OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE AMERICAN VAULTING ASSOCIATION AULTiNG WORLD P. O. BOX 3663, SARATOGA, CA 95070-1663 NEWS FROM MAY AND JUNE 1990 INSIDE: Nominations Notice, 1990-91A VA Clinics Schedule, World Games, International Update, Board Actions, Spring Fest Results: Mesa Verde, Rainbow, Mid-Atlantic, Mothers Day, Carousel, Fathers Fest 1990 Champions [Complete Notional Fest results, report, and photos will appear in the next issue.] 1990 AHSA/AVA National Champions Team: Mt. Eden Vaulters Pas de Deux: Danielle SotolStacy Galassini, Rocking Horse Vaulters Woman: Lana Schumacher, Mt. Eden Man: Devon Maitozo, Sundance AVA 1990 Team of the Year Awards "A" Team: Timberline Vaulters "C" Team: Mt. Eden Whoa Mama Joes AVA 1990 Team Excellence Award California Carousel 4-H Vaulters 1990 AVA Champions "B" Team: Monte Vista Vaulters "C" Team: Pegasus Vaulters Trot Team: Monte Vista Vaulters "B" Pas de Deux Champion: Desiree Bryant/ Dolly Mitchell, Central Valley Vaulters "C" Pas de Deux Champion: Alia Detol/Jen- ntfer Eisner, Chehalem Mountain Vaulters Fest Trot Pas de Deux Champion: Matt Taylor/ Clinton Sfdpton, Monte Vista Vaulters "B" Champion Woman: Chase Worley, Monte Vista Vaulters "B" Champion Man: James Cooper, Mount Tabor "C" Champion Woman: Michelle Joyce, Mt. Eden Vaulting Club "C" Champion Man: Scott Campbell, Califor- nia Carousel 4-H Vaulters Fest Trot Champion Woman: Sandy Hill, Monte Vista Vaulters Photo: K. Pint FestTrot Champion Man:ClintonSkipton, Monte Topaz 4-H Vaulter Heather Baldwin on "Domino" took Vista Vaulters National 2-Phase Champion Team: California first place in Beginning Canter at Great Falls Spring Fest Carousel 4-H Vaulters "B" 2-Phase Team Champion: California Great Falls Hosts Mid-Atlantic Spring Fest Carousel 4-H Vaulters FestTrotTeam2-PhaseChampion-. Valley View Gaithersburg, MD, May 5-6 Vaulters Christine Appel-Bucierka coached by Priscilla Faulkner and James "A" 2-Phase Champion Woman: Kelley Holly, Maryland Horse Center, Gaithersburg, Fuller; Mount Tabor Vaulters of Tambourine 4-H Vaulters Blacksburg, VA, coached by Jennifer "B" 2-Phase Champion Woman: Anna Schulte, MD, was the marvelous site for the AVA Albuquerque Vaulters Recognized Mid-Atlantic Fest sponsored Williams; Somerset Hills Pony Club Vault- "B" 2-Phase Champion Man: Larry Barton, by Great Falls Pony Club Vaulting Team ing Team of Oldwick, NJ, coached by San Vicente Vaulters May 5 and 6, 1990. AVA Judge Suzanne AliceOldford; Spectrum Vaulters of Char- "C"2-Phase Champion Woman: Kali Peterson, Pegasus Vaulters Detol (r), of Cornelius, Oregon, presidedal lottesville, VA, coached by Bonnie Scrib- "C" 2-Phase Champion Man: Anson Beanie, the competition, clinic and medal exams. ner; Sugarloaf Vaullers of Rockville, MD, Lompoc4-H Vaulters The seven clubs participating in these events coached by Dorothy Fon tana; and the Topaz Fest Trot 2-Phase Champion Woman: Dagney wereGreatFallsPony Club Vaulting Team Vaulters 4-H of Chantilly, VA, coached by Tucker, San Vicente Vaulters ofGreatFalls.Md, coached by Carol Fuller; Chris Appel-Bucierka. Fest Trot 2-Phase Champion Man: Ariel Tal, Black Point Vaulters Falconwood Flyers of Covington, GA, Continued on page ; 0 