VOLUME 49. NUMBER 13 Phi Kappa Phi Honors Twenty-One, Sigma Phi Ep ilon Lady V. Sackvill - Univ. o t To Eleven From Delaware College Wins Inter-Frat West p ak r t Legi Jato Play Trophy e t Univ. Hour Ten Girls From Women's College Also Receive Honor See R. 0 . T. C. Fire Cu•, Visit Based On Scholarship Attainments "Things Ia That- -way" Easy Authoreu To Lecture On " Novels Building nd Luo b t Victors And NoYelish" Kent Hall Th Phi Kappa P hi Honor So­ conomic Club Por the lhird tim· in four v ur , d ty, at ils annual 1 ction Wed­ th • drama i:L r pre.·l•nting tht• Of ne.day nigh t, hon ored el ven men Meeting .'igma Phi Ep ·ilon F ratPrnitv and ten girls of t he niv rsity. Th \\aUn•d ol wi h lh~ lnlt rfrult•rt it\· l·l£>ctJO n is ha"ed on high scholar­ Th Economi s lub will Play Trophy, a. a r ·ul of their ~hip Rince a m mber must b in the hold a m ting in Old Coli gc l'ap: ble and lifllikc pr ·. c>n a ion of top fifth of his clas fot· four years. on Tu sday, F bruary 21, at K I. 'onkl •': "Thing. i Th l-t­ Election to Phi Kappa Phi is the 7.30 p. m. Freddy Max will way," a th clo:-:e of th Inl rfra­ highest chola tic honor in the be lhe speak r and though h tt·rnily Play ontl.': ut :\tit ·h •ll Vniversi y. ha not announc d hi ::;ub­ Hall ln.· evl•ning. Th judg who Phi Kappa Phi is a nation 1 hon­ ject, it is •xp cl d to inter st d •eid d in favot· of lht• winning orary society, found d in 1897, and his audien e. Fra •rnity wt•re :\irs. \\'. Blatz, now has over fifly chapt rs in Mr . J. f . Hat('h, and fr. Gnyl• a cr dited colleges and universili s Ilo-.kin,.:, all u_:odat d with the of the ountry. The niversity of Drama L >ngu of Wilmin on. Del~mar Chapter was installed in Newark Music Pt:l Ric· and Willi · Lawrcm·e di­ 1!105. It is now h ad d by Dr. viciNl honor: wi h th i r cl •wr Ctorge H. Ryd n, pr sident; Dr. Society Concert eharac t•riza ion. in J.1r. onkl ' Q. C'. Drake, vice-pr siden ; and ba ·k rc•t•k sk •tch and came from Dt. Eastman, secretary- b hind to win. Four Artists Here Tuesday Night Officially, the judgt•. onlv . lcct D !aware th winnc•r, bu in th · humbl In Mitch 11 Hall on Tu •sday opinion of this writer, igma u vening, F brunry 21, Lu ·ius Cole, wa. ju.lly •ntitled to a worthy violini. t. rlando Cole 'celli. t, . •t•ond plac· , wi h Phi Kappa Tau, Winifr d Michaelson, piani t, and la~t yc•ar'. winner, nding up in :\1ax ronoff, violi , will b ~pon­ third plac with a 11otablr• pre· n­ liOf d in a mu.,ical program by lh tntion of an orig-inal play by T om N ·wark Mu. ic ocietv. The ar i. Hanaway, "The Af cormath." , ide ar all alen ed and ~xp ri need. from the r.harac r~ of h winning play, we r cnmmenrl for dP.ver p r­ Mi. !'I 1ich~wlson held a fellow ship for four y~>ar: at the Juilliard forman · , Irving .J:al olm, H . Y \\.'alk r, Floyd Thomp on, , ol Jna- radua .'chool in 1 ew York p •r, .J. V. IJud. on, and ilber i y, ~tudying piano wi h James ha . Physical Education tm Clearly Outlined ew Department Of The U. Of D. isunden ood By any 2 UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE REVIEW is r c iving more attention from Physical Education Ith fair student than text-books. ims Outlined i&tnitw The Unlv rsity of Texas' famous (Continu d from Page 1) pap r or th Th fficial Gumwood furnishings ar no more. as its activities are the expre. ion R c ntly 2000 wad of chewing­ of the most fundamental and ~io- r moved :!rom under 1 nt instincts, tendencies and emo­ desks-including the tions in human nature, d velop and gives the leader the oppor. Stud nts at Washington and tunity to guide the development to Jefferson were recently startled to " the point of self-direction more sec signs saying "Pleas Walk on than in any other activities during Grass.'' The Dean says that the Its truth is shown in the presence childhood and youth the ystem of grass belongs to the students and of Adolf Hitler Austrian house­ interest!!, impulses, ideals, and at­ •inc they walk n it anyway, why painter, in the Chancellor's seat at titudes that are at the foundation EDJTOR-IN-CHJEF not make it 1 gal? the head of the German