tKortes & Seminoe Dam Camps- K07CR, *Riverton- K04EA, Riverton -Fremont Translators Seminoe Kortes TV Assn., c/o John Dol- TV ling, Club Inc., c/o Darwin Hillberry, Box 628 Leo Rt., Hanna (KTWO -TV Ch. 2 (KTWO -TV Ch. 2 Casper). Casper) . tRock River-K09FY, Town WYOMING -(Continued) La Barge Big of Rock River, -See Piney. c/o Lee White (KFBC -TV Ch. 5 Chey- tCokeville Town & Smiths Fork- K03CB, tLagrange-K81AM, K83AW, Frontier Bcstg. enne) . KO6DO, K13FS, Cokeville TV Corp., c/o Co., see Borie (KOA -TV Ch. 4, KBTV Ch. tRock Springs- K74AF, K78AB, K82AE, A. D. Holden, Box 317, Cokeville (KCPX- 9 Denver via Ch. 70, 72 Borie) -all 100 -w. Translator TV Bcstg. Coop. TV Ch. 4, KUTV Ch. 2, KSL -TV Inc., Box 912 Ch. 5 Laramie 10 (KCPX -TV Ch. 4, KSL -TV Ch. 5, KUTV Salt Lake City, Utah via Ch. 7, 11, 9 -Ch. (pending), Laramie Plains Randolph, Utah). Antenna TV Assn., see Big Laramie Valley Ch. 2 Salt Lake City) -all 10 -w. (KOA -TV Ch. 4 Denver). tSaratoga & Cora & Daniel-Ch. 4 (pending), Cora rural area- K11ER, K13EI, TV Peak Lingle -See Huntley. Elk Mountain TV Co., see Elk Mountain Assn., c/o Edward Todd, Daniel (KFBC (KTWO -TV Ch. 2 Casper). tLittle America, -TV Ch. 5 Cheyenne; KTWO -TV Lontree, Lyman & Mt. Ch. 2 Casper via Ch. 8 Encampment) Cottonwood Creek -See Big Piney. View- K09DI, K11DN, K13DH, Lyman TV Assn., c/o Lawrence Maxfield, Box 641, Savery -See Beggs. Daniel -See Big Piney & Cora. Lyman (KSL -TV Ch. 5, KUTV Ch. 2, KCPX -TV Ch. 4 Seminoe Dam Camp -See Kortes. tDayton & Tongue River-K05AC, K10AE, Salt Lake City). Dayton TV tSheridan- K12FN, Harriscope Assn.. c/o Gus Lofgren, Box Lontree -Ch. 9, 11, 13 (pending), Lyman Jack Inc., c/o 123, Dayton (KOOK -TV Ch. 2, KULR -TV TV Assn., see Little America (KSL -TV Rosenthal, Box 2717, Casper (KTWO- Ch. 8 TV Ch. 2 Casper) -100 -w. Billings, Mont.). Ch. 5, KUTV Ch. 2, KCPX -TV Ch. 4 Salt Lake City, Utah). *Sheridan-K07HC, Mont. tDouglas-KO4DE, Douglas Entertainment John Network, c/o Co., c/o V. H. Saul, 219 E. Center (KSTF Lontree -Also see Little America. S. Sample, Box 2557, Billings, Mont. Ch. 10 Scottsbluff, Neb.). (KOOK -TV Ch. 2 Billings)- 100 -w. tLovell-K04AA, K12AC, Lovell Byron Cow- Sheridan-See also Ft. MacKenzie. Dubois- tNO4AF, Ch. 7 (pending), Dubois ley TV, c/o H. A. Lusch, Box 458 (KULR- Community TV Club, c/o Tracy Schlup TV Ch. 8, KOOK -TV Ch. 2 Billings, tShoshone River (north & south fork (KWRB -TV 10 Ch. Riverton, KTWO -TV Mont.) . rural areas)- K04DA, K05CB, Shoshone Ch. 2 Casper). River Power Inc., see Lucerne District, Owl Clarks Fork tDutch Creek Creek District, (KOOK -TV Ch. 2, KULR -TV Ch. 8 Bil- area, Prairie Dog & Wyarno Thermopolis -Ch. 5 (pending), Hot lings). -K12CA, Wyarno TV Assn., c/o Robert Springs Booster Britton, Wyarno TV Inc., c/o Gavin G. (KOOK -TV Ch. 2 Bil- Richmond, 320 S. 9th (KTWO -TV Ch. 2. tShoshone River (upper south fork) lings, Mont.). Casper). K11GG, K13FX, Shoshone River Power- East Fork River Inc., see Clarks Fork (KOOK -TV Ch. 2, -See Big Piney. 