Minutes of 38Th Meeting of the Cultural Function and Production Grant Scheme (Cfpgs) Held on 27Th October - 2017 at Nsd, New Delhi

Minutes of 38Th Meeting of the Cultural Function and Production Grant Scheme (Cfpgs) Held on 27Th October - 2017 at Nsd, New Delhi

1 F.No. 9-2124/2017-S&F Government of India Ministry of Culture **** Puratatav Bhavan, 2nd Floor ‘D’ Block, GPO Complex, INA, Ne Delh!"##$$2% Dated: 23.04.2018 MINUTES OF 38TH MEETING OF THE CULTURAL FUNCTION AND PRODUCTION GRANT SCHEME (CFPGS) HELD ON 27TH OCTOBER - 2017 AT NSD, NEW DELHI. &nder CFPGS 'cheme (nancial A))!)tance !) *iven to ‘Not"+or"Pro(t’ Or*an!)at!on), NGOs !ncludin* 'ocietie), ,ru)t, &n!ver)itie) and Individuals +or holdin* Con+erence), 'eminar, -ork)hop), Fe)tivals, .xh!/ition), Production o+ Dance, Drama",heatre, 0u)ic and undertakin* )mall re)earch project) etc2 on an3 art +orm)/important cultural matter) relatin* to different a)pect) o+ Indian Culture2 ,he 6uantum o+ a))!)tance !) re)tricted to 789 o+ the project co)t )u/ject to maximum o+ :)2 8 Lakh) per project a) recommend /3 the .xpert Committee2 In exceptional c!rcum)tance) Financial A))!)tance ma3 /e *iven upto :)2 2$ Lakh) ith the approval o+ <on’/le 0in!)ter o+ Culture2 22 A meetin* o+ CFPGS a) held on 27th Octo/er, 2$#7 under the Chairper)on)hip o+ 0)2 'ujata Pra)ad, Additional 'ecretar3 to con)ider the propo)al +or (nancial a))!)tance /3 the .xpert Committee2 %2 ,he .xpert Committee meetin* a) attended /3 the +ollo in*=" 1. Ms. Sujata Prasad, Additional Secretary, Chairperson 2. Shri Pranav Khullar, Joint Secretary 3. Dr. Sajith E.N., Director, SCZCC, Member 4. Shri Shantanu Bose, Dean, NSD, Member 5. Shri Sundip Gandhi, SO, SNA, Member 6. Shri Babu Rajan, DS , Sahitya Akademi, Member 7. Shri Narendra Singh, Director-Incharge, NCZCC 2 8. Ms. Deepti Babbar, AS, LKA, Member >2 ,he .xpert Committee ha) con)idered 28? applicat!on) hich ere complete and )upported ith all document) a) re6u!red under the )cheme2 ,he Committee examined each and ever3 propo)al individually /e+ore takin* a dec!)ion and recommended #@$ propo)als +or (nancial a))!)tance under the )cheme2 ,he details o+ all #@$ ca)e) approved +or *rant !) placed at Annexure-I2 ,he li)t o+ ?? ca)e) not approved +or *rant !) placed at Annexure-II and list o+ 2% num/er) o+ incomplete/Grant Alread3 Given propo)als !) placed at Annexure-III2 ANNEXURE-I 3 THE LIST OF VOs/N!Os A""#OVED $ DE# %F"!S ,he details o+ approved propo)als are a) under=" Sl.No. ame of organizations & Subject of Time/ Amount Address proposed Duration of recommended project the project .y Experts (Rs. In Lakhs) Andhra Pradesh #2 Adarsha Rural Preservation 01.10.2017 to %2$$ Development And Training And Promotion 31.12.2017 Society, Kodikonda, Of Beerappa Anantapur, A.P2"8#8?$# Dollu 2. :ajiv Yuvajena Seva Cultural 1.7.2017 t o $28$ Sangam, 1-73-1-B1, Production 31.12.2017 Mohiyar Nagar Kadir! Programme -515591. Anantpur (A2P2D %2 Ushoda3a Eductioanal Chiratala 01.10.2017 to %2$$ Society, Beside Madeena :ama3anam 30.11.2017 Masjied, Old Navatha Road, Gorantla, Anantapur, A.P2" 515231 T'tal= 6.50 Arunachal Pradesh >2 “Hamare” Ha3ang Memorial Or*anizing After 2.00 Agro Industrial And International Sanctioned Education Trust Ya3am And National Complex Papu Hill, Near Cultural Niba Hospital Naharlagun, Exchan*e Papum Pare, Arunachal Pradesh-791110 4 82 Arunachal Pali Vidyapith -orkshop On November, 82$$ Society, Chongkham, Indian Music 2017 Chongkham, Namsai, CHocal) For Arunachal Pradesh,- Persons W!th 792102 Disability ?2 ,a ang District Youth National Nov2"Dec.