DffiECfORY.] HUNTINGDONSHIRE. WARBOYS.. 71 . I wheat, barley, oak and p<>tatoel. Tbe area iit 2,140 nearest money order & tclegraph office, 3 miles distan~ acres; ratea!Xe valuet £:01,440; ths population in J89L nearest money order k telegraph offica . "W1UU .. 13. National School (mi-,.:edh built i~ x871 by R. H. Hussey PosT 0FI"IC11.-John Key, sub-postmaster. Letters esq. and enlarged in 1893 at a cost of over £3oo; arrive from Huntingdon Yi!i Ramsey at 7-45 a.m. &. average attendance, 79; Miss !bell, mistress 3.50 p.m.; dispatched at '8.20 a.m. & 4.30 p.m. Postal C.\.RRIER.~Wm. Henry S~nclair, cart, to Huntingdon~ qrders are issued here, but not paid. .Ha.msey is the· sat. ; to St. Ives, mon. returning same da.ys <:ooksey Rev. John Franci1 K.A.. Fordham Lewis, grocer JMurphin Corneliu;;, wheelwrighl li Vicarage tiaunt .John. beer reliailer · carpenter Evison John l.P. Upwood hon•e Iug:e Albert Henry, black~mith Purser William, farmer, Bury fe:'l Kay Peter, Cross Key1 l'.H. & wheelwt Sincla.ir G~orge, farmer . COKKKRCU.L. Key John, draper, Post office Sinclair William Henry, carrier .Qhapman .!m()s, farm bailiff to J. KeY Wllliam, fanner & miller (wind), Taylor J ame&, farmer (small) EviBon esq. l.P Carlton house Thomp:.;on William & Sons, engineen. Collett William, frmr. Townsend farm Kidman Reginald Job, farmer & steam ploughing, cultivating A5 1 Cross George, farmer · county councillor thre11hing engine' proprietora &c. Darwood Ad a (Mn. ), beer retailer King J,ames, shopkeeper Providence place Evison John, chemical manure IDanu• Kin~ Thomas, farmer Thompson G~orge, engineer factunr & farmeT Langley John, fanner, Bury -fen WARBOYS, or WARBOIS (formerly spelt WA.RDEBOIS), Ramiiey, the Duke of Manchester, and John Longland esq. is a village and parish on the London road, with a station .1 large portion of the soil i1t fenny; the high land dis­ about rl miles north-east of the village on the Ramsey tricts are a stiff clay; aub:i!oil, clay. ~The chief crop• ara­ and Somersham branch of the Great Eastern railway, potatuw, 111·heat, barley, oot<~, bean.s &c. The area ia 3~ mile~ south-east from Ramsey station on the Holme 8,429 acres of land and 6 -of water : rateable value-, 11nd Ramsey branch of the Great Northern railway, £8,g]o; the population in J89l was 1,661. 1 north-east from Huntingdon and Bo from London, Sexton, Seymonr Hatcher. in the ~orthern division of the county, Hurstingstone PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., T. M. 0.~ E:xprsss Delivery, Parcel bnndred, Ramsey petty sc~sional division, union of bt. Post,· S. D. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Jo1eph Ives, mnnt.y court district of Northampton, rural deanery - Gabbitas, sub-postmaster. Letters aiTive by mail ca.rl of St. Ives, archdeaconry of Hun1:ingdon and diocese · from Huntingdon, delivered at 7 a.m. & a second de·. of Ely. The church of St. Mary Magdalen~ is a hand- livery at 6.15 p.m.;, dispatched at 5.30 a. m. & 6.15, ilome anrl spaciouS edifice of stone in the Early. English p.m. ; sundays, delivered at 7 1,\.Jll.; dispatched !lt 6.15, iltyle, ~:msi-;;ting of chancel and nave and a tower with p.m i!pire, containing a clock and 5 bells: the chancel was PUBLIC OFFICERS:~ re~tored abo.ut 183~ and is separated from the nave by a Inland Revenue Officer, Joseph "'aru Allison Norman arch: the tower is a beautiful specimen of Medical Officer & Public. V!!.Ccinawr, Warboy11 J)istrict,1 modern Early English: the east window, and another in St. IvBS Union, Edwin Middlebrooke L,S.A. the chanct>l, placed in 18g6, are .stained, and there are Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages, Wa.rboya 11n.b-J monuments by Bacon to John Leman esq. and Mrs. district, St. Ives Union, Ebenezer Wa.tson; deputy, J. Strode: the church affords 640 s.ittings. The registeu \Voolstinholmea cf bapti•m~ date from 1551; marriage;;, 1565, and burials, ScnooLs :- 1556. The living is a rectory, yearly value £360, in- A School Board of 5 members ws!l formed 13th Jnly. cluding 957 acres of glebe, with Tesidence, in the gift of z88o; Henry Copley, Market hill, St. Ives, clerk to and held since 18g6 by the Rev. "\Yilliam