. e roJ 966I osrJJ oes)lsluEtoq unlrPqroq eql ol lsol eJPsJelcsJeqc cruouoxel AuEr! lEql sueurlJeos 3ur,{rp puu Surssard,{q pe olsrp os sr sprqcJoruolse^\-qlnos Jo Jnopo pus .rnoloJlrslep IeJnpruls 'sueupeds eqlJo qsnl{ unrJeqJeqIsuorlue^uor qlr^{ dluo ?u1pepur sruolqordclluouoxEl eruocre,ro fypquelsqns e,req suorlelndodprqJJo ur uolleue^ Surdpnls o1 seqceo:dde^\au'{lpuoros puv '(polepun '? e3:oag ry slueurelJ e) sJeqcruaserpuorsse;ord 'splr{Jro pw stsersnqlueprqcro uaa^leq uorlrerelq qql petellllJ€JJaqunJ seq Jo ,{pnlsrrJrluarrs pus uope,rgpc eql Surloruordo1 pelecrpep ,{cue8e Surpun; e1e,,lrJd e'uorlepunoC prqrrg uerTe.l1snvaqlJo poFad errr€ssJql Ja^o osg oqJ elqJssoduoeq a^sr{ asrn roqlo plno,r upql qJJuaseJJlluurelsds pruro; ur 'selEg 'U 'seuof 'I'C'so^lastno ecue,rpeplder erour pue e,rqcnpordu o1pel seq pue slueuelC V I I qll,{Sulnulluoc pu?a8roeg g y qlr,rSuoueuuoc'dnoJC orll qll,rslsuuouoxel prqcroluuorsse;ord;o 'exel luelrrellolut asolC peqlrcsepun,{ueurgo uorlerryluapr pue uorleJol eql pelelllrJeJseq sprJlsrp JreqlJosPlqJJo eql q1y'rruqluu; dleluunlursrequreru,{-4unoc3o uorsradsrp 1n;asn v sraqdeJSoloqdpuu slsErsnqlueprqJro peIHsJoJequnu?ulseoJJul ue JoJ punorSSurqzrl e sepoqqrnog puupedoleaep srq dnorg uorle,r:esuo3pu€ i(pnlS prlclO e^llBNuell84snVulelsei[ aql'sepBrepo^! ls€der{t ro^o',{IsrC 'scperuelsds plqcro u:elsea-r{lnosut secuelpeluoJJnJ aql ol pelnquluoc e^pq slueuala,{a1om1 'pe^alqJeeq uer tuesordexet aqt;o Surpuelsrapun11n; u eroJoqEJoU prqcJo s,uorSar eql uo auop eq ol spoeuI[gs oJoruqcnhl srTtr1snv tuelsaA\-qlnosur slre,rerduorlenlrs:eJJuls E',,osJrfuns ou seouroc llr,nrededsrql ur sercads.reuperpunq 'oeetuplqsro euo uuql eJou Jo uolldF sePeql usrlEJlsnveql urqlr,trsdnor8 xeldruoc q1r,nrellltuu; puB qcJBesersrql qlr^\ pelercosseasoql ol,, 'eeoceplqcJou?lJpJlsnv ruelsee uo uoqnqrrluoc rofeur slq ol uolleleJuJ lEql polJeurel (I :1661) sauol se 1sn1 puEqol etllos sexeldruocserceds go sarpnls pelJ€lopJo sllnsoJeql sEJse( qceepaglluepr eq ol senurluocEx?l A\euJo qllua,r V epuu ueeqe^pq '€rTuJlsnV sprqcrotuelse^\-qlnosJo sorJe^orsrp luecer ,{ueur 1eq13ursrrfuns 1ou sdeqrad sr 1r ulolsoi( ur 'slsruuloq luoplseJsleuolssolord;o ,{lrcnudeq1 pue pler; ldepelsou aq1o1 se8ue1leqr esaql ue^rC 'tg'a u|olt8uo1 sttnr1 J!.J'J'a ouou sr1t1sota14 "qqcreg ''rg'dtruosnpd "Jg'\osouawoltl g g rca8anq D J otuapoloS [,qpegrddl esoqlse qcns saxeldurocsarceds roJ uolAeJaql lnoq8nor parolunoruesluuuu,r;o uroqlald eql uo seureuSurculd 'uxul pue Sutpuelsrapunul dleq onlllJo aJe.t deq; luurru,rur,{le,rgu1er aq1 uo fluo uopeurJoJqInJosn papr,lord(tr961 unaorg ? uBruJJoH:996I uo$lclrA :0€6I eolled) sprqcro ruolse^\-qlnoso1 sep1n8 '(9661 '7661) 'flel?unuoJun PIaIJolqullu^e eql u.,torg T, uutulJoHJo uoll€crlqndluece.r aq1 lpun 'lse.,'r-t1lnosrqt ur eraueBqrg -sarceds:aq1opua (186I ?r raroddoH) s{ KlsouoS'(966y'6961'2961eul..lLo1)otasolg'(1661aEroeg) '(9161 DtprocuoA ullsuyq)arraey'(1661 reddoll 4lo{oorg:0661 31u1a1a4 ra4oo-rg)sndqocnq 'srnJso uI ueesl3r{l 01elqBreduoc slu?rrel pelrler ,{Iaso1c;olueuacsldor [€r!8o1ocero pclqderSoeS prdeg fSoloqdrour IeJoUu uorlerJel Jo ,{ErrBSuuep1,req e fzldsrp sprqcro;o sdno:3 euog '(9661 p o uoxrqlts6l eled ? uoxlq) s?lrsu,trou>[ ulqll.,.r elecol ol srnoq-uosredeuru;o e8ure,ru uB e{€l seoueJseJogurueeuerJelqns alrsnle esoq,{ elrsendrde us 'sJeSoU'A uaupo? oya4luozyqy 'pqcrg punor8rapu1eql qlra tse^\-qlnosaql ut qlruezslr saqoeerSuuer','og cpd,{ro ,{lrsualsrpw erurl eleudorddeaq1 1e erlJ roge ldecxo[p ts Je.trog{le]EI sprrlcloeurog uor1e1e3ea.ppueJod JeAlpleql dq ?uuds u1paraj;ord rnolor Jo lorJ eql ur peloolra,lo ,{gseee.lr l€ql sJa.rog snoncrdsuocurlltrrrs al€q '6661 eleue8aruog ,(q satceds79 pup (966I u,rorg T, reddog) reluysrzed ua,ras sarceds 67 o1(9961 euueg) oAEepsrep e serJedsgZ ruo{'A\oJ8 ol sanqluoc lsll prqcrooql',{lp
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