The Photoplay Magazine PUBLISHED MONTHLY A. H. McLAUGHUN, PUBLISHER PHOTOGRAPHIC NOTICE—Pay no money to anyone representing: the PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE unless they bear credentials, properly signed, fron/the Company. Vol. Ill OCTOBER, 1912 No. 3 ART STUDIES TABLE OF CONTENTS COVER DESIGN "JACK" W. KERRIGAN THE GALLERY OF PHOTOPLAY STARS PHOTOGRAPHIC ART STUDIES 1-16 PLAYERS* PERSONALITIES 86 PHOTOPLAY STORIES UNDINE (Thanhouser) By Raymond L. Schrock SUNDERED TIES (Broncho) By Randolph Van Buren THE WORD OF HONOR (Eclair) By Philip White CALAMITY ANNE"S WARD (American) By J. Rutherford Caswell. KINGS IN EXILE XGaumont) By O. A. Miller THE BUTTERFLY (Majestic) By Alice Ward Bailey THE ADVENT OF JANE (Victor) By Edna Frances HEARTS AND SKIRTS (Nestor) By Russell E. Smith FILIAL LOVE (Eclair) CALEB WEST (Reliance) THE LITTLE BEGGAR BOY (Lux) THE FUGITIVE (Solax) SPECIAL ARTIGLES LATEST IN NEWSDOM—By Willard Howe THE NEW ERA (Poem)—By O, A. Miller INTERVIEW WITH FLORENCE LA BADIE (Thanhouser}. INTERVIEW WITH KING BAGGOT (Imp.) DEPARTMENTAL NEWS FROM THE WORLD OF THE PHOTOPLAY 74 REFLECTIONS OF THE CRITIC 77 THE PHOTOPLAYWRIGHT AND HIS ART-By A. W. Thomaa. 88 THE QUESTION BOX 92 JUST BETWEEN OURSELVES 100 WHAT THEY THINK ABOUT IT 102 THE PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE. Copyright 1912 by Photoplay Magazine. Entered at the Postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, as second class matter, April 20th, 1912. under the act of March 3rd, 1879. Subscription $1.00 a year in advance in the United States, Cuba and Mexico; in Canada and in other foreign countries, $1.50. Single copies, 10 cents. Stamps accepted. All manu- facturers of Motion Pictures are invited to submit scenarios and photos. The editor cannot undertake to read and pass upon the merits of scenarios, stories and plots; these must be submitted direct to the manufacturers of Motion Pictures. Staff of Photoplay Magazine i A. H. McLaughlin, Publisher Neil G. Caward, Managing Editor Edwin #. Ryan, Advertising Manager A, W. Thomas, Associate Editor K. A. Lear, Circulation Manager R. L. Schrock, Associate Editor A. Fred. Telander, Art Director PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE 401-402 Heisen Bldg., 600-630 Dearborn Street CHICAGO G. J. HOEFT, New York Manager, 145 W. 45th St., New York City ••••.V».feS:i>^jg/ THE FEDERAL PRESS, 6S8 Federal Street, Chicago nil linn nun 1111 II unit irnu Mini MJIII linn nun flMII inn) niiii nuiiiuni linn linn nun MINI IIM1I IIIIII <•«* (NESTOR) j|!|! t/ *\ 4.1 linii (EIHMiini tin 1111 IllllllI I || lllllllllll I tl illinium u iiitiiiiiinii William R (IMP.) .«>• nun IIIIII IIIMI nun IIIMI nun i HIM nun null HUM nun imii IIIMI I DorasJldl Mac (NESTOR) i *lMi I III It Illllllllll Elilill nun Mini nun III1IMIM i i.i 11111 u mm HUM Him mm miltl I HIM nun mill mill linn It Nil mill mm MUM nun inni 1 Him nun nun nun !i!l Madame Alice Illl * ~ti0t\tM w 11 wwii 11 ••••IMI BiTi^ ••"•"• ^TMMZ'J'S !"• i .1 .i—• r**~~—-i-»—..:_.:::J I i. IMllltlll lit 1IN1IIIII Jl i lll'mimi IMI111IM I III II III iiiiiiinrif MMMMIIIMI IIMI IIM1MI IMII1II UMHIIIMMI 11111 llll MMIMIINIM I II Mill) I • 1111 MUM nuMinni i n in 1111 II ntiii mm Mllll KMII IMMI (Mill HUM IMMI HUM MINI nun Mllll 111111 M i ceiae -^ ,...:_-^; _-_... -^--^ „...: ©CLB258853 MAGAZINE FTmnnnl Vol. Ill OCTOBER, 1912 No. 3 UNDINE Adapted from the famous Riverside Classic of the same name THANHOUSER By Raymond L. Schrock PART ONE CAST "My chance has come," he said to him- „ ,. " , . r _,. self, "Berthalda has honored me with her Undine Florence La Badte society ftt nufTd;rT'v'nu es mein-the Undines Uncle. Kuhlborn. \ir-a. t.* u *. ^ a* ,, . o-i n J. i - With his heart throbbing madly at Athe Rtley Chamberlain . ,., • - . , .. , ,. , „' . ,, j. , . j splendid chancL e afforded him, he skipped, Berthalda, TTUndmes rtval *'. , „ , , ... , • •. • . ' •** * . rathe r thaA n walked, toward his destination. Margaret &tio<wP v . , — In Itht e reception room sa t TLady Ber- qPHE din of. the merrymakers was deaf- thalda, whose raven black locks and hand- A ening, giving evidence-that some fes- .some features had earned her the deserved ' tival. was in session in the duke's title of the most beautiful woman inthe large castle. From the reception room kingdom. Coupled with her fascinating sounded the merry' peal of laughter, and Iooks, she was an adept in the arts of co- conversation, and from the music room <luetry and flattery, which well accounted the entreating moan of some stringed in-, for the almost countless number of knights strument was in direct contrast to the which she always kept dangling from her rattling of pans from