September 5, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1795 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS CONGRATULATING MS. MADELINE The first mortgage was burned is 1972 GREEN CHEMISTRY RESEARCH ADAIR ahead of its maturity date. April 1975 saw the AND DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 2007 groundbreaking for Phase II. When that mort- HON. THOMAS G. TANCREDO gage was paid ahead of schedule, the con- SPEECH OF OF COLORADO gregation looked to expand and held the groundbreaking for Phase III in August 1989. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON Blessed with a congregation that continues to OF TEXAS Wednesday, September 5, 2007 grow, the church has now moved to its third IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. TANCREDO. Madam Speaker, I rise location at the World Outreach Campus. today to pay tribute to one of my constituents In 1997 both Pastor and Mother Coleman Tuesday, September 4, 2007 Ms. Madeline Adair of Littleton, Colorado, who received their Doctorates in Ministry. Martha will attend a People to People World Leader- Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. Coleman passed away on December 14, Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of H.R. 2850, ship Forum in 2008. Her outstanding aca- 1999, and Pastor Coleman was called to the demic merits and communal involvement have the Green Chemistry Research and Develop- Lord on July 2, 2001. Their son, Super- ment Act of 2007. laid a solid foundation of individual integrity intendent Hurley J. Coleman, Jr., and his wife, and dedication: both characteristics of a quali- Evangelist Sandra Coleman, assumed the The bill proposes a program to coordinate fied leader. I am honored to represent such a leadership mantle of Greater Coleman Temple federally funded research, development, dem- promising young woman. Church of God in Christ and continue to invig- onstration, education, and technology transfer Created in 1956, the People to People Pro- orate the congregation. activities related to green chemistry. gram is an educational travel program dedi- Protecting our environment has, for years, Madam Speaker, I ask the House of Rep- cated to fostering leadership potential in youth been a priority for me. Dallas and other cities resentatives to join me in congratulating worldwide. People to People has helped more in Texas have long suffered from poor envi- Greater Coleman Temple on 50 years of wor- than 200,000 students and professionals de- ronmental quality, leading to serious health ef- ship, prayer and evangelism. May the clergy, velop their leadership skills based upon fects in our population. Dwight D. Eisenhower’s belief that ‘‘people staff and congregation continue to thrive doing the work of our Lord, Jesus Christ. If Congress can incentivize chemical manu- can make a difference where governments facturing and research processes that mini- cannot.’’ This unique interaction and exposure mize environmental harms, then we will be will enable Ms. Adair to gain a greater under- f doing a good thing for our constituents. standing and insider’s perspective of Wash- ington, DC. IN RECOGNITION OF REVEREND As a member of the House Committee on Madam Speaker, it is my distinct pleasure to JOHN J. BRYK Science and Technology, I support this re- acknowledge one of Colorado’s own. Please search because of the long-term benefits it join me in congratulating Ms. Adair and wish- HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH brings to all citizens. ing her the best in her future endeavors. Mr. Speaker, the committee has held hear- OF OHIO f ings on this subject and deem it to be needed, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and of worthy investment. HONORING THE 50TH ANNIVER- I support H.R. 2850 and urge its passage. SARY OF GREATER COLEMAN Wednesday, September 5, 2007 TEMPLE COGIC Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker, I rise f today to recognize Reverend John J. Bryk, on HON. DALE E. KILDEE the occasion of his retirement as pastor of St. RECOGNIZING EDWARD JOHN OF MICHIGAN Hedwig’s Parish in Lakewood, Ohio. Father DEML III FOR ACHIEVING THE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES John has devoted his entire life to the work of RANK OF EAGLE SCOUT Wednesday, September 5, 2007 the church, and Cleveland has been blessed with Father John’s commitment to living the HON. SAM GRAVES Mr. KILDEE. Madam Speaker, today I would gospel imperative of service to and love of like to pay tribute to the Greater Coleman others. OF MISSOURI Temple Church of God in Christ as the pastor IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and congregation celebrate their 50th anniver- Since his ordination in 1953, Father John sary. A celebration will be held on September has