THE INDEPENDENT TO UNCOVER NEWSPAPER SERVING THE TRUTH NOTRE DAME AND AND REPORT SAINT Mary’s IT ACCURATELY VOLUME 46, ISSUE 17 | WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2012 | NDSMCOBSERVER.COM ‘It will never be stricken from our minds’ New York-area students mark 11th anniversary of attacks, recall tragedy at World Trade Center By MEL FLANAGAN Zier and countless other News Writer Notre Dame students were personally impacted by the Eleven years ago Tuesday, terrorist attacks against the senior Kerriann Zier’s father United States on Sept. 11, 2001. pulled her out of her fifth- In Rockville Centre, N.Y., grade classroom in Franklin junior Matt Hayes’ elemen- Lake, N.J., and told her he was tary school was on lockdown, all right. but none of the students knew “I just remember being so why. confused,” Zier said. “I was “It was one of those situ- just like, ‘Okay then, thanks ations where we were old for stopping by.’ I had no idea enough to know something what he meant.” was wrong, but not old enough Zier discovered only later to comprehend the extent of that a plane had crashed into what may have happened,” he the World Trade Center, where said. her father worked. He was Hayes, whose hometown lost packing for a business trip and 48 residents in the terrorist at- missed his usual train. If he tack, said he remembers stu- had made it in time, he would dents whose parents worked have been on the 78th floor of in New York City being pulled Observer File Photo the South Tower, the begin- The American flag flies at half mast on South Quad on Sept. 11, 2011, the 10th anniversary of the terrorist ning of the impact zone. see 9/11 PAGE 5 attacks. The flag was again at half mast Tuesday for the 11th anniversary of 9/11. Nuclear physicists awarded grant for research By ANN MARIE JAKUBOWSKI one-year, $1.6 million grant from sites that could serve as locations mines,” Wiescher said. “We also of our sun, he said. News Writer the National Science Foundation for the Dual Ion Accelerator for have graduate students who are “Nuclear astrophysics is main- to develop the first U.S.-based Nuclear Astrophysics (DIANA). measuring underground radia- ly concerned with the origin of all A research team of nuclear underground accelerator labora- The key site in question is the tion and determining how fea- the elements in the universe at the physicists headed by Notre Dame tory, enabling them to progress Sanford Underground Research sible the site is for our purposes.” time the universe formed, about faculty members is looking to the towards a more complete under- Facility in South Dakota, Wiescher Wiescher said the goal of his 30 billion years ago with the Big cosmos for the answers to ques- standing of the formation of the said. nuclear astrophysics research is Bang,” Wiescher said. “The heavi- tions about the origins of Earth’s elements. “The grant basically covers the to understand the origin of the er elements, like uranium, gold most influential elements. Physics professor and principal first test experiments going on Earth’s elements and their forma- and silver, are formed through The team, comprised of re- investigator Michael Wiescher right now, like the engineering tion process. The answers to these the nuclear fusion processes that searchers from several American said the grant money will be used studies that will allow us to stabi- questions can help scientists dis- universities, was awarded a to fund testing of underground lize the abandoned underground cover what happens in the center see NUCLEAR PAGE 5 DPAC to host NDSP investigates crime Observer Staff Report email stated. someone recently met than a election debate NDSP is also investigating stranger. This means the per- Notre Dame Security another incident of forcible son perpetrating the assault Police (NDSP) is investigat- fondling in the early hours of could be part of the campus Observer Staff Report are slated to appear at the ing the second incident of Sunday morning, and the de- community.” debate, where they will alleged forcible fondling re- partment alerted students to The email also warned stu- Three candidates for field questions submitted ported on campus within 24 that report via email Monday dents that perpetrators may Indiana governor will take in advance by Indiana resi- hours, according to an email evening. target victims after giving the stage at the DeBartolo dents, the release stated. to the student body Tuesday The Tuesday email warned them drugs or during exces- Performing Arts Center on Timothy Sexton, as- evening. students to be aware of their sive consumption of alcohol. Oct. 17 for the second of sociate vice president The incident occurred ear- surroundings and watch out Information about sexual three scheduled gubernato- for public affairs, said in ly Sunday morning outside for friends to reduce the risk assault prevention and re- rial debates, the University the statement the debate a residence hall on South of sexual assault. sources for survivors of sex- announced Tuesday in a would be an extension of Quad, police said. “Forcible fondling and oth- ual assault is available from press release. the University’s campus “The victim had recently er sexual assaults can hap- NDSP at ndsp.nd.edu and at Democrat John Gregg, engagement efforts. met the suspect while walk- pen to anyone,” the email the Committee for Sexual Republican Mike Pence and ing to her residence hall from stated. “College students are Assault Prevention at http:// Libertarian Rupert Boneham see DEBATE PAGE 5 another hall on campus,” the more likely to be assault by csap.nd.edu. YOUNG DEMOCRATS PAGE 4 VIEWPOINT PAGE 6 SCENE PAGE 8 FOOTBALL PREPARES FOR MICHIGAN STATE PAGE 16 2 THE OBSERVER | WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2012 | NDSMCOBSERVER.COM TODAY Have a question you want answered? QUESTION OF THE DAY: Email [email protected] ndsmcobserver.com If you could’ve replace Sbarro with any restaurant, what would you have picked? P.O. Box 779, Notre Dame, IN 46556 024 South Dining Hall, Notre Dame, IN 46556 Editor-in-Chief Christina Wiech Kat Leach Allan Joseph Managing Editor Business Manager Senior Senior Megan Doyle Jeff Liptak Off campus Off campus Asst. Managing Editor: Andrew Owens Asst. 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