Henry Bromley- the board; Ebenezer "\Vatson, attendance officer Way B • .l.. of Exeter College, Oxford. The school building Board (mixed '• built in xBog by public subscription mthe Fen district has attached to it a cJnsecrated burial ·for 300 children; average attendance, 200; William ground. Divine service is held in the school-room every Alderson, master; M:iss Theresa Dawson, infants' mist. Sunday. There is a Baptist chapel in the vjllag!!. In 1887 Endowed (mixed), built with house for the mistress, in a memorial clock tower was erected bv the parishioners at t852, at the cost of the Rev. W. Finch, late rector, for a COtlt of £200. The Rev. Robert Fowler, by will dated 400 children; average attendance, 20, & supported in August 3, 1824> left £2oo, the interest thereof to be dis- part by an endowment of £t,ooo given by the founder; posed of yearly amongst such of the poor of the parish Miss Acta· Stephenson, mistress - as should regularly attend church; the interest is dis- Railway Station, George Ivett Marritt, station_ma$ter tributed in meat on St. Thomas' day. The church CAlnnRRS TO:- 1 estate formerly produced about £4o yearly, but is now HuNTI!'<GDON-William .!.<;hley (van), sat. at 10 B.m. J1 somewhat depreciated in value; the produce is applied Mrs. Ellen Ntobla, sat. at 10 a.m.. returning same da.ys by the churchwardens to incidental expenses in connec- ST. lvEs'-William .A.shley (van), .mon. at 10 a.m. ; t.ion with the church. The chief landowners are the Mrs. Ellen Noble, mon. & fri. at 10 s.m. returning samtt, Misses I'elly, who are ladies of the manor; Lord De days PRIV.c\TB RESIDENTS. Behagg Arthur, farmer England William, farmer Bedford Mist Behagg Ashley. miller (wind) Fairy Richard, farmer "Behagg ~lrs BoyJCe Martha (M.rs. ), grocer & draper Fikh Isa.ac, grocer Erom.l.ey-Way Rev. William Henry B.A. Brand Edward, miller (wind) Fisher William, medicine vendor Rect{HY Brou~hton George, farm~r (horse & cattle) Broughtou Henry Bronghton John, saddler Fletcher Da.vid, beer retailer Child Mrs. Edward Broughton William, farmer Fuller Alfred, brick & tile manfctr Oark MiEs Brown Ebenezer, farmer Fyaon S. & Sons, brewers Custance William Brown J ames, builder Fyson Samuel, farmer, Stoneleigh· ho Ek.ins Mr8 Brown Lucy r:Mrs. ), shopkeeper Fyson Frank Child, farmer Fairy Mis~ Brown John, builder Gabbitas J oseph, chemist, & agent for Fysou. Frank Child, Ferndale Brown William, boot & shoe maker W. & A. Gilbey Limited, wine &; F'yRon Samuel l.P. Stoneleigh house Brown \Yilliam, brewet" spirit merchants, Post office Gadsby George Cawcutt John, Pelican inn Garton Wm. beer retailer &; farmer Irish Mrs Clack Frederick, butcher Grange Abraham, shopkeeper Lambourne Rev. John (Baptist) c:ack George, beer retailer Hankin Joseph, grocer k draper Masters ~lrs Clack James, shopkeeper Harvey ·william, farmer :Middlebrooke Edwin Clifton Thomas, Railway P.H Henson Rachel (Mrs.), beer retailer Newton George Sannders Cook Rowland, butcher Hills George, grocer & butcher COMMERCIAL. Ourtis .Elizabeth (.Mliss), draper & Hoctson Thomas, beer retailer .!llison Joseph Ward, inland rev.officer grocer Hodson William, beer retailer .Allpress F:.owers, farmer Curt:s Goor!!e, tailor How Gifford Lewis, brewer & farmer .Allpress William, farmer Justance Frdk. carpntr. & pork butchr1llow William, brewer, White Hart P.ll.o ..A.shley Emma (Mrs.), grocer & draper Custance Geo. All press, grocer & drapr & fa.rmer Ashley William, carrier Dockerell J ames, beer retailer Hug gins J ames, butcher Ealdock John, beer retailer Dring- Elizabeth (Mrs.), beer retailer Hyde Frederick, beer retailer Ealdock Mary .Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper Dring Oliver, wheelwright King Sarah A. (Mrs.), dress maker Bedford George, beer retailer Ekins Elizabeth M. (Mrs.), farmer, King John, carpenter & joiner lledford Papworth, farmer Laurel house Longland John. farmer & landowner Bedford William, farmer, High fen Ekins Fred Geo. frmr. Pope's Lane ho Longland Thomas, farmer Beedham Carter Sharp, grocer & drpr: Ekins George Lewis, farmer ~Iarritt Goorge Ivett, station master .
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