.,='---,l*.,. ' ... --- - - ' • . = • » __ _ .. » I ' . ' - ./ ^ : i , ■• Artngt Daily Net Press Run The Weather . t For the Week Ended roreeeit of O. S. Wenthet B nw a i. > Mejr e,. 1S61 Fair, cooler tonight, chenoS «C' 13,326 troet In normally eoMer sMMW Member of the Audit l«W IS to 4it~Falr, Whdnniilsy,; Burenn of Olrcoletlon High In 60e. Manche»ter—rA City of Village Charm VOL. LXXX, NO. 198 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY; MAY 23, 1961 (Claeairied Adrertlaing on Page 14) PRICE FIVE CENTS !% . ’ a Congress^ Castro Riled Stale News Alleghany’s Roundup Empire to Dispute Perils X Dempsey Vetoes MureMsons Extending Hour$« Baltimore, May 23 (/P)— Captives Deal The epic "Battle of Million- On Liquor Sales aires" for control of the $6.7 billion financial empire ruled New Bus Bias Tests Hartford, May 23 m— by Alleghany Corp. ended to- Washington, May 23 (/P)— American people to make a etate- of policy on the offer. Gov. John N. Dempsey vetoed day with a victory for the in- Crackling charges and de- asked I a bill that would extend the surgent Murchison brothers. mands threatened the trac- soon "what the posltlom of our hours during which liquor can Never before had a proxy fight tors-for-prisoners trade today government is." be sold legally on Sunday on been waged for such stakes. Nazis Ride from two sides— the U.S. Morse called it "a dangerous All that remained was • formal thing to countenance" voluntary the irroutvds that to do so announcement of the margin in Congress and Fidel Castro. would ."compromise principle stockholder votes they rolled up secretary of State Dean Rusk committees whose operations are ‘Hate Bus’ bound to have "repercussions on for profit.*’ over vanquished management \^'aa faced with angry congres- forces led by Allan P. Kirby, out- eional demands that he eay our foreign policy." Drinking places may now open whether the administration ap- at noon o n . Sundays, but must going chairman. proves the private efforts to ex- (ConUnned on Page Fifteen) close at 9 p.ra. The bill would Counting dispaited proxies, it In Alabama change earthmoving equipment have allowed any permittee who was expected to top 800,000. Dis- regarding them. It was still well for the freedom of 1,200 Cuban in- bought a $300 special permit for Montgomery, Ala., May 23 vasion prisoners. the, privilege to stay open until over a half million, informed A flurry of heated speeches in Senators T old 11 p.m. sources said. (yP)— A Negro leader said to- which Cuban Prime Minister Cas- "In considering any amendment Unanswered, however, was this day the “ Freedom Riders’’ tro's proposal for such an ex- to our Connecticut Liquor Con- question: whose arrival here touched change was described as a "hein- CIA Equipped trol Act," Dempsey said in the By winning the battle, did John off race riots last Saturday ous barter" by an "inhuman mon- veto message sent to the secre- D. Murchison, 39, and Clint, 37, ster” kept the Senate in session tary of state, "the ruling question win the war? will continue their test of until early evening yesterday. Cubax Invaders must always be whether the pro- Paradoxically, the outcome l e f f ' southern bus station segrega- From Cuba, meanwhile, came posed change will further the pub- Kirby, rich and proud, owning tion barriers. word that Castro reportedly Washington, May 23 (/P)—Sena- lic good. nearly 355 per ceTrt of Alleghany's But the spokesman, the Kev. "This question of special signif- 9,844,970 common shares, a holding Martin Luther King Jr., declined threatens to break- oft the nego- tors hive been told the Central In- tiations. icance when the profosed change larger than that of the corpora- to .say when the 18 Negroes etill "If the Insults of Mr. Kennedy’s telligence Agency (CIA) spent $45 affects the observance of the Sab- tion's new rulers and their asso- remaining In the group plan to agents continue with regard to the million training and equipping a bath, as this bill would.” ciates combined. leave Montgomery. Indemnification Cuba demands," 1,500-man g^ucrrilla force never Dempsey said the people of In the lexicon of poker, Kirby King told a news conference said an official Cuban radio com- geared for a full-scale Cuban inva- Connecticut should ’'hold fast to the group met for four hours laqt was "looking down the throats" of night and decided that "The free-^ mentator, "then all discussion will sion. those qualities which in the past the victors. The best Indication be stopped and the mercenaries Gen. Lyman L. Lemnitzer, chair- have shown us to be a people who dom ride must continue, we will was that he would bide his time, not specify the exact time, but it (prisoners) will have to face the man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is will