•5P"^»^^f"»»»" * A • ."1 • m^m^wm^mm^^m^^'m^mmmm^ T J * • * - hi*' :. • <y>.- Volume 24 Number 77 Monday, March 13/1989 Westland /Michigan 52 Pages Twenty-five cents © mtSuburtJin ConwunTeiHow CorporiiwCSTW^JU yutttvcsS. 'V • t'tsz-'. • 10 I ^ Ti-J -. t i r; : r . i By Leonard Poger adult education teacher testified editor that she initially refused to sign ah 'f 4- >. (. attendance document, which listed -I <: •\ A Wayne County school adminis­ more than double the number of stu­ -I trator testified in 18th District Court dents she actually hid in class.. Friday of numerous/ questionable The testimony frlday morning records in the Wayne-Westland and afternoon opened the first day of school district's adult education en- a preliminary exarninatlon.forthree . -sebopl-districtTemployees^and-one— "i: One was a document showing that former employee charged with falsi­ 10 persons at the Westland Convales- ' fying enrollment records so the dis­ cent Center dieOn the same day, trict could get more state aid. The Oct. 18, 1982, the day after they examination, which began one day qualified as students so the district later than scheduled after Wayne could count them for state aid reim­ County assistant prosecutor Robert bursements. In earlier testimony, a former Please tgrn to Page 2 Man arrested , .*.**»*" \F*WFgl in death of 2 ! P Dan 8lee, the Wayne-Wetttend achool dlatrlcVa executive director of atudent aervicee/waa the Police are expected to charge a day and 6 a.m. Sunday, "although we first witness to testify In the preliminary examlnatlorr. Judge Qall McKnight (center) presided over 44-year-old Westland man today can't be sure until we get the medi­ with the murders of his housemate cal examiner's report" v v :! i the exam while Tammy Thompson was the court recorder. f and a Garden City woman. The man was arrested Saturday in ': /WRIGHT said police were still In­ Port Huron, where he was staying vestigating the killings Sunday and with a friend, police said. > had no motive for ,thera. He said po­ Killed, were Arthur" Novack, 45, lice.found, the house,, which w#* and Sharon Sahaydak, 44. ."''•.;. owned by Novack, in.neat condition.' Police said both were shot in the the officer said tb£ three were ac­ ..v chest with ah undetermined small- quaintances but couldn't confirm r caliber weapon. published reports of aromantic rela­ Police were called to a house on tionship involving either Novack and the 37000 block of Norene, south of Sahaydak or Sahaydak and the sus- Palmer, about 6:45 a.m. Saturday on -pect. •;."* ...:._. .••;!'• ByTedd8chnelder an anonymous tip about a shooting, Wright said the suspect took No> staff writer said Detective Sgt Jerry Wright. vack's 1988 Ford Taurus and drove '*•'•& system: Wright said Novak's body was in. to Port Huron late Friday or early . The Identity of "Jane Doe" is no longer a mystery. the living room and police found Saturday. He was arrested at 11:40 The fourth defendant charged In the Wayne-Westland Sahaydak's body a hallway outside a a.m. by St Clair County Sheriff's Community Schools adult education enrollment dispute second-floor bedroom. deputies, who spotted a car match­ was arraigned Thursday before the preliminary exam He said police estimated the time ing the description broadcast by' was scheduled to begin in 18th District Court. of death for both between % p.m Frl Westland police: Phyllis (Rode) Roderick pleaded not guilty to one count of willfully falsifying school records and one count of conspiracy to willfully falsify school records. 1 —District-Judge-Gail McKnlghtseta^OOO-persorial- recognizance bond for Roderick, the same bond the other three defendants were given at arraignments last It November. 1( A personal recognizance bond doesn't require posting j<»C$l ;'.v.-l\...'.-'. ;>••'. any money unless a defendant fails to show up for fu­ ture court appearances. ART EMANUELE/etaff photographer : In January, McKnight ordered Roderick's Identity Phyllis (Rode) Roderick and her attorney, Mar­ withheld from all public documents regarding the case. The former district employee had been named in an vin Blake, approach the bench during the for­ mer Wayne-Westland achool employee's ar­ Please turn to Page 2 raignment Thursday. whafsinside Callers abanddh Calendar. • * * • * m *ff\ Classifieds. .'• C.E.F Auto ./ Index , . .oE Real estate . • * * • E£ Employment. ... E,F , Creative llyjng . • • • • f C Crossword. '.'. , .2E oh radio show • Entertainment. .60 Obituaries. t 4 • • . • *Wf\ By.C. L. Rogenstetn Sports. ,,.. 