THE MUGHALS AND THE RAJPUTS 1605-1659 A. D. THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE OF Doctor of Philosophy IN HISTORY By Syed Inayet All Zaidt Under the Supervision of Mr. Iqtidar Alam Khan CENTRE OF ADVAWCED STUDY Department of History Aiigarh Muslim University Aligarh 1982 T2557 COMTEWTS Pr«f«c» ii Abbravlations Chapter I THE RAJPUTS AND THE MUGHAL EMPIRE I THE ANTECEDENTS UNDER AKBAR 1. 48 (a) Manaaba hald by aliva Rajput chiafa in 1605 AD (b) List of tha RarQanas hald by Rajput clans in zamlndarls in 1595 AD (c) Map Nos. 1 & 2s Tarritoriaa of Rajput zaralndar clans, 1595 AD II 3AHANGIR AND RAJPUT CHIEFS 49- 97 Appendicent (i) Tablaa ahouiing tha manaaba of diffarant Rajput clans in • 1611-12 AD 1:1 1620-21 AD (ii) Manaab^ hald by tha aliva Rcjput chiafa in - (a) 1611-12 AD b) 1620-21 AO in SHAH JAHAN AND RA3PUT CHIEFS 98-186 (i) Tablaa diaplaying tha wanaaba of diff«ront Rijput clana in - » 1657 AD 1647 AD >6) 1657 AD (ii) Huaaba Hald tey aliva Rajput chiafa in (•) 1617 AD (b) 1647 AD Co) 1697 AD (d) Offieaa hald by Rijpyt eMbfa du#int Stiili Sa»iifi*a Raitn (l6t7*Uit AD) Ptlff, IW THE AUTONOMOUS PRINCIPALITIES! WATAN J^QIR 187-237 ««P* J«q}rf.l of Rijiwat chl.f. of Ambar (1604-1700 AD) V nU&dAL PARAMOUNTCY AND CONTROL Q\IIR SUCCESSION 238*295 VI THE RAJPUT MARRIAGES OF THE IMPERIAL HOUSE 256-283 Appand^eeft (a) Marrlagaa contractad by tha Mughal Rulara with tha glrla balonging to tha famillaa of local chiafa In chronological ordar doiun to HuRiayun*a death - 1555 AO. (b) Liat of tha marriagsa batiuaan tha daughtars of important chiafa and tha non-Rajput rulara, Mualima as uiall aa non-Mualina in chronological ardar till 1562 AD. (c) Marriagaa contracted by tha Mughal rulers ttfith the girla taking from the familiea of tha local chiafa in chronological ordar from 1562-1707 - (i) Akbar (ii) Jahingir (iii) Shah 3ahan (iv) Aurangzab VII SOCIAL INTERCOURSE BETWEEN THE MUGHALS AND THE R/^3PyTS 284-307 VIII RA3PUT CHIEFS IN THE WAR OF SUCCESSION 308*332 haSMAkB,* of f^ijpiit Stollfcdi£a who aupportad SHih 3ahfn in tha battla of OHamat. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 333*340 BIBLIOCRAPHY 341-352 - i - PREFACE In this thaaia tried to avinca tha position of tha Rajputs as a group in tha Mughal hierarchy. Akbar was tha first Mughal Emparor who rocruitad tha Rajput chiafa in his aarvica, Thay enjoyed high position undar Akbar. But^-tKe ti«bata among tha modern historians about thn deterioration in the status of the Rajput nobility under Jahanglr and Shah Jah^n attracted me to examine this problem thoroughly. JHHMI taken into account the Rajput chiefs of uihole of tha liugiial Empire. It helps m^e to aae their position in the context of other sections of the Hughal nobility*! Seaidaa, I have strived to show tha atatus enjoyed by the different Rajput clans and individual chiefs tuithin the Rajput nobility. I have worked out tha factora reaoonaible for the fluctuationa in the fortunea of the different Hajput clans and inditfidttala. However, whajE^avsr possiblsf the subsequent informe- tion haa been used to perceive the (lughal-RaJput polity mere I deafly. / I would like to thank my teachera* eolleaguea and frienda without uriiom it would have been impoaelble for me to complete this dlaaertation In thia ahape. It