LETTER Dear Editor: When the State raised the TIes,. "I,,,, crown of Delaware Avenue, they neglected to do anything about the two foot drop this caused $1.00 PER YEAR JUNE 4, 1964 VOL. IX, NO. 23 10¢ A COpy in the gutter section. At my location this causes a very haz­ ardous situation. To date it has cost me over $50.00 for tail SCHOOL CHOIR IN CONCERT ROBERT SPENCE SELECTED pipes and mufflers. If you AT SLINGERLANDS JUNE 11 LEGION REPRESENTATIVE slow down to tum off Delaware Avenue into the driveway, you ti). Salute to the World's Mr. Robert Spence, 33 Well­ always risk getting hit by some Fair" will be the theme for ington Rd., Delmar, president­ car following you; if you do the concert presented by the elect of the senior class at Bethlehem Central Senior High not slow down, you risk hitting Slingerlands School Choir on School, has been selected by your muffler. Thursday, June 11, at 8:00 BlanchardPostNo. 1040, Amer­ What to do? P.M. in the auditorium. ican Legion, as their represen­ Highlighting the concert will I took this up with Town tative at Boys State. be an authentic Japanese song officials a year ago. They Robert has been Vice-Presi­ which will be SWIg in the na­ agreed that they would do some­ dent of the Student COWlcil in tive language. Dr. Kay Niiya, thing about correcting the sit­ his Sophomore and Junior years a native of Tokyo, who has uation. in school, and a letterman in sung with the opera there, re­ I have yet to find where Cross COlllltry, Track, and Bas­ "passing the buck" stops. Who corded the original Japanese ketball in those years. He is responsible for this section of for the choir. She also out­ participates actively in Metho­ "no man's land? It The Town lined the choreogr.aphy for the dist Youth Fellowship. says it's the State; the State dance ensemble which is be­ Boys State is a workshop in says it's the Town. In the ing directed by Mrs. Richard meantime I go right on scrap­ Ristau and William Morrison. democracy J sponsored by the Robert Spence ing in and out of my drive­ Mrs. Ristau has designed and New York Department, Amer­ way. handpainted the costumes as­ ican legion, at Colgate Univer­ sity annually. The dates this The sunken road could be­ sisted by Mrs. Donald EStey. Annual Church Auction to year will be June 21st-27th. come another Waterloo. Those appearing in the Japanese Be Held Saturday, June 6 , K.B.J. dance are: Lesley Brown, Susan Approximately a ne thousand Carter, Polly Clayton, Deborah The annual auction and bake . boys from New York State at­ DeFlumer, Christine Estey, sale of the Community Metho­ tend and participate in mock Here's Another Poem! Susan Farrell, Rachel Follett, dist Church of Slingerlands will campaigns, elections, etc., That om village will develop Marion Hathaway, Diane Paq­ be held Saturday, JWle 6, in illustrating every phase of na­ Is a fact we' all must face, uette, Mary Pendleton, Karri­ the barn on the property of tional, state, and local Amer­ And I prefer to see it done lynn Rappe, Leigh Rockwood, Miss Ruth Miner, 1599 New can government. Famous men With a maximum of grace. Lisa Scmrah, Stephanie Sin­ Scotland Road at Font Grove in public life will lecture dur­ namon, Karen Sutter. Road, Slingerlands. ing the week, and musical The a uction and sa Ie, spcm­ The proponents of this project An Hellenic song is the other' groups ~nd athletic teams will (Who reside here just as we), number in the ethnic group sored by the church's Women's be organized on the spot. Many A re more concerned with our which honors nations from abroad Society of Christian Service, hundreds of our COWltl)"S lead­ small town who have exhibits at the fair. will begin at 10 a. m. Re­ ers are products of Boys State. Than outsiders would be. Mrs. Roger Creighton, harp­ freshments will be selVed by Participating in the selection ist, a nd Mrs. Ralph Bates, women of the church. of Mr. Spence were Whitman A drug store J yes - but liquor? pianist, will accompany the William P. Chamberlin is Daniels, William Hazell, and NO! choir during the concert. Solo­ general chairman of the event. Herbert Drew, with the cooper­ I have notheard it mentioned, ists will be Patricia Cannizzaro Auctioneers will be Howard D. ation of Bethlehem Central High I'm sme the group whose plans and Rob e rt Gavaletz. The Clayton Jr. and John E. Hauf. School. these are narrator will be Paul Zimmer­ Are very well-intentioned. man while Michael McNamara Red Cross Water