THE COM M UNION OF SAINTS— Johnson 5 3 WITNESS CHICAGO, ILL., JANUARY 5, 1933 s ■ ' ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ - ^ m i m I ■ Í ! I M i M i l B T he Oakes Home ïy Tl II U H. 12U U > n üí ZXZXX Circulation Office: 6140 Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago Editorial and Advertising Office: 931 Tribune Building, New York City Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. B R O N Z E TABLETS C h u r c h W indows Memorials - Honor Rolls AND I I H m Full Size Pencil Sketches, Original Ideas, Memorials in Stained Glass Sent on Request, without charge or obligation. Bronze and Marble lllffm n°-3 2 5 SIXTfi-AVhNVI,-AII W YORK High Quality - Low Prices - Prompt Service SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE H ¡M »STAINED GJbA S$ * MU K ALS UNITED STATES BRONZE SIGN CO. Jacoöp art <S>Ia00 Company Vi I I M08AiC*MARB>Î/Ë:ST()NK. RSH 217 Centre Street, New York City D ept.^ ij 2700 St. Vincent Ave.-,St. Louis', Mo. JIaMI CAKVED-WCÖ)I> MUl Aiy Mk ERNEST W. LAKEMAN Designer and Worker in Stained Glass 36-38 WEST TWENTY-FIFTH STREET Heaton, Butler &. Bayne Opposite Trinity Chapel §>tatrtrii ^rtiata NEW YORK, N. Y. By appointment to the late WOOD CARVERS KING EDWARD VII. EASIER ^CONTROL" CABINET MAKERS -an entirely N E W idea Stained Glass Windows FINE CHURCH FURNITURE Simplifies handling Stops; Memorial Brasses, Etc. leaves you free to do your 231 W . 18th St. New York City best. Before buying any or­ Designs and Estimates gan, write for details to HALL ORGAN CO., WEST Heaton, Butler & Bayne HAVEN, CONN. (N. Y.) Ltd., HALL PIPE ORGANS a . r . M o w b r a y & C o ., Ltd. French Building 28 Margaret St., LONDON, W. fj and 9 High St., Oxford, England 551 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK MENEELY B ELL CO T R O Y , N.Y and ECCLESIASTICAL 220 BRO ADWAY.N Y.CITY M ETAL W ORK Richard N. Spiers & Sons Altar Crosses * Vases Candlesticks Chalices Missal Stands Established 1889 BELLS Ciboria Processional Crosses STAINED and LEADED GLASS VESTMENTS WINDOWS Particulars from PAUL S. BUCK, Distributor 50 West 15th Street New York. MENEELY&CO.¡A 665 Fifth Ave., New York City established INQUIRIES INVITED ______I ___ IN 1826 WATERVUET, N.Y m CHURCH BELLS. CHIMES AND PEALS Unequaled Musical Qualities CASSOCKS For the Clergy and Choir Vestments, Altar Linens, ST. HILDA GUILD, Inc. Embroideries, Materials, 131 E. 47th St., New York Tailoring. CHURCH VESTMENTS J. M. HALL, Inc. ECCLESIASTICAL EMBROIDERY 174 Madison Ave. Conferences with reference to the adornment (Suite 702-3-4) of churches (Bet. 33d & 34th Sts.) Telephone EL-dorado 5-1058 New York UttfB i ’Aacettfo PHILADELPHIA—1604 SUMMER ST. MEMORIAL TABLETS ¡MI 993I 1 Designers of “of enduring' worth Historical Windows and attractiveness” in genuine cast bronze LTD WASHINGTON MEMORIAL Moderate in Price - Booklet on Request CH APEL ELLISON BRONZE CO., INC. Valley Forge, Pa. JAMESTOWN, N. Y. Chapel windows, Riverside Baptist Church New York City will be pleased to submit CHURCH VESTMENTS Memorial windows, Mural decorations Cassocks, Surplices, Stoles, Em­ designs and Estimates f o r Glass Mosaics. broideries, Silks, Cloths, Fringes CLERICAL SUITS Hats, Rabats, Collars Specialists in Church vestments and Embroideries for a half a century. AUSTIN ORGAN GO. COX SONS & VINING tmbroidery-Wood 131-133 E. 23rd St., New York Stone Metal and Hartford, Conn. Designers and Builders Stained Cjlass - Of PIPE ORGANS E X E T E R • • ♦ Cathedral Yard. noted for their superior tonal qualities L O N D O N v ' 11/Tufton St.S.Wi. and mechanical reliability M A N CH ESTER * 32,Victoria Street. ENGLAND Correspondence Solicited Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. Editor Associate Editors Irving P. Johnson Frank E. W ilson Bernard Iddings Bell Managing Editor John Rathbone Oliver THE WITNESS C. Russell Moodey W illiam B. Spofford Irwin St. J. Tucker A National Paper of the Episcopal Church Vol. XVII No. 19 JAN U AR Y 5, 1933 Five Cents a Copy THE WITNESS is published weekly by the Episcopal Church Publishing Company, 6140 Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. The subscription price is $2.00 a year; in bundles of ten or more for sale at the church, the paper selling at five cents, we bill quarterly at three cents a copy. Entered as Second Class Matter April 3, 1919, at the postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, under act of March 3, 1879. T he Communion of Saints By BISHOP JOHNSON H Y do I believe that Christ instituted a Church word and this is also the sense in which it is used in the Winstead of depending upon evangelists