ia undoubtedly true that without the auperviaion of 71r Iqtidar Alam Khan* it wee not on eoay task for me to finieh it. Neverthelsesf if there ia any error in thia dieaertatlon, I am solely reaponaible for it. - il - I vary grateful to Profassor Irfan Habib wHe providad ma with valuabla auggaatlona regarding soma probiama whanavar I mat him. I am also grataful to Profaaaor Athar Ali to clear my con* captions on the relations of the Mughal Emperors uiith their nobility I was also benefited by the knotuledge of my colleaguea and friends Drs. S.P. Gupta, I.A. Zilll, Iqbal Huaain and Afzal Husaln. I am indabted to my friend Miss Shireon Mooavi for helping mi3 in calculating the mangabs and their interjirntations. I ought to ba bsholden to Cartographers Messrs Aftab Aziz and Faiz Habib uiho took keen interest in drawing the maps. I am alao grateful to Mr H.L. Budhujar, Professor Ziaul Hasan Farooqi, Professor M, Azhar Anaari, Profasaor Mushirul Hasan, Drs* Aminuddin, S.N. Sinha, S. 3amaluddin ano Sunita Zaidi for encouraging me to complete my theaia^ I am beholden to the U.G.C. for awarding me the Teacher Felloviahip which enabled me to complete this wark. I an also grateful to the authoritiea and ataff of the raaeareh Library9 Centre of Advanced Study in Hiatoryf Aligerhj Maulana Azad Library» Aligarh; Zakir Huaain Library, 3amia Millia lalamia. New Delhi) Anoop Sanakrit Library» Bikaner} State Arehivea of Rajaathan, Bikaner, and Khuda Bakhah Library, Petna. Laatly, it ia my pleasure to thenk Hr A,A. Zaidi whs typed my theaia very carefully. 5 ^o^oJt S. Inayat Ali Zaidi ABBRCVIATI0N8 Th« abbrtviations Hava bean ganaralljr uaad in tha tablaa and tha appandieaa only. A.N. Akbar Nina A£n A'^n-i AKbari Barnlar Tiavft^^ i,n the Mi^gu^ D.V. D^J^pat U.K. DfYfl Oaa-ra SChy^t u. Table aonaoloaioal Tabla of tha Kachawaha Clan 1.3. or Iqbal Iq|»al Nama-i 3ahanqlr^ J.V. k^ Vanaha-va;^ Kanbu K .T. Xhulfaat-ut TaufSrikh Lahorl Badshih NIM M.P.-re Uigct Marwir-ra-ParQana-rB-VlQat Maaum Ta'rlU^i-^ Shih ShvJil Xi.K. M^ta N^tn^^-ra Khy^ M.T, MyntaUiab-y^ M.fl. M.L. Muntakbab-ul Lyblb i^i.U. Ma'iair.yi Umari' M.3. M.A. T.Alfi HiVtitfi *in T.D. Tttd T.U. Miiii' T.3. v.v. nr vinti Warla Blslf,^lf^, mm, WaqaT i AJuam r Waai'i Sarkir Ranthanbor wa AJnbr Z.K. Zal^l>at>Ml mmaiiiltl • 1 * ChaptsJT I m RfltffMTS AND THC WlfiHAL EMPIREI THE ANTECEDENTS UNDER AKBAR Empsror Akbar rsaliting th» potsntialitias of Xoeal ab«orb«d than In tha hiararohyi Aiiong thaaa zawlndira. Rajputa oeoupiad an important plaoa* By thia ttm«i thay had aatabliahad a number of principalitiaa in larga regiona» whila alaawhara thay fornad a dominant agrarian elaaa. In their ragiona* thay held atrong forta for thair dafanet. Ona of tha raaaona tuhieh pronptad Akbar to conoiliata with thaaa local lawlndara ia axplainad by 'Arif QandharX* hiatorian of Akbar'a aarXy raign. According to hini» thara uiara aoma tawi or thraa hundred JUJM xawlndir. ruling chiafa) who poaaaaaod vary atrong ferta« 'Arif Qan^irX aaya that aineo aaoh fort ufoiild havo takon ono or half yoor to oonqiior» it waa not poaoibio fot on Cniiofor of HindMOtin to eonqyor all tho forts of ,}ti%t it woo theught bottor by Akbar to eonoilitio ^wi. Thio woo oil tho wiro odvoiitagootio* ooyo 'Atif Qo»i#iifi» oinoo tho floipiito hod dotominod to bo oiitooro and loyal to tlio Cttpotov.