DIRBCTORY.] NORTHUMBERLAND. FALSTONE. lli has its source in a morass in this parish, and in its progress I The Duke of Northumberland, who is lord of the manor, receives the Kielder and numerous tributary streams: in Thomas Taylor esq. J.P. and Thomas Ridley are chief land­ the same morass is also the 80urce of the river Liddel, owners. The soil is loam; subsoil, clay. The chief crops within a few yards only of the boundary between this place are oats, barley and turnips. The area is 29,084 acres of and Scotland, into which it takes its course. The North land and 187 water; rateable value, 65,451 ; the population Tyne affords fish in abundance, and the scenery on the in 1891 was 340. banks of the river is picturesque and romantic. The parish .. .. of Fo.Istone extends eastwards from the limits of Cumber- W.ElLLHAGUH IS 8 townshIp, comprlsmg th.e hamlets of land and Scotland to the parishes of Thorneyburn and Grey- RID(~E END, STANNERSBURN and YARROW, wIth a number stead, a distance of upwards of 12 miles, and comprises an o~ WIdely s~tter('d h~~s and cottage~. Stannersburn, the area of 63,678 acres of 'wild moor and mountainous land, v1Ua:ge of thIS townsh~p, IS about 9 mIles west-by-nol"th of affording good game and pasture for sheep, and of which Be.lllI.tgham and I mIle from Falstone ch?rch. The town­ some portion, especially near the river, is a rich alluvial shIp IS ~eparated .from Falstone by the r~ver North Tyne, soil: the quantity of arable land is very small. This place, over .w~lch there 1~ a han?so~e stone .brldge of 3 a:ches, anciently Fast-stone, was formerly a chapelry in the very and I~ tu a mountamous dIstrIct. LeWl8 Burn Lodge 1~ t~e large parish of ~imonbnrn, divided by Act of Parliament in shootmg ~ox. of Thomas Benson esq. The moors abound In 18I1. The church of St Peter is a small edifice of stone, game. 'Ihe D~~e of Nort~umberland K.G., P.C. who IS lord in the Perpendicular style consisting of chancel nave of the manor, 811' John Swmburne bart. ;T.P. Mrs. Robson, of vestrY,organ chamber.south'porch and an embattled ~estel'~ Hexham, Matthew Sisterson, Mess;s..Sisterson, Mrs. Al'kle tower containing one bell: the font, presented by Miss and ~r. KendaI, of Hexham, are pl'lllt;Ipallandowners. The Picton is a memorial to the son of the then rector d area IS 33,578 acres of land and 229 of water; rateable June, ~888: there is a stained window, erected in r88; b; value, £5,°51 ; the population in 18gI was 250. ThomM Spencer esq. of Ryton, to commemorate his wife: MOUNCE~ is 4 mlles west from Falstone chul"ch. Here is the ?h~rch was burnt down at Christmas, 189?'. and the shooting box of John Clayton esq. Yarrow is about x rebUIlt m 1892 at a cost of £2,000: there are 80 slttmgs. mile west. T-be re~ister. dates from the ye~r 1742 • Duri?g Some Parish Clerk Robert Robson. excavatIOns 1ll the churchyard m 1885 a pm·tlOn of a ' . Saxon cross, bearing an inscription, was found. The POST & M. ~. 0., S. B. & AnnUIty & Insurance Office, FaI- living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £173, net stone (RaIlway Sub·Office. L,etters should have &.8.0. yearly value 1,272,including II acres of glebe.with residence, Northumberland ad.ded).-Mlchael Robson, sub-po~t- in the gift of the Commissioners of Greenwich Hospital, and master. Letters arrive at 8.20 a.m. & 6 p.m. & are d.ls- held since 1893 by the Rev. Henry BarnettHarper B.A. of patched at l(~.20 a.m. & 7. 10 p.m. The telegraph OiliC6 Trinity College, Dublin, R.N. There is an English Presby- 15 at the statIon . terian church, first built in r694 by the Church of Scotland, POST,. M. O. & T. O. & S. .B. & Am~UIty &. Insurance re-erected in the year 1807. and again in 1876 at a cost of Office, Plashetts, at the RaIlway statIon (RaIlway Sub- £500, when a tower with lofty pointed slate roof and a vestry Office. Letters ~hould have RS.O. Northumbc.rland were added: it will seat 300 persons. Tynehead chapel is added).-Joh!1 Elliott, sub-postm'lster. Letters arrIve a1> in connexion with the Presbyterian church at Falstone, and 8.30 a.m. ; dlsI?atched at 7 p.m .. was rebuilt by the Duke of Northumberland K.G. in 1874: POST OFFICE, Klelder, at the RaIlway s~atlOn.-Rober1> divine service is conducted here regularly by the minister of Bowman, sub-postmaster.. Letters arn.ve. from New- Falstone from May till October, and monthly during the castle-on-Tyne & Hex~am, at 8.40 a.m.