Isfefws Msi: Sfaf? JK* Ts Sll6 Natures, Garbage Dlspoagl

Isfefws Msi: Sfaf? JK* Ts Sll6 Natures, Garbage Dlspoagl

APTS. rUMMSKID D. 8. AFTt FUHNIIHkD-VA. AFTt UNFURNISHED—B. 0. AFTt UNFURNISNID—D. t AFTt. URFORNItHID-0. 0. i AFTI. D»rußinsH»P-o.». AFTt. UNFURNIIHtD—O. 0. AFTt. UNFURNIIHtD—O. 8. THE SUNDAY STAR . (CONTINUIO) Washington, 0. C. (CONTINUED) (CONTINUIO) ’ N.W, opp B-9 VIC. CATHOLIC U. 1841 IKVINO ST. Rock Sunday, March I, 1959 Modern 8-famlly bldg. Two nice PARK refgy.i $64 month, MMM. tot. 50 ' 3343 C ST. S.E.—Lovelybath, 2 rms . IWRaar* and hot for balanee of ¦H&PUS&g | kit , dinette and water on premises or call redec. q. Kays. Mrs. Dlx at 1376 ELLISON Janitor f^BEDRM.» SOMETHING SPECIAL N W„ GARDEN TOWERS mmmCOLUMBIA RD. 1717 , BT. N.W. 1019 8-0690 1700 HARVARD **88: 2 Bedrms., Furnished { Totten dr.. nA.. lasing Dark, 1 7-8896. Dl. 7-2434. 2325 15th BT. N.W. modern°°baßi, dlniSi and 3 bedrm. apts.. lit rooms. , WANTED—Two adult# inondrtnk- space: 575.10; 1 blk. shopping ample closet space, colored bath New, Air-Cond. Bldg. iSfeFWS mSi: Sfaf? JK* tS sll6 natures, garbage dlspoagl. lncln.. Rtfs,f"r«T-iafter 1 pm, LI. 3-9605. oond, nicely Urn. bedrm. apt. Ask for Mr. Jules 10-cu.-ft. at rotor., mum. fee.. DE LUXE elr tadlv. storage tower, oft si. part- WAYNE TEEBACE^ffs:'Boiling I—Apt. a“m™| BEDROOMS, BATHS gardan-tywa apts ' 4SS MELON- S. 1 JA. 2-5003 a 2 vis.—l-bodrm, . ST’ > i , $lO Bright sunny apt. HEIGHTS. Oak- kenn man ox'33 Kennedy »t. n.w. 1 BEDROOM ntwly dae.; now auto, gas rang**, avail Ist Sr. ran BENT to eouoie, In eanv. near but. schools and shopping. 0. oxehango Also. Furnished 1-Bedroom ¦76.60, lncl. utilities: furnished 1 AFTS. UNFURNISHED—O. s.w. location. In Tor $95.50 Ist end Wayne pi. a.o, * 24-Hour Secretarial Service ’ 1704*w‘st. S. B. Apt. 3—Similar XpE=*mo * JO. $-1066. Tidnll character Individual Air Condttionlns and ’ description to abort. $55 por mo. AIR CONDITIONED. 3-bedrm.. 2- rKT&i plus bath apt. avail Apr. 1. 8 expos for further dote lie. Heat Controls In Every Room util. QEOROE I BORDER METROPOLITAN luxury city s onto, gaita PTC, 1826 K St n w NA. 8-0360. unit. In one of the GEORGETOWN—Prt. > 200 Rhode Island Ave. N.E. finest and most fashionable bldgs, ' 1 bTI lie. rm kit., bath: LIVE : 216 N #T. N.W. MARCH 9th in exclusive area. Features Include CONGRESS HEIGHTS 1119 30th at. n.w. DE 2->904.fils. p^£asri«rwy WISCONSIN' 2 rms, kit. and bath; SSO mo. OFF-STREET PARKING targe foyer and step down draw- n r , Prospect * room, bar, ST. S.W.—Redfe GEORGETOWN. 3334 STS ATOP OF CITY 'with Preessr Chest TUB MW IWMBEM . ins built-in with sink, • 44 FORRESTER * Ro*frlisrator etc., family 1- apt. on Ist. flr ; laundry t v.