- %2$$ -elfare Society, Po & Dist- Seminar on 2017 ,a ang, H.O.- Lemberdung, Padmbhusan A2P2 #@th Kushok Bakula Rinponche and National Integration of ,rans- Himala3ans T'tal= 10.00 Assam 72 Abinas ar Gosthi, P/O- Rupalim 17.01.2017 to %2$$ Purani Gudam, Nagaon, 17.02.2018 Assam-782141 J2 Gram Unna3an Samiti, ,raining/Works 1.10.2017 to %2$$ Ahata, ja3sagar, Nalbari, hop And 30.11.2017 Assam-781126 Festival In ,raditional and Folk Arts @2 Nonthang Leima, HO- -orkshop Cum December" %2$$ Bantarapur, Po- Sundri, Production Of 2017 Cachar, Assam-788089 Nata Sankirtana T'tal= 9.00 Bihar 5 #$2 Batohi, Kalagram, Aoushiki First Week Of #2$$ Matasyagadha, Saharsa, Antarrashtr!3a December, Bihar Mahotsav 2017 ##2 Kisla3 , Shivamatr! Sharad Natya 14 to 18 Nov2" #2$$ Complex, G!, 102, Mahesh 2017 Nagar, Patna, Bihar"800024 12. Lok Jansah3og Se a 3 Da3s National Januar3, 2018 2.00 Sansthan, Chandpur Folk Theatre to March, Fatah, Bar!3arpur, Vaishali, Festival 2018 Bihar"843102 #%2 The Pla3ers Act, Chanka3a :ang Utsav 03.01.2018 to >2$$ Nagar, Mahamadpur, Ward 2018 07.01.2018 No.-38, Begusarai, Bihar" 851129 T'tal= 8.00 Delhi #>2 Assitej India, E-832, Tifli -2017 3.12.2017 to 2.50 Chittranjan Park, Ne 9.12.2017 Delhi-110019 #82 Bhaav Raag Taal Natya Bharat Not Mentioned %2$$ Academ3, C-80, 3rd Floor, :angotsav-2017 Hia3 Vihar, Ph-2, Rohini, Ne Delhi-110085 #?2 Centre For Mohiniyattam, Mohiniyattam 27 to 28 %28$ 104, Bakhta ar Singh Collective -2017 September" Block, Asiad Village 2017 Complex, Ne Delhi- ##$$>@ #72 Disha Group of Visual & -orkshop Of 2017 to 2018 >28$ Per+orming Arts Society, C- ,raditional & (December) 166, Gali No. 7, Contemporay Bhajanpura, Delhi-110053 ,ribal Artist In MP & Chhatisgarh 6 #J2 Drama Society Aakriti, E- ,ashkar (The November, #28$ 896, LGF, C.R. Park, New H!rtuous 2017 to April, Delhi-110019 Burglar) 2018 #@2 Heart Care Foundation Of The Herita*e 04.10.2017 to 2.00 India, E-219, Greater Festival 08.10.2017 Aailash Part-1,New Delhi- ##$$>J 20. Ishwar Pal Arts Society , Folk Dance & 23.11.2017 to %2$$ 17/99, Gali No.-3, Than Cultural 26.11.2017 Singh Nagar, Anand Parbat, Festival Ne Delhi- 110005 21. Manav Uttarda3!tav , C- :evisiting December" >2$$ 7/376, Sultanpuri , Ne Cultural Histor3 2017 Delhi-110086 of India through the Oral Sources 22. Naad Nartan, 28, Bharti Musical 10 to 11 #28$ Artist Colon3, Vikas Marg, /Instruments Of November" Delhi-110092 India: Acoustic, 2017 <!)torical And Sociological Aspects 23. Natraj Kala Kendra, H.No.- 2nd Cultural 27.05.2017 #2$$ 1652, Gali No.