'Mucky Campsite- K13BW, Utah Construc- KULR -TV Ch. tion & 8 Billings). El Paso Compression Station #23 -Ch. 2, Mining Co., c/o M. E. Pratt, Box 4 (pending), Upper Green River TV Sys- 831, Riverton (KTWO -TV Ch. 2 Casper). Smiths Fork-See Cokeville Town. tem, see Big Piney (KID -TV Ch. 3 Idaho tLusk-K08AJ, K13AS, Speedway Rd. -See Big Piney. Falls; KTWO -TV Ch. 2 Casper). Lusk TV Club, c/o C. D. Jennewein (KFBC -TV Ch. 5 Chey- Spotted Horse-See Bitter Creek. El Paso Natural Gas Camp -See Big Piney. enne, KTWO -TV Ch. 2 Casper). tStory- K04AH, Sheridan TV tElk Mountain & rural Translator area-K12CM, Elk Lyman-Ch. 9, 11, 13 (pending), Lyman TV Inc., see Ft. MacKenzie (KTWO 2 Mountain TV Co., c/o H. F. Willford, Assn., see -TV Ch. Saratoga Little America (KSL -TV Ch. 5, Casper) . (KTWO -TV Ch. 2 Casper). KUTV Ch. 2, KCPX -TV Ch. 4 Salt Lake City, Utah). Story -Also see Banner. tElmo, Hanna & Medicine Bow- K08EH, Hanna Elmo TV Assn., c/o tSundance-K09AC, K12Aa;, Ebsen, George P. tLyman-K07HB, Don G. Porter, Lyman Sundance Box 128, Hanna (KTWO -TV Ch. 2 (KUTV Ch. 2 Salt Lake City). Community TV Assn., c/o C. F. Hawken Casper) . (KTWO -TV Ch. 2 Casper, KOTA -TV Ch. *McKinnon & Opal- K70EB, K72CX, K74DB, 3 Rapid City, S.D.). tEncampment- K06BR, K08CP, Elk Moun- Union Telephone tain TV Co., Co. Inc., c/o Howard see Elk Mountain (KFBC- D. Woody, Mt. View (KUTV Ch. 2, KCPX- Sunlight Basin -See Clarks Fork Canyon. TV Ch. 5 Cheyenne, KTWO 2 -TV Ch. TV Ch. 4, KSL -TV Ch. 5 Salt Lake City) Sunrise Casper; first via Ch. 11 Saratoga). -all 100 -w. -See Hartville. tEvanston-K71AI, K75AG, K79AC, Evans- McKinnon -See also Manila, Utah. tSuperlor- K12FH, Sweetwater TV Co., c/o ton Non -Profit TV Inc., 937 Main St. A. M. Carollo, Box 8, 602 Broadway, Rock (KUTV Ch. 2, KCPX -TV Ch. 4, KSL -TV tMeeteetse- K09BP, K12BP, Meeteetse Springs, Wyo. (KTWO -TV Ch. 2 Casper). Ch. 5 Community TV, P. Salt Lake City) -all 10 -w. c/o S. Clinton, Box tTen Sleep- K09EL, 355, (KOOK -TV Ch. 2, KULR -TV Ch. 8 Ten Sleep Free TV Fork River -See Big Piney. Billings, Mont.). Club, c/o Robert Fausset, Box 114 (KTWO -TV Ch. 2 Casper). *Ft. Laramie-K07HE, Lingle Lion's Club tMoorcraft-tK09EX, tKI1AI, Moorcraft Community TV, c/o Robert L. Craft, Box Community TV Inc., c/o B. P. Ash Thermopolis -See Lucerne District. 53, Lingle (KTWO -TV Ch. 2 (KOTA Casper). -TV Ch. 3 Rapid City, S.D. via Tie Siding -See Big Laramie Valley. Ch. 11 Moorcroft; KOTA -TV Ch. 3 Rapid tFt. MacKenzie & Sheridan- K06AT, City). Tongue River-See K11BP, K13BO, Sheridan TV Translator Dayton. Inc., c/o E. W. Meyer, Box 150, Sheridan Mt. View -See Little America. Torrington -See Huntley. (KTWO -TV Ch. 2 Casper via Ch. 4 Story; tNew Castle- K07AC, KO9AD, KI1AE, KOOK -TV Ch. 2, KULR -TV Ch. 8 Bil- New- tUpper Greybull River & Wood River rural lings). castle TV Assn. Inc., c/o G. D. Barr, areas-KO6DJ, K13FO, Shoshone River 