NEW AND OLD PANATHENAIC VICTOR LISTS (PLATES71-76) I. THE NEW PANATHENAIC VICTOR LISTS FINDSPOT, DESCRIPTION, AND TEXT The present inscription (pp. 188-189) listing athletic victors in the Panathenaia first came to my attention a number of years ago by word of mouth.1 I do not have accurate information about its initial discovery. The stone was initially under the jurisdiction of Dr. George Dontas, who helped me gain accessto it and determinethat no one was working on it. My own interest in the inscriptionin the first place stemmedfrom the hand. With the assistance of the Greek authorities, especially the two (former) directorsof the Akropolis, G. Dontas and E. Touloupa, whose generous cooperationI gratefully acknowledge,I have been granted permission to publish this important inscription.2In October of 1989 I was able to study the text in situ and also to make a squeeze and photographs.3 I In a joint article it is particularly important to indicate who did what. In this case Stephen Tracy has primary responsibilityfor section I, Christian Habicht for section II, and both authors for IV; section III is subdividedinto parts A, B, and C: Tracy is the primary author of A and B and Habicht of C. Nevertheless, this article is the product of close collaboration.Although initially we worked independently,each of us has read and commentedon the other's work. The final draft representsa version agreed upon by both authors. Photographs:Pls. 71-75, SVT; P1. 76, Tameion ArcheologikonPoron. All dates are B.C., unless otherwise stated. Works frequently cited are abbreviatedas follows: Agora XV = B. D. Meritt and J. S. Traill, The Athenian Agora, XV, Inscriptions:The Athenian Councillors,Princeton 1974 Boeckh = A. Boeckh,Kleine SchriftenVI, Leipzig 1872 Clarysse and Van der Veken = W. Clarysse and G. van der Veken, The EponymousPriests of Egypt, Lei- den 1983 Davies, APF = J. K. Davies, Athenian PropertiedFamilies, Oxford 1971 Habicht, Studien = C. Habicht, Studien zur GeschichteAthens in hellenistischerZeit, Gottin- gen 1982 Koehler = U. Koehler, InscriptionesGraecae II, Berlin 1883 Kyle, Athletics = D. G. Kyle, Athleticsin Ancient Athens, Leiden 1987 Le Bas and Waddington = P. Le Bas and W. H. Waddington, Inscriptions grecques et latines re- cueillies en Greceet en Asie Mineure, Paris 1870; repr. Hildesheim 1972 LGPN I = P. M. Fraser and E. Matthews, A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names I, Oxford 1987 Martin, Cavaliers = A. Martin, Les cavaliersathe'niens, Paris 1887 Mommsen, Feste = A. Mommsen, Feste der Stadt Athen im Altertum,Leipzig 1898 Moretti, IAG = L. Moretti, Iscrizioni agonistichegreche, Rome 1953 ProsPtol = ProsopographiaPtolemaica in Studia Hellenistica 6, 1950; 8, 1952; 11, 1956; 12, 1959; 13, 1963; 17, 1968; 20, 1975; 21, 1976; 25, 1981 Rangabe = A. R. Rangabe, Antiquite'shelleniques II, Athens 1855 Thompson = M. Thompson, The New Style Silver Coinageof Athens, New York 1981 Tracy, ALC = S. V. Tracy, Attic Letter Cuttersof 229 to 86 B.C., Berkeley 1990 Walbank, Commentary = F. W. Walbank, A Historical Commentaryon Polybius I-III, Oxford 1957, 1967,1979 2 I also owe considerablethanks to ProfessorsGlenn Bugh and John McK. Camp II for their encourage- ment and help. In addition, A. E. Raubitschekand Thomas