AIAA-2003-4696 39th AIAAIASMEJSAWASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Huntsville Alabama, July 20-23,2003 HOW TO BUILD AN ANTIMATTER ROCKET FOR INTERSTELLAR MISSIONS ----- SYSTEMS LEVEL CONSIDERATIONS IN DESIGNING ADVANCED PROPULSION TECHNOLOGY VEHICLES Robert H. Frisbee Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Mail Code 125-109 Pasadena CA 91109 Phone: (818) 354-9276 FAX: (818) 393-6682 E-Mail: robert.h.frisbee @jpl.nasa.gov ABSTRACT the stars is not impossible; it will, however, represent a major commitment by a civilization simply because of One of the few ways to do fast (ca. 0.5~cruise velocity) the size and scale of any technology designed to interstellar rendezvous missions is with a matter- accelerate a vehicle to speeds of a few tenths of the antimatter annihilation propulsion system. This paper speed of light. discusses the general mission requirements and system technologies that would be required to implement an The Vision Mission and Stretch Goal antimatter propulsion system where a magnetic nozzle (superconducting magnet) is used to direct charged For the purposes of evaluating the particles (from the annihilation of protons and technologies required for a matter-antimatter antiprotons) to produce thrust. Scaling equations for the annihilation propulsion system, we chose as our various system technologies are developed where, for “Vision” mission a “fast” (0.5~cruise velocity), example, system mass is a function of propulsion interstellar rendezvous mission. This represents a system power, and so on. With this data, it is possible to “stretch goal” that is intentionally made as difficult as estimate total system masses. Finally, the scaling possible so that a simple extrapolation of existing, near- equations are treated parametrically to evaluate the term technologies would not suffice. Ultimately, this sensitivity of changes in the performance of the various gives us a tool to aid in structuring future technology systems. For example, improvements in some system development programs and precursor missions with a technologies can reduce the vehicle total (wet) mass by long-range goal of giving us the capability to perform a significant amount; by contrast, changes in assumed the Vision mission. As an historical example, we can performance in some systems can have negligible consider the Apollo lunar landing as a Stretch Goal in impact on overall mass, thereby providing a means for the early 1960s. This led to development of prioritizing technology development. technologies like large chemical rocket engines, fuel cells, and 0-gee cryogenic fluids systems. Similarly, it INTRODUCTION led to development during the Gemini Program of space operations techniques like rendezvous and docking. One of mankind’s oldest dreams has been to Finally, to support the human lunar landings, a number visit the tiny pinpoints of light visible in the night sky. of robotic precursor missions like Ranger, Surveyor, Over the last 40 years we have visited most of the and Lunar Orbiter were flown. major bodies in our solar system, reaching out far Previously, we have evaluated various beyond the orbit of Pluto with our robotic spacecraft. propulsion options for interstellar missions to the And yet this distance, which strains the limits of our nearest 1,000 stars, with missions ranging from 4.3 technology, represents an almost negligible step light years (LY) to 40 LY. Concepts considered towards the light-years that must be traversed to travel included advanced electric propulsion, nuclear (fission, to the nearest stars. For example, even though the fusion, antimatter) propulsion, beamed energy (e.g., Voyager spacecraft is one of the fastest vehicles ever LaserSails, MagSails) propulsion, electromagnetic built, traveling at 17 km/s or 3.6 AU/year, it would still catapults, in-situ propellant production concepts (e.g., require almost 74,000 years for it to traverse the the interstellar ramjet), and hybrid systems (e.g., distance to our nearest stellar neighbor. Thus, travel to antimatter-catalyzed fission/ fusion). We found that for * Member AIAA Copyright 0 2003 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. The U.S. Government has a royalty-free license to exercise all rights under the copyright claimed herein for Governmental purposes. All other rights are reserved by the copyright owner. the most demanding stretch goal of a fast (e.g., 0.5 c), requirements and system technologies that would be interstellar rendezvous mission only beamed energy required to implement a “beam-core” antimatter Laser Sail, matter-antimatter, and fusion ramjet propulsion system where a magnetic nozzle concepts were viable candidates.’ (superconducting magnet) is used to direct charged particles (pions from the annihilation of equal amounts Technologv Predictions of protons and antiprotons) to produce thrust. These systems include the Magnetic Nozzle (high-temperature Predicting the types of systems and [ 100 K] superconductor magnet), Radiation Shields (to technologies to be used for an interstellar mission some protect the various spacecraft systems from the 200 50-100 years from now is, somewhat by definition, MeV gamma-rays produced in the annihilation virtually impossible. This is made obvious by process), the Main Radiator (used to reject gamma-ray considering the state of knowledge in 1903 versus heat absorbed by the radiation shields) and other 2003. For example, in 1903, Newton and Maxwell System Radiators (e.g., for the electric power system, represented the reigning models of nature; advanced refrigerators, etc.), Propellants (consisting of normal- transportation technology was represented by Steam matter liquid H, and antimatter in the form of solid anti- Locomotives (which at that time held the world speed H2), Propellant Storage and Feed System (tankage, record!). By contrast, 100 years later, Quantum insulation, feed system, etc.), Thermal Control Systems Mechanics and Relativity rule physics; we have rockets, including propellant tank and superconductor magnet lasers, transistors, high-temperature (100K) super- insulation and refrigerators (at 100 K for the conductors, and so on. The best we can do in superconductor magnet, 20 K for normal-matter liquid- extrapolating the future is stick to known physics, and H,, and 1 K for solid anti-H,), an Electric Power try to extrapolate (guess!) what technology might do. System (electric power for refrigerators, propellant feed Perhaps the most famous example is the difference system, etc.), Spacecraft Miscellaneous Systems between the dream of Jules Verne’s From the Earth to (avionics, telecom, attitude control, etc.), the Payload the Moon (1865) and Apollo 11 (1969); as illustrated (robotic), and, finally, a Dust Shield (to protect against in Table 1. interstellar dust impacts). Particular emphasis is given to deriving Table 1. Comparison between Jules Verne’s Cannon scaling equations for the various system technologies and Projectile (1865) and the Apollo Saturn V and as, for example, mass as a function of propulsion Command Module (1969). system power, and so on. With this data, it is possible to estimate total system masses. Finally, the scaling System Verne (1865) Apollo (1969) equations are treated parametrically to evaluate the Launch Vehicle Cannon Saturn V sensitivity of changes in the performance of the various Height (m) 274 111 systems; for example, a 10-fold improvement in Diameter (m) 6.4 10.1 superconductor magnet critical current density, I,, from Mass (MT) 186,000 2,900 today’s 1~10’~Amps/m2 to 1x10’’ Amps/m2 can reduce Max Accel. (gees) 22,000 5 the vehicle total (wet) mass by a factor of about two. By Crew Capsule The Projectile Command Module contrast, changes in assumed performance in some Crew 3 3 Height (m) 4.6 3.7 systems can have negligible impact on overall mass, Diameter (m) 2.7 3.9 thereby providing a means for prioritizing technology Mass (MT) 8.7 2,900 development. Useable Vol. (m3) 6.5 5.6 Material Aluminum Aluminum MISSION ANALYSIS Verne was impossibly wrong in his prediction The long-range mission goal is the ability to of the launch vehicle, yet he was remarkably right in rendezvous with scientifically interesting planets predicting the crew capsule. In part, this is because of circling about other stars. Mission targets, such as the quantum leaps in technological capability made by planets capable of harboring life (and, ultimately, the launch vehicle (e.g., cannons versus rockets)? By planets habitable by humans), would be identified by contrast, the need to support three crewmembers in a the NASA Origins Program, which has the long-range trip to the Moon is somewhat technology-independent goal (by ca. 2040) of detecting, remote-sensing spectral (i.e., they need a certain amount of living volume, food, analysis, and imaging of potentially habitable planets oxygen, etc.), so it is perhaps not surprising that the around stars out to - 40 LY (nearest 1,000 stars). This crew capsules are so similar. will be accomplished by the use of progressively more sophisticated space-based observational techniques Antimatter Rocket Systems Analvsis (e.g., telescopes, interferometers, etc.) to ultimately image Earth-like planets in the potentially habitable This paper discusses the general mission region - the “Goldilocks Zone”: not too hot, not too 2 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics cold - about a star. produce any thrust, but the mass also grows rapidly as Robotic interstellar missions can
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