Reich. of character education. This system T. H nry Dicker on Strange apparition indeed, to fill of interests may be symbolized by MANAGING EDITOR During xa;-;-ek a series of the seat once occupied by Bis­ fait play and sportsmanship. nvid Z. H. Marvel "DaW1l Dances" were held at the marck. Hitler possesses the title of 3. Physical education develops ASSO IATF. EDITOR SPORTS EDITOR U. of Alabama for students who the "Iron Chancellor"-whether he the function of the nervous sy tem; Jam s M. Rosbrow Ralph C. McMullen studied late and need d mental possesses any of his admirable at­ thus it develops the nergy CAMPUS EDITOR relaxation. The dances ran from tributes will be demonstrated by his strength, and skill resources of th~ ARTS EDITOR total neuro-motor system, under •. Os r Bogash G orge B. Prettyman 6 to 8 a.m. actions in the near future. Failing brain or mental control, for all the REPORTERS The youngest college Freshman of a complete majority in the Reichstag, the Nazi leader secured functions of life. Jam' M. Nichols Harvey Maguigan J. Wilson Ward in th world is enrolled at the U. Frank T. Lynch h · n decree of dissolution from Presi­ 4. Physical educatiion develop.:~ John F. Kif r T. Hanaway, sports Gordon Chesser of Alabama in the Sc ool of Mustc. d nt Hindenburg and bas gone to organic power; i. e., the power of T. 0. M. Will Jam s H. Hall tt John J. Petti crew He is 18 months old. lJ nry •. Pohl the country for a new vote of <'On· the organic mechani!1ms ( circula­ A survey of stud nts in an E'lst­ fidence. He is aided by the N a­ tory power, respiratory power, di­ BUSINESS MANAGER gestive power, heat-regulating ar L. Tuck r ern University shows that 60 per tionalist leader, Hugenberg, .md cent of the students sleep through former Chancellor Franz von Pa- power, eliminating power) and A ·r. TANT DUSINESS MANAGER CIRCULATION MANAGER 3 hours of class each week~ pen. general power symbolized by en­ lvin Jiandloff P r iva) Abl man durance. Organic d velopment i ASSIS'rANTS A freshman at Alabama, asked E AMON DE VALERA has been the development source of health. Hurry Glick Nathan Blume to discuss briefly the value of r turned as President of the This phase of development as an Rulph avalli Milton mith S lomon J aep r nvia alsburg mathematics to lawyer , said that Irish Free State with a majority educational objective has received L wi Harris J os ph Tannen Wlllinm H rman Samuel loan "It helps to let a la":yer. kno'.": hat gives some credence to hi so little consideration that it i Abraham ~I s nhnm Alvi11 .. Handloff Jos ph Rosevich what he hould charge hts chents. claims that Ireland will soon be a scarcely known among ducator u em lo ed 'students to the republic ~~hout an.y attachment as a possibility. Yet it is th most n P Y to the Br1tlsh Emptre. The new conspicuous fact, apart from motor r gular under-g:aduatc ~ourses at Imemb rship of the Dail give!i skill, in the normal developmen of Rutgers are b mg admttted free. , Th nl rc uir ment is that one ~e .Valera s party a co~plete ma- the athelete. e t 0b Y d q JOrtty over former Pres1dent Cos- 5. Phy, ical education, b cause of mus e un er 30 · grov ' party and leaves him no the intense interest of men and A machine to mark exams has longer d pend nt upon the support youth in its activities and in be n invent d y an industrious of th Labor Party. The rallying achi v ment and developmen , teacher at Alabama. It calculates around the President after war gives a natural scientific basis for th p rc ntages on the paper, and with Gr at Britain show ::1 re­ t aching health as self-direction in i as infallible as an adding rna- markable confidence in him. Para­ keeping fit, first, for thP :5ake of chin . The machine cannot be in- dox!cally enough, de Valera, as satisfaction in achievement, and flu need by cigarett s, "intelligent well as Hitler, is a foreign h art of then for the older purposes of life; qu stions," or any other form 6f l~ • tate. His father was of Spanish and thus it is the correlating c nter mid-flopping.
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