LEDGER ENTRIES imijoifu Being a Collection of VarlottB Topics of Local and FORTY-NINTH YEAR LOWELL. MICHIGAN, MAY 15, 1941 No. 1 General Interest HERE AT HAND Robert Boylan Estate Nice Banquet for WHATEVER befalls us, famine, Answers Stump Goes to 11 Relatives Legion Sponsors Speaker Sounds VV Mothers, Daughters flood or fire, comes forth the euppoort of the Red Cross to re- Eleven nieces and nephews are The High School Girls' Club pre- lieve all races, colors and creeds. beneficiaries under the will of sented Its annual Mother and There have been hands all over Board Members Robert B. Boylan of Lowell, who Movie May 17 Daughter banquet In the high! Patriotic Note this land engaged In assisting the died April 27. His estate Is esti- 11 . t 8ch00' auditorium on Tuesday eve-' Red Cross In their enormous task of Traffic Problepis to Be mated at $5,000 In the petition for rirst Talking Picture of ning. The nice dinner was served{Rotary Club Thrilled by caring for the refugees of the probate filed Monday by the Mich- n . ' m by W. C. Christiansen with the (I r< TOT i-< i t« stricken countries overseas. All Given a Rest igan Trust Co., executor. The offi- Supervisors and assessors have Passion Play assistance of the boys of the Hl-Y Hon. E. W. Fehling chapters, large and small have de- cial petition is printed in another been seen around with their big Club. i On Saturday, May 17, the Chas. W. A addr 9 voted many hours labor for foreign The Lowell Board of Trade held column of this paper. legal looking books. Following the dinner. Flossie' " A f» appropriate Clark Post No. 152, American Le- 0 1 A relief. But along comes a sweeping an Important and Interesting din- The beneficiaries are Dora M. Tobias led the group singing and,* .. " An American Day was By K. K. Vlnlng Holt, Berkeley, Calif.; George H. The W. K. Kellogg Foundation is gion has arranged to show in the c ,vered 0 1 Rotary C b serlee of forest fires In our home- ner meeting on Tuesday evening at this was followed by the Induction ?w 1 ** V™ ' u " Honor Roll Members putting up 4 for 1 toward the new high school udltorlum one of the 1 wc land to damage property and bring 6:45 In the dining room of the Schoenhals, St. Johns; Rose A. of officers for the coming year.,"? ® ^ Wednesday noonbythe Appleton, Frank K. Boylan and hospital at Grand Haven, $160,000 most unusu .i talking motion pic- Ho , rable d a d W Fehlln Ten Kent county 4-H Club mem- hardship and who la first to answer Congregational Church, having been The new officers are; PiT8ldent.l t ?° £ T ! - ^ Blanco E. Buermann, all of Brigh- to $40,000, which reminds us that a tures ever made. The title of the pic- elI kn 0Wn t John8 att0rney and the call for help? You guessed It— transferred to that point Instead of Marie Watson; vice preS1dent.;r ' . ® - bers made the State Honor rolls ton; Ella Hoaglund, Fowlervllle; hospital In Lowell would serve a ture la •''Golgotha" and it is the first Roberta Hahn; secretary, Charlene/o"""1* » "tate senator who serv- for summer work in 1940 and one the Red Cross! Any work you do the City Hall on account of the ed hl8 d,8tr,ct wlth Jenrtle Florence Hutchinson, ad- humanitarian purpose. and only talking motion picture Kyser- treasurer Rosemary Rick- credit and dls- 4-H Club member was awarded for Britain Is right and Just but non-arrival of dinner-ware and ever -mad e of the famous Passion| i i chairman' , Virginia Unction. a jirhlle you are engaged In It re- kitchen equipment. The ladles of dress unknown; Mattle E. Wllsdon. ner an(1 B0C a , . , . .i scholarship. This award went to Waterford, N. Y.; Alvln V. Boylan, High school and other students Play. This motion picture presentsiDoyle. Marie Watson succeeds her Mr. Fehling s address Is printed R^r VanLaan, of Gaines town- member that If trouble should hit the church served a fine meal. hcrewith n u Howell? Burr L. Boylan, Ann Arbor; who are planning to work In com- the immortal story of the cruci-'slster, Mabel Watson, as president| ' ' " and the editor f his dairy work. VanLaan In this country or right here In B of T. president, W. W. Gumser 1 or presided over the board's delibera- and George P. Perce, Albuquerque, merce or Industry during the vaca- flxlon of Christ in a spectacular.of the club. (recommends ts reading to every ha3 been a club member for ^x Lowell, it would be the Red Cross tion period must have social secur- 0 en ncluciln tilonn. Features of the program N. M. and Impressive manner. Crltlcsi The program Introduced by