Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 3-4-1955 The Ledger and Times, March 4, 1955 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, March 4, 1955" (1955). The Ledger & Times. 2295. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/2295 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. es 1955 Selected As A Best AB Round Kentucky Community Newspaper argest Largest Circulation In The Circtlation In The itCity; Largest City; Largest Circulation In Circulation, In - The County The County 4 Press IN OUR 76th YEAR Murray, Ky. Friday Afternoon, March 4; 1955 MURRAY POPULATION 8,000 Vol. LX-5(VI No. 54 WSCS Holds Annual Houses To Be Moved To Make Way For Building "et)Vest Year Meeting In Paris County Red Cross Workers U oils • The fifteenth annual district Named By Chairman Ellis meeting of the Woman's Soaaety of Are Christian Service was held at the First Methodist Church in Paris, The County Red Cross organiza- Thorn, Ervie Richard Schroader, ast Tennessee on Wednesday. Mareh2, trim has been completed and Monroe Mitchell, J. L. Hicks, Irvin with the Paris District president, workers are now soliciting funds Johnston, Frank Albert Overby. Mcs. Sanders Miller, presiding FY A. BRUNE according to Harvey Ellis. county 'Buddy 114.Nutt. Joe Ann Lee, District officers for the new Staff Correspondent chairman. The county is divided Daymon Mathis, Odell Colson, year were eected and installed into six major communities with James Gilbert. Ervin 13urkeen, March 4 l —General by Mrs W. S. Atkins. conference community chairman in each. Trernon Duncan, Rufus Tabers sictent Harlow - H. of promotion. a secretary Welker, Frank Parrish Fred 's prediction that 1955 The local presidents gave their Seriang as community chairmen Lovett. Miss Ola Mae Burkeen, t be the biggest year in auto- of the year's work, reports which are: Alma. Milton Walaton; Faxon, Miss Joyce Bizzel, Miss Dophine °bile hhitory appeeired likely were very interesting. Mrs. Randall Patterson: Lynn Herndon, Mr. Sandy Hannon, Miss to lase some concern over than thirty More societies were Grove. Hilton Walla/11s; Hazel, Cy Gela Rose Wilson. (minting In ventones in the A- 'present with ten of them being Miller; Kirksey, Rev. Orville New Concord. Mrs. ngry le.ystone of the national Murray area r from the Easley; Concord. Otis Loyins. Opan Moody,. Mrs. Alvis Smith, unonvy. The guest speaker. Mists Carolyn Pu Neighborhood workers have been Mr. Dewey Crass, Mrs. Sam Mc- Curtice, Who earlier had forecast Teague. a retired missionary to named by these ohairmen to work Cuteon, Mrs. Willie Smith, Mn, 10 per egint inarease in the auto- Japan, gave some interestrog ac- in their commumues. Clarence Stubblefield, Miss Mary 1e market. compared to 1954, counts of her life in Japan. 'Me workers and the communi- Allbritten. Mr. (War Kline, ed hie forecast upward to a The public :s invited to be pre- ties in which they are working Mr. Chester Yarborough, Mr. Ed- r cent increase late Thursday sent at the First Methodist Church are as 'follows: 'in Elkins, Mr. Edward Curd, Mr. news gonferense in Los An- of Murray on March 9 at 7:30 a Lynn Grove, Mesdames, Dan Bill Bucy, Mr. John Ransesn, Mrs. hear Miss Teaietie relate her Fain, Ruble Taylor. J. B. Story. Thomas Lax, Mrs. Robert laucy. • -y leaders and periences Glenn Kelso, Thurston Furchea. Mr. Bob McCuiston. Mrs. Rudy the .C10 United Celia Crawford. Eugene Jones. Joe Brawner, Ma, Bob Allbritton, Mrs. la refused to match Beuzie Cochrum, Clifton Jun Allbritten. Mrs. Hugh Miller, ith Curtice But one !ones, Clots Butterworth, Billy Mrs. Prentice Dunn. - Mrs. Dan ir another company Editor Letter 1 o Coleman, Luther Parks. J. C Lamb. Hart, Mrs. Ralph Clark. Miss Ruth s figures undoubtedly Vernon Butterworth. Carrot M. Montgomery. Mr. Gardge Lassiter. Dear Debtor: Rogers, J H Doran, Eudal Mr. Wendell Allbritten, Mrs. T. Motors has better I am writing you in the interest' Fred Anderson, Leman Hall. Mason L. Dunn. Mrs. Lucien Green, Mrs. n anyone. even the of the people we serve, the tele- Hos:apple. J. D Waldrop, Lowell Billie Kniams, Mrs Clayborn Mc' Besides they know phone customers of this commun. Key. Bally Paschall, Marvin Las- Clayton, to happen to rnore ity and SOuthern Bell and as a siter. Boron Baker. Thomas L. the industry because telephone cuatomer myself. 