TUTODAT, MARCH S6,1948 ■ ---------- , ru WfzUMr AviragQ Ddftly Cimiktioa Firsnat of iU tk W c a t^ Buraan ■ iiptrijifBtrr lEorttfyg HferaUi For the Mouth of Fshmary, 1946 Fair with aOghtty lower tens- 9,042 peraturAa tonight f t ^ luat alghf; Rev. Wilfred Maclean. minUUr lising Funds CAR PAINTING Thuroday fair and cwittnaed uu- War Contracts ■saaouably mild. j of the Broadview Community Gel Onr tfslluuite Heaber *t the Audit About Town church. Hartford, will be the guest Buiuuu ot Otarealatloau speaker at the Lenten ser\’Ice to­ Manchester Children Well HWlled To^uild Camp SOLIMENE A FLAGG' : Manchester— ‘A City of ViUnge Charm morrow evening at the Second t t mmtnn QtttOh trib^ Congregational church. Miss June Future Citizens of Town as They Appear Today <24 Center St* TeL <101 PRICE THREE VKf i^atTu, 1. O. R. who wish to MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27,1946 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) Yeomansv ipeal concert soprano Pylhian " Knighls ami ------ ------------------------------ (CtoMUed Adyerttring oa Page 1<) ‘ to Brt«l£*po*t April • to wlt- will be the soloist. Old-fashioned C.oI. Rolfiier Tells Tall i L g S o ftood* W wid degTM Congregational singing will also Cedars of His Ex’pie'ri^ Sislers Hopfe^lo Main- tgeei conolderod one at the best In be featured, with Organist Erhest i.'^ii. i^jt. confer degMeo on a claw lain Separale\Hou8e Cosman at the piano. A cordial enees During C'^nfliel Woman Driver Killed in Crossing Crash ‘ palefacea, are aeked to get In welcome is extended to all people FULLER BRU! with WUllam J. Legg»t^ of the community. How the government handled .. Unne Lodge, No. 72, KnlghU of No Compromise Yet ' asTS. or Howarf Smith, W42 not State Depart] lent Pythias, will open its re^tjlar DEALEfiS i lator than Tueeday, April ^ IJ war contracta and terminated lon- MMUjrb membere can be obtained - 'The Frank J. Mansfield Marine tracta when the war ended was meeting tomorrow night In Orange ■ Coips Auxiliary will meet tomor­ « buo win be chartered for the explained in an educational and ball at 7:30. Following the meet-^' row evening at eight o’clock at the Ing, another of the popular se tb a ^ CALL i trip. ____ entertaining manner before the” Given Infori ation Army and Navy aubhouse. parties will be held sponsored Jiy fl’all Cedars of Lebanon at the Ma- On Iranian Prot^t; Loon Ctouln, eon of Mr. and Mro. the Knights-of Pythias and ratb- St. Margaret’s Circle, Daughters aoniG Temple last night by Colonel Xoo J. Gouln, o f 24 Unnmore John .S. G. Rottner, local and Hart- lan Sisters welfare com m its. XMve, !■ opending a 15-day fur- of Isabella, will hold a setback and 1 ford attorney, who waa in the The members of this confmiitec, ' Spy Being Trailed tojigb at hie home. He recently bridge party for members and Army War Contracts section dur­ representing Llnne Lo^gg; Memo­ Jalropleted a alx weeks’ radir friends this evening at the K. of C. ing the war. Colon"l Rottner said rial Lodge and Memorial Temple, ECLERC ______ ■ ■ * ■ ♦-—— ^— . ^ coume In Ban Diego, and will re- Home under the chairmanship of that in his opinion both the mak­ are working hard to build ^ up'-. a Meet Hour and Ha] ^ nort bade to Banada River, Flor­ Mrs. PhUlp Carney. ing of contracts for war supplies fund whereby they can erett wid FUNERAL HUME Acheson Declines Fiir- ida, for fdrther study. and the termination of coritracts maintain a Manchester house 28 Mjiin Street 9 Agreements St. Mary’s Guild will meet was efficiently handled by the gov­ Cheshire. ’ ther Comment on FBI Byrnes, Gromyko at lUlatlvea In town have received Thursday afternoon at two o’clock ernment. ’The Connecticut Pythian (^ t e r , P hone 52R9 goOra of the death of Mrs. Mar- in the Guild room. Mrs. James Kil­ Hundreds of. service men ir. all Lnc., own about fifty-six abres of Seizure o f Russian Peter P. Osrdern, Jr. Settle Claims itussidn Units Begin Bonnet Fail to Fil twaiet Turklngton. widow of Miller patrick and Mrs. Henry Lord will walks of life had to be schooled land'ln Cheshire and p la ^ a re un­ •/ Naval officer as He ^Ttoklngton, which occurred at be hostesses. and trained when the war’s end Peter P. Cardera, Jr., 17. son of der way for the develppmont of Formula to I’ ree Onwego, N. Y., Sunday evening. was imminent in order to study Mr; and Mrs. Peter P. Carders, thia property thULyeim, Among Was About to Board With Britain the milftary needs and in order to Just Received! To Security Council] She leaves three sons and a daugh- Sunset Council, Degree o f Poca­ 191 Eldridge street. Manchester, oUmr projects a Kiddle Kan-p u-ill To Evacuate Kazvin close out contracts for supplies In be one Of the mort Important ob­ Ship at Portland, Ore. ' tor, whollve In Oew^o. and a sis­ hontas, will have a card paHy ‘ has enlisted in the United States EGG BOXES Calling Iran Ambi ter, Miss Rachel Hadden of this morrow evening at the home th^ most economical way possible. jects of this organization. 