—2nd fir. $ bedrms.. uv, rm, Parquet Floors • »'5 WTnc sited din. rm.. and . $126. * HOUSE 1024 Vermont Ara. N.W. Dl- 7-8141 . rm.; nr. exprtss bus; kit bath. lncl. heat and Sundeck kitchen: avaU. on leas* to adult and storass agent, 7-1181. BEAUTIFUL 574Ti30LORAbO AVE N.W family only, with bast references *7O lncl. utils. not watot. CtoH RK dressing dinette. ~ $326 mo. space ( GEORGETOWN—On Wisconsin near AD. I rm. with cloaat. r Rental Oaraxe apt RES. MOR., 4-3630 NW. d 3781 Ist IT. E.B.—Rsdac. 1-bsdrm Q. 1 -bedrm. In restored nous; ALBAN TOWERS 2712 Wisconsin Ave. ?S' h klt™ &SA&SiS shopping and transp; I sll9 mq,: year lease. CO 5-5380 Wt mo.Vlneite.nil taels and*bath':au utils. 1724 17th ST. N.W. SB9 50 AIR COND—2 8.R.. $ BATHS OCOROETOWN—See Apt. $08“ at 8700 MASSACHUSETTS AVI. I Bsdrm, Lit. Rm, Kit., B«th- Spacious; Washington's finest:, all- 1609 list it.: large studio spt.. NEW CLASSIFIED 438 CONDON TERRACE E.8.—1- PORTLAND ST. S.E, IM—l-bod- Dl. COLORED—ISf P. ft. s.a.— I bsdrm. apt.: pvt. sntr.; SB6. FURNISHED1 AND UNFURNISHED 1 rm duplex spu.: *B2, with llv. AIR-CONDITIONED 1024 Varment Are. N.W. 7-8141 Soi! Bth ST NW, APT B-4 WILL BE nectlcut gJA n.w., EM 2-3217. BUILDING S'Sid Kr jr*iYVwsVm 509 BRANDYWINE ST. ¦ *—lm- ¦ 6^#** ROOM COI OREO—9I i~6«catc* XT. N w AIR CONDITIONED | OEOBGETOWN. 2511 Qua taTa.w. l JfaSQ&Sk. WITH INDIVIDUAL rIVSt, lUL 'atlSoo l-bodrm. $l2B . tad. utlU. washTn6ton Mt 50: tfbitolto“2s?fd i opt.: $ BEDROOMS- —NEWLY DEC. a sarJa: itt tttie CONN. AVE. i I NMNWBfI.C tai9s7 snd sqcrttartol togvloo. hi 2-1811. ROCKFORD APTS. LI. 3-5000 romans—l EM., with kitchen- 2828 i GEORGETOWN 2 bedrms, Uv. Available March 1 5910 13th ST. N.W. CHOICE 2-BEDRM. AFT. 10» OALVBBTON FLACI ¦ W —l- rm, din. rm.. kit., end bath. SEE THIS 1 NEW-AIR CONDITIONED (LINCOLN) - apt. on Ist Hr.: frt. and Call AD7 8-6SSO. FIRST POR LOCATION Apt. 4—s bedrooms, living room, rear entr*. Immed. occupancy; $69 ELEVATED LUXURIOUS dining grog. kit. and bant: lust B&MMM lad. utils. 1444 ROCK CREEK FORD RD. off Oeorgla avo. In Brightwood. Ig*. - COMFORT Ds luxe 1 and 2 bedm apts.; 1-BEDROOM APTS. To Inspect obtain key at base- Cafritz Management n LOCATION 1 closets sad rooms: carpeted corrl- ment apt, 1320 Nicholson at. s.w. AFTS. UNFURNISHED—O. 0, 3 i, GELMARC 1 don $130—5145 RED. NR. U. S. CAftTOL— AIR-CONDITIONED 2S'sissu I $125 UP SEE MRS. BENSON. RES. MOB. B. F. SAUL CO. COLORED—COBCOBAN BT. N.W* EM. 2.2707 9*6 St. N.W. NA. Bvsloo bet. 17th and 18th Apt. 2la 4- dON*r. AVSncWT. 6748. Tbs Bs- : Bet. 14th and 16th St, Nr. Peabody 16th famlly bldg. THE GENERAL SCOTT d TOWERS EFFICIENCY $60 1 Heat and hot water a»«HK!TW!,a8 SPECIAL SHOWING CHAS. B. SMITH. MANAOEMEMT 2724 PORTER BT. N.W. furn. 2 real lge. rms, kit, bath, No. 1 SCOTT CIRCLE N.W. EM* wsll-msnagsd porch. $55 mo. Avail, now,. 