Safety Institute Will Be Held at TaU Timbers will extend greetings. More than one hundred aqua­ of American Red Cross, today'. S. L.A. seems more intent Members of the Music lit­ tic-minded people will take The Annual Institute wi 11 On poetl)' that scans, erature Study Group will pre­ part in the Annual American open with registration at 9:00 That learning all the solid facts sent their original compositions. Red Cross Water Safety Insti­ A.M. on Saturday morning, Of proposed suburban plans. These range from an instru­ tute to be held at Tall Tim­ June 6 and will close with a m~ntal trio to a musical fan­ bers Swim & Recreation Club, Seminar at 4:30 P.M. on Sun­ BeforE' you get hysterical t,asy centered around Johannes Hilton Road, Slingerlands, on da y afternoon. It will be open And jump to wrong conclUSiOns, Brahms. Saturday, June 6 and SWlday, to all registered Junior and Just check the facts and spare For the final number the June 7, according to an an­ Senior I.i.fe Saving students of us song will underline the theme nouncement from Carl Gard­ this part of the State of New Your poetical delusions! of the fair which is tlpeace ner, Chairman of Water Safe­ York, as well as to Water - J.L. W. Through Understanding. tt ty for the Albany Area Chapter I Safety Instructors. PAGE 2 - June 4, 1964 THE SPOTLIGHT Choral Readers to be Here series at 8:45 p. m. This is the fifth touring sea­ A concert of secular and son for th e Choral Readers sac red readings by the 24- group which was fonned in 1959 SAVE member Choral Readers of by Dr. T. England, chairman Northwestern College will be ON of the department of Speech presented Tuesday, June 9, at and Drama at Northwestern. the Glerunont Community The rea d e r s rehearse da By Church (Reformed) in Glenmont. AUTO INSURANCE throughout"the school year and LOW RATES FOR Reverend J. David Boyce, each member is required to pastor of the Glenmont Church, attend one hour credit course QUALIFIED CAREFUL DRIVERS sa id the Choral Readers group in Choral Reading before be­ is the only touring concert of coming a group participant. AGES TO 79 its kind in the nation and the Choral Reading is an ancient CALL jlU1e 9 perfonnance will be art dating back to the Greeks with its modern revival prob- TODAY • • • HO 5-8937 their first presentation in this area. The public is invited to THEODORE H. WERE attend either the first concert LOCAL REPRESENT A TlVE FOR at 7:30 p. m. or the closing UNIQUE NATIONWIDE MUTUAL INSURANCE BODY SHOP OF COLUMBUS, OHIO I'242 Delaware Ave., Delmar 616 Delaware Ave., Albany, N. Y. HE 9-9923 A ONE-YEAR SUBSCRIPTION TO THE SPOTLIGHT IS $1.00 Send your Dollar 10 154 Delaware Avenue, Delmar lUST! earl\! dUKe HAVE IT q:Jalue6! REMOVED AND REPAIRED Feura Bush Road, Glenmont, N.Y. 439-1835 European NOW Owned and Operated b., WEED-NIX Mountain Ash CHARLES TAVERNIER Lawn food with 2, 4-0 and Silvex. One application cleans out broad-leaved weeds and from feeds the lawn. Quick acting. Covers 5,000 sq. ft. Delmar Area $6.95 1 bag $5.95 to Residents 2 for $11.50 $26.95 "BOWLING" HOW TO INCREASE YOUR AVERAGE PACHYSANDRA PLANTS 25 $3.00 Bowl 3 Games Weekly During the Summer Months -0- Most i mporta nt - large, heavy "1" to %tI diam. Per Pound MARBLE CHIPS S~ bow I them at the AIR CONDITIONED C-O.O-L, C·O· O-L TOP GRADE Large Bushes, all budded ROSES and in bloom $1.98 - $3.50 DEL LANES Elsmere 439·2224 Oren daily & Sunday 'til 6 p.m. - Thurs., Fri., & Sat. 'til 8:30 - Closed Mondoy John Germann, Prop. THE SPOTLIGHT June 4, 1964 - PAGE 3 ably credited to such poets as season on Saturday, June 13; T. S. Eli 0 t and Christopher with Scully Post at Bleecker Fry. In the Glenmont Church Stadiwn at 2:00 P. M. The presentation, both sacred ma­ balance of the schedule is as terial as well as old time fav­ follows: orites will be presented. Spe­ Sunday, June 14 - Voorhees­ cial lighting, suggested costum­ ville at Voorheesville, 2:00. ing, Inovement and baGkground Thursday, June 18 - Fort Or­ music will add variety and in­ ange at State College, 6:30. terest to the program. Saturday, June 20 - Capital City at State College, 2:00. Legion Schedule Set Sunday, June 21 - Coeymans at Delmar, 2:00. Tryouts and practice sessions Wednesday, June 24 - Capital for the Blanchard Post Ameri­ City at Delmar, 6;30. can Legion Baseball team are Saturday, June 27 - Coey­ scheduled for Saturday 7 June mans at Ravena, 6:00.
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