Lena ^ , ' 8 especially school yeargi iagt year ieadlng a summer who would supply bandages, sweat- ity account numbers, even though 0tutlent8, were group singing, a talk on everywhere have acclaimed It the,Mae Dalstra, the toastmlstress, club and has been elected leader ers, food and money. Their work the student workers are minors. greatest picture of its kind. Ajconsisted of a violin solo by Eliza-j i Am An American for this year. covers peacetime and cares for the "Lowell's Past" by F. F. Coons and "Lowell's Future" by E. C. Fore- complete set of the flnwt talklngibeth Ramsey, a toast to the mothers It lndeed a picasiJre t0 particl. On the Honor Roll are Russell problems of society through re- With this Issue the Lowell Ledger Vergennes Church motion picture equipment will be by Margaret Kyser, a toast to the pate „lth you ln a 8mall mea8Urc Wolfe, of Nelson township. In corn; habilitation classes, nutrition in- man. The Budget committee re- begins Its 49th year of continuous brought to thla city for the showlngldoughters by Mrs. Lee Miller andlon thl8 occa8|on- Wayne Strean of Tyrone. In beans; struction, first-aid courses and sta- ported satisfactory progress. publication and Ihe Editor wlahst of "Golgotha." This equipment In- a piano solo by Anna Theule. The It flttlng and proper at thl8 Robert Sowerby of Oakfleld, In tions, life-saving classes. Don't for- Mr. Coons' historical sketch of to take this opportunity to express Plans Homecoming dudes a special projector, a com-Igupst speaker of the evening was tlme t0 take CoKnlzanoe of the potatoes; Louise Becker of Nelson, get the Red Croos. the Board's past proved of such his sincere appreciation to the bus- great interest that it was unani- plete sound system, and a modern Miss Rose Goodbalian, who talked varicd in(iuenccSi theories, ana In gardening; Marvin Heft. Jr., of The Vergennes Church, north- iness and professional men of Low- sc. sen As a result, you will be on Armenia. mously voted to Incorporate same tendencies of thought that have'Alpine, in forestry; Burke Robl- LKSS SCHOOL PUPILS west of Lowell, Is planning a home- ell and to all subscribers for their The general chairman for the In the minutes as a matter of per- able to see and hear this picture mado themselves conspicuous In'nette of Grand Rapids township, coming for Sunday, May 26. The loyal patronage, all of which has perfectly. banquet was Joyce Merrill. CCHOOL CLASSES In many cities manent record. these latter days and here and now j in pheasant raising; Paul Tobias of day's activities will begin with a made it possible to have a commun- ^ are declining because the num- Secretary C. E. Kiel read a sum- Because of the cooperation of p. to take an Inventory of ourselves,'Alto, first year dairy work; Mary picnic lunch at one o'clock In the ity newspaper. May we always ber of children Is reduced. A few mary of the questionnaires which number of the leading local mer- our State and our Nation. It Is well Fahling of Sparta. 3rd year can- township hail. A service will be serve well and faithfully. Services Wednesday years ago many cities were almost had been mailed to members In chants, every man, woman and that a heritage so great and noble,'nlng; Elinor Johnson of Walker, breaking the backs of the tax- held In the church at 2:30 p. m. child In this community Is enabled s a nothe the business district relative to James B. Hasklns, head of the For Ernest Aldrich h ll thoughtlessly frittered 2nd year Food Preparation and payers by the money required for All former pastors now living In to see "Golgotha" for only 10c :away by those who may be unmlnd-Helen Frey of Caledonia, outdoor traffic and parking problems. To building and loan division of the new schools. The great armies of Michigan' have been Invited to at- admission. The merchants co- Funeral services were held at the,'u' 0' our history and traditions as meals. translate the combined results of Department of State, was here Fri- tend, and will bring a word of operating! In the staging of this Roth Chapel on Wednesday after- a State and as a Nation. While I immigrants that ueed to come in the answers to the questionnaires day on an official visit to the Low- greeting. Two of these men will picture are giving away free of noon for Ernest A. Aldrich, 34. who my be old-fashioned In my views, I and produce big families are not would require the skill of a Phila- ell B. & L. association. Late in the Testing Assn.
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