-33, Naiwala, Evening Aarol Bagh, New Delhi- ##$$$8 24. Prism Theatre Society, Dhund Se Uthti 01.09.2017 to %2$$ 88/10, Street No-1, Dhun 31.07.2018 Shakarpur, Delhi-110092 25. Rh3thm Children & Women Giddha Folk After #2$$ -elfare Society, 4/44B, 2nd Dance Samaroh Sanctioned Floor, Moti Nagar, New Delhi-110015 7 26. Sajag Nagarik Adhikar Seva Drama 14.10.2017 #28$ Samiti, 3rd Floor, F"335., Gail No.6, Wazirabad, New Delhi-110084 27. Samadhan, Centre For Challenges To 18.12.2017 %2$$ Human Resources Sector 2, Celebrations Pocket 2, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075 28. Sangeetka, 251/S-IV, R.K. Hamari 20.01.2018 82$$ Puram, Ne Delhi-22 Sanskrity Hamari Pahachan 29. Sansaptak (A Group Antaraal August, 2017 82$$ Theatre), Pocket 52/82, to March, First Foor, Chitranjan Park, 2018 Ne Delhi-110019 %$2 ,abla Wizard Pt. Chaturlal Smritiyaan 20.01.2018 >2$$ Memorial Society, P-96, 2nd Floor, South Extn., Part II, Ne Delhi-110049 %#2 Utsav Educational & Saare Jahan Se 2017-18 82$$ Cultural Society, G-8, Achha 2017 Jangpura Extn, Ne Delhi- #> T'tal= 54.00 Gujarat 32. Pra3as Foundation, 21, Dhoom 06.06.2018 %2$$ Sahajanand Plaza, Bhattha Dhammal Cross Road, Paldi, Ahmedabad, Gujarat- %J$$$7 %%2 Success Foundation, C/3, The Blind Game 06.06.2018 %28$ Cellar, Anand-Mangal-3, Opp. Core House, Nr. 8 Parimal Crossing, Amba adi, Ahmedabad, Gujarat-380006 T'tal= 6.50 Himachal Pradesh %>2 Asara (Association of Social :esearch, 1.12.2017 to %28$ Affairs and Rear Folk Art , ,raining And 31.3.2018 Jalag, PO- Darabla, Tehsil- Presentation Of :a1*arh, Dist- Sirmour via :ear Ancient Ochghat, H.P.- 173223 Dance Bharaltoo %82 Churesh ar Lok Nritya '!rmouri Natti 1.1.2018 to 2.50 Sanskritik Mandal , Jalag (Production and 31.3.2018 Post, Darabla, Dist.- Presentation) '!rmour, Via Ochghat, H.P2" 173223 %?2 HERITAGE, Himala3an :esearch 15.12.2017 to 2.00 Educational and Tribal ,raining And 14.3.2018 :esearch Institution Of Arts Presentation Of and Gompa Cultural ' ang Exchan*e, Ho- Ghatti, Po- Darabla, Rajgurh, Dist- '!rmour, H.P2"173223 T'tal= 8.00 Jammu & Kashmir %72 Dilkash Folk Theatre, Shikar*ah 1.4.2018 2.00 Hatmulla, Kup ara, Pather Nagarimalpora, J&K" 193222 %J2 Manoranjan Kala Kendra, Ateet Dey After 2.50 Near S.P. Academ3, Parchha en Sanctioned Exchan*e Road, Jammu, LIA"#J$$$# 9 %@2 Bamberzal Youth Club, MIR Assi Ga3! Lassi Not Mentioned 2.00 Mohalla, Patti Brein, Nishat Dar 'rinagar, J&K-191121 T'tal= 6.50 =arnataka >$2 BTM Cultural Academ3, No. Aradhana 15.01.2018 to 2.50 538, 11th Cross, 2nd Main, Mahotsava 21.01.2018 MICO La3out, BTM 2nd Sapthaha Music 'ta*e, Bengaluru, Festival Aarnataka-560076 >#2 Chaithan3a Arts Academ3, Samskruthika 01.03.2017 to 2.00 No. 1219, 12th Main, West Sambrama- 28.11.2017 Of Chord Road, 2nd Stage, 2017 Mahalakshmipuram, Bangalore, Karnataka- 8?$$J? 42. Dhar ad Dasara Jamboo Dhar ad 21.09.2017 to #2$$ Savari Utsav Samiti, Ishwar Dasara Jambu 30.09.2017 ,emple, Gandhinagar, Savari Utsav Dhar ad, Karnataka- 8J$$$> >%2 Grameena Kr!3athmaka Folk Festival 01.01.2018 to #28$ :anga Thanda, # 70, 13.05.2018 Thimmalapura,Po- Bellavi, ,umkuru Taluk & Dist, Aarnataka-572017 >>2 Hariharasutha Kala 03thological 15.12.2017 to #2$$ Mandali, No.4/1, 10th Drama Festival- 10.02.2018 Cross, Ja3anagar, 1)t Block 2017 In Three East, Byrasandra, Da3s 1. Komala Bangaluru, Karnataka- Gandhara. 2. 8?$$## Harabhrasta :avana. 10 3.Gadhayudda >82 Janapadaru Samskrutika '!r!*e Sere 24.12.2017 to 2.00 Hedike, Hoskote, No.50/N, 24.03.2018 Manjushree, 4th ‘A’ Cross :oad, M.V.

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