6 pm 1930 COLUMBIA RD. N.W. Attractive, snd main- - - 2- altar (lev. newly SUNDAY, TO ELK. BAHT OP CONN. AVE. tained apt. blds.: I 5 Pill. WESTCLIFF. iSSf Columbia rood Living rm, bodrm, din. rm. area li:tr. *£& decorated apt, opaeious rooms rooms, I BD. «B% d^, {Sr‘hSfc New, Bldg. at doer. n.w d kitchen and bath: : kit. and bath; $99.50. utili. tad. speed elevators: 24-hr. switch- bright Alr-Coiid. and slssits: streetcar LU. 2-4916 $96 por month. CaU CO. 6-4636. COLORED—I62B 16th BT. service, man- service; rms. and las. closets. l ll : Bedrm, rm, dinette, NK<— board floe resident O’BRYAN girifeicAiEs — _ uftafifr *ntc”' Uv. klt- ager. HO 2-0500. CO SJHOS. MRS iwiffitN*BSßwsSnN ISPAC., 1- bodrm“spt7 conv ioe , YORKSHIRE bath. SB2 60. JOHN L. SHELTON. CONN. AND POSTER—I-bodrm.. 1 BEDROOM APT.—Adults; rm, per mo utils, Realtor. JO. 2-2000. ANACOSTIA. 2824 Buehg Vista ter- dto.. bath: sxeoi. Also, Furnished Efficiency LUXURY bv. rent $75 lncl. Sea race s.s.—l-bedrm apt.: Mr. pch. llv. rm. kit. 2 bedrms, 2 baths, kit, dinette. resident mgr, Apt. 104. 931 Long- 3355 16th ST. NW. 2T24"PORTERSTrN.W. COLORED—467 M St, 88 u tun , , N.W.J mgr., bamt. apt. LU. 2- tr ‘* 0n felloa st. n.w. - bedrm apt. Bun par- BLK. BAST OP CONN. AVE. Myrtle st. n.e.—2 rms $52.50 issr% : MOR, . #,^ n Unfurnlsbad &no RES. CO. 5-5377 pT ¦n o A« tS. lor Ur rm, dinette, • Living rm, bedrm , din. rm. area, , mo.: *13.60 Wk. 01, 2-7128. —2 bedras.. STANLEY kit.:.nen- ; utlU. rOIORFD—MODERN APf, sbere APT~*—Sli Oulncr'nTsTi !~~rmV, CONN. AVE.. 6200 blk s2°6. ARMS tarlal service, lncl. utils.: $119.60: kit. and bath: $99.50. Inei COLORED— RUNNING RD. AND ¦ person: •*- bath: SO4l ! MADISON ST. N.W.; B*l—3 rms, will no redec ; avail. March 1. rms. batb; newly wtth l other 1 child kit. and *55.80. 6eoEOBT6WN. Canaiit n.w; 1125 12th ST. NW. manager, BT. S.E—3 and L roq.; 'corner Thos. Jefferson st. and kit, bath; utils, lncl.; adulu Phone DU. 7-8090. decorated; conv. shopping ana : refs, adults onb. Call Ud. only: % RE 7-1698 LOAN A BRANCH 8-8859 for apot COO Canal)—s rms.. kit., bath, SSS._TA, 9-4289. ] Located blk. off Mass set.—l YOUR BEST DOWNTOWN VALUE j _ transp.; $69.50. tael. util*. JO. itkA)fi> 900 P St. N.W. ST._3-68op 2-0538 or OL. patio. All lncl. $125 mo. rm, -'<netu. kit and batb sffi-, 8-86(10 Monday COLORED XRI IRVING utilities MID-TOWN LOCATION ciency apt.: newly THE CEL-MAR If.N.W 2-rma, kit. hkth. utils. CONVENIENT TO L T. ORAVATTE. Rooftor. NA. SBO. decorated 1 TOWERS 2325 42nd ST. N.W. 6-8753 Apply resident manager on 1314 MABSACHUSETTS AVE. H.W. COLORED—323 64th BT. N.E.— taeluded: *76. r*. 7-2137 or Rl. THE CHASTLETON premises bldg, OLOVER PARK Apt. 3: 2 rms, dinette, kit. and CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY _ 1!Thls ultramodern, well-kept BRANDYWINE GEORGETOWN N.W. with DE LUXE LOBBY. 24-HR ' Luxury apartmeota. elevator, ear- bath duplex: redec, only S6O. OR APT., 1701 16th ST. THE EMBASSY HOUSE. 2127 P peted corridor*, Call CO. Key Apt. COI ED—T-bIdBM. sll SOLDIERS HOME street n.w.—Newly 1 SWITCHBOARD AND ELEVATOR t sundeck.

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