• dIspatched a~ remaining mouthE'. Coal of a good bituminous quality is 6.50 p.m. Plashet~s IS the ne~rest mo~ey order office, abundant, and two collieries., are worked for the supply of the telegraph office IS at the RaIlway statIOn the district. There are freestone and limestone quarries. SCHOOLS:- Tpe Duke of Northumberland K.G., P.C. Sir John Swinburne A School Board of .5 members was formed for Plashetts &> bart. J.P. of Caphea;ton, Newcastle-on-T~ne, and Hugh Tynehead, :May 24, r877; L. C. Lockhart, Hexham, Taylor esq. J.P. of ChIpchase Castle, are chIef lando\vners. clerk to the board & attendance officer PLASHET~S AND T~NEHEAD is a township inthe pa~ish of Board (mixed), erected about 1874. for 100 children; Falstone, WIth a statIOn on the Border CountIes sectIOn of average attendance 91 'JP Wilkie master' Miss the North British railway, 13! miles west-by-north of Bel- Wilkie mi~tress ' ,.. ,, lingham. Th~ township is extensive. consistinl{ of deta?hed British,'Fal;tone, enlarged in 1884 at a cost of £100, for 60 houses ~xtendl~g ~o the bor~ers o~ Scotland, sItuated I.n a children; average attendance, 45; Peter Sutherland, mountamous dIstrICt aboundmg WIth game and on the rn'er master' Miss Sutherland mistress North ~yne. Here are c?llieries producing excellent ?oal. Wellhau~h (mixed), erected in 1849 by Algernon, 4th Duke There IB a Free Meth~dlst chapel at Plashetts colhe~y, of Northumberland, who also gave 1,-15 yearly, which gift erected about 1874. seatmg 150 persons, and a Presbytenan has been continued by succeeding Dukes; it will hold 50 chapel at Tynehead. children; averaO'e attendance, 32; William Auld, master KIELDER CASTLE, a shootmg box of the Duke of Northum- ,. bcrland K.G., P.C. is romantically seated at the junction of RAILWAY STATIONS :- the Kielder Burn and the North Tyne. with a station on the Falstone, WiBiam Elliott, statiou master North British railway, about 8i miles north-west-by-west of Plashetts, John Elliott, station master J<'alstone; it is quadrangular, with castellated front, and Kielder, Robert Bowmau, station master commands a fine view of the river and surrounding country. I Deadwater, David Denny, station master Hall Robert, gamekeeper to the Duke, :Forster Thos. assistant overseer, Ridge Falstone. Kielder castle end CampbeIl Rev. Matthew Gardner M.A. Lawrence 'fhomas, gamekeeper to GoodfeIlow Hector, head gamekeeper to [Presbyterian] Thomas Benson esq. Lewis Burn fork John Clayton esq. l\1ounces Harper Rev. Henry Barnett B.A., R.N. Phillipson George,farmer,Kersey cleugh Hedley Ann & Son, farmers, Whickhope Rectory Robinson WilIiam, woodman to the farm Hedley Matt.Anderson,frmr.Hawkhope Duke, The Manse, Kieldel" Hedley George, farmer, Otterstone Lee Milburn George, Black Cock inn Robson John, farmer, East Kielder Hedley WaIter, farmer, Bewshaugh Newton Robert, shopkeeper ~later & SJinn, colliery proprietors, Lawrence John, woodman to Sir John Prior Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer, Hawk- Plashetts colliery Swinburne bart. Mounces hirst cottage Thompson John & WilIiam. farmers, Mewse Richard, Crown inn & farmer. Ridley Matt. A. farmer, Hawkhope hill Plashetts farm & Wainhope Stannersburn R{lbsoD Bartbolomew, tailor Thornton Robert, frmr. Ravenshl.Kieldr Mewes Wm. blacksmith, Stannersburn Robson Fergns, farmer Murray James, farmer, Smale farm Robson Robt.parish clerk, Monse~'haugh Wellhaugh. Pigg Ellen (Mrs.), boot & shoe maker, Telfer Jane (:Miss), shopkeeper Clayton John, Mounces Stannersburn Robson Michael & Son, colliery owners, Plashetts. Dagg Mrs. Stannersburn Dodd Miss, Yarrow moor Shilburnhaugh Northumberland His Gra.ce the Duke Hedley George, Otterstone Lee Robson Robart, WilIiam & Archibald, of X.G., F.C., LL.D., D.L., J.P. (lord Hedley WaIter, Bewshaugh farmers,Emmethangh &Shilburnhgh lieut. of the county), Kielder castle; Sisterson Hobart, Woodside ho. Yarrow Robson Rt. & Wm. farmers, Willowbog &; 2 Grosvenor place w & 'fravellers' Robson Gabriel, mason, Stannersburn & U~ited Service clnbs, s W London COlllMERCIAL. Sisterson Matthew,farmer &landowner, Dagg John, farmer, Gowanburn Beattie laMe, road contractor, Yarrow High Yarrow Elliott John, station master & post­ mooI' Sisterton Thomas, farmer & landowner, master, Railway station Benson Artb.tinplate workr.Stannrsbrn High Yarrow . Elliott Thomas, farmer, Hindhaugh, Dagg Elliott, farmer, Stannersburn Tweedy Jacob, joiner & cartwright, Deadwater DJgg IsabeIla (Misa),shopkr.Yarrw. mr Stannersbum.
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