Drew-Bear have offered helpful suggestions on early drafts of sections I and III A, B. 3A travelgrant awardedby the College of Humanities and the GraduateSchool at the Ohio State University American School of Classical Studies at Athens is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve, and extend access to Hesperia ® www.jstor.org THE NEW PANATHENAIC VICTOR LISTS ColumnI ColumnII Column 1 a. 170/69 a. a. 166/5 a. a. 162/1 a. uncertainnanber of lineslost uncertainnumber of lineslost uncertainnumber of lineslost 1 [miy1dSv] I uot lost L _ _ _ _ _ _Apu ro p&rsiMMevecrpixou ra[v6tovi&o +4Xij] lost 3 14XV)CP&~tOV] 3 ceyet BimAov Eue[.]a[.]v KcaA['ca4 'Av]TtoXe*T f3V rP6*A4v(nt) Auxv8pogNwwogAlyelEog i)v 5 6nXfrMv 5 & tCi[V]itnM[&ai' IMit RoXCAtMoet] AcX T&apo5 Tp*XoU 1eXcnuKq 6 Tiyp(uxq) 5(yet ndkeAcrapit Einyiwv AXLK@C[OUOlV1&q fUXij] 7 ioxo ayp)wv vuA1yeI uX5 7 wtSqauXov 'Apiamatxy,oqE ooXou Olved&n uXl 7 uyet &K&ntov &wvo-qQIvetsoq H ] 9 (c]nokM 'Anpav AkMiuAou riA og nAnq YaKp ;tlYiyvoyuAtyeovuXTK 9 YT 1A [niOV] I....7 ...iv 5C(yet SicAov 9 & TiiV tUXV I X et Ebn4Levo5 Efiwou 'A o[vtoXiKO fvX)] 11 I & 11 'Ayvix lfoXuOXeftou UltoXepaad&q +Xng 'Apoxt4ft NumcaiouAlavtib5o uXnX ev tnt oobp6uAwtniixV4wv ouvcopi&tnwXKei] lCeyeL&ncK64Lov YIaKp6l Yew AAlye`o&fvX Yicov 11 MiivoiXa Ncoropo A[L J 13 5e(yet nOantuct KtXTgtnrXq4K&h 1A<y>v oXu3inrulr?oe=do,faf MKp6Kn5Iwybvou AtIye& y Ae o o 'AaKAxT& tXiPaKou L - 13 'innt 6x*Utov 15 E*YEtU0CATTt 15 cruvwp't wXEA[iat] Awv KcmXfwu Kexponuq +fisT AyviKf oXUKXeArouJftroXeWad8o5f&uXT AtwKoupi8r 'AyaOoKXo[ug ..... - j 15 17 17 buuat =AeAurrte eK TWv +UXpxwv kTV t[vIEEWVItTUw ItOXeJSaTeuZ apjct niwxuc[t] Bevbv Akitvu lav&tovi&x viAit JffIrrpwv'ApxE)&uM OiveI&x ~UXf 'Ayno6AXea Nouviou AL[ - 19 .mai 8iauxov 17 lnuol bimkov 19 KeXnTtteAXcit etO);(oieeciXou 'AvrtoXi&O,Xi NK6Crp=toc; 'ApXeX&mOlveu 5 Eott&ux 0(KtKOU 'AVvoXe[ ...j 21 Inmat 4Kn&tnV 19 21 &PTI teAXekt a 'OOXaK"Aopwvog AbyelBo& sSuXijg NxoyEw Nixvo AtyeibK vXns [BlJoa KXeont&1paxftXj[ro-e11XEjaiou] 23 t noXeAe1 tc Tiv ITVt7WV 23n A xtv K InoXvruciv ImrwctoXu < 6 >4 [wt] & 1ff6mpav 'ApxeX60u Ovel&oS fUXnq 21 Tiit 1noSp6wnt eK n6rvtwv BaatXEi EMovng NatXe.O 'ATr[6Xou 'AttaXi&q 4)uXfir] 25 8iau>ovV NK6aprrtor 'ApxeX6u OlveIo& +uXis pz 25 apjsst iioXAs,tapiswtt] &6X*ntnVZWiXog XWKXouK T EoXEqat6oi fuXfl 23 'Hp&Kevror 'AVTr&pov `AvtIoXeiJ( TcQiVTnpo A#V(nlt) 'Apativ X4tou AIyeio& fuX[ts] 27 v tiit 1no8p6fLmnV KAT11t nwXtK@i KOXT1TtWnIUCW3 27 <(>,EytitCoAsutiit &n6 'ArOXXOa)PO'AnoXXo&XPou KtrtteK 25 Mnv6&Opor. 'ApteAsi&pou 'AvrtoXE* MyboVit(ca) ZNVWi M EVeCKp&ouAKaWtVrrfi&n fuicI u 29 T-eXeiwtv 'AoxXnnt6ft 'AcAnnw&pou Zeuplcb ovcibteXke<i>at 29 r65yed iau koV OaVcWi4t&TUI)XUe 27 Znv6Ao(WRwaufvou 'AvrtoXeU*6m6 KUOvou 1XEAUKO5 8EO&WP;OU 'IMOOWVi[ZOK4UXTl51 31 KXcaLv&TnK&pwcvocr AtyuaOTivn 31 auvwpi(tnoXeJUw-rpn[U] TeAXciaL'ApXay&Gn JfoXuKuXrTou 'AvrtoX} 6m6 Irup&jg(ou)2 BazatXEiProXqezto,; PaatAXw[r FroXq=diouJ 33 iipprrLtTXuiAtx E1phvloXe,uiou 'AXkckav8,pk 29 Euybeux ZiWwvos Autoxk an6 KOVOU 33 ThrOXecua&K 4UXij VAc.3i< >e -yel &KacA,UOV?] teXeiwL ['O]XuMAuI 'AyfTopo; AaKe8atAovia KEXnTL TeXeiwl) [EiXevoc EUOevou 'AKac=vri&o, fuXN-Il 35 mnnwuiioXubp6jwt 31 ATnpo4v Rwao&vou'AvrtoexE 6m6KUOvou 35 Ouvwpi8&biauXo[V] Ei4P&vwp'OXOJJnou lToXeqaLi=8oq