104 E. Woodstock (KDUH -TV Ch. 4 Hay Power Inc., see Clarks Fork (KOOK -TV tGillette- K04AB, Gillette TV Assn., c/o Springs, Neb.; KTWO -TV Ch. 2 Casper; Ch. 2, KULR -TV Ch. 8 Billings). R. R. Plunkett, Box 810 (KTWO -TV Ch. 2 KOTA -TV Ch. 3 Rapid City, S.D.). Casper via Ch. 8 Wyodak). New Haven-See Carlisle. *Upton- K07BZ, K13BJ, Upton TV Club., KO8AZ, c/o J. E. Ackerman, Box 158 (KOTA -TV tGlendo- Glendo TV Translator, Ch. 3 Rapid City, S.D.; KTWO Town of Glendo, c/o W. G. Opal -See McKinnon. -TV Ch. 2 McComb Casper) . (KFBC -TV Ch. 5 Cheyenne). tOrchard Ranch Ltd.- KO5CE, Orchard Wildcat *Green River- K07DC, Ranch Ltd., c/o M. C. Orchard (KTWO- -See Bitter Creek. K09DD, K11DJ, TV Ch. 2 Casper). Green River TV Coop., c/o Dean Carroll Wood River -See Upper Greybull River. Jr., Box 344 (KUTV Ch. 2, KCPX -TV Ch. tOsage- K08BI, Osage TV Assn. 4, Inc., c/o tWorland- K04DZ, K12DK, KSL -TV Ch. 5 Salt Lake City). Richard Updike (KTWO -TV Ch. 2 Cas- Farmers TV per). Assn., c/o R. L. Hamilton, Box 541 tGreybull- K12CB, Greybull Free TV Assn., (KULR -TV Ch. 8 Billings, KTWO Ch. 2 c/o Dwayne Trees (KULR -TV Ch. 8 Bil- Oshoto --See Carlisle. Casper) . lings, Mont.). Owl Creek District -See Lucerne District. Wyarno -See Dutch Creek. Guernsey-Ch. 13 (pending), Lake Guernsey JCs, c/o Bill Pulos, Box 105 (KTWO -TV Passaic -See Otter, Mont. Wyodak -Ch. 8 (pending), Wyodak TV Ch. 2 Casper). Assn., c/o Sidney J. Gerrans, Box 149, tPinedale- K70AX, Town of Pinedale, c/o Gillette, Wyo. (KTWO -TV Ch. 2 Casper). Hanna-See Elmo. G. W. Wise, Pinedale Power & Light Co. (KID -TV Ch. 3 Idaho Falls) -10 -w. Yellowstone Park -See Mammoth. Hartville & Sunrise- tK12FE, *K08FI, Hart- ville Community TV, c/o John Koinderis, tPowell- K05AB, KI2AE, City of Powell, Yellowstone River -See Clarks Fork. Box 33, Hartville (KFBC -TV Ch. 5 Chey- Box 30 (KULR -TV Ch. 8, KOOK -TV Ch. Yoder enne, KTWO -TV Ch. 2 Casper). 2 Billings). -See Huntley. Horse Creek -See Big Piney. Prairie Dog -See Dutch Creek. tHulett- K13AI, Hulett TV Club, c/o Bush Bill tRanchester-K05AI, K12AX, Ranchester (KOTA -TV Ch. 3 Rapid City, S.D.). TV Assn., c/o Cecil M. Paulus, Box 4 Hulett -Also see (KTWO -TV Ch. 2 Casper; KOOK -TV Ch. Carlisle. 2 Billings). *Huntley, Lingle, Torrington rural area & For Guam & Puerto Rico Yoder- K04EC, Lingle Lion's Club Com- tRawlins-K07GN, Rawlins Free TV Assn., munity TV, see Ft. c/o David Emerson, 416 6th St. (KTWO- Laramie (KTWO -TV TV Ch. 2 Casper). Ch. 2 Casper). Translator Rawlins -Ch. 12 (pending), Rawlins Co -op Stations tJackson- K110I, K13FZ, Jackson Hole TV Translator Inc., c/o John Infanger, Box Assoc., c/o William R. Newbrecht, Box 313 (KFBC -TV Ch. 5 523 (KID -TV Ch. 3, KIFI -TV Ch. 8 Idaho Cheyenne). Falls) . see page 236 -a Rawlins-Ch. 11 (pending), Harriscope tJeffrey City- KOSE13, Jeffrey City Com- Inc., c/o Jack Rosenthal, Box 2717, Cas- munity TV Assn., c/o R.
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