1 ne land Due to this special training the Marine Corps for two years. is an ideal spot for a proje- t of 3.\4 Manilla Chip Meniorandum Signed dor to Give VIei town, whom she had frequently Mra Margaret Schaller of SyDeT- He was sworn, in at the Hart­ Washington, Mai’ch 2 7 .-^ Iranian Official Denies mont street: Prises will by>kward- contracts were terminated to the this kind cubtaining, as it dues, a LAWN SEEDERS J3y Acbeson, Halifax; Q jina |o Get -^ te d . The funeral will be held satisfaction of both the manufac­ ford Headquarters office and was ^/P)— The State department On Delaying Actii ■tomorrow In Oswego. ed and refreshments aepfed. large pine'grove, and bap a brook For Seeding, Lime or Fertilizer. Any Secret Agreement | turers and the government in most transferred to Parris Island, S. C.. ot pure/(vater flowing through the was kept fully informed p o u l t r y EQUIPM^INT Details Covered ' T Seen Possible Soiutit cases. where he is now receiving his entlrp-iength of the land. about FBI activities which ExisU Concerning Seventh Day AdvenUsts will Manchester Chapter of Hadas- Went To Europe ■’Boot training,” 18,000-Word Paper Puppet Ruler It is the hope of the local com­ EBCO COMPANY led to Mizure of a young Rus-’ meet this evening with Mr. and sah will meet thjAeventng at eight Colonel Rottner waa in 40 of the mittee to raise sufficient 'iinda so Evacuation o f Troops New York, March 27.— lln . Fred Miner of ®2 Blglelow o’clock at ‘ Temple Beth Sholom. 48 states on government business, „ T-" 37 Holllsier Street (Rear) Sian Naval officer on charges that when this project gets undci Open Evenings Tel. 3338 Washington, March 27-jr(gV- — The United Nations street, and tomorrow aferhoon at ’The fubject/bf Child Welfare, one while in the service and was sent i U i i e I x r a s s T i r e way they can erect a house to be of espionage. Acting Secre­ Of Manchuria of the cbdpter projecta will be The United States and Britain to-' Tehran, March 27.— (/P)— curity council’s subcomt two o’clock with Mrs. M. B. to the European theater right sf- known as Manchester House. tary of State Dean Acheson Wright of 95 center otreet. btghllghted. Mrs. Harry Rosa U ter V-E day to be in closer con day announced nine agrroments Prince Mozaffar Fjrouz, po- tee, appointed to find a eo III Entire T d w u Owning their own house it will be said today. He declined fur­ chairman of thia committee. taot with Army needs. He said possible for the Pythlans of Man­ for settling lend-lease and'•other liticarundersecretaiy of state Russia Agrees to Hand promise formula in thd .Ii riiat the housing problem on the ther comment. A son was bpris the Manches- chester to send to this eamp as wartime obligations, under which and director of ' propaganda, ian case, adjourned aft ter Memorial htiplU l yesterday tx>\ ’The Emblem Oub will have a continent is even a greater one many underprivileged children as About to Board RuMioa Veroel this country will be paid about Over Henry Pu-Yi; Re­ Only one gra.ss flre/ijall was ’The 29-year-old Soviet officer, said-today that the Russian meeting an hour and a hi Mr. and Mta. Mather Harding. public 'card party tomorrow night than foodstuffs while in England, the facilities will warrant. 1650.000. 000 plus interest by Npw 1 South Main street. In veator- at the Elks home, Maxwrell Court, which suffered terrific bombiirg answered yesterday by the South Horseback Lieut. Nicolai Gregorovlch Redln, evacuation of Kazvin, 80 cently Tense Sino-So- today with the announce! 112 Manchester Fire di^rtm ent while Besides conducting card parties Year’s day 2002. r'e * «^ ta l Notes” th< Rockville. Both bridge and setback the housing problem is not nearly waa arreoted la»t night In Port- - A memorandum covering toe miles northwest of Tehran, that “no agreement haa : so acute. He praised the English the Manchuiter^uepartment en­ a mlnstrOl show was given recently • land. Ore., Juat aa he w'aa about viet Situation ‘Eased’ parents was mis-spelled. will be played with prises for the at the Hollister acbool, and letters* agfeements was signed In Wash­ “ has begun and should be been reached.” winners and refreshments.
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