to preach creeds. It means, therefore, the fellowship of those a gospel to the individual? In the first place, because who have devoted their lives to the service of Jesus it required an institution in order that the faith and Christ, first by enlisting in His service at Baptism and sacraments and scriptures might be conveyed to suc­ secondly by serving in this Church as soldiers of Jesus ceeding generations without mutilation or perversion. Christ. The word saint in this connection is not un­ Whatever oharges may be brought against the historic like the word patriot which means sometimes one who Church, it cannot be denied that for twenty centuries it fights for his fatherland and at other times one who has testified to the same creed, administered the same is a hero in such fight. One, however, need not be a sacraments, read the same scriptures. Any study of hero to be a patriot; neither need one be a model of the individualism of the period since the Reformation perfection to be entitled to be called one of the saints. can perceive how impossible this is unless there can The word “ communion” also has a distinct connota­ be an authorized instrument to perpetuate them. tion. It signifies two things: being in union with God In the second place, life is corporate and in its rela­ and being in union with one another. Being in union tions requires corporate action. The home, the state with God implies all that is contained in the words, and the Church are the essential products of such a “ Thy will be done,” and being in union with your need. Without such solidarity the Church could not neighbor involves forgiving him as you hope to be for­ have resisted the persecutions of three hundred years given. The Gospel of Christ is not merely a matter in the Roman Empire and survived the atmosphere of personal relationship between God and the indi- of the dark ages or the antagonist of continuous at­ dividual whereby the latter is filled with deep emotion; tack. The Church has been a fortress of defence. but it also implies the solidarity of the group in which Without it the forces of Christian Evangelism would we are not only in Him and He in us, but in which have been separately attacked and overcome. we are every one members one of another. It was this In the third place, the Gospel is not merely an ap­ sense of corporate unity which was lost in the Refor­ peal to individual virtues but also a call to Christian mation, whatever else may have been gained. When fellowship. It was the fraternal idea contained in the the Reformers substituted confession of faith for the household of faith, which sustained the early Chris­ sacraments of the altar they practically asserted that tians. They were fully cognizant of the value of being thinking alike was more important than loving others one body, every one members of one another. even though they disagree with you. In fact, one might define the word “ sect” as a group T IS for this reason that we speak of the Commun­ of people who think alike, whereas the Church of. Jesus Iion of Saints. Let us define our terms. What does Christ is* an institution in which every legitimate ex­ St. Paul mean by his addressing the members of dif­ pression of religious sentiment has a place in the or­ ferent churches as Saints? Certainly one who reads chestration of human effort. In a word, in order to these Epistles carefully could not possibly imagine that secure the liberty of the Sons of God we have lost the the Corinthian Christians were so perfect in character fellowship of all sorts and conditions of Christians.. as to be thus designated if perfection was what the This has resulted in a religious exclusiveness which has word meant. But it wasn’t ! The word “ saint” comes promoted mutual antagonisms instead of endeavoring from the Latin word “ sanctus” which means first of all to keep the unity of spirit in the bond of peace. This one who has devoted his life to a sacred purpose and is the significance of this article in the Creed in .space. secondarily one who has attained great holiness in that It also has' a meaning in time. It represents the per­ process. manence of our union with Christ both here and here­ It was in the primary sense that St. Paul used the after. Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. Page Four T H E WITNESS January 5, 1933 H E Church becomes a household in which there love betraying love. To me the miracle of love is not T are separate rooms. “ In my father’s house are the next room but the one in which I now reside, many mansions,” said the Master.
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