been a faithful servant to the Cleveland Wednesday, September 5, 2007 9 in Saginaw, Michigan, in recognition of this community. As a parish priest, Father John Mr. GRAVES. Madam Speaker, I proudly momentous occasion. Bishop Roger L. Jones, has been responsible for the spiritual well- pastor of Greater Holy Temple Church of God being of a whole community, a responsibility pause to recognize Edward John Deml III, a in Christ and prelate of the Southeast Michi- he took very seriously and fulfilled with enthu- very special young man who has exemplified gan Jurisdiction will be the featured speaker siasm and total commitment to his congrega- the finest qualities of citizenship and leader- and the theme is ‘‘Celebrating a Glorious Past, tion. As an educator, Father John imparted to ship by taking an active part in the Boy Scouts Embracing a Promising Future!’’ Cleveland’s youth the wisdom to be well- of America, Troop 900, and in earning the Dr. Hurley J. Coleman and Dr. Martha W. rounded, upstanding adults committed to serv- most prestigious award of Eagle Scout. Coleman founded the Greater Coleman Tem- ing all humans. As a former student of Father Edward has been very active with his troop, ple on September 7, 1957, under the name of John at Saint John Cantius in Cleveland, I participating in many Scout activities. Over the Johnson Street Mission Church of God in have firsthand experience of Father John’s many years Edward has been involved with Christ. Services were held in the garage at- ability to affect the lives of those around him. Scouting, he has not only earned numerous tached to Pastor Coleman’s home. Inspired by Madam Speaker and colleagues, please join merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- God, Pastor Coleman worked to fulfill the vi- me in honoring Reverend John J. Bryk’s 54 ily, peers, and community. sion of building a church. In June 1961, with years of ministry to the city of Cleveland. I am Madam Speaker, I proudly ask you to join less than 30 members, a groundbreaking grateful for his dedication to the spiritual and me in commending Edward John Deml III for ceremony was held and the Johnson Street communal needs of Cleveland. May his simple his accomplishments with the Boy Scouts of Mission became the Liberty Park Church of and abundant love of his congregation and America and for his efforts put forth in achiev- God in Christ. Cleveland serve as an example for us all. ing the highest distinction of Eagle Scout. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:42 Nov 20, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 J:\CRONLINE\2007BA~1\2007NE~2\E05SE7.REC E05SE7 mmaher on MIKETEMP with CONG-REC-ONLINE E1796 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 5, 2007 DYAN WADE ALLEN MAKES HIS and early detection of cancer in order to find bers recognize the importance of their con- MARK ON THE WORLD treatment options and a cure. sumer’s quality of life in correlation with eco- Madam Speaker, I would like to individually nomic growth. HON. BOB ETHERIDGE recognize Founders and Board Members Paul Last January the group organized ‘‘Travis OF NORTH CAROLINA and Janine Witte, Timothy and Joan Block, McCormick Kleenwood Day.’’ Members of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and Executive Director Molly Conti for their chamber worked together in teams with other dedication to Hepatitis B awareness and med- local residents to help make their community Wednesday, September 5, 2007 ical achievements. I thank them on behalf of more visually appealing. At the end of the Mr. ETHERIDGE. Madam Speaker, I rise the countless people who have learned and event, hundreds of pounds of litter near side- today to congratulate Matt and Jennifer Allen benefited from the Foundation. Their compas- walks, greenbelt trails, and curbs were prop- on the birth of their child, Dyan Wade Allen. sion for one family truly became a desire to erly disposed of. Dyan was born on Tuesday, August 7, 2007, change the world for the better. The Kingwood Chamber of Commerce also and weighed 6 pounds and 12 ounces. My f supports projects such as the Wildflower wife Faye joins me in wishing Matt and Jen- Project 2007, another demonstration of their nifer great happiness upon this new addition CONGRATULATING MR. JOSHUA commitment to bettering surrounding neighbor- to their family. BARNHILL hoods. In April the chamber organized the As the father of three, I know the joy and planting of wildflowers throughout the pride that Matt and Jennifer feel at this special HON. THOMAS G. TANCREDO Kingwood area. The pride these Kingwood time. Children remind us of the incredible mir- OF COLORADO residents take in their community is certainly acle of life, and they keep us young-at-heart.
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