AMERICAN VAULTING ASSOCIATION DIRECTORY EXECUTIVE BOARD SPECIAL PROGRAM DIRECTORS PRESIDENT: JanGarrod (6:30 - 7:30am,6 -9 pm) 408/741-1191* NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR VAULTING EDUCATION: 22621 Mt. Eden Road, Saratoga, CA 95070 (Work 408/867-9527) Stephanie Siemens (7 - 8 am, or evenings) 714/595-0058 EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT: Stephanie Siemens (7-8 am 714/595-0058* 21234 Silver Cloud Drive, Diamond Bar, CA 91765 21234 Silver Cloud Drive, Diamond Bar, CA 91765 or evenings) NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR THERAPEUTIC VAULTING: VICE PRESIDENT - FEST: Marianne Rose (8am-11 pm) 408/867-1789* Liz Helms (T.Th.Sat: 10 am - 5 pm, No calls Sun/Mon) 818/767-6373 11845 Skyline Blvd., Los Gatos, CA 95030 (Best: 8 -10 pm) 9311 Del Arroyo Drive, Sun Valley, CA 91352 VICE PRESIDENT - PROMOTION & PUBLICITY: 415/948-8137* Gail Ostendorf 738 Loyola Drive, Los Altos, CA 94022 COMMITTEE CHAIR-PERSONS VICE PRESIDENT - REGIONS: Cynthia Paul (9 am - 9 pm) 303/565-7449' 10667 County Road 23, Cortez, CO 81321 ANNUAL MEETING: Kelley Holly 707/938-2447 GENERAL SECRETARY: Suzanne Detol (9 am -10:30 pm) 503/357-9651 404 Napa Road, Sonoma. CA 95476 Rte 2, Box 261-A, Cornelius, OR 97113 (Work:8:30 am -5 pm 503/223-6740) VAULTING WORLD COMMITTEE: (8 am-11 pm;Best:8-iO pm)408/867-1789 TREASURER: Karen Lemon (7 am - 9 pm; 408/476-7830* Marianne Hose, 11845 Skyline Blvd., Los Gaios, CA 95030 5240 Pringle Lane, Soquel, CA 95073 Best: 7 - 9 am, 6 - 9 pm) BALLOT COMMITTEE: Susie Barnes 408/998-8657* 1468 Sunbeam Circle, San Jose. CA 95122 STAFF BOARD MEETING DATES COMMITTEE: Carol Fuller 703/759-2314' NATIONAL OFFICE 408/867-0402* 1075 Leigh Mill Road, Great Falls, VA 22066 (6:30 am-10 pm; Best 6:30-8 am) P. 0. Sox 3663, Saratoga, CA 95070-1663 CAMPS: Patti Skipton (7 am -10 pm; Best 6 - 9 pm ) 408/724-9382* (Business Hours: 8:30 am -11:30 am, Monday - Thursday) 2 School Way, Walsonville, CA 95076 Executive Secretary, Financial Manager, Editor, Vaulting World: CLUBS: 4-H: Jeannie Beattie (6 -7 am, 8 - 9 pm) 805/736-4420 Judith S. Bryer (Phone: 6:30 am - 6:30 pm) 3765 Miguelito Canyon Road, Lompoc, CA 93436 MEDAL TEST SECRETARY: Suzanne Detol (9 am-10:30 pm) 503/357-9651 CLUBS: U.S. PONY: Carol Fuller (6:30 am -10 pm) 703/759-2314* Rte 2, Box 261-A, Cornelius. OR 97113 (Work:8:30 am -5 pm 503/223-6740) 1075 Leigh Mill Road, Great Falls, VA 22066 (Best 6:30 - 8 am) LIAISON CHRONICLE OF THE HORSE: COACHES COMMITTEE: Emma Garrod Drinker 408/741-0528 Chris Appel-Bucierka (7 pm -11:30 pm) 703/378-5987' 22601 Mr. Eden Road. Saratoga, CA 95070 (Work: 408/255-3761) 3912 Chantilly Road, ChantJIly, VA 22021 (Work:Flexible Hours 703/938-7890) CONSTITUTION & BYLAWS: Joy Coburn (9 am -10 pm) 818/888-8621' HISTORIAN; COMMEMORATIVE CONTRIBUTIONS 5340 Scott Robertson Road, Hidden Hills, CA 91302 Patti Reschar (6pm-10pm) 408/356-8660* FEST 90 COMMITTEE: Marjorie Oakes 505/898-0236* 112 Calfhill Court, Los Gatos, CA 95032 732 Camino del Bosque NW, Albuquerque, MM 87114 (7 am-11 pm) 415/663-1547 NATIONAL EXCHANGE: Maxine Chelini INTERNATIONAL: Craig Coburn 818/888-8621 P.O. Box 583, Pt. Reyes Station, CA 94956 (Work: 415/258-9950) 540 North Vista. Los