the skullery at the s^sh» and who worshipped at her shrine as end of a long winding hall, devout Benedictines. •" The latest to fall before her charms was Suddenly the noises ceased, and the Lofd Huldbrand, a brave knight, who crowd threaded its way from the various seemin Iy had at iast awakened a return rooms into the great festal chamber, with --^ intereSt in his fair lady/but the peo- its long ebony table and quaint decora- plC) knowing of Berthalda's fickle nature ns* . and lust for power, attributed her change Down the hall strode Lord Huldbrand, of mood to some well laid plan. At any his steel trappings and spurs clinking on rate' Berthalda was awaiting her knight the marble floor and his handsome face with impatience as she pictured Huldbrand aglow with a light.of anxiety, which came stopping'on his way to exchange some gos- and went as his smile seemed to ripple over sip of the chase or the shoot justxpncluded his features. / the week before. : ' 17/ K UNDINE - 19 18 THE PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE her own personal curiosity nor to test of the enchanted land to survey the gloomy However, Huldbrand would scarcely ing guests. He had been a gallant figure the bravery of the knights, but to demon- task before him. have delayed his coming for silly chat with in - his younger days and no doubt the strate her power over her admirers; so, It is true.that a brave heart might sicken any of the attendants and that moment night's revelry had recalled some incident with all her vanity afire with delight at at the thought of uncanny peril in wait •1 crossed the threshold, moving rapidly to 01 days gone by, for his face glowed with • her cleverness, she smilingly acknowledged for the bold adventurer, but despite the his lady's side, where he bowed over her a proud light and his rich voice echoed that she had selected the mentioned task through the great hall. • herself. young man's inward fear, there was some- hand and was allowed the exquisite pleas- thing that clutched his desires in an iron "Chivalry," he began, "is the proper re- ure of touching his lips to her snowy The festival ended as happily as it had grasp and urged him onward. At any spect due toward woman, beautiful woman, white fingers. begun. Many were the knights who wished rate he soon found himself down a narrow "Where have you been so long ?" she but when I was young a deed of bravery that they might win favor at the fair lady's winding path, which had suddenly mate- cooed, arising and noting how well her always gave evidence of a chivalrous spirit. hands, but who were afraid to venture into rialized from the darkened mass, and he figure matched his broad, manly form. Tonight has lady Berthalda announced that the enchanted domain. marveled at the perfect ease with which "I crave your pardon," he answered, "but upon the man, who will make a midnight Lord Huldbrand, however,, decided to Boucephus found his way. if I am forgiven, let us proceed to the fes- trip through the enchanted forest, she will undergo the test and since his heart was tal hall and join in the good cheer." bestow a gift of honor, fashioned by her already lost, as he thought, to Berthalda, The cold, damp atmosphere mounted to "Of course you are forgiven," she con- own hands." he decided he would risk his life to please his brow and condensed, running in streams tinued, and taking his proffered arm, Although every knight would have bar- her. When his page was called at an early down his face, while thousands of insects eagerly hurried from the toom. tered his soul for such a gift, yet there hour the next morning and informed that beat about his face, their pugnacious in- stincts and annoying buzz driving his head The feast that night was one to be long were few who would even consider such his master would penetrate the black for- from side to side as he sought to evade remembered, and no wine ever sparkled a mad venture,, for was it riot sure death est,- his Jiands shook so violently that he them. more gayly than that which bubbled in the to enter 'the black forest ? V could scarce buckle on the other's armor. tall silver goblets. For years, the people of the kingdom had ; ~it was not long before the news of Huld- Presently he emerged into a clearing, Lady Berthalda was the center of at- trembled at the name of the forest and of brand's" Venture had spread throughout the where the pests seemingly vanished, and traction and many were the knights who those who had attempted to pierce the kingdom and everyone offered a silent was surprised to note that an old, bent-over cast longing glances in her direction for dense interior.
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