1 would Armstrong, Leon Chambers, Asro more than half of Like to point out to you in the out- These three houses and, one more not pictured, will ray Power Board have concurred on this location Butterworth. Alfred Taylor. Paul set that this letter comes to you be moved in the near future to make way for a new after some weeks of searching for a good loCation Bailey. Edgar Morris. H S Rogers. Made Menating Clause from my conscience arid it has not Obera Miller. Miss Wilma Dowdy, re the right figures— $60,000 to $80,00Q modern building which will house for the building. been dictated by any person or Miss Jessie Sherman no resison to believe the Murray Electric System and the Murray Water 'persons connected with the com- Faxon, Mesdrarnes, Don Parker, they undoubtedly are The building be jointly owned by the city Public In e pany we serve or from any per- System. will Pas said , Wayne Clark. Fred Parker, Curtis sons of our international union. Members of the Murray City Council and the Mur- and the power board. Hayes, Eune Thompson. Robert .Eto the highest winter satin In July of 1954 negotiations Futrell. Earl Lee. Franklin Wells. fit ratory. automobile inventories between the Southern The architect is expected to have Phone Contract O were begun Young Moron, Edwin Greenfield, n mountirtg toward their Funeral Of Mrs. ready this week for Bell Telephone Corpeny atad the floor: plans Lowell Walker. Troy i in Jess Parker, history at a rapid a9g. cdptinued inroad& the Concord. Jets March Lion the loqition_ The exterior of the.. uiiiuss liolifield Will • ft Cigurin. Am -Clayton.. Clyek Ro- Ohs Strewn. thinsene foe •oar snowed wide tan- huffding will be of brick and itone dirty lay lieried: at the end of berts, Roy Tucker, Paul Morris. ern Bell Telephone company to- . segments ot- the econ- Be Held Today and glass will be used exten- that time the contract was due to • a Clyde Hale. Howard Willoughby, day made public the 33-woi it -a drastic eurtaltnent in sively on the front. expire. With fifteen minutes left Win Berths In Shows Its (Rupert Harris. Terre! Roberts, clause over which the telephone pioduction might be in The funeral of Mrs Mae Roll- on the contnict the union with Albert Ragsdale, Herbert Alexan- union has threatened a southwrd• field, age 641. will be held this The building will front North • its notice of termination. Not Arsborne, Almon revealed how its pro- the afternoon at 2-00 Fourth street. The city has a lot der, Charlie strike and normally big spring these people wet) are respons- p.m at the Hazel that Semi-Finals Teeth Today which has 103 feet on North Thomas. Arville Boyd, Harrel visions would affect telephone son in automobiles Church of Christ with Bro John ible to the membership for all ne- Boyd. usera. tales running at their B. Hardeman officiating Fourth street and 130 feat on North gotiations in Southern Bell are Hazel. Mesdames, Eula Mae The clause proposed by the in history. Curtice in- New Concord and North Mar- Burial will be in the Hazel By United Press Fifth street It is 206 feet from weak by any stretch of imagina- Barnes. Stark Edwin. William Company reads as follows! "As stocks of GM dealers shall raptured berths in the semi- Cemetery • The March lion showed its teeth East and West The building will tron The fact is that these people Galatia. Dewey Grogan. Elroy the parties have agreed on proce- Ily low." despite the finals of the Fourth District Mrs Molifield passed away at today. raking the Midwest with be directly across from the Super- had the interest of the people they Suiter, Art Lavender. James H dures for handling employee com- mounting inventones. Tournament last night her home in Detroit. Michigan an rain, hail and roof-toppling winds ior Laundry and Cleaners • represent in mind and had the Foster, Hub Erwsn, Purn Nance, plaints and grievences, they further ted the combined car Monday, following an operation and sending a pad wave across The building will be completely faith that through hotter collec- Paschall, Paul Dunn, agree that there will be no lock- domeatac market might Tonight tans will see two good several days before. the northern plains air conditioned. A heat pump will Ellis Roes tive bertiondig. some agreement Claude Anderson, Otto Erwin. outs, slowdowns, or other work ; Ilion units He didn't penes wall New Concord meeting Survivors Include her husband, be used to heat the building in could be reached to prevent a The week of Ralph Edward. T G Curd, Eva stoppages during the life of this • the figures but domes- Murray High School and North Everett Holdield; rine daughter violent weather. the winter and the system can be strike. agreement (contract)." as •••4 probubly Marshall meeting Hardin. Miss Anna Mae Holiheld of De- which began with the Far West's Curd.
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