09166_CH01_001_026_FINL.qxp 6/30/07 1:21 PM Page 1 © 2007 Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc. NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION 1 Introduction to Molecular Biology OUTLINE OF TOPICS 1.1 Intellectual Foundation RNA serves as the hereditary material in some viruses. Two studies performed in the 1860s provided the intellectual Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins obtained x-ray diffrac- underpinning for molecular biology. tion patterns of extended DNA fibers. James Watson and Francis Crick proposed that DNA is a double- Genotypes and Phenotypes 1.2 stranded helix. Each gene is responsible for the synthesis of a single polypeptide. The central dogma provides the theoretical framework for molecular biology. 1.3 Nucleic Acids Recombinant DNA technology allows us to study complex Nucleic acids are linear chains of nucleotides. biological systems. A great deal of molecular biology information is available on 1.4 DNA Structure and Function the Internet. Transformation experiments led to the discovery that DNA is the hereditary material. Suggested Reading Chemical experiments also supported the hypothesis that DNA Classic Papers is the hereditary material. The blender experiment demonstrated that DNA is the genetic material in bacterial viruses. Photo courtesy of James Gathany / CDC 1 09166_CH01_001_026_FINL.qxp 6/30/07 1:21 PM Page 2 © 2007 Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc. NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION he term molecular biology first appeared in a report prepared for the Rockefeller Foundation in 1938 by Warren Weaver, T then director of the Foundation’s Natural Sciences Division. Weaver coined the term to describe a research approach in which physics and chemistry would be used to address fundamental biolog- ical problems. Weaver proposed that the Rockefeller Foundation fund research efforts to seek molecular explanations for biological processes. His proposal was remarkably farsighted, especially when considering that many of his contemporaries believed that living cells possessed a vital force that could not be explained by chemical or physical laws that govern the inanimate world. In fact, some physi- cists entered the field of biology in the hope that they might discover new physical laws. At the time of Weaver’s report, biology was on the threshold of major changes. Two new disciplines—biochemistry and genetics— had altered the way that biologists think about living systems. Bio- chemists had delivered a major blow to the vital force theory by demonstrating that cell-free extracts can perform many of the same functions as intact cells. Geneticists established that the functional and physical unit of heredity is the gene. However, they did not know how the hereditary information was stored in the gene, how the gene was replicated so that it could be transmitted to the next generation, or how the information stored in the gene determined a specific phys- ical trait such as eye color. Neither biochemistry nor genetics had the power to solve these problems on its own. In fact, it took an interdisciplinary effort involv- ing specialists in many fields of the life sciences, including biochem- istry, biophysics, chemistry, x-ray crystallography, developmental biology, genetics, immunology, microbiology, and virology, to solve the hereditary problem. This interdisciplinary effort resulted in the creation of a new discipline, molecular biology, which seeks to ex- plain genetic phenomena in chemical and physical terms. 1.1 Intellectual Foundation Two studies performed in the 1860s provided the intel- lectual underpinning for molecular biology. The earliest intellectual roots of molecular biology can be traced back to the work of two investigators in the 1860s. No connection was apparent between the experiments performed by the two inves- tigators for more than 75 years, but when the connection was finally made, the result was the birth of molecular biology and the beginning of a scientific revolution that continues today. Mendel’s Three Laws of Inheritance The work of the first investigator, Gregor Mendel, an Austrian monk and botanist, is familiar to all biology students and so will only be summarized briefly here. Mendel discovered three basic laws of in- 2 INTRODUCTION 09166_CH01_001_026_FINL.qxp 6/30/07 1:21 PM Page 3 © 2007 Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc. NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION heritance by studying the way in which simple physical traits are passed on from one generation of pea plants to the next. For conven- ience, Mendel’s laws of inheritance will be described using two mod- ern biological terms, gene for a unit of heredity and chromosome for a structure bearing several linked genes. 1. The law of independent assortment — Specific physical traits such as plant size and color are inherited independently of one another. Mendel was fortunate to have selected physical traits that were determined by genes that were on different chromosomes. 