November 15, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2063 spearhead of its attack—ballistic missiles, Kassie; Kevin; Meaghan; Brenna; and, HONORING BOB CLEMENT high-energy lasers, and information warfare— Bridget. are tools against which the United States have Finally, Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to HON. WILLIAM O. LIPINSKI virtually no defense. For these reasons I wish join me in expressing the gratitude of the OF ILLINOIS to note for the record that we are woefully un- United States Congress to Richard and Eliza- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES beth Hayman for their work in educating our prepared for a more serious and eminent war. Thursday, November 14, 2002 I cannot stress enough the issues relating to youth and for their strong commitment to the the PLA’s war threat. We must come to recog- arts. I am confident the spotlight will continue Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to nize the significant role our current actions in to shine on their work for many years to come. honor my good friend and colleague BOB CLEMENT, who is leaving Congress this month the Middle East play into China’s aggressive f after 15 years of serving the people of the military intentions. To further illustrate my HONORING EVERETT H. SHAPIRO Fifth Congressional District of Tennessee in points, I will offer subsequent remarks detail- the House of Representatives. ing the present danger China poses elsewhere Mr. CLEMENT served with me on the Trans- in the RECORD. HON. LYNN C. WOOLSEY OF CALIFORNIA portation and Infrastructure Committee, where f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES he has consistently supported improvements A STANDING OVATION FOR RICH- Thursday, November 14, 2002 in mass and public transit, fought for funding ARD AND ELIZABETH HAYMAN for Amtrak, and helped establish federal high- Ms. WOOLSEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to way funding for bike paths and greenways as honor Everett H. Shapiro of Santa Rosa, CA, alternative forms of transportation. He initiated HON. JAMES A. BARCIA on the occasion of a tribute to his role as funding for the first ever mass transit hub in OF MICHIGAN Trustee Emeritus of Social Advocates for Tennessee, and worked to change an anti- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Youth (SAY). SAY has focused services on quated gasoline tax formula to provide in- Thursday, November 14, 2002 children and their families since 1971, and Mr. creased transportation dollars for the state of Shapiro has been a trustee for 13 years. Tennessee. Mr. BARCIA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to SAY operates 25 programs in Sonoma Mr. CLEMENT is a veteran of the U.S. Army honor two very special friends, Richard and County that assist 10,000 families per year in and a retired colonel in the Tennessee Army Elizabeth Hayman of Oscoda, Michigan, as becoming caring, productive, and responsible National Guard. Throughout his career he has they celebrate forty-five years of marriage and members of the community. Mr. Shapiro’s life consistently fought for veterans’ health care, a loving commitment to each other and their embodies a spirit of dedication to children that military, and national defense issues. Addition- family, including my Communications Director, makes him a perfect match for SAY’s mission. ally, he has served as the co-chair of the Rik Hayman, and his sister, Deborah Westa. It In addition to his support of children’s causes, House Education Caucus, indicative of his is not often that a family and a community he is well-known to thousands of young locals commitment to education policy issues such have the good fortune of having two such out- as the man who has handed out an estimated as early childhood education, K–12 education, standing individuals as Dick and Betty 250,000 Tootsie Rolls to them over 50 years. literacy programs, and financial aid for higher Hayman to count on to willingly and gener- As a fan of Don Quixote, Snoopy, and the education. ously give their time and talents to the com- Marx brothers, Mr. Shapiro’s focus has always Mr. CLEMENT’s dedication and energy are monweal. been on doing good deeds with a sense of well known to the people of Tennessee whom Dick and Betty met while he was serving humor as strong as his sense of caring. To he has served for the past three decades. It our nation in the U.S. Coast Guard and she many who have received his phone calls, he was an honor and a privilege to have served was working at her father’s grocery store in will always be known as ‘‘God’’ or ‘‘Robert with BOB for his fifteen years in the U.S. South Portland, Maine. They married in 1957 Redford.’’ House of Representatives and I extend my and were later blessed with two children. Betty Mr. Shapiro is proud of having lived his en- best wishes and sincerest gratitude for our graduated from Gorham State Teacher’s Col- tire life in Santa Rosa, the son of Russian years of friendship and cooperation. lege and also holds a master’s degree from Jewish emigrants. He and his wife Phyllis f Central Michigan University. Dick has a bach- raised their two sons, Tad and David, in the elor’s degree from Emerson College in Boston community. After graduating from UC Berkeley HONORING W. IRVING OSBORNE, and a master’s degree from Central Michigan and serving two years in the army, he joined JR. University. the family wool buying business. He learned to For many years, Dick and Betty were teach- value the diverse agriculture of Sonoma Coun- HON. MARK STEVEN KIRK ers in the Oscoda Area Schools until they both ty and appreciate the ranching life style, but OF ILLINOIS retired to pursue other interests. Former col- when Tad began kindergarten, Mr. Shapiro IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES leagues and students will recall Betty for her began law school. He graduated in 1967 just Thursday, November 14, 2002 compassion and her uncompromising demand before his fortieth birthday and began prac- Mr. KIRK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay for excellence to the best of one’s ability. A ticing business, probate, and personal injury tribute to a gentleman who lived a life of tre- strong disciplinarian who often was referred to law. He has served in numerous professional mendous achievement in the world of busi- as the ‘‘Mother Superior,’’ Betty has a well-de- organizations such as California Trial Lawyers ness but for whom the first priority was always served reputation for wielding both a kind Association, Sonoma County Bar Association, family and friends. W. Irving Osborne, Jr. heart and firm hand. She also has had the and American Arbitration Association. Tad and passed away on November 1st at his home in wisdom to know when to apply the former and David, are now lawyers as well. Lake Forest, Illinois at the age of 97. In an when to rely on the latter. Dick will always be Always devoted to Santa Rosa and the area where many captains of industry reside, remembered as the director who gave so community at large, some of his other commu- Mr. Osborne was seen as an elder statesman many students their first and perhaps only ex- nity activities have included The Boy Scouts of of business. perience in the theater. In fact, if Dick were to America, Sonoma County Junior Achievement, After his graduation from Yale University in meet a former student today, he would be far B’nai Brith, Special Olympics, Red Cross, 1926, Mr. Osborne soon embarked on a ca- more likely to recall the role they played than Kid’s Street Theatre, Santa Rosa Human reer with his family’s business, Cornell Paper- their name. Rights Commission, Canine Companions, Ro- board Products. He rose to serve as president Theater enthusiasts in the Oscoda area tary Club, Gray Foundation, and the Schulz and CEO of the company which was acquired have many fond memories of Dick and Betty Museum. He has received numerous awards by St. Regis Paper in 1957. His leadership in the roles they’ve played on stage and of the including the Spirit of Santa Rosa Award from and business acumen drew the attention of his performances they’ve directed and produced the Santa Rosa Chamber of Commerce and is peers, and in 1961, Mr. Osborne was named as leaders of the Shoreline Players. Betty also recognized as a Paul Harris Fellow by the Ro- president of the legendary Pullman Car Com- has done exemplary work on the Oscoda Area tary Foundation. pany, becoming chairman of the board in Schools Board of Education, serving as its Mr. Speaker, Everett Shapiro’s record of 1966. Vice President, while Dick used his retirement caring and leadership embodies the term he He believed in a consistent approach to to write a novel. Of course, the Haymans often uses to describe the folks in his home business and proven management techniques never lost sight of their family responsibilities town—he’s a ‘‘quality human being’’ whose life that could be applied to very diverse compa- and they have provided untold joy to each of shows us how much this means to the com- nies. His expertise earned Mr. Osborne ap- their grandchildren: Ryan; Christopher; Katie; munity of Santa Rosa and Sonoma County. pointment to an advisory board of the National VerDate 0ct<31>2002 03:13 Nov 17, 2002 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A14NO8.113 E15PT1 E2064 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 15, 2002 War Production Board which worked to maxi- Social Concerns where he focuses on other have entered burning buildings or responded mize industrial output during World War II.
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