1C staff writer That doean't happen Street scene. .10 that often, but you do Taste ... ,_••'. , 1B. Westland Mayor Charles Griffin and radio call-In talk show host Lou have to plan for It' Parrell had a good time on Farrell's J I Newsline . .591-2300 show Friday, March S, even though ~ Carrie Addo 8portsline. .591-2312 no one called In. WCAFU/affi^mahager Circulation . .561-0600 Farrell's WCAR program, 'mat's CISMlfltd. .591-0900 on Your Mind'Via designed for audi­ ence participation and to Inform lis­ satisfied listeners are with what's going on on the program. teners about metropolitan Detroit (< communities. Listeners can call In They depend on the politics of the lease with questions or comments for his area, how they (residents) feel about 'don't wait guests. an individual in office, whether they But what do they do when no one like or dislike them," Farrell said. until calls int "Punt," according to Far­ "I WANT people to sit beck and rell and the mayor. digest what tM politician has to say 'deadline! "I was surprised," said Griffin about his area, and see If they disa­ You canplacoyour ad anyday when contacted at his office after gree," be said. He always tail* guests of the week. Office hours are the broadcast. "I hadn't considered coming in not to be concerned about 8 a.m, to 5:30 p.m. Monday - no one would call in," he said. the calls, because they depend, oo. Thursday: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. ._ He didn't plan to have extra mate­ those two factors. Friday, we run over 10,000 rial on hand to keep the discussion "You touch a nerve, and the ads a week and our phones get going If no one called in. phone's going to light up," Farrell very busy on Tuesdays and But the show went on. said. Fun In church Fridays. Call early so we can The situation waa no surprise to The Ulk show host said notices ire be sure to get your ad In the sent out to local newspapers, cham­ "ftefoldofl Robert*," a reHgtoue clown portrayed by Irhet Farrell. It indicated to him that he Hettnev ensertewied WO Ltitf isx en school students end next publication. was "bitting all bases" with the is­ bers of commerce and epsrtment t p#f#fns wet wvest tn •»• peettbew Cfmrcn» To seeifn wwy ene WAYNE COUNTY sues the mayor talked about. complexes for retirees jmnoancmg "We try to cover all the bases/' upcoming guests. -.-••> asNi ofveT ofvwne lomeQ an me rewyom eonow rvno« iwrn 1 |o HM> etofy end a*l>oeoe on PftQO 9A. 591-0900 Farrell said. "It's been my expert* • i~ »i' ii ,' .1 '. *~ ' • '. :•[ ence that" call-ins depend on bow Pfesjee turn to Pegs 3 •*» <i: ^ I v * '& mii 1 -,-»/ v'* -•-•'^*'^<Cu - "*-T IJ**.J w: 2A(W) O&E Uootoy, M«fcM3,1&69 ., •.'. •• i' viewers By Ttod SctwaMaf Oswald said she would like a ca­ be here to support Rick," said Clar­ •taffWrttair vv 7 guess we'll [alt here v. reer as a prosecuting attorney and ice Vega, a friend of defendant wanted to find-out first-hand how Rick Hamrick. Vega said she hoped From studeots getting a glimpse arid find out if It (court) I the courts work. her friend would draw strength of the judicial process to a former 1$ boring or exciting.' Jim Nelter — ono of two school from seeing a friendly face in the school boird member .booking to district residents who started a pe­ courtroom. — Kevin-Jackson 1 "see justice done/' District* Judge tition drive calling for a grand Jury The larger crowd and media In Gall McNigbt's c<>urtroom was .-'•-.' - ,:_ - student inve3tlgatiorrsbme~five: years" ago terest keptDavld Wlacek, court ad-" fUled Thursday alid Friday With an — said the preliminary exam, rnlhlstrator^ busy from early morn- atypical crowd/ ^ • •"-,-^.-. scheduled to conclude early this .ing to late afternoon. Reporters The proceedings that drew them , began/' said Fred^Warmbler from week,- would provide clues, to the from at least two newspapers and .his seat in the back row. "I'd like to 6he TV Station covered the exam. to the 18th Dls Wet Court were unu­ : outcome of the case. sual, too. ••;'.''"'''"'J V-'-^-:-- see the conclusion." '.; . > "Ithlnk the ejam will also tell us ! "Somebody did something wrong how the grand Jury'arrived at its THE COURTS administrator said Missing fromf the docket was the and I want to see Justice done,". conclusion," Netter said. he bad been takipg calls from the usual parade Of traffic offenders, Warmbler said. • A substitute teacher in the dis­ media ;and the public all week:as purse snatchers and domestic as­ Kristin Oswald and, Kevin Jackr trict, who asked not to be identi­ well.*! •• ./ • '•••''.= • \';:.'.'.";• son were In court to learn. The fied, said she was In court ''to"find Wlacek said the court, "which has sault victims. Instead," appearing 1 alongside their attorneys ' wei$ -ChtircWtilirgrr&hobls^rtoi^lrose out what really happened" and that bandied preliminary'•• exams for Wayne-Westlarid school employees to monitor tie case for an Ameri­ district residents should all-be in­ some high-publicity criminal cases, and a former employee charged In, can Government class project.
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