2. The law of independent segregation — A specific gene may exist in alternate forms called alleles. An organism inherits one allele for each trait from each parent. The two alleles, which may be the same or different, segregate (or separate) in germ cells (sperm or egg) and combine again during repro- duction so that each parent transmits one allele to each off- spring. 3. The law of dominance — For each physical trait, one allele is dominant so that the physical trait that it specifies appears in a definite 3:1 ratio. The alternative form is recessive. In Mendel’s peas, tallness was dominant and shortness reces- sive. Therefore, three times as many pea plants were tall as were short. Today we know that there are exceptions to the law of dominance. Sometimes neither allele is dominant. For instance, a plant that inherits a gene for a red flower and a gene for a white flower may produce a pink flower. Unfortunately, scientists failed to recognize the significance of Mendel’s work during his lifetime. His paper remained obscure until about 1900 when scientists rediscovered Mendel’s laws of inheri- tance, giving birth to the science of genetics. Miescher and DNA The second investigator, the Swiss physician Friedrich Miescher, per- formed experiments that led to the discovery of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), which we, of course, now know is the hereditary mate- rial. Miescher did not set out to discover the hereditary material but instead was interested in studying cell nuclei from white blood cells, which he collected from pus discharges on discarded bandages that had been used to cover infected wounds. Miescher used a combina- tion of protease (enzymes that hydrolyze proteins) digestion and sol- vent extraction to disrupt and fractionate the white blood cells. One fraction, which he called nuclein, contained an acidic material with unusually high phosphorus content. Miescher later found that salmon sperm cells, which have remarkably large cell nuclei, are also an excellent source of nuclein. In 1889, Miescher’s student, Richard Altmann, separated nuclein into protein and a substance with a very high phosphorous content that he named nucleic acid. Because of its high phosphorus content, investigators initially thought that nucleic acids might serve as storehouses for cellular phosphorus. CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Molecular Biology 3 09166_CH01_001_026_FINL.qxp 6/30/07 1:21 PM Page 4 © 2007 Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc. NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION 1.2 Genotypes and Phenotypes Each gene is responsible for the synthesis of a single polypeptide. Mendel’s experiments showed that the genetic makeup of an organ- ism, its genotype, determines the organism’s physical traits, its phe- notype. However, his experiments did not show how genes are able to determine complex physical traits such as plant color or size. Archibald Garrod, an English physician, was the first to provide an explanation for the relationship between genotype and phenotype. Garrod uncovered this relationship while studying alkaptonuria, a rare inherited human disorder in which the urine of affected individ- uals becomes very dark upon standing due to the accumulation of homogentisic acid, a breakdown product of the amino acid tyrosine. Garrod correctly proposed that alkaptonuria results from a recessive gene, which causes a deficiency in the enzyme that normally converts homogentisic acid into colorless products. Garrod’s work was generally ignored until the early 1940s, when the American geneticists, George Beadle and Edward Tatum redis- covered it while seeking experimental proof for the connection be- tween genes and enzymes. They believed that, if a gene really does specify an enzyme, it should be possible to create genetic mutants that cannot carry out specific enzymatic reactions. They therefore ex- posed spores of the bread mold Neurospora crassa to x-rays or UV radiation and demonstrated that the mutant molds had a variety of special nutritional needs. Unlike their wild-type parents, the mutants could not reproduce without having specific amino acids or vitamins added to their growth medium. A mutant that requires a specific sup- plement that is not required by the wild-type parent is called an auxo- troph. Genetic analysis revealed that each auxotroph appeared to be HO HO blocked at a specific step in the metabolic pathway for the required C1 C1 amino acid or vitamin. Furthermore, the auxotrophs accumulated large quantities of the substance formed just prior to the blocked H C2 OH H C2 H step. Thus, Beadle and Tatum had replicated in the bread mold the HOHC3 HOHC3 same type of situation that Garrod had observed in alkaptonuria. A HOHC4 HOHC4 defective gene caused a defect in a specific enzyme that resulted in the abnormal accumulation of an intermediate in a metabolic pathway. C H OH C H OH 5 2 5 2 As a result of their work with the N. crassa mutants, Beadle and Tatum Ribose Deoxyribose proposed the one gene-one enzyme hypothesis, which states that each FIGURE 1.1 The two sugars present in nucleic gene is responsible for synthesizing a single enzyme.
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