^ Thooo ohiofo ployod o eonoidovoblo 1. U^M*!^ PP.47.4S. t r«l« in axtwifiine his mthofitytf Akbar rwnardad thm by Assigning high msssatei.* offiess and ^lolys. Akbar esmantsil his bBpft^B with thsn by esntrseting mtrimonisl sXXisnoss* Csttsinly» sll of RsJpMt ehisfs tnsrs not trsstsd leith sqysl gwisvesity* Tho highsst privilsgss ivsrs tnjoysd by only s fsw of thsm. AbuX Fsfl has furnlshsd us with tho traditional figuvos sf infantry and cavalry of soms of tho inportant Rajput elans. Obviously thsso figyros aro inflatodf but tho figitros ars indieativs of tho rslativo sixo of oaeh of tho difforont Rajput elana as popularly boliavod, at tho ond of Akbar*a rsign. Tho following tablo of ths clans and thoir nilitsry strongth shows ths hiorarehieal position of tho Rsjput olanst C>an f^MMFY .latmuy 1. Rathor^ 60,Q0Q 200,000 2. Chauhan fOfQOQ 200,000 3. Jaikin 90,000 200,000 4, Soianici 30,000 100,000 5. &holot 20,008 SQOtOOS XaeltAMihao m^o&Q ioo#ooe f. PantiHi» 12,000 dK}«000 a. Timtiwr 10,000 29,000 10,000 40,000^ - II • fiartliYwit qttMtiofi arisM aa to tha eritarion •n whoaa bhaia thaaa ohiafa toara anrolXail in tha aofvieat Tha aalaeti»fi «ay aiao ba viawad gaagYaphleally; r»em inHat araaa tha favanrad Rajpwta eama? far thia {Burpoaa» ralying itf»aii tha infarnatian In tha Akbatla I hava praparad a liat af aa^oanaa balafiging ta tha diffarant aatkita whara Rajput elana are raaaxdad aa gaalwdira. I hava alao prapatad tm mapa ahawlng tha gaagvaphiaal diatrlbutlan af lawinditla af tha diffarant Rajput elana in Akbarl Els^iiira. MibSisatiM* Bhar Mai waa tha firat Rajput ohiaf who along uiith a nunbar of Kaohawaha ehiafa Joinad Akbar*8 aarviea in 1562. Ha antarad into Mtrinonial tlaa with Akbar by Marrying hia daughtar to hiin.^ Subaaquantly, in 1f84 Bhagwant Paa* diMightar waa givan in »arriaga t« Prinea SalXn. Throu^wnt Akbar*a raiffif tha Kaehawaha nablaa anjoyad a privilagad poaitian anang tha Rajput ahiafa*^ Thay wara aaaignad important sffioaa. In 1i7t» «h«n Akbar laft^r Suiarlit* Bh«» Hal wma i^aintad '^^^fr (Miniatat with Unlii4t«d Pmtt) and waa laft baliiiid tt In 19tl, 3aganfiith and LuRkat^n uwra 1. ftfifiiffniiiMii pp*i97*i«* IfeJbU* p.4ii. I, p.ifi. 4 • appointail to look aftor tho doportnont of atmury and eowmini* eationa,^ R*ja Aakaran «aa pmt IncHarga of tho proportioa of tho daoaaaod*^ At tho aaira tiooi ^OQiiil got tho ohargo of tho dopartnant of purehaao and aalaa*^ In 198*t whon Akbar ifitve* duoad two poata of aQbadara in aaoH jyi]^* 3agannith» Rijo Aakaran, Rija Bhagwant Oia and Kyniuar Min Singh woro aliMilta* naoualy appointed aa aabodlra of tha afltaaa af AJmor, Ag»a» Lihoro and Kibul raspaetivaly.^ In 1991, tirhan tha Khilia^ adminiatration wae raorganiaad and AkbarX Cnpira waa dividod into four divisional Rio Die u>aa ma^lo^nohargo of ono of tho of diviaiona conaiating of the AXlShab£d, Bihir and Bongii.^ In whan tha exaction of taififl^i aiaa forbidden throughout the £«piro» Rim Oas luaa aaaigned tha oharge of tho routoa from L^re to Gujarit.^ During tha period 1595«1605» tho offiooa of qjUjylit o^ three ioiportant forta Rohtia, 7 Rantlioiikhoro ami Siailior wore roapootivoly hold by nan Singh» 1* fitlifflinii pp.404«9.
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