not compromise principle for spuming the Murchisons' expected revolutionary tribunals of the Cu- reported to have testified before profit." "016 forces of materialism will continue.” a Senate Foreign Relations sub- profer of representation on the King said the riders plan to ban people.” are ready "all too much in evi- board. Castro has been infuriated by committee that he gave informal dence,” he said. head for New Orleans, their orig- the United States’ calling the pro- approval of military arrangements The dour Kirby, 68, reputedly inal destination, and hope to slop Dempsey will soon be receiving worth $300 million built on a in Mi.ssisslppi despite Gov. Ross posal an exchange. He insists it for an attempt to land the 1,500 at another bill aimed at liberalizing is Indemnlflcation for damage a point where they could Join guer- Woolwprth 5-and-lO cent store in- Barnett’s announced Intention to caused by the invasion. riliu operating in the mountains. the liquor laws. Both chambers of heritance, stayed away from to- escort them through the state. the Omeral Assembly have passed day's thrice-recessed session of A "Hate Bus" bearing several young men wearing swastika arm bands stops for gas in Montgomerj’, Exchange or Indemnlflcation, U. Lemnitzer was said by conimit- Ala., today cn route to Mobile. (AP Photofax ) But the Negro leader empha- tee members to have made it etbar a measure that would allow drink- Alleghany's May 1 annual meet- sized that the trip through the 8. Senators minced no words yes- ing places to open on election ing. terday. that he specified the attempt South will not be resumed today. would be successful only if certain days as soon as the polls close. The count of proxies was finish- He said the riders will spend the Sen. Wayne Morse, D-Ore., The Governor declined to say ed only last weekend. chairman of the Senate Latin condltloQi were met. remainder of the day in what he American subcommittee, said the at hU press conference this morn- The dissident Texans whose Kennedy to Ask New Funds called a "non-violence workshop State Department owes it to the on Page ing whether he would sign or veto father, fabulous oilman and Inves in order to cleanse themselves for a this WHT' tor Clint W. Murchison Sr., once the goal ahead.” “I’ll taeklg- that iMib when it was a Kirby business ally swept King said the Rev. James Law- comes to m^’desk," he tald. all nine director berths—the seven son of Nashville, Tenn., was due to Both bills have a local option elected by common stock votes For Space, Army, Aid to Asia arrive in racially tense Mont- provision, in that the state liquor and the two chosen by preferred gomery today to lead the "Free- Joan Davis Dies at 48; law allows any town to restrict shareowners. dom Riders” in the workshop. King On the defeated Kirby slate was the hours of operation of liquor Washington, May 23 f/P) Demo-^lng to keep the budget deficit for,&available to train such workers in Lawson as a "leading outlets within its borders. Gene Tunney, one time world’s the fiscal year beginning July 1 advocate and teacher of non- heavyweight boxing champion who cratlc, congressional leaders re- new skills and pay their expenses Radio, TV Comedienne The Sunday liquor bill was al- ported today that President Ken- within reasonable bounds. Officials to move to new areas. violent resistance." most identical to one vetoed in rose to prominence in business af- point out that in the post-reces- —Young Workers. ’Diia is aimed A Nazi "hate" bus rolled through ter retiring unconquered from the nedy will propose this week sub- 1959 by former Gov, Abraham stantial Increases in government .sion fiscal year ended in mid-1959 at jobless school dropouts. A pro- the city meanwhile with civilian Palm Springs, Calif., May 23 Rlbicoff. The new one differed ring. He was an incumbent direc former President Dwight D. Cl- posed Youth Conservation Corps police under instructions to "try OP)—4oan Davis, whose- wacky tor. spending on space, military ground from the 1959 one only in the forces and aid to Southeast Asia. .senhower ran up a deficit exceed- would supply low-wage employment to keep them moving,” cracked-voiced comedy boosted, her requirement for a special permit. ’The Murchison forces planned ing $12 billion. Kennedy is de- in national parks and forests and The bus, rarr>’ing 12 young men from vaudeville to stardom In -Kennedy will send one message —and po'slbiy two—to Congress termined to keep next year’s defi- in city playgrounds and parks. Em- wearing red and white swastika mo-vies, radio and television,, died _.(Ooqj(iini5d on Page Eight) arm band.s, is enroute from Arling- on Thursday, they said.' cit well under half that aniOun*.
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