Vol. XXII, No. 13 [PEICE TWELVE CENTS] December 18, 1919 Endowment Fund Campaign is to Continue After January 1 Raymond Robins at Convocation Speaks on Industry Colonel Atwood '92 Tells of Ex- periences with 17th Engineers Basketball Team Defeats Hobart and Colgate Published weekly during the college year and monthly in July and August at 220 E. State Street, Ithaca, New York. Subscriptions $3.60 a year. Entered as second class matter May 2, 1900, under the act or March 3, 1879, at the postoffice at ITHACA, NEW YORK. CORN EL L A L U LI N I NEWS ALUMNI PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY HEMPHILL, NOYES & Co. Execύtbr Trustee Investment Securities , WASHINGTON, D. C. Chartered 1822 EHEODOBE &. BBYANT '97, '98 37 WaJl Street, New York Boston Philadelphia Buffalo Master Patent Law '08 Scranton Albany THE FARMER'S LOAN Patents and Trade Marks Exclusively Janβen Noyes ?10 310-313 Victor Building AND TRUST COMPANY Charles E. Gardner Stanton Griffis '10 Nos. 16-22 William Street ITHACA, N. Y. Clifford Heαnphill Branch: 47S Fifth Ave. GEOBGE S. TABBELL Member New York Ithaca Trust Building Stock Exchange at 41st Street Attorney and Notary Public New York Beal Estate Sold, Rented and Managed LONDON PARIS NEW ΎOEK CITY ROMEIKE Letters of Credit GHAELES A. TAUSSIG PRESS CLIPPING Foreign Exchange A. B. '02, LL.B., Harvard '05 SERVICE 220 Broadway Tel. 1905 Cortland is prepared to supply you with Cable Transfers General Practice current information from the MABTIN H. OFFINGEB EE. '99 newφapers and magazines on Administrator Guardian whatever subject may interest VAN WAGONER-LINN CONSTRUCTION GO. you. Be it politics, be it busi- Electrical Contractors ness, be it science, there is mailed Member Federal Reserve Bank and New Buildings Wired to you daily just what you want York ClearindlHouse to read from Anything Electrical Anywhere General Electric Mazda Lamps 3000 newspapers 1000 magazines 143 E.'Wth Street PRESS CLIPPINGS are becom- ing more and more a necessary The Mercersburg Academy NOBTOίί, BIRD & WHITMAN adjunct to progressive business* Utility 'and Industrial Engineers Prepares for all colleges New York Chicago "If it's in the papers 501 Fifth. Avenue Λ11 w Monroe St. and universities: Aims Cleveland we get it out" Sweetland Bldg. at thorough scholarship, Bostor Baltiήiore ROMEIKE broad attainments and 88 Broad St. Munsey Bldg. is synonymous with press clipping Christian manliness ΓOBT WORTH, TB2EAS service. ADDRESS LEE/LOMAX AND SMITH Henry Romeike, Inc. Lawyers General Practice WILLIAM MANN IRVINE, Ph.D. 506-9 Wheat Building 106-08-10 Seventh Avenue Attorneys for Santa-Fe Lines President Empire Gas & Fuel Co. New York 0. K. Lee, Cornell 1889-90; P. T] Lomax, MERCERSBURG, PA. Texas 1899.; M. A. Smith, George Washington 1916 Cascadilla School At least fifty vtews GRADUATES GO TO CORNELL Pictures of the Finger Lake Region College, Preparatory School A Higft-Grade Boarding School for Boys- The handsomest set of photographs ever made. Summer School Original Sepia Enlargements 11x14, postpaid, each $2. Jujy.ta Seiptember, ΌβRaeially foτ CoJ- These views are on display in many touring headquarters as far west leg/e'aiid Uniyersity Eίi fcranee as Chicago, They include practically every waterfall, lake, and gorge in Exίaminatioή'S: the τegion. Ithaca and vicinity lias been particularly well covered. Special Tutoring School List of rlewβ gratis on request. Privatρ Instruction in Any Subject Throughout the Year. (Hotter loofeatorpβ JMyara Trustees Γ. 0. Cornell Ernest ίBl^tker 0. D- Bostwick Our 1919-20. Catalog wtil appeal t& that schoolboy, youϊ άr& trying <:ίp ITHACA TRUST COMPANY interest in dornett ASSETS QVEB THEEB MILLION A postal wilί-bring^ it. Pres., Charles E. Trematt vTice-Pres., tfranklin 0'.' Cornell Vice-Pres., Emmons L. Williams Vice-Pres. and Sec., W. H. Storms A. M. Drummond, M. A., Director, Treasurer. Sherman Peer ϊthaea,N. Y. CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS Vol. XXII, No. 13 I&aea, N. Y., December IS, 1919 Price 12 Cents HE CORNELL CLUB OF Ithaca, of Bristow Adams; Donald C, Blanke '21, a round robin tournament after the whose first and experimental 'meet- New York City; Orvillβ G. Daily '20, vacation. Three players on last year's T ing we gave an account in our Chicago; William H. Farnham '20, team are in residence this year. The -£sne of ^September 25, held its second Buffalo, N, Y,; Edwin L. Howard '20, president of club is Hymen Adelsberg meeting in the Baker Mess Hall on Ithaca; David W. Jβwett '21, Skane- >21, Arts, of Brooklyn. December 10, a luncheon attended by ateles, N. Y.; Eandall J. Le Boeuf '20, RAYMOND ROBINS, the Convocation about «me hundred. Charΐos E. Treman Albany, N. Y.; Russell B. Lord '21, orator on December 12, delivered a sec- '89 presided. A constitution wa-s adopted Coekeysvϋle, Md.; BusseU H. Peters '20, ond address