uXN- &pua=t TeXeiwal lep6q6br voq eyeCTo 37 iipp=LnOXEAW<O;WIfl OaaXEU* 33 wal4&vn ZnvOcfiou'AvrtoXei5 6m6K(6vou 37 auvwpit &K*n[Iov] E ATTr&Xou ATTcXWOg UXTI riwv EK u-ens PaatXwew IToXup6wl ilrwL (e*aaTor A[U]KiaKOU Ep4L J?] 39 aP,UcrrTI XeiWIC35 Auoiein 'OPOaY6poOUKepoiOc +uXnS 39 6U aKnVWUCoi &YGVIa n,L caPlO - J Uaucr=XO ATULoKXCour FuVAT Alyeboq <Z>Ci EILSOiT)aE Kal TOXk& Ta4 Ca.10 J et 41 R 6yBiauXov OUX1VOXeSWWI &Pi= T I 41 aatt TOtIewep-y&at TnppwaVL _ca-10_J 37 t 'Aviay IoXuK) ?fiTou1rTOXepatI6OS .uXnS EUKXT?5'epO6vcou OicVeWO UX;1 dYwvtatvOuq ecyUaYeV L[ ca.l1 - 43 aUVWi8Pt&CUyctnoXeAtaJTPiat nO,UcKt 43 T;fkjnawrwS ~eeO e L - - 12-12 'Api=atczXLuOEoOUXOu Olvezbo 0uXiiS 39 NtKoyeVn NiKwVoSAlyeI&x FuXn;S vacatto bottom0.275 m. 45 avwVpI&t reXeiaL (,dryet biauXov fvA 'A-yviKoTroXUKXiToU lIfoXEAIcoai&x 41 lcybc lwyivou AL-yei&oxuAXik 47 avvwpi&tBaunov -ATTmXopaaLXwc; 'Ar6&Xou 'AtczaXi&x U(urT- 43 IWKp&TSlwybVouAIyel&x SuXnS 'Apirataxnot EifocvAouOiveix fUXk auvWpi8tbiauAov 51 aov{V}Uwpit 6a[&]InIOV 45 AwnieiO 'OpOay6pOu KeKPOCMi&nIXAiM ThippoKIT(ippou Ifavi5tovi&n OuX)- auvwpit 8iauXov 53 auvwpi& &Kd&Jntov 47 'EneXis KpaTiou Olvejx quXN- roXueXeiTou DtXoKp&rTnT UToXeAatiOSauvvoepi8& fuXN-a'Ka'ntiov vacatto bottom0.177 m. 49 Xcybvrs Xcaybou Alyet&o5fuXijS auvwpi8t6icA&tjov 51 TiMWvTiMWvoc 'EpeXOet&x- fvX cYuv(pIBt6arc6untov 53 EOKXAiIepO&vcou Oiveto& VuX\f1 vacatto bottom0.156 m. 190 STEPHEN V. TRACY AND CHRISTIAN HABICHT The inscriptionis built (inscribedface up) into and presently is one of the top blocks of the late Roman fortificationwall, the so-called post-Herulian Wall on the north side of the Akropolis. The location is just south of Hadrian Street, east of the Tower of the Winds in the area of the Diogeneion.4 The block of gray marble on which it is inscribed is roughly rectangular:0.71 m. high, 0.92 m. wide, and 0.19 m. thick. The letter height and interlinear spacing vary from column to column. Detailed measurementsare provided below in the epigraphical commentary.The block is broken at the top and right side. Although the left side is preserved,it will not be possible to assess its treatment until the block is removed from the wall. The back too seems to be original and rough picked;5the bottom reveals rough chiseling and three rectangulardowel holes. An area acrossthe bottom of the face ca. 0.055 m. in height has been unevenly pared down to give a recessed band (P1. 71). The surface of the face along the left edge (P1. 71) is deliberatelypocked with discretestrokes as (apparently) a kind of decorativetreatment. The inscribedsurface itself reveals light rasp- ing with a tooth chisel. The grooves do not all run in one directionbut are at points vertical and at others slanting or almost horizontal (see, for example, P1. 73:b). The text preservesalmost completelythe recordof the victorsin the equestrianevents at the Panathenaiaof the years 170, 166, and 162. TYPE OF INSCRIPTION AND PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS This inscriptionand the others similar to it, i.e. IG 112, 2313-2317, have been taken as lists of Panathenaicvictors. None of these lists, so far as we can now determine,preserves any sort of preamble indicating the date or the festival.
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