Angeles, CA 90036 TECHNICAL ADVISOR: J. Ashton Moore (6 am - 8:30 am) 408/623-4446* NOMINATING COMMITTEE: Colette Garrison 916/487-4204* 334 Mission Vineyard Road, San Juan Bautista, CA 95045 (FAX 408/623-0607) 4252 Mason Lane, Sacramento, CA 95821 VIDEOS: Gail Ostendorf 415/948-8137* SPECIAL AWARDS, RECOGNITION : Jeannie Beattie 805/736-4420 738 Loyola Drive, Los Altos, CA 94022 3765 Miguelito Canyon Road, Lompoc, CA 93436 (6 - 7 am, 8 - 9 pm) TECHNICAL COMMITTEE: Adrienne Slang (7 am - 9 pm) 408/667-0184* LIABILITY INSURANCE - ROLLINS BURDICK HUNTER: Ron Dumm 20449 Glen Brae Drive, Saratoga, CA 95070 (Best: 7 - 9 pm) 7801 Folsom Blvd Suite 210, Sacramento, CA 95826 916/381-1234 AHSA VAULTING COMMITTEE CHAIR: Sally Ike 201/439-3416 * Denotes Telephone Answering Machine Box 357, Oldwick, NJ 08858 (Work: 201/234-1251) HMAULTSNI !• OTKMi-HnuUTHHWniUUKMVAUL-niMAUOCMTIOG WORLD H (ryJCjlfl AMERICAN VAULTING ASSOCIATION Vaulting World © is published bimonthly by the \2 A.WZ M^JJf.Q. Box 3663 Saratoga, California 95070-1663 (408)867-0402 American Vaulting Associatlon.MaiI all items for publication to: Vaulting World, P. O. Box N^OciXi:^^ SUSTAININGJ1EMBE R REGISTRATION 3663, Saratoga, CA 95070-1 663, by the last day ^S~~'-^^ (»* Must be 18 xears °r older »»> of February, April, June, August, October, or December for publication at the end of the INSTRUCTIONS: TYPE or PRINT C1EARLY. Mrtt chic* pmblt to AUft. Stnd ALL 3 COPIES ind »nnml du» («30.D8) to: AW EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, Judith S. Bryer, P.O. Box 34*3, Switogi, CA 95070-1W3 «B/8i7HW2 following month. No part of this publication may be reproduced either in whole or in part WHE: PHCtiE ( > without written permission. Bulk rate postage ADDRESS! paid at Saratoga, CA 95070. U.S. Subscribing StfTtl linx Sim lif Memberships are $15 annually. Foreign Sub- m WHITING CLUB AFFILIATICN Uf MY) scribing Memberships are $20 annually pay- Wft RES10N AFFILIATION (Cirtld 1 11 W IX X HI HE NEW SUSTAINING MEMBER? OR SUSTAINING RENEUAL? able in U.S. funds drawn on a U.S. bank. Copy- (W1E<S> Of WUUEfi(S) SPONSORED (H »ny) right by American Vaulting Association 1990. f|[»si givt iuil nant and cluB oi uaulttris) sponsorto Classified ads are $5 each for 3 or 4 lines. SPONSOR'S REUTIDNSHIP TO WULTER(S) Submit information and your check pay- Plus* (htcfc onts which currtnUy iDDly to your si H <not to your child)! able to "AVA" to Vaulting World Editor Coicli Viulttr Pirtnt 4-H Hmlxr/Le»d*r AHSA Mmbtr Judith S. Bryer, P. O. Box 3663, Saratoga, CA 95070-1663. Loogtr . tUA Jutfgt USPC Htnbtr Cmp Covnstlor 00 HOT SEND (Wfl HEUS IttRKA Htubtr (WA Botrd of Dir*cton AUA Canitttt Cluinun ADDDESS OB PHONE IS NHJ Display ad rates are $8 per column inch, 'OfTdTno/Kandicipptd) $75 for 1/3 page, $100 for 1/2 page and Lift Sustaining Hmbtr :t300 .OD tflWi lix Extnpt 10 I: 23 737408?} ttfllML SUSTAINING DUES: 1 30.DO $200 for full page. Write for details. Btntfador: ttOO.OO ADDITIONAL TAX DEDUCTIBLE CCNTRIEUTIONi * Printing and I la If tones - We owe thanks Contributing Mfnbtr: HDD. DO THANK YOU TOTAL ENCLOSED! » to James Bibbler, Hamilton Press, Palo IKI (Do not writs btlm this lin(.
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