on the. same evening, in and a committee appointed to make Omaha, Neb. E. J. J. Smith '21, Jersey Barnes Hall, under the auspices of the nominiatϊons for the club officers. The City, N. J. Peter Vischer '20, Flushing, current events forum of the C. U. C. A, opinion was expressed on the floor, and N. Y.; and Elwyn B. White '21, Mount ; his thesis bedng the necessity of Chris- not opposed, that the officers, at least Vernon, N, Y. tianity in a sound democracy. for the first year, should toe persons who THE WOMEN'S DRAMATIC CLUB gave have no official coαineetion with the its first series of short plays in the JOHN F; MOAKLEY celebrated his fifty- University. A third meeting will be Thimble Theater, Prudence Risley Hall, sixth birthday oe December 11. After held its soon as the nominating commit- ! on December 12 and 13. The plays brief periods of coaching at Brown,- tee is ready to report. were "The Other Woman" by Ellis Tufts, and Wisconsin, " Jack" first took charge of Cornell track teams in 1899, THE RAILROADS are doing what they Kingsley and "Joint Owners in Spain" During these twenty years his men have can to help students on their vacation by Alice Brown. The direction of the won in intercollegiate meets fifteen cross travels. As at some former holiday two plays was in the hands of Margaret country and nine track championships, times, & union ticket office is provided H. Story '22, of New York City, and a record of which no other coach or in Sibley Dome, open throughout the Janet G . McAdam '21, of Borne, N. Y. college can boast. And the end is not day on Wednesday, Thursday, and Fri- IN THE FIRST of this season's inter- yet; Mo akley is still at Cornell. day of this week, where reservations may collegiate debates the Cornell team was be had via the Lrackawanna, the Lehigh. defeated, on Friday evening, December * TlIE UNDERGRADUATE COMMITTEES f OΓ Valley, .and the Short Line to Auburn. 12, by a team from Bates College, Lewis- the current year have been appointed by The railroad advertisements urge the ton, Maine. The question was, i ί Re- the Student Council. The names of the early purchase of tickets, since heavy solved, That in the larger industries the committees and of the chairmen are traffic makes it difficult to secure not shop coiinniittee system should be re- here given: Senior Ball, Peter Paul only Pullman cars but day coaches. The quired by law, constitutionality being Miller, Arts, Buffalo, N. Y.; Alumni Christmas recess begins on Saturday, waived.'' Tlie decision was two to one Pledge, Peter Paul Miller; Class Day,, December 20, at one o'clock. in favor of Bates. The judges were WiMiam H. Farnham, Arts, Buffalo, N. ( Y. Convocation Hour, Russell H. Peters, 'RESOLVED, That professors are peo- Professor F. E. Wing, of the University Arts, Omaha, Neb. Senior Banquet, ple. *' This was the subject debated by of Rochester, Hon. Richard C. Drum- Kurt A. Mayer, Agriculture, Brooklyn,. the members of the Faculty 'and students moiid, of Auburn, and Dr. H. J. Hamil- N. Y. Junior Ball, Milton Smith, jr., of the College of Agriculture 'at the ton, of Elmir a College. The Cornell Arts, Denver, Colo.; Junior Smoker,. Assembly held at Roberts Hall ou De- team, having the negative side, was Francis J. Bolan, Arts, Waterbury cember 11. The affirmative was upheld composed of Charles C. Garside '21, Law. f Conn.; Spring Day,. John W. Reavis, by Professor Cornelius Betten, secretary of Meriden, Conn.; Walter Me asday, jr., J Law, "Washington, D. C.; Sophomore Co- of the College of Agriculture, and Pro- 20, Agriculture, of Brooklyn, and Wil- tillion, Marshall L. Hough, Sibley, Wil- fessor Bristow Adams. The students liam H. Farnlia m '20, Arts, of Buffalo, liam-sport, Pa.; Sophomore Smoker,, who supported the negative were Harold N. Y. Lawrence S. Hazzard, Law, Yonkers, N. L. Creal '20 and Russell Lord '19. The THE NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL has Y.; Sophoimore Spring Day, Hubert J^ decision was fortunately in favor of the appointed on its recently constituted Eoemer, Arts, Toledo, Ohio; Sophomore affirmative. Committee on Food and Nutrition Pro- Hush, Robert W. Galloway, Civil En- fessor Graham Lusk, of the Cornell SIGMA DELTA CHI, a national jour- gineering, Baltimore, Md. Freshman Medical College in New York, and Presi- nalistic fraternity, at its recent conven- Banquet, D. A. Mimas, Sibley, Dorniont, dent Raymond A. Pearson ''94, of Iowa tion in Chicago, granted a charter for Pa.; Freshman Spring Day, G. S. State College. a chapter at Cornell. The petition for Hendrίe, Sibley, Detroit, Mich.; Fresh- the charter was made by the Association THE TRIANGULAR CHESS LEAGUE, hi man Rush, P. B. Nichols, Architecture, of Cornell Journalists, organized in which are entered teams from Cornell, Buffalo, N. Y.; Cap Burning, P.
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